Papier Masha mask: how to make a mask without a form with your own hands at home? Scary masks for Halloween and Venetian options


The name for the technique of Papier-Masha is French, but she originated in China. Helmets and armor did from numerous paper layers, which would have to talk about products that would have enough and slightly less strength. An old technique is well to this day, and today, what only from it do not do: toys, decorations, as well as, for example, masks. On the carnival, for the new year they will be an exclusive tool for creating a festive, mysterious image.

Papier Masha mask: how to make a mask without a form with your own hands at home? Scary masks for Halloween and Venetian options 26347_2

How to choose the basis?

Paper-Masha, how easy it is to guess, is a paper mass. And in order for the mass to hold the form, PVA aluminum is added to it or another Clayaster-scraper. Paper, old newspapers, napkins, paper towels will also be suitable raw materials. But for the base, without making a mask, you can pick up one of two options: either any old mask, ideal on the face on the face, or an inflated balloon.

Papier Masha mask: how to make a mask without a form with your own hands at home? Scary masks for Halloween and Venetian options 26347_3

Papier Masha mask: how to make a mask without a form with your own hands at home? Scary masks for Halloween and Venetian options 26347_4

If the first option is selected, the workpiece will simply become a standard mask, without decor and irregularities, without noticeable defects on the plane. It is recommended to wrap the food film. Do it, so that the paper mass, which will cut the workpiece, did not stick to it.

Papier Masha mask: how to make a mask without a form with your own hands at home? Scary masks for Halloween and Venetian options 26347_5

Papier Masha mask: how to make a mask without a form with your own hands at home? Scary masks for Halloween and Venetian options 26347_6

The air ball is also quite convenient to use: it is subsequently easily removed, it is rushed when the material dries.

Also, the basis for the mask can be built from foil. Foil must be folded into a few layers and attach to the face, and then to make indulge in the form of the face, so that the foil repeats its contours. It can be said that it will be almost blind. True, this is not the only way to manufacture the foundation directly.

Papier Masha mask: how to make a mask without a form with your own hands at home? Scary masks for Halloween and Venetian options 26347_7

Papier Masha mask: how to make a mask without a form with your own hands at home? Scary masks for Halloween and Venetian options 26347_8

How to use the face instead of the foundation?

If the carnival mask was not found, or the one that is, not well adjacent to the face, you can create decorative products right on the person's face. Of course, not "finishing" option, but blanks for future masks. To do this, we must mix the foundation and attach it to the face. Mass must provide the form of oval with a thickness of about a couple of centimeters. The skin before applying the mass is necessarily lubricated with bold cream.

Papier Masha mask: how to make a mask without a form with your own hands at home? Scary masks for Halloween and Venetian options 26347_9

Papier Masha mask: how to make a mask without a form with your own hands at home? Scary masks for Halloween and Venetian options 26347_10

The finished plastic mass is imposed carefully, giving it the opportunity to take the outlines of the face of the model. And they will also be removed as much as possible in order not to damage the frozen layer. Of course, for such a delicate case, it will be required not just a paper mass, but sculptural plasticine.

Papier Masha mask: how to make a mask without a form with your own hands at home? Scary masks for Halloween and Venetian options 26347_11

And since not everyone cope with this material (indeed, the skill is needed), make a mask with the help of foil seems more affordable idea. Already removed from the face foil look at the subject of irregularities, adjust, make slits for eyes and nose.

Papier Masha mask: how to make a mask without a form with your own hands at home? Scary masks for Halloween and Venetian options 26347_12

Papier Masha mask: how to make a mask without a form with your own hands at home? Scary masks for Halloween and Venetian options 26347_13

If something is not enough, plasticine is added.

Step-by-step instruction of creating

Start work is more wise with the creation of a sketch. And let him be before his eyes, without giving the master to deviate aside and change the original plan. Perhaps during the drawing process, the idea will change more perfect, because the drawing really shows the projection of the future product more realistic. If the sketch is close to the real sizes of the mask, it will help the master even more.

