Phlafi slim (33 photos): how to make a recipe air slim at home? What it is? Slum without glue and shaving foam with their own hands


Phlafi slims with an unusual texture are popular among children, and among adults. Soft and elastic lysons are sold in many stores. But it is much more interesting to make such a craft with your own hands.

Phlafi slim (33 photos): how to make a recipe air slim at home? What it is? Slum without glue and shaving foam with their own hands 26294_2

Phlafi slim (33 photos): how to make a recipe air slim at home? What it is? Slum without glue and shaving foam with their own hands 26294_3

What it is?

Bright phlasty slims are characterized by softness and elasticity. They stretch well and easily return their original shape. Play with such slim is very nice. Air lysons perfectly help to cope with stress. This is exactly what makes them so popular. Phlafi slims can be given to a child older than 4 years old.


Air slots are made from a wide variety of components. Therefore, each slider may choose the appropriate option.

Phlafi slim (33 photos): how to make a recipe air slim at home? What it is? Slum without glue and shaving foam with their own hands 26294_4

Without glue

Soft slim without using glue is very simple. It will take only a few ingredients for its creation:

  • Shampoo - 60 ml;
  • Shaving foam - 1 jar;
  • salt.

The process of creating this toy consists of the following steps.

  • To start in a large capacity you need to mix shampoo and foam. It is better to use products with neutral aroma.
  • Mass need to be thoroughly stirred. The mass is homogeneous.
  • Next to this mixture it is necessary to add salt.
  • After that, we need to mix the second time. The resulting product is sent to the refrigerator for 3-4 minutes. This is done to thicken the mixture.
  • After a couple of minutes, the product needs to get out of the refrigerator and once again.

You can play with lysun immediately after its manufacture.

Phlafi slim (33 photos): how to make a recipe air slim at home? What it is? Slum without glue and shaving foam with their own hands 26294_5

Phlafi slim (33 photos): how to make a recipe air slim at home? What it is? Slum without glue and shaving foam with their own hands 26294_6

Without shaving foam

A popular product for creating bulk slots can be easily replaced by other ingredients capable of giving a toy airiness. For the manufacture of phlaffic sleems used:

  • Bath foam - 120 grams;
  • Transparent liquid for lenses - 40 ml;
  • Liquid glue - 90 ml;
  • Food soda - 5-10 grams;
  • Water and paint.

Phlafi slim (33 photos): how to make a recipe air slim at home? What it is? Slum without glue and shaving foam with their own hands 26294_7

Phlafi slim (33 photos): how to make a recipe air slim at home? What it is? Slum without glue and shaving foam with their own hands 26294_8

The last ingredient is added to the mixture at will. The color of the finished phlaffic slider can be any. The phased process of creating a toy consists of the following stages.

  • The first thing in the bowl needs to mix foam and warm water. The mixture should not be very liquid. For whipping foam it is worth using a soft foam sponge.
  • In a ready-made mixture, you must enter glue and color paint. Both ingredients must be high quality. This toy can be calmly giving a small child.
  • The resulting mass must be mixed. Bright slide can be both monophonic and multicolored.
  • Next to the container is added a small amount of soda and liquid for lenses. The contents of the bowl is mixed.

It must be taken from the bowl and spread with your hands. If the lysun is still lipping to the skin, they must be mixed with a solution for lenses. Ready slim will turn out to be air and will not rush in the game.

Phlafi slim (33 photos): how to make a recipe air slim at home? What it is? Slum without glue and shaving foam with their own hands 26294_9

No sodium tetraborate

Boric acid is the most popular thickener used by slimmers. However, it can be replaced by other ingredients. The slider is obtained lush and without pharmacy thickener. To create it, you need to prepare the following ingredients:

  • Quality glue - 90 ml;
  • shaving foam;
  • fragrant soap;
  • water;
  • Paint of any color.

Phlafi slim (33 photos): how to make a recipe air slim at home? What it is? Slum without glue and shaving foam with their own hands 26294_10

Phlafi slim (33 photos): how to make a recipe air slim at home? What it is? Slum without glue and shaving foam with their own hands 26294_11

After that, you can proceed to the creation of the phlaffic slide.

