How to make slides from plasticine? From light (air) and ordinary? Recipe with soft plasticine balls without glue and others


The slider is an analogue of Lizun's friend from the young years. Children like to play with bright jelly-shaped balls, and adults love to arid in their hands as an anti-stress. The toy brings a lot of joy and very pleasant to the touch. The material has the properties of the Nengeton fluid - this means that, lying on the surface in a closer slot and spreads, and when you hit or cut compression, it becomes elastic like rubber.

How to make slides from plasticine? From light (air) and ordinary? Recipe with soft plasticine balls without glue and others 26304_2

Advantages and disadvantages

There are several types of products. Classic "liquid" in jars, viscous and jelly-like, "hard", more elastic and good stretching. There are soft butter-slims similar to the flowing marshmallow. Very beautiful glass, transparent masses made of special glue.

Flaffi, air and pleasant to the touch, funny when compressing, like a pouch film for packaging. Some species have a crust on the surface that it is so nice to break.

How to make slides from plasticine? From light (air) and ordinary? Recipe with soft plasticine balls without glue and others 26304_3

Computer holders are familiar with a phenomenon from the practical side: such masses collect dust very well, for example, if you need to clean the keyboard, not shooting in small cracks.

Pluses the pastime with the "slug" mass.

  1. Slum is fun. The most important quality for an entertainment accessory. In addition, a huge variety of colors and additives allows you to personalize lysus, as it wanted. They can add sparkles, small figures, rhinestones and pebbles. Playing with slim you can throw up, throwing into the wall, as many loved in childhood. Or simply thoughtfully knead the palm, rolling between your fingers.

  2. The slider helps us fight stress. Rubbing "Zhekheki", especially with splashes, soothes the nerves and develops a shallow motility of hands.

  3. From the point of view of hygiene is a safe fun. A high-quality thing leaves sticky tracks. To break or spoil the slide is pretty hard, it is created from eco-friendly non-toxic materials. To swallow or hurt the toy is also problematic.

  4. Finally, the slide develops a fantasy in a child. You can manifest creativity by connecting different types by creating forms by adding topping and decorations.

How to make slides from plasticine? From light (air) and ordinary? Recipe with soft plasticine balls without glue and others 26304_4

How to make slides from plasticine? From light (air) and ordinary? Recipe with soft plasticine balls without glue and others 26304_5

Of the minuses acquisition, pollutability can be noted. If you do not clean the slug, it quickly gains dust and becomes unsuitable. Pay attention to: Some substances can cause skin reactions in people who are prone to allergies. Many children toy bored in the first days. Fortunately, you can easily make a new, any color and texture, for example, make a slide of plasticine.

How to make slides from plasticine? From light (air) and ordinary? Recipe with soft plasticine balls without glue and others 26304_6

How to make from ordinary plasticine?

Usually use air plasticine. It is easy to buy in any store for needlework or in the Children's Department. You can find a special air plasticine with small balls inside.

Wax and floral material is suitable. They are soft and elastic. But you can make the slide from simple plasticine, habitual since the kindergarten. The solid will turn out long-playing and elastic toys. True, and it will be a little more with him.

How to make slides from plasticine? From light (air) and ordinary? Recipe with soft plasticine balls without glue and others 26304_7

How to make slides from plasticine? From light (air) and ordinary? Recipe with soft plasticine balls without glue and others 26304_8

The kneading of the bars is necessary for a long time, you can use hot water to achieve the desired consistency. Depending on the foundation selected, the result will certainly differ.

To turn a set for modeling in lizen, plasticine soften and add more ingredients to save elasticity. Most often apply shampoo, shaving foam, glue, food soda, table salt.

Store ready slim you need in a jar with a lid or a film without air access so that it does not dry and harde.

How to make slides from plasticine? From light (air) and ordinary? Recipe with soft plasticine balls without glue and others 26304_9

How to make slides from plasticine? From light (air) and ordinary? Recipe with soft plasticine balls without glue and others 26304_10

Lightweight Recipes

We give a few simple ways to quickly prepare lysuine at home. The ingredients are easily accessible, most of them are in stock from each mistress, and the missing are sold literally everywhere. The main thing is that you need to remember if you want to get a good slider, it is mixing!

And if the result was not sufficiently soft, or elastic, or contaminated, it is easy to remake, good, all components at hand.

