Guitars size 3/4: Classic and electric guitars. What does it mean? Dimensions in see For what age are three-quarters guitar?


The choice of tools is the most important stage on the Musician path. When newcomers come to the store, they often lose not only in firms and prices, but also in size. It is especially not clear what kind of size 3/4 and to whom it will suit.

Guitars size 3/4: Classic and electric guitars. What does it mean? Dimensions in see For what age are three-quarters guitar? 26253_2

Guitars size 3/4: Classic and electric guitars. What does it mean? Dimensions in see For what age are three-quarters guitar? 26253_3

What it is?

In addition to strings, hulls and manufacturer materials, the guitars differ from each other. The tool length is taken in inches, however, data will be given in centimeters. The full length of the guitar (from the beginning of the housing to the end of the grid) is considered only in traditional 4/4. The length of the other tools includes Menzura - length from the start of the tension of the strings to the rings.

Guitar 3/4 is a reduced copy of an ordinary 900 cm long guitar. This tool is for the most part for children of age for 8-10 years.

This does not mean that it is not suitable for adults, just people with an increase of 140-150 cm will be much more convenient to use it than any other.

Guitars size 3/4: Classic and electric guitars. What does it mean? Dimensions in see For what age are three-quarters guitar? 26253_4

Guitars size 3/4: Classic and electric guitars. What does it mean? Dimensions in see For what age are three-quarters guitar? 26253_5

In addition to the dimensions of the instrument, the choice makes a lot of brands. Everyone knows that each manufacturer has both strengths and weaknesses.

Popular manufacturers include Valencia. This is a Melbourne brand specializing in the release of classic and electroacoustic guitars. The biggest plus of this company is to maintain quality at a relatively low price. The cheapness is achieved by assembling instruments in China and Indonesia. The most famous 3/4 guitars are Valencia-104 and Valencia-204.

Guitars size 3/4: Classic and electric guitars. What does it mean? Dimensions in see For what age are three-quarters guitar? 26253_6

Guitars size 3/4: Classic and electric guitars. What does it mean? Dimensions in see For what age are three-quarters guitar? 26253_7

No less well-known brand in the market - Barcelona. The classic guitars of this company belong to the category of budget.

The tools of this manufacturer are perfect for beginners, as they have a wide neck and nylon strings. Thanks to this, clamping the frets is becoming much easier. Most often in stores there is a Barcelona-CG11 series.

Guitars size 3/4: Classic and electric guitars. What does it mean? Dimensions in see For what age are three-quarters guitar? 26253_8

At the production of 3/4 electric guitar, Stagg specializes. The guitars of this brand are easily adjusted, the strings are located low to the vulture, which will not require serious effort during the game. Also, they are easy to configure, and the design adds comfort when used. More popular among the other guitar Stagg S300.

Guitars size 3/4: Classic and electric guitars. What does it mean? Dimensions in see For what age are three-quarters guitar? 26253_9

Guitars size 3/4: Classic and electric guitars. What does it mean? Dimensions in see For what age are three-quarters guitar? 26253_10

Three-quarter tools are most often budgetary, as they are mainly designed for children and adolescents who only learn, and not on professionals - they do not need additional options.

Tips for choosing

We describe what you should pay attention to when choosing a 3/4 guitar.


Tools of this size are perfect for children up to 10 years. However, the rapid growth of children should be taken into account. Perhaps it is better to take the guitar "on the grow out", so to speak. For example, the 7/8 sample is between traditional and 3/4.

The reduced tool is perfectly suitable for miniature teenagers up to 16 years.

Guitars size 3/4: Classic and electric guitars. What does it mean? Dimensions in see For what age are three-quarters guitar? 26253_11

Guitars size 3/4: Classic and electric guitars. What does it mean? Dimensions in see For what age are three-quarters guitar? 26253_12


In addition to age, it is worth considering the growth of a novice musician. Tool 3/4 is convenient to use low people.

Guitars size 3/4: Classic and electric guitars. What does it mean? Dimensions in see For what age are three-quarters guitar? 26253_13

Guitars size 3/4: Classic and electric guitars. What does it mean? Dimensions in see For what age are three-quarters guitar? 26253_14

Length fingers

Another important criterion capable of affecting the choice of tools is the length of the fingers. People with long fingers is unlikely to be conveniently clamping the frets on the guitar 3/4.

This tool is more suitable for those who have short fingers and a small palm.