  • In a clean bowl, it is necessary to pour all the glue from the bottle. Next it needs to be slightly stirred. This is done in order to remove all lumps and make a lot of more homogeneous.
  • Next, in a bowl with glue, you need to pour the water with a thin jet.
  • After in the container with the prepared ingredients, you need to add a dye of suitable color.
  • To the slide turns out to be volumetric, you need to add a shaving foam into a bowl.
  • Next, the mixture is neatly mixed.
  • In a thick foundation, a washbasin is introduced. It is best to use a gel from a proven brand. Add this fragrant product is needed slow and neat movements.
  • Ready slim get from the bowl.
  • Crafts are warm in hand for 2-3 minutes.

Slume should be moved to the bag with a clasp. He must be stored there.

Phlafi slim (33 photos): how to make a recipe air slim at home? What it is? Slum without glue and shaving foam with their own hands 26294_12

Mask film

The glossy mask film is a popular cosmetic tool from which beautiful glossy sliles make. This product is replaced with glue in the mixture. In addition, it smells very pleasant. To create a flash slider, in addition to the film mask, a very simple set of components are used:

  • fragrant foam - 2 tablespoons;
  • Soap or gel - 1 spoon;
  • Toothpaste - 1 spoon;
  • A clear solution for lenses - 1 spoon;
  • Soda - 2 teaspoons;
  • Warm water;
  • Liquid dye.

Phlafi slim (33 photos): how to make a recipe air slim at home? What it is? Slum without glue and shaving foam with their own hands 26294_13

Phlafi slim (33 photos): how to make a recipe air slim at home? What it is? Slum without glue and shaving foam with their own hands 26294_14

The process of creating this simple toy consists of the following steps.

  • The film mask must be squeezed into a deep plate. You need to add high-quality dye suitable color.
  • In a separate bowl you need to pour warm water, liquid soap and foam. This mixture should be supplemented with a small amount of toothpaste. It can be both monophonic and color.
  • All these ingredients need to beat well. Mass should turn out volumetric.
  • This mixture must be combined in a big bowl.
  • After that, in the container you need to enter a solution bought in the pharmacy for lenses.
  • Next, it is necessary to add a pinch of food soda. Slime is stirred for 2-3 minutes. If it is not thick enough, it is necessary to add some more solution for lenses.

The resulting toy should be removed from the bowl and spinning slightly.

Phlafi slim (33 photos): how to make a recipe air slim at home? What it is? Slum without glue and shaving foam with their own hands 26294_15

From plasticine

The process of creating an air slide from lightweight plasticine is passive to both adults and children. For its manufacture, you will need a simple set of ingredients:

  • Shampoo - 1 spoon;
  • Shaving foam - 110 grams;
  • Starch - 1 spoon;
  • Plasticine - 1 bar.

The process of creating an antistress toy consists of several simple stages.

  • To begin with, deep tank need to pour the desired amount of the foam.
  • Plasticine bar must be divided into the same parts and add to the bowl.
  • Soft material must be carefully understood. The colored mixture will be volumetric and velvet resembling its texture.
  • After that, you need to add a tablespoon of shampoo in a bowl. All this needs to mix well.
  • You need to add starch to the finished mixture.

Elastic mass must be taken from the bowl and well to smoke. Some slides to make the toy more brighter, also add food dye there.

Phlafi slim (33 photos): how to make a recipe air slim at home? What it is? Slum without glue and shaving foam with their own hands 26294_16

Phlafi slim (33 photos): how to make a recipe air slim at home? What it is? Slum without glue and shaving foam with their own hands 26294_17

Without thickener

The slide that is being done without adding thickeners is not only easy to manufacture, but also absolutely safe for child health. All you need to create it - starch, shampoo and some free time.