How to make slides from plasticine? From light (air) and ordinary? Recipe with soft plasticine balls without glue and others 26304_11

It is possible to decorate ready-made lysuns with sparkles - they are especially impressive in transparent, like glass, options. The tender flapfough or butter-slims are also popular, which add a completely small glitter and pearl dye. They look like liquid metal and shine long, until they contaminate.

How to make slides from plasticine? From light (air) and ordinary? Recipe with soft plasticine balls without glue and others 26304_12

With gelatin

It is better to use air plasticine, it is easier to soften. Pre-pour 20 g gelatin with cold water with a volume of 150 ml. To measure it easier, pay attention to the weight of the bag: you can use, for example, 2 pieces of 10 grams. We have half an hour while powder swells. At this time, carefully smear and tear on the pieces of plasticine bar. You can add a slightly hot water to simplify the task. It is necessary to achieve homogeneity of the mass. When the gelatin sweeps, put a saucepan on a quiet fire and remove immediately how the liquid starts to boil. We cool up to a comfortable temperature, connect the components and mix again. Before playing with Lizun, leave in the refrigerator for 40 minutes. Do not forget to cover!

How to make slides from plasticine? From light (air) and ordinary? Recipe with soft plasticine balls without glue and others 26304_13

How to make slides from plasticine? From light (air) and ordinary? Recipe with soft plasticine balls without glue and others 26304_14

With soda

We will need the most ordinary plasticine - two pieces, PVA glue and food soda. Especially beautiful toys are obtained from rainbow plasticine, bright and fun.

As an activator, sodium tetraborate is usually used, it is sold in pharmacies. If you tuned to fun, but there is no substance at hand, look for Naphtizin's houses.

How to make slides from plasticine? From light (air) and ordinary? Recipe with soft plasticine balls without glue and others 26304_15

How to make slides from plasticine? From light (air) and ordinary? Recipe with soft plasticine balls without glue and others 26304_16

Grinding and spinning plasticine, add 50 milliliters of glue to it. Mixing well, sprinkled with soda (on the eye, teaspoon usually enough) and pour 3-4 drops of "naphtizin". Dindle Lizuun until it starts to dig from the hands, and have fun!

If you want to change the consistency to the more elastic, simply add soda and stir until you are satisfied with the result.

How to make slides from plasticine? From light (air) and ordinary? Recipe with soft plasticine balls without glue and others 26304_17

With Stachmal

The easiest, but also the most disadvantaged recipe. Suitable for those who want to quickly and just try what is slim.

We will need only 2 ingredients: potato or corn starch and shower gel from the bathroom.

How to make slides from plasticine? From light (air) and ordinary? Recipe with soft plasticine balls without glue and others 26304_18

In equal proportions, mix both even the lumps and bubbles will disappear. To begin with, it is better to limit the third cups so as not to get tired to mix. The finished mass is stored in a hermetic smooth jar or bowl with a lid.

How to make slides from plasticine? From light (air) and ordinary? Recipe with soft plasticine balls without glue and others 26304_19

With shaving shampoo and shaving foam

Prepare in advance all components. This is shampoo, shaving foam and air plasticine.

Packing plasticine is mixed and moving to soft, then in a slightly introduction shampoo until we achieve the desired consistency. Now pshichy a razor foam, little by little, at a time, warm up and watching elasticity. If the lysun began to rush, drip still shampoo.

How to make slides from plasticine? From light (air) and ordinary? Recipe with soft plasticine balls without glue and others 26304_20

When the mass becomes homogeneous and elastic, we lower the lump in a deep bowl with warm water and continue to mive. When you are satisfied with the softness of the slide, take it out of the water and use it!

With liquid for lenses

Suitable to people who have this ingredient at home. Fuely to plasticine, soda and plow glue. Two teaspoons of sodium bicarbonate dissolve in water, pouring a half-table. As always, we begin with the preparation of plasticine, gradually adding glue. There will be enough small tube 40 milliliters. When the smooth substance is obtained, add a couple of tea spoons for lenses and as much soda solution. Massone until the mass thickens.

How to make slides from plasticine? From light (air) and ordinary? Recipe with soft plasticine balls without glue and others 26304_21

How to make slides from plasticine? From light (air) and ordinary? Recipe with soft plasticine balls without glue and others 26304_22


If you have tried all simple recipes, then pay attention to the unusual ingredients for the preparation of lysunov.

