Charms for slots (15 photos): What is it in slimes? How to make sharrities with your own hands?


To decorate slots, various sequins are often used, plastic balls and decorative figures. Such decorations allow even a simple toy to make bright and unusual.

Charms for slots (15 photos): What is it in slimes? How to make sharrities with your own hands? 26316_2

Charms for slots (15 photos): What is it in slimes? How to make sharrities with your own hands? 26316_3

What it is?

Charms for slots are different and attractive appearance. Make such small figures from polymer clay. They are environmentally harmless, and therefore it is quite suitable for decorating children's toys.

Charms for slots (15 photos): What is it in slimes? How to make sharrities with your own hands? 26316_4

Small chalms are pretty durable. Therefore, you can not be afraid to spoil the slide with such figures, playing with it.

What are there?

Charms for slides may vary by different parameters.

  • The size. To decorate slots, you can use both one large charm, and somewhat smaller. They will form the basis as a filler.

Charms for slots (15 photos): What is it in slimes? How to make sharrities with your own hands? 26316_5

  • Colors. Now there are a large number of various colors of such accessories. Therefore, it is possible to choose a suitable decor under any color gamut. The main thing is not to add charm the same color as the dye. After all, they will not be visible at all.

Charms for slots (15 photos): What is it in slimes? How to make sharrities with your own hands? 26316_6

  • The form. You can choose interesting charm for a slider made in any subject. For example, a bright summer toy can be decorated with colored fruit and berries. And the New Year's slim - miniature Christmas trees and snowflakes. It turns out a beautiful and original toy.

Charms for slots (15 photos): What is it in slimes? How to make sharrities with your own hands? 26316_7

Since charms for slides are quite inexpensive, planning to engage in the creation of such products at home, it is worth buying several different decorative trifles in advance for their decoration.

Charms for slots (15 photos): What is it in slimes? How to make sharrities with your own hands? 26316_8

How to make your own hands?

Original chalms for slots can also be made independently at home. To do this, you only need to buy high-quality polymer clay in a specialized store. The process of manufacturing a charm consists of several stages.

  • First of all, you need to decide on the sketch. From clay you can make both a small neat accessory and the original volume decoration consisting of several parts.

Charms for slots (15 photos): What is it in slimes? How to make sharrities with your own hands? 26316_9

  • Next, it is necessary to choose the appropriate color of clay and prepare the necessary materials. The polymer clay for chammas should be high quality. It is better to buy a product of proven manufacturers.

Charms for slots (15 photos): What is it in slimes? How to make sharrities with your own hands? 26316_10

  • By selecting the appropriate material, you need to prepare the surface for creativity. It should be smooth and smooth. To protect the future decoration from falling onto it dust or vile, it is necessary to work with clay in gloves.

Charms for slots (15 photos): What is it in slimes? How to make sharrities with your own hands? 26316_11

  • It is necessary to knead the clay until it becomes soft. After that, you can proceed to the formation of individual parts from it.

Charms for slots (15 photos): What is it in slimes? How to make sharrities with your own hands? 26316_12

  • When Charm is ready, it needs to bake. This will make the accessory durable and will allow you to safely use it when working with the slide. Bake products made of polymer clay can be in a conventional electrical or gas oven. Figures should be placed on a baking sheet, covered with foil and send to a well-hot oven for 10-15 minutes. The process of baking the product must be constantly monitored.

Charms for slots (15 photos): What is it in slimes? How to make sharrities with your own hands? 26316_13

After firing, Charm will become solid to the touch. If you do everything right, it will not lose his form over time. Ready decoration can be additionally decorated in different ways. The first thing charm should be covered with a special fixing varnish for polymer clay. Then it can be decorated with a layer of paint or sparkles.

Charms for slots (15 photos): What is it in slimes? How to make sharrities with your own hands? 26316_14

    Small chalms of different colors and sizes can be used to work with most slots. In the process of creating such toys, you need to focus only on your preferences and wishes. In this case, Handgam will succeed, indeed, unique.

    Charms for slots (15 photos): What is it in slimes? How to make sharrities with your own hands? 26316_15

    How to make a charm for a slide with your own hands, look in the video.

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