Papier Masha mask: how to make a mask without a form with your own hands at home? Scary masks for Halloween and Venetian options 26347_14

Papier Masha mask: how to make a mask without a form with your own hands at home? Scary masks for Halloween and Venetian options 26347_15

List of materials and tools for work:

  • old newspapers and everything that can go through density for them;
  • Dense paper - it will not suit the most solid cardboard, painted in water, crafting paper, as well as journal sheets;
  • Fragment of old x / b fabric or gauze;
  • Stationery scissors;
  • petrolatum;
  • Pleaster or PVA, brush for glue;
  • Sculptural plasticine or clay;
  • All for decoration (rhinestones, buttons, pedeshos, satin, lace, braid, beads, velvet);
  • Acrylic paints and varnish.

Papier Masha mask: how to make a mask without a form with your own hands at home? Scary masks for Halloween and Venetian options 26347_16

Prior to the start of the main stages of work, PVA will be bred by water if this glue is used. If the glue is made with your own hands, it is necessary to stir 3 tablespoons of starch in a liter of water. This mixture is cooked on a small fire with regular stirring. A small cup of Clays will be enough for one mask.

Papier Masha mask: how to make a mask without a form with your own hands at home? Scary masks for Halloween and Venetian options 26347_17

Papier Masha mask: how to make a mask without a form with your own hands at home? Scary masks for Halloween and Venetian options 26347_18

The form is preparing in the above methods: based on the old mask, balloon or using the model and the involvement of sculptural plasticine. The option with foil is also suitable.

Creating a mask stages.

  1. When the form is fully ready, she needs to dry. After that, the base is covered with a vaseline layer. So she becomes ready for salary paper.
  2. First you need to pour paper, and two species - it can be journal and newsprint, writing and newspaper, cardboard and magazine. Paper on small fragments. To break better by layers: the first layer is torn out of paper - it is necessary to give hardness to the mask. This layer does not need to be glued, it simply stacked on a lubricated vaseline base.
  3. The second layer of paper is put on the adhesive basis - this is a thin, newspaper layer. Each fixed piece is well smoothed, it is impossible to make the formation of air bubbles. If they appear, the mask will be loose.
  4. A third layer goes a dense paper, and it is glued to a more thick hub. Each piece must be carefully cleaned, it clings for the preceding layer. The fourth layer goes newspaper paper again.
  5. After that, the mask should be seized with gauze or cotton cloth. Materials should be cut into small pieces, which are highly soaked in adhesive composition. This work is worth noting, requires special attention, otherwise folds will arise. In the resurrection of the tissue will help any solid object.
  6. And again paper layers - first newspaper, then more dense. If there is embossed places in the mask (and, as a rule, they are), more paper is glued to these zones.
  7. The finish layer will be thrown tight white paper or fabric - also white, natural.
  8. When everything is almost ready in terms of volume extension, it follows the adjustment step. The joints of the papers will have to gently inhibit the wet napkin, but only after the burned mass burine. Masters to make a mask tight, wash it with a solution of gelatin.
  9. After that, it follows the stage of drying, which accounts for 3-4 days. It is impossible at this time to remove the mask from the form - it is fraught with deformation of the product.

Papier Masha mask: how to make a mask without a form with your own hands at home? Scary masks for Halloween and Venetian options 26347_19

Papier Masha mask: how to make a mask without a form with your own hands at home? Scary masks for Halloween and Venetian options 26347_20

Papier Masha mask: how to make a mask without a form with your own hands at home? Scary masks for Halloween and Venetian options 26347_21

Papier Masha mask: how to make a mask without a form with your own hands at home? Scary masks for Halloween and Venetian options 26347_22

Papier Masha mask: how to make a mask without a form with your own hands at home? Scary masks for Halloween and Venetian options 26347_23

Papier Masha mask: how to make a mask without a form with your own hands at home? Scary masks for Halloween and Venetian options 26347_24

Subsequent stages are to decorate the mask, it is they who make the thing the original, give it what is called, his own face. But the base from which it may turn out both the New Year and the Venetian mask, can be exactly what is painted in the algorithm.

How to decorate?

Decoration depends on the purpose of use. The easiest way to give a mask color paint from a canister or gouache, acrylic paint. You can cover it with a cloth - velvet or atlas. To make the mask look original, interesting, rhinestones and feathers are used, various decorative tricks.