Harmless and therefore suitable even with small kids will require a liquid soap from us, toothpaste and ordinary flour. Equal parts of paste and liquid soap mix in a deep bowl, if desired, you can add a food dye. You can also give color by blowing out the paint from the rod of the marker or marker. Gradually spare flour, constantly stirring.

How to make slides from plasticine? From light (air) and ordinary? Recipe with soft plasticine balls without glue and others 26304_23

An ordinary chewing gum can be a "hand feedback". To do this, one package is heated by water, which then need to merge. Warm plates are mixed, you can give the color of acrylic paint. Add the softened plasticine, controlling the consistency and elasticity until you get the desired result. Lizun from the chewing will be elastic and odorless.

With the help of coconut oil, you can get very fragrant and smooth slim. To do this, 80 ml of PVA glue, a spoonful of oil and 2 times the solution of the sodium tetraborate are added to the plasticine.

How to make slides from plasticine? From light (air) and ordinary? Recipe with soft plasticine balls without glue and others 26304_24

How to make slides from plasticine? From light (air) and ordinary? Recipe with soft plasticine balls without glue and others 26304_25

Hydrogen peroxide, mixed with twice as large amounts of shampoo, will become a great base for toys. Whip liquids until thick foam is formed. Leave it in the freezer for a few minutes. Interfere in the resulting substance flour until the consistency becomes similar to the dough. Even if she is a little lipot, nothing terrible, in a closed container, hold the mixture in the refrigerator for at least a day. The next day, lubricate your hands with vegetable oil and fright soft slim. If the pull is still slightly sticks, add oils until you are satisfied.

How to make slides from plasticine? From light (air) and ordinary? Recipe with soft plasticine balls without glue and others 26304_26

Incredibly beautiful completely transparent lysuins. In order to achieve such an effect, we need stationery glue without color and air freshener. Pour glue into a jar and gradually spray the cylinder right inside. Mix until the substance does not look like jelly. Such slimmes are very well drawn, literally turning into a thin film. You can make a pet color or add a filler. If air bubbles appeared in the mass, it can become turbid. Hermetically close the jar and wait, the air will be released. Although some like the crisp sound, which publish these bubbles when playing.

How to make slides from plasticine? From light (air) and ordinary? Recipe with soft plasticine balls without glue and others 26304_27

Instead of air freshener, Teimurova's foot spray will come down. Add an equal part of the water to the glue and make as many PSHICS of the drug how much will need for the thickening.

If you like flowable, and not elastic slips, mix the half-table of transparent glue with two spoons of water, prepare a solution of boric acid (tablespoon) and 200 ml of hot water. Introduce the solution in glue little by achieving the same consistency. At first, the mass will be muddy and whiten. Leave it in a closed container for a day to make absolutely crystal clear.

You can make the basis for the slide yourself, if there is no glue or do not want to use it. Sachet bag must be poured with warm water, let you swell. Melt the mixture on a water bath, not allowing boiling. After the brew is cool, pour half a teaspoon of glycerin and vinegar.

How to make slides from plasticine? From light (air) and ordinary? Recipe with soft plasticine balls without glue and others 26304_28

How to make slides from plasticine? From light (air) and ordinary? Recipe with soft plasticine balls without glue and others 26304_29

If you add a pair of pinch of magnetic chips to any of the recipes, the slug will attract iron. For the "absorption" of iron figures quite fascinatingly observed. Mass as if crawling to his goal, enveloping it entirely.

Another kind of slide is iceberg. So it was nicknamed for the ability to form a thin crispy crust. A jar of stationery glue mixed with 3 spoons for shaving foam, activate a solution of boric acid or gel for washing "Persil", add filler or paint as desired. The resulting mass is shifted in a jar and do not close. It will dry from above and forms the cover, which is so nice to smash with a light crunch. On peace as well as the rest of the species, lay lysuine into the container with a lid.

How to make slides from plasticine? From light (air) and ordinary? Recipe with soft plasticine balls without glue and others 26304_30

How to make lysun from balls?

Slops from balls are tremendous. They look unusual, and to mive them - one pleasure. You can produce polystyrene foam balls in the construction market. Usually they are used to fill furniture, chairs or pillows.

For the manufacture we will need:

  • glue;

  • liquid starch;

  • balls themselves;

  • Dye at will.

