Applique "House": from logs and volumetric handberry paper for children, from cardboard and from matches, schemes and appliqué ideas


Application is one of the most popular crafts among children of different ages. With its manufacture, even the smallest masters can cope. There are a lot of ideas for modeling beautiful applications. In today's article, we will look at how you can make creative compositions on the topic "Domik" as you can make your own hands.


Simple version for kids

Creative processes are very important for the child. Making a variety of crafts is beneficial to the development of small motility, as well as on the fantasy of a little master. In addition, the simulation of a variety of pictures and applications takes the baby, pleases it with beautiful results.

Applications on the topic "House" can be the most different: from extremely simple to complex and spectacular. If a child is still familiar with the creation of such attractive crafts, it stands with a small one with the simplest techniques and ideas. Having mastered the most simple creative processes, the baby will be easier to advance further, develop the corresponding skills in itself.

The simplest applique of the "house" is done using such materials and tools:

  • Color and white paper;
  • Pencil and scissors;
  • ruler;
  • glue.


All work should be carried out under adult supervision, since the baby will use scissors. To prevent possible injuries, parents or tutor should closely monitor all the stages.

  1. First, a paper sheet of salad color is taken. From it it is necessary to cut the melan for appliqué.
  2. When a salad detail is cut, it will be necessary to stick on a blue or light blue sheet of colored paper.
  3. Next of the paper it will be necessary to make a very gently cut figures of certain forms. The element for the roof should be triangular, for the base - square. The child can safely show fantasy, use the details of a wide variety. For the future house, you can also cut small windows. Not 1 can be glued to the application 1, but at once a few paper "buildings".
  4. All made blanks can be glued to the base made of blue paper with green cleaner.
  5. Next, the paper is taken yellow and white. From these materials, make flowers for a beautiful applique. You can also additionally prepare a neat path of brown or yellow paper, a cloud of white paper.
  6. All remaining paper blanks are glued to the base. Beautiful applique on the topic "Domik" is ready!







The child can use in the overall composition and other decorative components. For example, it can be carved from the yellow paper of the sun with a rays or a small pond from blue / blue oval. Not worth limiting fantasy.

How to make a bulk applique?

The craft is more original and attractive if you make it volumetric. Such varieties of applications are also simple in implementation, therefore, even a very young master can easily cope with their modeling.

I wonder the application will look at which is depicted Rustic Dress Breed . As the latter, natural materials can be used - twigs, cropped to reduce length. If you do not want to do with such components, the logs can be made with your own hands. To do this, it is necessary to twist the tube from the brown paper, using a pencil.


Consider how to make a creative cracker using improvised brown paper logs.

  1. It is necessary to take the basis. It can be a white sheet of cardboard or paper. It will take it to stick the battered logs. They must be located over the other. These parts should be pressed to each other as close as possible.
  2. From the pasted logs will be the founding of a village house. When it is ready, you will need to make a roof. To do this, cut a triangle of colored paper. The colors of this detail does not play a special role, so the child can safely choose any option to him.
  3. The finished carved roof of the triangular shape is glued to the top of the log base. If there is a desire, you can additionally cut a small tube and put it down to the roof.
  4. The volumetric application is practically ready. It will remain supplemented by a relief log wall with a small window. To do this, it is necessary to carefully cut a small yellow square and glue it to the base of the house.

In the manufacture, such a snaps will be simple, but interesting. It can easily make a kid in 3 or 4 years. It is advisable to simulate such an adult supervision applique, since the scissors will be used.




Instead of twisted from paper improvised log, the child may well depict the original base of the house from ordinary matches. Similar crafts look very beautiful and effectively. From the matches you can make not only the house itself, but also the scenery located around it. For example, it can be a small tree, fence, well, and so on. Applications made of matches are made very simple. It is enough to glue these details to each other tightly, sticking to the outlined contours.


Other ideas

On the listed phased master classes, the ways of making the applique "House" do not end. There are still a lot of other interesting instructions that are available for children of different age groups.

Very unusual houses are obtained, if you do not make them out of usual, but from corrugated cardboard. Consider, as a scheme, creative children's crafts are simulated from such a material.

  • At first it is necessary to prepare the base in the form of a white cardboard sheet. It costs a little bit so that it acquires less elongated shape.


  • Next you need to find colored light green paper or blue. From this material it will be necessary to cut the cozy edge or beautiful hills of different heights.



  • If the house is located on the background of the hills, the latter should be glued alternately. First glued the most distant item. The colors of the hills should be alternating. Dark items must be combined with light. In the first stages, details can not be glued immediately. First, it is permissible to simply try on all components of the composition.




  • Next, you need to draw a silhouette of a tree on the reverse side of brown colored paper or cardboard. This item will need to be cut.


  • Now you can move to the design of the base of the house. To do this, you will need to cut simple squares from corrugated cardboard. This material will give the craft more interesting and attractive texture.


  • At the next stage, it will be necessary to prepare a beautiful roof for the house. To do this, cut strips from corrugated cardboard. Their exemplary width should be from 1.5 to 2 cm. For a more interesting appearance, it is advisable to cut the tile line on these details. On the appliqués you can depict a couple of houses. The roof of one of them should be done in the form of a tile. The second house can be supplemented with a simple roof.


  • All items should be shunted on a white basis to properly distribute each of the components. Next to the crown of the tree you need to attach elements cut in the form of clouds by means of curly scissors. If there is no such tool in the arsenal, you can also use simple scissors, but with them cut parts of wave-like forms will be harder.


  • Now you can go directly to the gluing of all prepared items. First stick the hills. The edges of these parts do not need to be lubricated with glue: they must remain free.


  • Then the windows are made for houses. Small dwellings are placed on the basis of the applique, leaving the edges free. Blind the parts of the roof are needed from the lower tiers. For an additional volume of the edge of the tiles, it is advisable to be gently beaten. Then you can move towards sticking the remaining hills. Their edges will need to be carefully put under the edges of the houses that were not lubricated by glue. All that goes beyond the sheet will need to cut.


  • The windows can be decorated Cockies of contrasting colors.



  • Now it is necessary to supplement the original applique of the pre-harvested tree. With adhesive composition, it will be necessary to lubricate only the trunk.


  • The next step is to glue the crown. Fragments can be slightly adjusted to give a beautiful volume.


An unusual and attractive applique is ready. It can be additionally decorated or decorating by many other components that wishes to add a child. Colors of corrugated cardboard Little Master can also pick up alone. There are no restrictions and prohibitions.

Master class on the manufacture of appliqués on the topic "House" Looking below.

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