Slops from cosmetics: How to make big lysons from children's and other cosmetics? What are added to the composition?


At this time, children are very popular with children and not only enjoys such an anti-stress toy as slim. It can be bought in the store, and also make yourself at home. To do this, use ordinary decorative or leaving cosmetics. About how to make a slider from it, read in the article.

Slops from cosmetics: How to make big lysons from children's and other cosmetics? What are added to the composition? 26336_2

Slops from cosmetics: How to make big lysons from children's and other cosmetics? What are added to the composition? 26336_3

What can I use?

You can make the slide on your own at home from a variety of ingredients. So, you can easily use water and salt, flour and shower gel, dishwashing and starch, shaving foam, PVA glue and sodium tetraborate, toothpaste, shampoo and sugar, soda, boric acid and various skin products, Among which are cosmetic.

The presence of many cosmetic compositions is the presence of water, which contributes to the fastening of the main components of the toy, and also makes it viscous. And vegetable fats and glycerin, which are part of the anti-Stressee, make it more elastic.

Slops from cosmetics: How to make big lysons from children's and other cosmetics? What are added to the composition? 26336_4

Slops from cosmetics: How to make big lysons from children's and other cosmetics? What are added to the composition? 26336_5

To make a slide of cosmetics, you need to correctly choose a cosmetics that, at the present time, a great set is represented on the stores. Most often for the manufacture of the slide take a film mask or hand cream. When choosing a tool, it is worth considering its composition. The components that include it can have a big impact on the appearance of the children's anti-stress toy.

In general, it is best to choose creams with thick consistency, which, besides, should be hypoallergenic. We also recommend not paying attention to the date of manufacture: an overdue toy manufacturing will be unsuitable.

At the same time, we note that buying creams with a high cost is absolutely optional. For the manufacture of an antistress, an inexpensive jar with thick cream will be quite enough.

Slops from cosmetics: How to make big lysons from children's and other cosmetics? What are added to the composition? 26336_6

Slops from cosmetics: How to make big lysons from children's and other cosmetics? What are added to the composition? 26336_7

Slops from cosmetics: How to make big lysons from children's and other cosmetics? What are added to the composition? 26336_8

Besides, You can use foam or gel for washing, shaving cream, mousse for laying hair and even decorative cosmetics, including lipstick and gloss, as well as eye shadows. Of course, buying too expensive cosmetics for making toys is also not worth it, since the quality of the toy does not depend on its value. You can also use baby cosmetics.

Slops from cosmetics: How to make big lysons from children's and other cosmetics? What are added to the composition? 26336_9

Slops from cosmetics: How to make big lysons from children's and other cosmetics? What are added to the composition? 26336_10

Slops from cosmetics: How to make big lysons from children's and other cosmetics? What are added to the composition? 26336_11


Hand cream

To independently make lysun from the cream, you will need 2 tablespoons of hand cream, one and a half tablespoons for washing dishes, 4 tbsp. l. baby oil for the body and the same flour. To give a toy color to the composition usually add dye. If you make a toy for a small child, it is recommended to use in the manufacture of only those components that are proven and will not be able to cause allergies.

Cooking recipe is simple. The first thing in the capacitance mix cream for hands and dishwashing agents. After that, flour adds to the composition and, if necessary, the dye. At the same time, the flour must be pushed at once, but neatly and evenly, while constantly stirring the mixture to get rid of lumps. Next, it is necessary to wait for thickening the mixture, after which it is required to be in his palms so that it becomes soft. Add oil as needed.

By the way, the flour, if desired, can be changed on starch. This component can eliminate excess water so that your toy becomes more elastic and thick.

Slops from cosmetics: How to make big lysons from children's and other cosmetics? What are added to the composition? 26336_12

Slops from cosmetics: How to make big lysons from children's and other cosmetics? What are added to the composition? 26336_13


Plus lipstick lies in the fact that it has a viscous texture, so that is an excellent component to create lysuine. Moreover, if you use lipstick, the need for an additional acquisition of the dye disappears by itself.

So, To create a slide, you will need 150 milliliters of PVA glue, 1 lipstick tube and 0.5 teaspoons of sodium tetraborate.

The glue must be pulled out into the container, you should also add folded lipstick. All this must be spoon and mix so that the mixture becomes homogeneous and without lumps. Next to the components is added sodium tetractural, which contributes to the thickness of the mass. After that, the slide must be good in hand. The readiness of the toy will indicate that it will no longer stick to the palms.

