Plate Papier-Masha (39 photos): how to make novice with your own hands from paper and newspapers? How to remove from a plate? How to paint? How to dry?


The mache technique allows you to make a huge number of different things. In this article, we find out how to make a beautiful plate using the specified method.

Plate Papier-Masha (39 photos): how to make novice with your own hands from paper and newspapers? How to remove from a plate? How to paint? How to dry? 26348_2

Plate Papier-Masha (39 photos): how to make novice with your own hands from paper and newspapers? How to remove from a plate? How to paint? How to dry? 26348_3

Plate Papier-Masha (39 photos): how to make novice with your own hands from paper and newspapers? How to remove from a plate? How to paint? How to dry? 26348_4

Plate Papier-Masha (39 photos): how to make novice with your own hands from paper and newspapers? How to remove from a plate? How to paint? How to dry? 26348_5

Plate Papier-Masha (39 photos): how to make novice with your own hands from paper and newspapers? How to remove from a plate? How to paint? How to dry? 26348_6

Plate Papier-Masha (39 photos): how to make novice with your own hands from paper and newspapers? How to remove from a plate? How to paint? How to dry? 26348_7

What will required?

With your own hands, make an attractive plate, applying a papier-mache technique, it does not work much. If you planned to make such a thing, you will preliminarily prepare all the necessary components.

Plate Papier-Masha (39 photos): how to make novice with your own hands from paper and newspapers? How to remove from a plate? How to paint? How to dry? 26348_8

Plate Papier-Masha (39 photos): how to make novice with your own hands from paper and newspapers? How to remove from a plate? How to paint? How to dry? 26348_9

Plate Papier-Masha (39 photos): how to make novice with your own hands from paper and newspapers? How to remove from a plate? How to paint? How to dry? 26348_10

So, for self-making plates in the Papier Masha technique, the following positions will be needed:

  • several newspapers;
  • 4-5 leaflets of white paper (it is recommended to take sheets corresponding to the size A4);
  • Pure plate filled with the same clean water;
  • adhesive composition (the usual PVA glue) is ideal);
  • The paint of any painted color (in the choice of this component, the wizard is not limited, everything depends on his own wishes);
  • High-quality paint brush (it is desirable to purchase a good option, the pile of which will not crumble during the manufacture of plates);
  • Plate, which will continue to serve as the basis for the original homemade.

Plate Papier-Masha (39 photos): how to make novice with your own hands from paper and newspapers? How to remove from a plate? How to paint? How to dry? 26348_11

Plate Papier-Masha (39 photos): how to make novice with your own hands from paper and newspapers? How to remove from a plate? How to paint? How to dry? 26348_12

Plate Papier-Masha (39 photos): how to make novice with your own hands from paper and newspapers? How to remove from a plate? How to paint? How to dry? 26348_13

All the necessary components are recommended to immediately place in the workplace, where a person will make an interesting homemade. It will save it from unnecessary time spending in search of the desired component / tool or material.

As you can see, for self-making plates in the papier-mache technique, you do not need to spend money on expensive components. Beautiful homemade is quite possible to make from the simplest and affordable materials.

Plate Papier-Masha (39 photos): how to make novice with your own hands from paper and newspapers? How to remove from a plate? How to paint? How to dry? 26348_14

Plate Papier-Masha (39 photos): how to make novice with your own hands from paper and newspapers? How to remove from a plate? How to paint? How to dry? 26348_15

Step-by-step instruction of execution

If all of the listed components are prepared, you can safely start creating a plate in the papier-mache technique. Consider the phased manufacturing technology for beginner masters.

  • First, it will be necessary to break the newspapers on pieces of not very large sizes. After that, they will need to moisten in water.
  • In the role of a plate, which will act as the basis of the homemade, is suitable for almost any capacity of sufficient depth. A good solution will be a glass saladade.
  • A glass salad bowl will need to flip upside down. After that, this foundation should gradually "rob" with wet newspaper folds. It is necessary to do it all over the surface of the inverted dishes.
  • It is not forbidden to lay moistened pieces of newspaper immediately in several layers. It is even good because due to such actions, the product will be more durable, strong and dense. It will be much harder to break or damage.
  • As soon as the entire surface of an inverted salad bowl is completely covered with a moistened newspaper into one or more layers, it will be necessary to dry. For these purposes, the workpiece should be left overnight.
  • As soon as applied newspaper segments on the salad bowl, it will be dried to the end, it will be necessary to take over the basis of the base of the newspaper exactly the same moistened. After completing this stage of work, the homemade will need to leave again so that it succeeds well.