  • In a bowl you need to pour 2-3 tablespoons of shampoo.
  • To make slides bright, in this stage, coloring material is added.
  • Then, in a bowl with a prepared mass, you need to add a little dry starch. Do not replace it with flour. It will only spoil the toy.
  • In the process of adding starch mass you need to constantly stir. The thick slim is kneading in their hands for a couple of minutes. During this time, the toy becomes soft enough.

It should be borne in mind that such a slide is stored quite short. Already after 4-5 days, the old toy will have to replace the new one.

Phlafi slim (33 photos): how to make a recipe air slim at home? What it is? Slum without glue and shaving foam with their own hands 26294_18

Phlafi slim (33 photos): how to make a recipe air slim at home? What it is? Slum without glue and shaving foam with their own hands 26294_19

How to cook?

Deciding to make a phlaffic slider with your own hands, it is worth paying attention to those crafts that are most bright and unusual.

Rainbow slot

Bright rainbow slims like both babies and schoolchildren. Creating such a toy takes a lot of time. But the result is definitely worth it. For its manufacture, the child will need:

  • Shaving foam - 700 ml;
  • Multicolored food dyes;
  • glue - 350 ml;
  • boric acid.

Phlafi slim (33 photos): how to make a recipe air slim at home? What it is? Slum without glue and shaving foam with their own hands 26294_20

Phlafi slim (33 photos): how to make a recipe air slim at home? What it is? Slum without glue and shaving foam with their own hands 26294_21

The paper will also use wooden sticks for kneading colored mass and 7 small tanks. The process of creating the slide consists of the following steps.

  • In each container, add 100 ml of shaving foam and 50 ml of glue. They need to be mixed until the mass becomes homogeneous.
  • Next to each plate need to add a few drops of dye.
  • The contents of all bowls must be mixed to a homogeneous state.
  • After that, the resulting mixture should be thicken, adding several boric acid droplets into it.
  • Each slider must be taken out of the container and stretch in the hands.

Multicolored blanks must be combined with each other. You can play with a bright rainbow lysun for a long time.

Phlafi slim (33 photos): how to make a recipe air slim at home? What it is? Slum without glue and shaving foam with their own hands 26294_22

With color figures and sparkles

To create elastic anti-stress-toys with sparkles, the following components use slides:

  • Easy shaving foam - 300 ml;
  • glue - 90 ml;
  • Water - 120 ml;
  • Boric acid - 1 teaspoon;
  • solution for contact lenses;
  • Colored balls and small sparkles.

Phlafi slim (33 photos): how to make a recipe air slim at home? What it is? Slum without glue and shaving foam with their own hands 26294_23

Phlafi slim (33 photos): how to make a recipe air slim at home? What it is? Slum without glue and shaving foam with their own hands 26294_24

Made such slot is very simple.

  • For a start in a bowl you need to add boric acid and mortar. There it is necessary to pour half the warm water.
  • In another large capacitance, glue should also be mixed with water. After mixing, the mass will become smooth and brilliant.
  • Next, the contents of two bowls must be accurately mixed.
  • There you need to add a shave foam.
  • Mixing the resulting mass, you can fall asleep colored balls and sparkles.

Ready slim can be used for games long enough. It looks beautiful and unusual.

Phlafi slim (33 photos): how to make a recipe air slim at home? What it is? Slum without glue and shaving foam with their own hands 26294_25

Glowing Flafphy Slym

Like a child and phlaffic slim that can glow in the dark. To create it at home, simple and affordable ingredients are used:

  • Toothpaste - 2 spoons;
  • baby oil - 1 spoon;
  • Fluorescent dye.

This soft and beautiful slim is done very easily.

  • To begin with a blank bowl, you need to squeeze 2 spoons of toothpaste. It must be accurately stirred by a wooden spoon or a skewer.
  • Next, the mass must be heated. This is done so that the dental paste is excessive fluid. A bowl can be sent to the microwave or warm up in a water bath.
  • When the mass is ready, it is necessary to add some fluorescent paint into the container. The contents of the bowl must be thoroughly stirred.
  • Next, the hands are worth lubricating a small amount of baby oil. The slide must be neatly squeezed in the palms. This is done in order to soften it.

