Applique "Sunny": Surveral radiant sun of colored paper for children. How to make a sun from other materials?


There is a huge number of ideas for applications. Among them are both relatively complex and extremely simple. In kindergarten and junior school schools create pretty applications on the theme "Sunshine". In this article will figure it out how to make such crafts.






How to make appliques from paper?

Cute works are made from color and white paper. With this material, children of all ages can work without any difficulty. There are many extremely simple simulation schemes of beautiful paper applications. Choose an accessible option can even the smallest wizards.



Consider one of the simple but interesting workshops to create a beautiful applique from paper on the theme "Sunshine". To implement it, it is necessary to prepare such components:

  • yellow paper;
  • Blue cardboard;
  • compass;
  • pencil;
  • red and black markers;
  • line;
  • 3 cotton disks;
  • Scissors and glue.



    Prepare all the listed components, the baby can start creating a bright and attractive application.

    • The first step will be in the manufacture of the radiant sun. To do this, on yellow paper draw a circle. It can be done by means of a circulation or to circle some round item. After that, using a pencil and a ruler, draw rays. Their size may be different.
    • So that the application is brighter and expressive, Sun of the sun together with the radiats is worth circling with a black marker or a felt-tip pen.
    • Next, the main part is the sun - you need to carefully cut down the contour, using scissors with sharp blades. In this process, it is advisable to attend adults.
    • Further in the center of the yellow circle make an incision. It is necessary to then give the details an additional volumetric structure. To do this, you should join the edges of the sun, and then glue them together.
    • The protruding rays should be poured with scissors. Simultaneously with this, the circle makes a light bend so that all rays lay in one plane.
    • The finished sunshine is placed on the basis of the blue cardboard sheet. You can fix multiple cotton disks as clouds here.
    • Charming eyes and mouth with a playful sun can be drawn with a marker or marker. Red felt-tip pen is to portray ruddy cheeks.






    At this stage, the positive radiant "sunshine" from colored paper will be ready. Applique is made simply, but it turns out very bright and beautiful.

    Master class for the manufacture of sun leaves

    Very beautiful applique "Sun" is possible to make out of the autumn fallen leaves. A similar composition can make a child 3-4 years old and older. For this, the following components will be needed:

    • Well dried foliage (forms and sizes are absolutely not important);
    • yellow paper;
    • Dark blue paper or cardboard;
    • White, orange paper, pink colors;
    • glue;
    • Golden and black handles.




    Appliqué is done so.

    • It is necessary to prepare a navy blue background to simulate craft. Next of the colored paper of the yellow shade will be needed to make a smiling face of the sun. This item must have a round shape. You can immediately make eyes for the main character of the composition. To do this, use white paper, and for mouth and nose - pink and orange. It is worth picking up such dimensions of the billets that will correspond to the Radius of the Salt Circle.
    • Eye, mouth and nose can be glued to the yellow circle. Pupils can be made of black paper, and you can draw a handle. Handle with golden ink can be drawn dots-freckles on a smiling face. The workpiece can be postponed to the side.
    • Now it takes a dark blue background. It will be necessary to glue the autumn leaves around the circle. Thus, a lush edging of the radiant lyrics will be formed.
    • First, the foliage must be magnificently arrange the first circle. For the starting layer, it is recommended to take the leaflets of about the same length.
    • The remaining "spaces" leaves need to be blocked by leaves from the second round layer. These components are better to move slightly closer to the center. In the middle, the yellow sun is glued.






    Machining technique from other materials

    The charming sun will be able to make it possible not only from paper, autumn foliage and cardboard, but also from other available materials. For example, very attractive and elegant applications are obtained from plasticine of different colors.

    This is a very malleable and plastic material, with which it is easy to work for children of all ages.



    We learn which components will be needed to create an original clamping from plasticine:

    • blue or blue cardboard;
    • white paper;
    • Plasticine mass of yellow, red and black colors (it is recommended to use a standard or lightweight type of plasticine).




    From the listed components, the application will be manufactured as follows.

    • First you need to prepare a sheet of blue / blue paper or cardboard. This component will act as the basis of the applique.
    • At this stage, the base can be administered immediately with snow-white clouds, chaotic scattered against the background of an improvised sky. They can be cut out of white paper, attaching a characteristic form. Print clouds on PVA or adhesive pencil.
    • When the base is fully prepared, you can proceed to the modeling of the "Sun" itself. To do this, take a large piece of plasticine mass of yellow color. It will take it to roll in the ball. As soon as this item is ready, it should be flattened and how to roll out.
    • A flattened yellow ball must be jammed to a cardboard base. It is advisable to do it in the center. It is worth taking care of a more reliable fixation of a plasticine character on a cardboard sheet.
    • Now you need to make the rays for a smiling "sun". To do this, you need to take a few pieces of yellow plasticine. They first roll in the balls, and then give them the shape of sausages.
    • Rocky yellow flagellas are slightly flattened and fastened on the basis of blue cardboard. The rays should be placed all over the perimeter of the main round element.
    • The child can do the size of the rays as the same and different.
    • After that, the case is behind the small - design of the face of the charming plasticine "Sun".
    • To make a larch of the main character, you need to roll a couple of small black plasticine balls. They should be slightly flattened, and then attach to the yellow ball blank.
    • Nose for the sun can be done, but you can not do, because there is no need. But without a cute smile of the radiant character should not be left. To make this detail you will need to take a little red or pink plasticine. It is rolling into the ball, and then give the shape of a very thin and long flagery.
    • Finished flagella should be given a semicircular smile shape. After that, the item can be jammed on a solar face slightly below the black eye. At this step, the process of manufacturing the original applique can be considered completed!






    For a similar principle, other beautiful compositions using a plasticine mass can be made. The child has the opportunity to realize a huge number of creative ideas.

    How to make a volumetric application on the topic "Sun", see below.

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