Paper-Masha from egg trays: how to make crafts with your own hands? Cell recipes from cells and eggs from eggs


The manufacture of various crafts from Papier Masha is popular both among children and among adults. You can create a toy or decoration in such a technique by taking as the basis of ordinary paper trays for eggs.

Paper-Masha from egg trays: how to make crafts with your own hands? Cell recipes from cells and eggs from eggs 26344_2

Paper-Masha from egg trays: how to make crafts with your own hands? Cell recipes from cells and eggs from eggs 26344_3

What is good way?

The use of egg trays as a basis for its crafts has a large number of advantages.

  1. Strength. Products from such boxes are durable and serve long. They can be involved both to decorate the room and for the game.

  2. Attractiveness of ready-made toys. Products made of egg trays are obtained as beautiful as from napkins or ordinary paper. They can be an excellent gift for loved ones.

  3. Cheapness. Paper trays for eggs are free raw materials. You can find them in almost every home. It is very profitable to engage in the creation of such figures.

Paper-Masha from egg trays: how to make crafts with your own hands? Cell recipes from cells and eggs from eggs 26344_4

Paper-Masha from egg trays: how to make crafts with your own hands? Cell recipes from cells and eggs from eggs 26344_5

Masite various crafts from Paper Masha will like both children and their parents. This is a great option for a joint pastime with kids who love creativity.


In order to make an ornament for a home or garden from eggs from eggs, you need to prepare the adhesive paper ground in advance. It is necessary to do this in several stages. Initially, egg trays are torn in small parts and laid into a deep container. After that, the paper is poured with boiling water and leave everything in this form for a day. During this time, the material softening and becomes pliable.

Paper-Masha from egg trays: how to make crafts with your own hands? Cell recipes from cells and eggs from eggs 26344_6

Paper-Masha from egg trays: how to make crafts with your own hands? Cell recipes from cells and eggs from eggs 26344_7

When the paper is ready, it must be turned into a homogeneous mass with a blender. After that, in the mixture it is necessary to add 2-3 spoons of PVA or Clays adhesive. After that, the mass must be strain through the gauze and put under the press. After a couple of hours it will become tight enough, and it can be used to make crafts. The material remains are stored in the refrigerator in a tightly closed package or container.

Paper-Masha from egg trays: how to make crafts with your own hands? Cell recipes from cells and eggs from eggs 26344_8

To create a papier-maha toy, a hube is used, prepared with their own hands. He is preparing quite simple. First of all, you need to pour 2 tablespoons of starch and flour in a bowl. After that, it is necessary to add 6 tablespoons of warm water, and mix thoroughly.

In a small saucepan, you need to boil a glass of water. Next, it must be carefully poured into a bowl with a hub, constantly stirring this mixture until it becomes sufficiently thick.

Paper-Masha from egg trays: how to make crafts with your own hands? Cell recipes from cells and eggs from eggs 26344_9

Paper-Masha from egg trays: how to make crafts with your own hands? Cell recipes from cells and eggs from eggs 26344_10

Paper-Masha from egg trays: how to make crafts with your own hands? Cell recipes from cells and eggs from eggs 26344_11

Paper-Masha from egg trays: how to make crafts with your own hands? Cell recipes from cells and eggs from eggs 26344_12

Mix the adhesive mass is very careful, so that no lumps appear in it. It will be possible to use this mixture as soon as it cools.

How to make crafts?

You can make three types of crafts from paper mass.

  1. With frame. Before you begin to work, you need to find a frame that will become the basis of the decoration. Its choice depends on the features of the future figure. As a rule, an empty plastic bottle, wire or a piece of cardboard is used as a frame. The adhesive mass is fixed on the surface of the base. After she dry a little, the master remains only to correct small disadvantages and make the surface of the future figurine more smooth.

  2. Frameless. Such models are made even easier. The figures of them are shaking the same way as from plasticine. There are no voids in them.