How to make slides from plasticine? From light (air) and ordinary? Recipe with soft plasticine balls without glue and others 26304_31

How to make slides from plasticine? From light (air) and ordinary? Recipe with soft plasticine balls without glue and others 26304_32

So that the texture and form are clearly visible, we advise you to purchase a transparent stationery glue. Liquid starch is sold in economic departments, with its acquisition, too, there should also be problems. For safety reasons, the dye is better to use confectionery, liquid and non-toxic.

The glue is mixed with the dye and the same amount of liquid starch.

How to make slides from plasticine? From light (air) and ordinary? Recipe with soft plasticine balls without glue and others 26304_33

Switch until the pull will stop sticking to the hands. You can add some more starch, but if you overdo it, you will have to start first, because Lizun hardens.

Then add balls. Put them until all the slot is full of small details.

Instead of polystyrene foam balls, foam balls can be used. They are much softer, and you can get them by recking the packaging from home appliances. Beads, large beads or minor figures are suitable.

How to make slides from plasticine? From light (air) and ordinary? Recipe with soft plasticine balls without glue and others 26304_34

If you want to make making with a child, take a look at the recipes without glue. For children to work with him may not be easy. For example, such an option: air plasticine interspersed with dishwasher or shampoo. Fullack of shampoo, heated on slow heat with a pair of salt spoons, also give a good result, though, short-lived. Each time the ball will calm, this slide is cleaned into the fridge for a couple of hours.

How to make slides from plasticine? From light (air) and ordinary? Recipe with soft plasticine balls without glue and others 26304_35

With your own hands, you can make not only the usual slim, but also an interesting craft-antistress, which can be worn with you. For this, the liquid mass with a syringe inject into a small balloon, tightenfully tie. Inside, at will, you can put on the figures, and the outside to tie the grid outside, for example, from tights. Then, when squeezed, there will be a funny effect of swelling cells.

How to make slides from plasticine? From light (air) and ordinary? Recipe with soft plasticine balls without glue and others 26304_36

How to make slides from plasticine? From light (air) and ordinary? Recipe with soft plasticine balls without glue and others 26304_37

Useful advice

Prepare all the ingredients of the selected recipe in advance! Some of them can hardly harm while you are looking for the next.

Mix the parts of the composition specifically in the order that is specified in the recipe.

Keep ready-made lysuine in a sealed tank. It can be a package with a clasp, a household container with a lid or a jar. Different types of slots are stored for different time. Usually - from week to month. Appearance and feeling on palm will tell you when it's time to make the manufacture of new.

How to make slides from plasticine? From light (air) and ordinary? Recipe with soft plasticine balls without glue and others 26304_38

Dried pull can be revived by holding under warm water. If it does not help, try mixing it with shampoo or gel for the shower. Depending on which basis you used first, the intensive care can be a toothpaste, butter or hand cream.

It is not quite a stone to soften, but the slim is lost elasticity can be, leaving for several hours in the tank with a rinse rinse. Thick toys that stopped stretching, it is useful for 10-20 seconds to warm in a microwave oven at low power. Transparent lysons react well to soaking in glycerin. It will not spoil the appearance and will not give out a stranger. The same effect has ordinary citric acid. For such ability it is used to prepare shugaring paste from sugar. Be careful with it - even a small amount, in the lysuer with a fist size, is enough for softening.

How to make slides from plasticine? From light (air) and ordinary? Recipe with soft plasticine balls without glue and others 26304_39

It happens that pets, on the contrary, has become too liquid. Place it in a container with a large salt and shake a couple of times. Crupinki absorb unnecessary moisture. Dead lysuine, and leave alone for a couple of hours.

If you want to change the smell of toys, just drip in a mixture of a bit of essential oil.

Wash the product under warm water. Avoid getting on the surface of hair and dust, keep only in a closed capacity: frequent swimming for lysunov is harmful. Besides, Pollution can turn into mold, and with a jelly-like friend will have to part.

How to make slides from plasticine? From light (air) and ordinary? Recipe with soft plasticine balls without glue and others 26304_40

If you need to wash not a toy, but, on the contrary, linse the spot from the dried slide on the fabric, place it in the freezer, then simply slip the solidified residues. From furniture to withdraw such pollution, softening with boiling water and cleaning the rigid brush.

Keep lysoune away from direct sunlight. Under the influence of ultraviolet, he will lose color and can melt.

Praying, send slot to storage in the container where the floor is completely slightly salted water. Literally on the donkey banks. So the pet serves longer.

How to make slides from plasticine, look in the video.

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