Thickener for slide: What can thicken slot at home? How to make an activator for slots? What are they?


The thickener for the slider is one of the main components used in creating a popular toy. The consistency of Lizun, as well as its durability, depends on the right choice of such an activator.

Thickener for slide: What can thicken slot at home? How to make an activator for slots? What are they? 26312_2

Thickener for slide: What can thicken slot at home? How to make an activator for slots? What are they? 26312_3

Thickener for slide: What can thicken slot at home? How to make an activator for slots? What are they? 26312_4

What is a thickener in the slide?

For the preparation of lysunov, two main components are used: thickener and base. Shopping slots are made from sodium tetraborate or guar gum. At home to give a toy of the desired consistency, remedies are commonly used.

The activator, which is added to the base of the slide, can be represented as a spray, powder or liquid gel. Each product type has its advantages and disadvantages. So, powders are the most affordable. Solutions can easily give the desired consistency even a very liquid slide, and sprays are most convenient to use.

The thickener in the mixture is usually added last. The amount of ingredient used depends on the size of the toy and the desired density.

Thickener for slide: What can thicken slot at home? How to make an activator for slots? What are they? 26312_5

Thickener for slide: What can thicken slot at home? How to make an activator for slots? What are they? 26312_6

Thickener for slide: What can thicken slot at home? How to make an activator for slots? What are they? 26312_7


The most popular thickeners for slides can be divided into several main categories.


Most often, saline thickeners are used for the manufacture of their toys. You can count on an excellent result. Such slimms are usually elastic, soft and serve quite a long time.

The most popular salt slider is sodium tetrabrate, known as a bora. It is sold in many pharmacies. Therefore, it is not difficult to get it.

Use this product is very neat. First of all, it is worth noting that sodium tetrabrate should not be overdue. The use of a poor-quality product can lead to the fact that the toy will constantly fall apart during the game. In the process of creating a slide, a solution with a tetraborate must be constantly stirred. In addition, to the toy with such a basis should not add too much sequins and plastic balls. This will lead to the fact that Lizun will be bad.

Toys with boric acid need to be used very neat. So, they should not be given to very little children.

Thickener for slide: What can thicken slot at home? How to make an activator for slots? What are they? 26312_8

Thickener for slide: What can thicken slot at home? How to make an activator for slots? What are they? 26312_9

In addition to this purchased drug, the following salt thickeners are also often used to create lysen:

  • solution for cleaning contact lenses;
  • high-quality eye drops;
  • Teimurova spray, which contains sodium tetrabota.

Using any of these products, it is worth remembering that they act very quickly. Therefore, add them neatly, following how the slot consistency changes.

Thickener for slide: What can thicken slot at home? How to make an activator for slots? What are they? 26312_10

Thickener for slide: What can thicken slot at home? How to make an activator for slots? What are they? 26312_11


This is another popular category of activators. A large plus of such products is that they are easy to find at home. Make a simple slide based on soap thickener, both an adult and a child.

  1. Soap. For the manufacture of soft and elastic toys, they use both liquid soap and solid. In the second case, the product is pre-rubbed on the grater, diluted with water and give it to be broken. As a result, the mixture is thick and reminiscent of the consistency liquid soap. When choosing a product, it is important to pay attention to its smell. For example, the household soap has a sharp unpleasant fragrance. Therefore, it must be interrupted by various flavors.
  2. Shower gel or shampoo. Such a product allows you to make slot more elastic and crispy. Playing with him becomes much more pleasant.
  3. Shaving foam. This product makes slims in bulk and air. As a rule, it is mixed with the adhesive basis. So that Lizun turns out to be beautiful and elastic, the foam in it must be administered carefully, in small quantities. When playing, it is worth considering that lysun, which is half consists of shaving foam, can leave fat traces on the surfaces. Therefore, you need to play with it carefully.
  4. Washing powder. For the manufacture of slots, it is best to choose powders intended for people with sensitive skin. In this case, after the game with a slide on the skin, no rash will not appear. To create a dense texture, the slide is worth using gel powders. You can buy them from many manufacturers. The main thing is that the selected product is not whitening. Otherwise, it will be too many synthetic substances harmful to the human body.