Do not replace the baby oil vegetable. In this case, the slide can be a medium for the development of mold.

Phlafi slim (33 photos): how to make a recipe air slim at home? What it is? Slum without glue and shaving foam with their own hands 26294_26

Phlafi slim (33 photos): how to make a recipe air slim at home? What it is? Slum without glue and shaving foam with their own hands 26294_27

How to store?

If you do not monitor the state of the slide, over time it will decrease in size and will lose its attractiveness. You can save the toy made with your own hands, adhering to simple rules.

  • Store slide best in a sealed container. It can be bought in the usual supermarket. The air should not penetrate the capacitance. This may lead to the fact that the toy dries very quickly.
  • Do not leave a toy indoors with high temperatures. This will lead to the fact that the slide will become sticky. The optimal temperature for storing the toy is 3-9 degrees above zero.
  • Phlaffy slims very quickly absorb sand, dirt, dust and wool. Noticing on the surface of the toy pollution, it should be cleaned immediately. To do this, the slide must be placed in a bowl with water for three minutes. Wash under running water is not recommended. Keep the slide should naturally. Wipe it with napkins or dry the hairdryer is not worth it.
  • Before playing with slim hands, you need to wash thoroughly.
  • The slider must be protected from strong blows. Mechanical damage can harm the toy.
  • In order for the phlaffic slim to be soft and elastic, you need to play regularly with it. Otherwise, the toy can decrease in size and even snack.

Phlafi slim (33 photos): how to make a recipe air slim at home? What it is? Slum without glue and shaving foam with their own hands 26294_28

Phlafi slim (33 photos): how to make a recipe air slim at home? What it is? Slum without glue and shaving foam with their own hands 26294_29

If the toy has lost attractiveness and elasticity, you can try to restore it. For each problem in this case there will be your solution.

  • Wattime. Remove the excess moisture will help the usual salt. To return toy elasticity and elasticity, it must be placed in the container and sprinkle with a large grinding salt. Next, the container must be shaken, but to make the toy from the grains of salt. After such processing, Lisun cannot be used for 1-2 days.
  • Density. The slide, with which he often and for a long time is played, can hardly harden over time. If it happened, it should be sprinkled with a small amount of warm water and also put into the container. After 3-4 hours, the toy can be taken from the tank. Store it after such processing is best in the refrigerator.
  • Stuffiness. If the toy has become sticky and unpleasant to the touch, it can also be sacrificed. To do this, the slide must be sprinkled with several drops of thickener. After that, it must be placed in the refrigerator for a couple of hours.
  • Neelasticity. Over time, fluffy slot can start rushing during stretching. This is due to the fact that the toy dries. To lead to it can be too frequent. In order to return the slide elasticity, it needs to be arched with hands, lubricated cream or glycerin.

If the slider fails to "reanimate", it is worth throwing it. The process of creating a new toy takes just a couple of minutes.

Phlafi slim (33 photos): how to make a recipe air slim at home? What it is? Slum without glue and shaving foam with their own hands 26294_30

Phlafi slim (33 photos): how to make a recipe air slim at home? What it is? Slum without glue and shaving foam with their own hands 26294_31

Useful advice

Those who are only learning to create slides of the house will help simple tips from experienced people.

  • Silicate glue or PVA glue for slides must be high-quality and unclean.
  • You should not add too much activator. It must be done gradually. The mixture must be constantly mixed.
  • When working with the sodium tetrabrator, it is worth using disposable gloves. This will help protect your hands from the effects of a harmful substance.
  • A small child should not engage in the creation of slots without supervision of parents.

Homemade phlaffic slims are not less high-quality than purchased toys. If you follow all the rules and store the air "cloud" in the appropriate conditions, the craft will serve its owners long enough.

Phlafi slim (33 photos): how to make a recipe air slim at home? What it is? Slum without glue and shaving foam with their own hands 26294_32

Phlafi slim (33 photos): how to make a recipe air slim at home? What it is? Slum without glue and shaving foam with their own hands 26294_33

About how to make a phlaffic slim from ordinary plasticine, see the next video.

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