Slops from cosmetics: How to make big lysons from children's and other cosmetics? What are added to the composition? 26336_14

Slops from cosmetics: How to make big lysons from children's and other cosmetics? What are added to the composition? 26336_15

Mousse for hair

Use in the manufacture of a slide mousse for hair helps to make an anti-stress toy with a softer, air and elastic.

You need 1 tablespoon of PVA glue and the same amount of mask-film, 3 teaspoons of the main component, a teaspoon of starch, as well as a drop of cosmetic oil, 0.5 teaspoon of water, as much as a cream and 5 drops of sodium tetraborate.

In the container, first of all, it is necessary to pour the desired amount of the mask and the glue of PVA. All this is well mixed, after which Mousse for hair is added to the mixture. Next to the composition add starch, while constantly stirring the mass. After that, the remaining components are added to the ingredients, if you wish, you can add a dye to them. Lastly, a tetraborate is introduced into the composition. Next, the slide is kneading in the palms. Ready!

Slops from cosmetics: How to make big lysons from children's and other cosmetics? What are added to the composition? 26336_16

Slops from cosmetics: How to make big lysons from children's and other cosmetics? What are added to the composition? 26336_17


Ordinary dry shadows for the eyelids of various shades are an excellent substitute for dyes. They will be able to help you paint a toy-lysun into the desired color.

So, For the manufacture of toys, you will need 50 milliliters of glue and as much water, 5 tablespoons of shaving foam, sodium tetrabrate and dry shadows.

In the tank it is necessary to mix water and glue. At the same time, it is necessary to clearly make sure that the glue goes well, and the composition was homogeneous. After that, a foam is added to the container, after which everyone is well mixed, trying to make the composition with homogeneous and air. Next, a tetraborate is added dropwise to the mixture. The toy is kneaded in his hands. It should become an elastic, after which it must be decomposed on the molds and sprinkle close-up shadows for the age. After that, the mixture is stirred and replete again.

Ready! If you did everything correctly and clearly according to the instructions, then the slide should turn out to be homogeneous, the shadow will not appear from it.

Slops from cosmetics: How to make big lysons from children's and other cosmetics? What are added to the composition? 26336_18

Slops from cosmetics: How to make big lysons from children's and other cosmetics? What are added to the composition? 26336_19


The mask film for the manufacture of the slide is also an excellent ingredient, which can become a replacement of PVA glue and the base of the entire mixture. It will take 3 tablespoons of the main component and 2 teaspoons of the washing gel.

In the tank, it is necessary to pour the mask-film, and a trailer and a gel for washing. All this is necessary to mix well and quickly, after which it is to knead and smash, seeking the mass to get thick and elastic.

Slops from cosmetics: How to make big lysons from children's and other cosmetics? What are added to the composition? 26336_20

Cream for washing

Another good tool suitable for the manufacture of hard and elastic lysuine. You will need only 1 teaspoon of the main component, 90 milliliters of PVA glue, 5 drops of gel for washing and the same amount of cosmetic oil, as well as half a teaspoon of sodium tetractic for thickening. If you desire, you can add a dye or ordinary paints that will give your toy the desired color.

To prepare the slide, first of all, you need to mix the cream and glue well, and then add paint and gel to the mixture. All this is mixed, then oil and thickener are added. Next, the mass is well mixed, and Lizun is carefully kneading in the hands.

Slops from cosmetics: How to make big lysons from children's and other cosmetics? What are added to the composition? 26336_21

Useful recommendations

So that your toy is high-quality, do not use overdue cosmetics for its manufacture. Otherwise, its main qualities may noticeably deteriorate. The same applies to other ingredients that make up the toys.

Often for the complete and good thickening of the mixture requires a large amount of time. Basically, it takes at least 15 minutes.

Much attention should be paid to the recipes in which sodium tetrabota is present. You need to be careful. It is recommended to add it gently and gradually, as it contributes to the thickness of the mass and, if you move to it, then the slide may be low-elastic.

The finished toy must be stored in the refrigerator using special hermetic containers for this. At the same time, with a frequency of 2-3 days, it is necessary to add a slightly salted liquid there, otherwise the slide can dry. It is not recommended to leave it in the Sun for the same reason.

Slops from cosmetics: How to make big lysons from children's and other cosmetics? What are added to the composition? 26336_22

Slops from cosmetics: How to make big lysons from children's and other cosmetics? What are added to the composition? 26336_23

How to make a slide from cosmetics yourself, look in the video.

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