In the manufacture of slots, you can use the products of any brands.

Thickener for slide: What can thicken slot at home? How to make an activator for slots? What are they? 26312_12

Thickener for slide: What can thicken slot at home? How to make an activator for slots? What are they? 26312_13

Thickener for slide: What can thicken slot at home? How to make an activator for slots? What are they? 26312_14


To thicken the basis for the slide can also be using various sprays. Most often for this purpose take ordinary air fresheners. Verified option - Products from AIR WICK. To create a slide at home, you can use products with very different odors.

For lysunov with an adhesive basis, you can pick up a lacquer for hair styling. Perform preference is the products with a strong level of fixation. It is they who are able to make lysune dense and rather elastic.

Add sprays to such a mixture neatly. The prepared product is neatly sprayed from all sides, and then quickly kneaded with their hands. Lysunov prepared in this way well stretch and do not stick to the hands.

Use such products is best on the street or at least in a well-ventilated room, because they have a very sharp smell.

Thickener for slide: What can thicken slot at home? How to make an activator for slots? What are they? 26312_15

Thickener for slide: What can thicken slot at home? How to make an activator for slots? What are they? 26312_16

What can be replaced at home?

Chemical thickeners can be replaced by shirts. The slots made with such ingredients are obtained safer.


One of the most popular activators used at home is soda. It can be used both in a dry form and mixing the pre-water. The solution is prepared from soda and water mixed in a ratio of 1 to 3.

The slots with the addition of soda are obtained rather dense and reminded with their gum consistency.

Unfortunately, such toys do not differ in durability. But if you store a toy in a tightly closed container, you can significantly increase its service life.

Thickener for slide: What can thicken slot at home? How to make an activator for slots? What are they? 26312_17

Thickener for slide: What can thicken slot at home? How to make an activator for slots? What are they? 26312_18


Instead of chemical thickeners, slidesters often use ordinary gelatin. The product prepared with the addition of such a thickener is turned out to be non-toxic and completely safe for humans. The only minus of gelatin slides is their short-life.

Most often, powder gelatin is used to create slides. It is poured with water for an hour and give it to be broken. During this time, the product has time to swell well. After that it must be stirred and warm on slow fire. The mixture must be constantly stirring so that it does not stick and having burned. It is also impossible to bring to a boil. Before you begin making slots, the mixture must be cooled.

Most often gelatin is used to create slides from special plasticine. Finished toys are obtained elastic and volumetric.

Thickener for slide: What can thicken slot at home? How to make an activator for slots? What are they? 26312_19

Thickener for slide: What can thicken slot at home? How to make an activator for slots? What are they? 26312_20


This product is used to create slides not as often as others. Add it to the mixture is best in the form of powder. As a rule, such a thickener is mixed with liquid soap or shampoo. After that, the mixture is sent to the refrigerator for a couple of hours. During this time, sugar dissolves.

The big minus of this product is that the slims with sugar do not serve for a long time. When heated, they quickly melt, turning into a sweet and sticky alive.

If desired, sugar can also be used to create an edible slide. In this case, the sugar powder is mixed with migrated on the steam bath or in the microwave furnace Marshello. So called a special type of pasteil. The resulting mixture is soft and elastic. Instead of this ingredient, any jelly candy can also be used.

Play with such a mixture will not work for a long time. But the slide will be tasty and completely safe for health.

Thickener for slide: What can thicken slot at home? How to make an activator for slots? What are they? 26312_21

Thickener for slide: What can thicken slot at home? How to make an activator for slots? What are they? 26312_22

How to make your own hands?

It is possible to thicken slide at home very quickly. Most often for this use flour or starch. But it is necessary to work with such products very carefully. After all, if you add to the mixture too much dry starch or flour, leased though thickens, but it will be bad. Playing with him will not be so interesting.

Thickener for slide: What can thicken slot at home? How to make an activator for slots? What are they? 26312_23

Lizun from Starch

The recipe for the slide with starch is very simple. For the preparation of such a toy you will need the following components:

  • vegetable oil;
  • shampoo;
  • starch;
  • food coloring.

