Slum with balls: ingredients. How to make your hands lysun with different balls? Storage rules


Lizenuns with balls inside have an excellent soothing effect and develop small motility of children. Make such a toy at home is very simple. It is enough just to choose a suitable recipe for yourself and stock the desired ingredients and beautiful balls.

Slum with balls: ingredients. How to make your hands lysun with different balls? Storage rules 26318_2

Slum with balls: ingredients. How to make your hands lysun with different balls? Storage rules 26318_3

What balls are suitable?

When creating slots, small foam balls are usually used. You can buy them in specialized stores or on the Internet. When choosing such balls for slots, pay attention to several points.

  1. The size. In order for the balls securely fixed in the plastic mass, it is worth selecting products with a diameter of 0.4 to 3 mm. In one toy you can combine large and small details.

  2. Colour. Suitable for decorating slide both white and colored balls. As a rule, they are selected, focusing on what the lysun itself is performed in what color. For the design of one toy, you can use both monophonic balls and colored.

  3. The form. Most balls for slots have a classic round shape. But there are also oval products. For young children you can make toys with balls of different shapes. This will allow the child to quickly develop a shallow motor.

Slum with balls: ingredients. How to make your hands lysun with different balls? Storage rules 26318_4

To create slims, you can use the remedies. For example, a foam, which is usually placed in boxes from under technology or furniture. It should only be carefully untapped into small details and remove the extra garbage.

And also to create nice crunchy slots, you can use fillers from unnecessary toys.

Some masters paint them, using food dyes, gouache or acrylic. After such treatment, the balls look as beautiful as the purchased.

Slum with balls: ingredients. How to make your hands lysun with different balls? Storage rules 26318_5

Step-by-step instruction

Make lysun do it yourself very simple. You just need to select a suitable recipe and follow the instructions.

Lizun with stationery glue and shaving foam

This is one of the most popular recipes. It is checked by many slides. To create toys with balls, the following components will be required:

  • 100 grams of silicone glue;

  • 200 ml of thick shaving foam;

  • 20 ml of any liquid soap;

  • White or multicolored balls;

  • Sodium tetrabrate.

Slum with balls: ingredients. How to make your hands lysun with different balls? Storage rules 26318_6

Consider the method of cooking.

  1. In glass or plastic dishes you need to pour glue, after which you need to add soap. If the mixture is too thick, it is necessary to add some water to it.

  2. Next, it is necessary to carefully pour into the tank foam, while stirring the contents until the mixture becomes homogeneous.

  3. In order for the slide to thicken and become more elastic, it is necessary to add sodium tetrabott to the bowl. You need to pour it into a slide container in one drop to control how thick is lysun.

  4. When the mixture thickens a bit, you need to add balls from foam.

The cooked lysun must be put in the container, and then put in a cold place.

So that he served longer, you need to play regularly.

Slum with balls: ingredients. How to make your hands lysun with different balls? Storage rules 26318_7

Lizun with Stachmal

In this recipe, starch acts as a thickener. However, that the toy is elastic, it will be necessary to strictly observe the proportion. If you add too much starch, the slider will turn out too dense and will often rush. For the preparation of lysun, you need to prepare the following components:

  • 30-40 grams of starch;

  • 1/3 part of a glass of pure water;

  • dye right color;

  • 100 ml of glue;

  • Balls (foam or polystyrene).

Slum with balls: ingredients. How to make your hands lysun with different balls? Storage rules 26318_8

Cooking slot consists of a number of steps.

  1. In the enameled or glass container it is necessary to pour glue. At this stage, you can also add a dye of any color. You can use both purchased paints and natural product.

  2. Starch must be mixed with water, and pour this mass to the glue. The contents of the bowl must be mixed until the mixture thickens. If this does not happen, it is worth adding some more liquid starch.

  3. At the end, foam balls are added to the bowl.

Ready slim can be taken from the bowl and use to play. If everything is done correctly, it will be soft, elastic and will not stick to the hands.

Slum with balls: ingredients. How to make your hands lysun with different balls? Storage rules 26318_9

Lizun with Bura

This recipe is practically no different from the classic one. Ready lysun is thick and elastic. To prepare a soft high-quality slider, the following components will be required:

  • 1/2 h. L. borants;

  • dye;

  • 1 cup of foam balls;

  • 100 ml of silicone glue;

  • water.