  3. Empty inside. For the manufacture of such toys, special forms are used. Paper mass is laid out inside and gently straightens through the surface of the tank. After that, the form must be left for several hours so that the future figure is frozen.

Paper-Masha from egg trays: how to make crafts with your own hands? Cell recipes from cells and eggs from eggs 26344_13

Paper-Masha from egg trays: how to make crafts with your own hands? Cell recipes from cells and eggs from eggs 26344_14

Paper-Masha from egg trays: how to make crafts with your own hands? Cell recipes from cells and eggs from eggs 26344_15

Regardless which method of creating toys was selected, you need to dry the figures for several days. The air temperature does not have to change, otherwise they can crack. It is also not recommended to keep such toys in a room with high humidity.

After the figures are ready, you can proceed to decorate them. Most often, such products are simply covered with oil or acrylic paints. In some cases, they are also decorated with tissue pieces.

Paper-Masha from egg trays: how to make crafts with your own hands? Cell recipes from cells and eggs from eggs 26344_16

Paper-Masha from egg trays: how to make crafts with your own hands? Cell recipes from cells and eggs from eggs 26344_17

Paper-Masha from egg trays: how to make crafts with your own hands? Cell recipes from cells and eggs from eggs 26344_18

From the adhesive paper mass you can make a lot of interesting products.


To create a beautiful frame from papier-mache you need to use a fresh adhesive mixture. First of all, it is necessary to prepare a cutting board by turning it with a food film or cellophane for safety. You need to lay out a paper mass. It must be carefully rolled out on the surface of the boards the rolling. From this base, you need to cut a rectangle of suitable size.

Next, you need to draw another figure on the surface of this rectangle. It must match the size of the photo that will be inserted into this frame. Next, this small rectangle must be neatly pressed into the inward, forming a deepening.

Paper-Masha from egg trays: how to make crafts with your own hands? Cell recipes from cells and eggs from eggs 26344_19

Paper-Masha from egg trays: how to make crafts with your own hands? Cell recipes from cells and eggs from eggs 26344_20

The edges of the frame must be carefully aligned. After that, it remains only to dry and decorate at its discretion. You can decorate it in the technique of decoupage.

Such a frame will be an excellent gift for a close person. Photos are glued to bilateral scotch.

Garden figures

Decorations for indian courtyard and garden are made on the basis of a simple frame. Paper adhesive mass on it is applied by layers. Each layer before applying the next should dry well. To create various small parts, you can use small pieces of wires as a frame. Ready decoration must be finally dried and painted.

Paper-Masha from egg trays: how to make crafts with your own hands? Cell recipes from cells and eggs from eggs 26344_21

Paper-Masha from egg trays: how to make crafts with your own hands? Cell recipes from cells and eggs from eggs 26344_22


Make a beautiful papier-mache dish with your own hands can even beginner. As a frame, you can use a conventional bowl wrapped with a food film. It must be turned over and coat with several paper layers. In this form, the design must be left overnight. In the morning, the paper craft should be removed, and gently polish her edges. The finished paper bowl can be painted and decorated at your discretion.

Paper-Masha from egg trays: how to make crafts with your own hands? Cell recipes from cells and eggs from eggs 26344_23

Paper-Masha from egg trays: how to make crafts with your own hands? Cell recipes from cells and eggs from eggs 26344_24

Use such a craft as a stand. It will perfectly look good fruit from papier-mache, as well as various decorations.

Crafts from egg trays are obtained very beautiful. In the presence of fantasy and a sufficient amount of free time, you can learn from this material to make beautiful Christmas toys, dishes and figures for the house.

Paper-Masha from egg trays: how to make crafts with your own hands? Cell recipes from cells and eggs from eggs 26344_25

Paper-Masha from egg trays: how to make crafts with your own hands? Cell recipes from cells and eggs from eggs 26344_26

With more detailed recipe for making, you can find the following video.

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