Applications on the topic of traffic rules: "Road Rules" to a kindergarten for children, surround signs from color paper to school. What other crafts can be done?


The familiar behavior for all models is primarily formed in early childhood, and after the person escorted throughout his life. That is why parents are extremely important from the very birth of training their children the rules of the road and, of course, talk about safe behavior on sidewalks and roads.

The main task of adults, and this applies not only to parents, but also educators of kindergartens, school teachers, explaining the child the elementary concepts of safety rules on the road, to train it the basics of life safety. It is easier for the child to sprain into the material studied by illustrations and independently made crafts on the topic of traffic rules.

Applications on the topic of traffic rules:

Applications on the topic of traffic rules:

Applications on the topic of traffic rules:

What materials can be done from?

Road rules are becoming relevant to the child theme after it begins to go out without parents. Modern children grow up much faster, respectively, the first independent exit to the street occurs long before school age. That's why All preschool institutions have introduced an exercise on the subject of traffic rules and all its directions.

In the course of training, the teacher tells the kids, how to behave at the traffic light, at a pedestrian crossing, how to move the road with a traffic light, and also explains the concepts of traffic regulation by the traffic police. Children show what the road markup looks like, why red, yellow and green signals at the traffic lights. And the main thing, representatives of the police are invited to the lessons, which tell the kids about the intricacies of traffic rules in a games form. They conduct various master classes and take part in creative work, or rather, in creating crafts dedicated to the topic of the road.

Applications on the topic of traffic rules:

Applications on the topic of traffic rules:

Applications on the topic of traffic rules:

As for the difficulty level of crafts and materials that can be involved in the process of work, everything depends on the age of the child.

For example, For toddlers of age for 3 years It is enough to explore that the traffic light has 3 multicolored eyes, and each eye requires pedestrians of specific rules of behavior. Red indicates "stand", yellow requires "wait", green says "go". Such crafts prepare pupils of junior groups of children's preschool institutions exclusively from cardboard and colored paper.

Children of the middle group The topic of the rules of the road is complemented by such concepts as Zebra, a pedestrian crossing, road signs intended solely for pedestrians. In the middle group, the technique of performing crafts on the theme of the PDD becomes more complex. That is, draw a picture or paste a red circle to the traffic light will not be enough. In this case, the child will have to work hard, making the craft in different creative techniques using a set of unusual materials ranging from plasticine and ending with oracle.

Applications on the topic of traffic rules:

Applications on the topic of traffic rules:

Very interesting in the senior groups of kindergarten Volumetric crafts.

Aged 5-6 years Kids can simulate the road situation on any durable base by creating an intersection by installing traffic lights, zebra, placing on the roads of the machine. Strong PDD appliqués will help build houses . The main thing is to focus on road signs.

Applications on the topic of traffic rules:

Applications on the topic of traffic rules:

How to make a traffic light?

When it comes to the rules of the road, the first thing that occurs in the head in the child is a traffic light image. This is not surprising, the traffic light is an important part of the road adjustment. This is taught not only in kindergartens, but also in schools. To understand its features and subtlety of its action, it is proposed to do Application of traffic lights.

Applications on the topic of traffic rules:

Applications on the topic of traffic rules:

A black cardboard will be required for work, which will play the role of the stencil, double-sided colored paper, glue, scissors, ruler and pencil.

  1. From green, yellow and red paper it is necessary to cut hearts of different sizes.

  2. Fold out the hearts in half.

  3. On the cardboard you need to draw 3 the same in the size of the circle.

  4. For the top circle, red hearts are taken, they must be glued along the contour and inside the shape in chaotic order. If you wish, you can create any pattern. The hearts are glued only one half to the black base, the second should remain free.

  5. For a similar scheme, yellow and green hearts are glued in subsequent circles.

  6. Traffic light ready. As an additional decor, it is proposed to use similarly cut hearts and smoke them along the contour of black cardboard in such a way that the framework is created.