Plate Papier-Masha (39 photos): how to make novice with your own hands from paper and newspapers? How to remove from a plate? How to paint? How to dry? 26348_16

Plate Papier-Masha (39 photos): how to make novice with your own hands from paper and newspapers? How to remove from a plate? How to paint? How to dry? 26348_17

Plate Papier-Masha (39 photos): how to make novice with your own hands from paper and newspapers? How to remove from a plate? How to paint? How to dry? 26348_18

How to remove?

After the above stages, the moment will come when the glass base is needed to withdraw from the paper structure. This process can be divided into several main steps.

  • It will be necessary to pour the glue composition in the hotel bowl. It is necessary to break the sheets of paper A4 format into several small pieces. These pieces need to be dipped into the poured glue, and then glue them to the surface of the base plates. It should be done at a maximum of carefully and carefully, because the filled lower layers, which are still held on the water, will begin to disappear. In a different way, there will be no such manipulation, because the plate must be separated from the ground. So, now the entire salad bowl will need to puncture white paper from the outside.
  • When the glue snacks a little, it will take a gentially removed the glass foundation. Now the newspaper is visible from the inside. It will need to gently glue with snow-white paper, pre-dipped in adhesive solution.
  • When the layer serves, you will need to go with the help of paper another layer. In addition, it is necessary to take care that the plates of the plates are also punished properly.

It is recommended to apply about 3-4 layers inside and outside. Thanks to this, the handicraft will be stronger and stable.

Plate Papier-Masha (39 photos): how to make novice with your own hands from paper and newspapers? How to remove from a plate? How to paint? How to dry? 26348_19

Plate Papier-Masha (39 photos): how to make novice with your own hands from paper and newspapers? How to remove from a plate? How to paint? How to dry? 26348_20

How to paint?

When the dish billet is fully completed, you can switch to its color. Consider the features of this stage of creating crafts.

  • It is advisable to make a plate in Papier-Masha technique in such a way that later the fruit can be put into it, but so that it does not start to twist. For this product it is advisable to paint through high-quality enamel paint. Color You can take absolutely any - the main thing that he liked the master.
  • It is desirable to paint such a handicraft that is not less than 2 layers. After completing the painting of the product, you need to wait until it fails. It is recommended to make a plate on fresh air. In such conditions, the smell of paint will very quickly disappear.

Plate Papier-Masha (39 photos): how to make novice with your own hands from paper and newspapers? How to remove from a plate? How to paint? How to dry? 26348_21

Plate Papier-Masha (39 photos): how to make novice with your own hands from paper and newspapers? How to remove from a plate? How to paint? How to dry? 26348_22

Plate Papier-Masha (39 photos): how to make novice with your own hands from paper and newspapers? How to remove from a plate? How to paint? How to dry? 26348_23

The original plate in the technique of Papier-Masha is ready. It can be used as an ordinary decor either as a container for fruits.

The considered technology allows not only to just paint the plate into any color you like. The master can also effectively decorate it. It is interesting and brightly looks like products that decorate the original painting, beautiful drawings and images. The fantasy of the master here is absolutely no limited. Homemade design can be absolutely anyone.