Slum with balls: ingredients. How to make your hands lysun with different balls? Storage rules 26318_10

Cooking method:

  1. The glue must be squeezed into the previously prepared dishes, you need to add dye there;

  2. Then it is necessary to pour colored balls of the desired size to this mixture;

  3. Now the content must be carefully pouring a boor;

  4. So that lysun is not too dense, it is necessary to add some water in a bowl.

Slum with balls: ingredients. How to make your hands lysun with different balls? Storage rules 26318_11

When the slide becomes sufficiently thick and dense, you can get it out of my bowl and knead your hands. You can use Handgam for the game immediately after cooking.

With glue plow

The addition of simple PVA glue makes slim as easily as possible. To create it, in addition to the glue bottle, you need to prepare the following ingredients:

  • 20-30 grams of shampoo;

  • 150 ml shaving foam;

  • 3-4 drops of thickener.

Slum with balls: ingredients. How to make your hands lysun with different balls? Storage rules 26318_12

The cooking method includes several items.

  1. In the container you need to pour the glue and shampoo bottle. All this must be mixed thoroughly. If the mixture turned out too thick, you need to add a small amount of water there.

  2. Next, it is necessary to carefully drive a shave foam, and mix everything again. As a result, a thick mixture should turn out.

  3. To get a soft and driving slide, everything needs to be copped in a thickener.

  4. At the end of all preparatory work, balls from foam are added to the bowl, and the mixture is mixed again.

Slum with balls: ingredients. How to make your hands lysun with different balls? Storage rules 26318_13

To make such a slide glossy, you can form a little sugar.

After cooking, the toy should be left in the refrigerator for a couple of hours.

With drops for contact lenses

Dense and elastic slim can be obtained using the following components:

  • 2 PVA glue bottle;

  • 2 h. L. food soda;

  • 2 h. L. droplets for lenses;

  • 1 cup of polystyrene balls;

  • dye.

Slum with balls: ingredients. How to make your hands lysun with different balls? Storage rules 26318_14

Cooking method:

  1. In advance prepared dishes, it is necessary to mix food soda, a few drops of dye and PVA glue;

  2. Then you need to add drops there, to interfere with everything until the mixture becomes thick;

  3. The resulting slote must be well to spread with his hands to make sure that it turned out to be soft enough and elastic.

Ready lysun should not stick to hand.

Slum with balls: ingredients. How to make your hands lysun with different balls? Storage rules 26318_15

With toothpaste

Such a toy is also easy to do at home. To create it, the following components will be required:

  • 100 ml of transparent glue;

  • 2 h. L. water;

  • 1 tsp. shower gel;

  • 2-3 centimeters of toothpaste;

  • 1 cup of balls;

  • Sodium tetrabrate.

Slum with balls: ingredients. How to make your hands lysun with different balls? Storage rules 26318_16

If everything is prepared, you can start doing slot.

  1. In enamelled or glass container it is necessary to mix glue, shower gel, a conventional toothpaste and a fat cream for hands. Mass should turn out thick and fragrant.

  2. You need to add several drops of thickener to such a homogeneous mixture. The process should be carefully monitored. If it is too much, the slider will turn out too dense and will rush.

  3. Next to the mixture you need to add balls.

  4. It is necessary to interfere with the contents until the slide is tight enough.

Slum with balls: ingredients. How to make your hands lysun with different balls? Storage rules 26318_17

The resulting lizun can be taken from a bowl and knead to the desired state.

Storage rules

To increase the life of the slide, it must be kept correctly and use.

  1. The container with lysun should be tightly close the lid and hide from direct sunlight. It is best to store such a slide in the refrigerator.

  2. You can not put a container with lysome next to the battery. This will lead to the fact that it will start sticking to the hands or melts at all. In addition, it cannot be stored in the freezer.

  3. So that the lysun does not get dirty, you always need to wash your hands before the game. If it is still visible to dust or vile, it can be washed under running water.

Slum with balls: ingredients. How to make your hands lysun with different balls? Storage rules 26318_18

Slum with balls: ingredients. How to make your hands lysun with different balls? Storage rules 26318_19

Crispy slims made at home practically do not differ from purchased. Make them alone can both teenagers and small children.

A simple recipe for the manufacture of slots with balls in the next video.

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