Papier Masha mask: how to make a mask without a form with your own hands at home? Scary masks for Halloween and Venetian options 26347_25

Papier Masha mask: how to make a mask without a form with your own hands at home? Scary masks for Halloween and Venetian options 26347_26

Papier Masha mask: how to make a mask without a form with your own hands at home? Scary masks for Halloween and Venetian options 26347_27

Papier Masha mask: how to make a mask without a form with your own hands at home? Scary masks for Halloween and Venetian options 26347_28

On Halloween

A rather gloomy, mysterious, immersing in terrible thoughts masks to look convincingly on this holiday. The formed foundation is invited to make a black, for this a acrylic matte paint will suit. The color is applied in 2, or even in 3 layers. By the way, black perfectly masks irregularities. A bright red focus is made on the lips, for this a glossy acrylic is suitable.

Papier Masha mask: how to make a mask without a form with your own hands at home? Scary masks for Halloween and Venetian options 26347_29

Papier Masha mask: how to make a mask without a form with your own hands at home? Scary masks for Halloween and Venetian options 26347_30

Further, the silver marker will go, as well as a large ride or a piece of foil or plastic mirror. It will be a "third eye", which is sticking to the forehead, more convenient to do with a glue gun. And here the ornament is already beginning to be created. It looks impressive, but it is easy to draw it, the main thing is to observe harmony, symmetry.

Papier Masha mask: how to make a mask without a form with your own hands at home? Scary masks for Halloween and Venetian options 26347_31

Papier Masha mask: how to make a mask without a form with your own hands at home? Scary masks for Halloween and Venetian options 26347_32

To make the mask of a cunning cat or fox in the style of cartoons, you will have to build ears. This is done at the time of the formation of the foundation. So that the mask looked impressive, artificial wool or other textured fabric, which will pass the fighter of the animal. Brightly, fantasy eyes allocated. And you can repeat the Abbu mask, which is not done very difficult - the main thing is to clearly form contours. Halloween mask should be full of mystery.

Papier Masha mask: how to make a mask without a form with your own hands at home? Scary masks for Halloween and Venetian options 26347_33

Papier Masha mask: how to make a mask without a form with your own hands at home? Scary masks for Halloween and Venetian options 26347_34


Carnival masks hide the face of heroes, and the more the riddles will be, the better.

How to decorate such a mask:

  • lace;
  • decorative braid;
  • beads;
  • artificial pearls;
  • sequins;
  • Beaded.

Papier Masha mask: how to make a mask without a form with your own hands at home? Scary masks for Halloween and Venetian options 26347_35

Papier Masha mask: how to make a mask without a form with your own hands at home? Scary masks for Halloween and Venetian options 26347_36

Papier Masha mask: how to make a mask without a form with your own hands at home? Scary masks for Halloween and Venetian options 26347_37

More precisely, the painting is difficult to think of something. If you choose from the paints the most universal, probably it will be acrylic. It can help make fine accents, although sometimes pastel is used for this (in order to form the desired tint of the Rumyan, for example). If necessary, the varnish is used, including hair. Lac with glitters perfectly forms the finishing layer of the carnival mask.

Papier Masha mask: how to make a mask without a form with your own hands at home? Scary masks for Halloween and Venetian options 26347_38

Papier Masha mask: how to make a mask without a form with your own hands at home? Scary masks for Halloween and Venetian options 26347_39

For new year

You can beat the old good story, where on the New Year holiday all the boys, and the girls-proteins. And if these are adults, the more interesting. You can plunge into Victorian motives, to inspire the aesthetics of Alice in Wonderland. The paint layer should be quite thick: so that the paper does not guessed the basis of the mask. The features requiring expressiveness should be finished (nose, eyebrows, mustache - if necessary). On the brushes of these heroes, fragments of artificial fur can be caught.

Papier Masha mask: how to make a mask without a form with your own hands at home? Scary masks for Halloween and Venetian options 26347_40

Sometimes the mask requires not just a nondescript elastic, which will keep it tightly on the head, but a beautiful design and this detail, for example, in the form of a velvet tape. Masks are covered with a lace fabric or veil, cut out along the contour of the embossed braid - there are a lot of options.

Papier Masha mask: how to make a mask without a form with your own hands at home? Scary masks for Halloween and Venetian options 26347_41

But most of them require artistic skills from the master, because such masks attract more attention and look like an art facility created at home, which is especially nice.

About how to make masks from papier-mache with your own hands, see the next video.

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