Plate Papier-Masha (39 photos): how to make novice with your own hands from paper and newspapers? How to remove from a plate? How to paint? How to dry? 26348_24

Plate Papier-Masha (39 photos): how to make novice with your own hands from paper and newspapers? How to remove from a plate? How to paint? How to dry? 26348_25

Plate Papier-Masha (39 photos): how to make novice with your own hands from paper and newspapers? How to remove from a plate? How to paint? How to dry? 26348_26

Plate Papier-Masha (39 photos): how to make novice with your own hands from paper and newspapers? How to remove from a plate? How to paint? How to dry? 26348_27

Plate Papier-Masha (39 photos): how to make novice with your own hands from paper and newspapers? How to remove from a plate? How to paint? How to dry? 26348_28

Plate Papier-Masha (39 photos): how to make novice with your own hands from paper and newspapers? How to remove from a plate? How to paint? How to dry? 26348_29

Useful advice

The mache technique is very popular, because if it is correct to use it, you can make it many beautiful, bright and original crafts. This may be not only interesting plates, but also many other designs, for example, decorative figures, figurines and festive scenery - options for a great set.

Plate Papier-Masha (39 photos): how to make novice with your own hands from paper and newspapers? How to remove from a plate? How to paint? How to dry? 26348_30

Plate Papier-Masha (39 photos): how to make novice with your own hands from paper and newspapers? How to remove from a plate? How to paint? How to dry? 26348_31

Plate Papier-Masha (39 photos): how to make novice with your own hands from paper and newspapers? How to remove from a plate? How to paint? How to dry? 26348_32

Plate Papier-Masha (39 photos): how to make novice with your own hands from paper and newspapers? How to remove from a plate? How to paint? How to dry? 26348_33

Plate Papier-Masha (39 photos): how to make novice with your own hands from paper and newspapers? How to remove from a plate? How to paint? How to dry? 26348_34

Plate Papier-Masha (39 photos): how to make novice with your own hands from paper and newspapers? How to remove from a plate? How to paint? How to dry? 26348_35

If you have planned to make a plate with your own hands, using the Papier-Masha technique, it makes sense to enlist several useful advice and recommendations.

  • The frequently necessary mixture is prepared from paper and alee, without using the usual PVA glue. If you apply Cleaster, then with this component to prepare too much material for work is not recommended. First of all, it is advisable to choose the optimal consistency, the ratio of all ingredients.
  • To make homemade better, there was no extra problem, it is recommended to dry each layer of laid out paper. So that the process passed quite quickly, in some situations you can use an ordinary hairdryer. However, the latter should only be used as a last resort.
  • The number of paper layers largely depends on how specifically the crawler wants to make a master. According to many professionals, it is best to lay paper in 4-5 layers.
  • When all the actions for the manufacture of original crafts will be completed, it is strongly recommended to leave it for complete drying. Absolutely any item must be keen over 24 hours. You can spend more time on this process, but exactly no less. If we are talking about very complex and large products, this time can be increased up to 3-4 days.
  • The paint can be applied only to fully dried crafts performed in the considered technique. If you hurry with this stage of work, you can harm the quality of the product.
  • Taking the manufacture of products in the technique of Papier Masha, it should not be hurried too much. Because of this, homemade can be inaccurate, careless.
  • If you planned to make a beautiful handicraft, it is recommended to be prestable with a large glue. It should be spread on the table where you want to work directly by the works. Thus, work surfaces will be well protected from extra contaminants.
  • It is not recommended to use heat heating radiators or heaters for fast drying. Such crafts should be dried in vivo. If you do not follow this recommendation, then the product can be covered with cracks or deform.
  • Ready and completely dry products are recommended to be subjected to the maximum neat grinding. This will only be possible to achieve perfectly even and smooth surface of the crafts. From any defects and irregularities, the master should be rid of.
  • Align the surfaces of the original crafts performed on the papier-mache technique, by usual putty. It should be applied only after the preliminary application of the primer mixture.
  • If you want to sharpen the crawl, it is best to give preference to acrylic compositions. If so are not available, you can choose a gypsum option.

Plate Papier-Masha (39 photos): how to make novice with your own hands from paper and newspapers? How to remove from a plate? How to paint? How to dry? 26348_36

Plate Papier-Masha (39 photos): how to make novice with your own hands from paper and newspapers? How to remove from a plate? How to paint? How to dry? 26348_37

Plate Papier-Masha (39 photos): how to make novice with your own hands from paper and newspapers? How to remove from a plate? How to paint? How to dry? 26348_38

Plate Papier-Masha (39 photos): how to make novice with your own hands from paper and newspapers? How to remove from a plate? How to paint? How to dry? 26348_39

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