Applications on the topic of traffic rules:

Applications on the topic of traffic rules:

Applications on the topic of traffic rules:

Applications on the topic of traffic rules:

Applications on the topic of traffic rules:

Applications on the topic of traffic rules:

Next, it is proposed to get acquainted with the master class of the volume craft of the traffic light from the napkins, which the kids of the middle and older groups of kindergarten can make them. For work, black cardboard will be required, 3 smooth circles cut from white paper, green, red and yellow napkins, glue.

  • From black cardboard it is necessary to cut the shape of the traffic light.

  • On the prepared base, glue 3 white circles.

  • Slices of colored napkins need to be smiszy in the balls, after which each separate color is glued to a specific circle.

Applications on the topic of traffic rules:

Applications on the topic of traffic rules:

Knowing traffic rules and dealt in road signs, the child will be able to boldly go for a walk alone.

Appliques on road safety topic

To date, there is a wide variety of variations of crafts on the subject of road safety. Some are calculated for the kids of the age of 3-4 years, others are intended for children of 5-6 years and older. The younger group of kindergarten is offered to create Appliques from paper and cardboard . Children of the middle and older group are able to create masterpieces From materials such as fabric, plasticine and even pasta.

Applications on the topic of traffic rules:

Applications on the topic of traffic rules:

By the way, you can create many unique crafts on the theme of traffic rules from Makaron. And here is one of them.

  1. From different types of macaroni, it is necessary to glue cars, for example, a truck, a passenger car, a bus. For work, you can use pasta tubes, flowers, spirals. They are glued together with diluted PVA.

  2. It takes a rigid base, it is drawn a sidewalk on top of which the pavement tiles can be put on top. On the road, it is necessary to draw zebra to the pedestrian crossing, separation strips for the oncoming movement machines and, of course, stop-line in front of traffic lights. At the corners of the intersection, three-chapter regulators are exhibited, also made of pasta.

  3. 4 empty angle left behind the sidewalk band. They can be reeling as a playground, on the other hand, put a small structure of the store type, on a third party, split the square or park zone, but on the fourth to put a residential building.

  4. It remains to put on the road created earlier from pasta cars.

Applications on the topic of traffic rules:

For children, shame is proposed to create an application using colored paper and the same macaroni.

  • For a start, a white sheet of paper is taken, it draws a road with road signs on it, or rather Zebra and the dividing strip.

  • On the free areas of the road drawn machines.

  • Outside the road depicted trees, behind them appliques of residential buildings with windows and carved doors are glued.

  • Now it is necessary to re-establish the craft of Macaronami. Pasta small sizes need to be glued to the crowns of trees, arrange the lawn, make the framing houses, to highlight the traffic lights so that it turns out volumetric. The finished handicraft can be put into the frame.

Applications on the topic of traffic rules:

The creative process is not only in the cutting of the elements, which next must be glued together. Modern opportunities allow you to create Volumetric crafts on the topic of road rules Using the most ordinary designers. For example, Lego Designing of the Road of Our City . This set presents a wide variety of different elements, from which you can create one or more buildings, arrange a road, install machines on it, and most importantly - to fill the traffic signs.

Since the creation of such a craft is supposed to work with small details, it is necessary that adults are always attended next to the child. Do not forget that the study of the rules of the road should occur in the group of children, and not with each child individually. That is why several children should be taken for creating a design. They make road signs together, together study them, get acquainted with the symbolic values ​​of certain warning signals.

Applications on the topic of traffic rules:

Applications on the topic of traffic rules:

  1. First of all, children need to build a base for building a house and highway. Zebra, separation strip must be present on the road.

  2. By building the road part, children need to set up a pedestrian zone, or rather, install a house, a playground and a store on each side. All this is modeled from LEGO small elements.

  3. After all the elements of the crafts are built and placed in their places, children should begin to install road signs and traffic lights. At this very moment, adult must be connected to the design modeling process. He carefully observes how children are placed road signs and signals, after which he asks to explain the selected alignment option.

Applications on the topic of traffic rules:

Applications on the topic of traffic rules:

Applications on the topic of traffic rules:

Applications on the topic of traffic rules:

Application on the theme "Road Rules" in the video.

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