You can choose for slots any oil. Better if it is refined. Oil must be mixed with shampoo until a homogeneous state. After that, in the mixture it is necessary to dissolve the dye of the selected color. Next, the starch is added to this mass, which will be able to thicken it. The resulting slider must be well to stretch with your hands. It looks like a ready-made product very beautiful.

Thickener for slide: What can thicken slot at home? How to make an activator for slots? What are they? 26312_24

Thickener for slide: What can thicken slot at home? How to make an activator for slots? What are they? 26312_25

Slug from flour

As a rule, in the manufacture of lysuns from flour as the main component uses conventional PVA glue. A toy made on this simple recipe, stretches perfectly and even a little crust. To create it, you will need to prepare:

  • PVA glue - 60 ml;
  • Sodium tetrabrate - 5 drops;
  • flour - 15 g;
  • Water - 100 ml;
  • Shaving foam - 3 tablespoons;
  • Soda - 1 pinch.

This toy is done very simple. First of all, glue must be divorced in warm water. In a separate bowl, it is necessary to connect the flour and soda sifted through the sieve. Dry ingredients need to be carefully added to the adhesive basis. All this must be mixed well. After that, we need to enter a little shaving foam. Finally, a few drops of sodium tetraborate are added to the bowl.

Slime must be carefully mixed with hands. It will be elastic and similar to a shopping toy.

Thickener for slide: What can thicken slot at home? How to make an activator for slots? What are they? 26312_26

Thickener for slide: What can thicken slot at home? How to make an activator for slots? What are they? 26312_27

Simple thickener at home

Slimmers who make toys constantly can also prepare a thickener based on sodium tetraborate. Properly cooked product is stored in the refrigerator for several weeks without losing its properties.

To make such a product, a liter of warm water should be mixed with 100 ml of sodium tetraborate. The mixture must be closed with a lid and shake well.

This product is consumed not very quickly, because only a few teaspoons of the thickener usually take place for one slider.

Thickener for slide: What can thicken slot at home? How to make an activator for slots? What are they? 26312_28

Thickener for slide: What can thicken slot at home? How to make an activator for slots? What are they? 26312_29

Errors using

The main problem with which novice manufacturers of slots are faced - lysuins are too liquid and not thick. This can happen for the following reasons:

  • Using too much water;
  • non-compliance with proportions;
  • Selection of an overdue or spoiled product as an activator;
  • Adding to the mass of unsuitable glue.

You can correct such a problem in several ways.

  1. Remove the slide into the refrigerator. Very often, the slider must be standing for a while to "come into shape." Usually this moment is indicated in the recipe.
  2. TOOL TOOLS. Some slots need additional mechanical exposure. After a few minutes of the game, the liquid mass usually acquires the desired consistency.
  3. Add some more activator. It is necessary to do it very carefully, otherwise the slide will work too hard, and will rush into pieces during the game.

Thickener for slide: What can thicken slot at home? How to make an activator for slots? What are they? 26312_30

Thickener for slide: What can thicken slot at home? How to make an activator for slots? What are they? 26312_31

Many slidesmers face another problem. The product is not liquid, but, on the contrary, too dense. In order to correct the situation, you need to dilute the product by the ingredient, which was used as the basis for the preparation of the slide. It may be soap, shampoo or plow glue.

Help beginner creators of slides and other tips.

  1. If the toy is too sticky, you need to add a couple of drops of hydrogen peroxide into a thick mass. This product helps to correct the problem literally in a couple of minutes.
  2. So that the slide is well drawn, the basis in the process of preparation is worth adding two drops of vinegar. This option will be suitable if you do a good and elastic slide on the selected recipe from the first time it did not work.
  3. If the toy dries, even being in hermetic packaging, it must be sprayed with a light salt solution every time after use. This will help extend the service life of the slide.
  4. Lizun, which is torn during the game, you need to sprinkle glycerin. It is possible to use it in pure form. But soap is suitable with this component in the composition.

Making slots at home is an interesting and exciting process. Experimenting with various thickeners, you can learn how to do both light and air toys and more dense.

Thickener for slide: What can thicken slot at home? How to make an activator for slots? What are they? 26312_32

Thickener for slide: What can thicken slot at home? How to make an activator for slots? What are they? 26312_33

About how to thicken slot, look in the following video.

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