Guitars size 3/4: Classic and electric guitars. What does it mean? Dimensions in see For what age are three-quarters guitar? 26253_15


You do not need to choose the tool exclusively. Coming to the store, it is better not to hurry, but to hold the guitar in the hands of different sizes. There is a definite "magic" in music, when there is a special connection between the tool and the musician. Therefore, it is worth relying not only on the parameters, but also on the sensation when playing the guitar.

Guitars size 3/4: Classic and electric guitars. What does it mean? Dimensions in see For what age are three-quarters guitar? 26253_16

Guitars size 3/4: Classic and electric guitars. What does it mean? Dimensions in see For what age are three-quarters guitar? 26253_17


Guitar 3/4 refer to the category of budget. This is an excellent option for beginners. However, it may later be necessary to change the tool to better, because more simple materials are used to produce budget guips.

They adversely affect the sound - not so much so that the newcomer noticed, but for professional musicians the difference is noticeable.

Guitars size 3/4: Classic and electric guitars. What does it mean? Dimensions in see For what age are three-quarters guitar? 26253_18


The smaller tool is always more convenient to carry with you. Size 3/4 - a wonderful decision for lovers to play by the fire, as well as for those who do not want to part with a guitar for long-distance travel. It is important to carry the guitar in the case, otherwise the tool can be damaged - to reduce the price of goods, use cheap varieties of wood or plastic, scratch or break which is too easy.

Guitars size 3/4: Classic and electric guitars. What does it mean? Dimensions in see For what age are three-quarters guitar? 26253_19


Guitar manufacturers usually establish not the highest-quality strings. That's why After buying it is better to purchase new and replace. First, they will last longer. Secondly, it will help improve sound quality (selecting nylon or other strings). Thirdly, soft new strings are easier to clamp, and this will help reduce the number of corns who will pursue a novice guitarist.

Guitars size 3/4: Classic and electric guitars. What does it mean? Dimensions in see For what age are three-quarters guitar? 26253_20

Nuances settings

Despite the fact that the 3/4 guitar is a reduced version of 4/4, newcomers may have questions about the features of its configuration. Little size guitar is configured in the same way as an ordinary tool. We describe the sequence of actions.

  • Loose strings. This will help to better perceive the increase in sound, as well as reduce the likelihood of their cliff during the configuration process.
  • When one string is stretched, others are slightly relaxed and upset. When the setup is completed, you need to check the sound again.
  • You can use the mediator to get a clearer sound.

Guitars size 3/4: Classic and electric guitars. What does it mean? Dimensions in see For what age are three-quarters guitar? 26253_21

There are several ways to configure.

Online programs or applications for phone

A mechanical method that does not require significant time costs. A good solution for those who have a problem with a hearing setting. From the musician you only need to follow program instructions. The configuration process is as follows:

  • First you need to set the "Standard Setup" program;
  • With the help of the microphone, the program catches the sound and gives tips;
  • need to turn the slices as the program shows;
  • The setting is completed when actions are made for all strings.

Guitars size 3/4: Classic and electric guitars. What does it mean? Dimensions in see For what age are three-quarters guitar? 26253_22


The principle of the operation of the tuner is similar to the programs. The difference is that it is a physical subject, and not an application. Tuners are sold in music stores and stand quite a lot, but you can save and purchase in the online store.

The tuner catches the sound through the microphone and after analyzing the sound frequency shows the differences from the standard. Customize the tune guitar as follows:

  • By connecting the tuner, you need to set the "Standard Setup";
  • First pull the first string;
  • Rotate the flask in the desired side, as the tuner scale shows;
  • When properly configured on the tuner, a green light will turn around or the device will emit sound;
  • These actions must be made for all strings.

Guitars size 3/4: Classic and electric guitars. What does it mean? Dimensions in see For what age are three-quarters guitar? 26253_23


    You can configure the guitar without additional devices. On the hearing guitar is configured on the fifth Lada. The edge setting is based on such a principle: one string is configured relative to the other. This requires a good rumor.

    • The second string is clamped on the Fifth Lada.
    • You must first shoot the second string, then the first open and compare the sound.
    • The neck rotates until the sound of the string is the same.
    • Each next string, besides the third, is configured in the same way: the fourth open is compared with the second clamped on the fifth Lada, the fifth - with the fourth, and the sixth - with fifth. The third is clamped to 4 Lada and stretches to such an extent until it sounds like the second.

    The guitar setting is thin. Very often, every musician adjusts the tool purely under itself. So, two equally configured guitars can sound completely different.

    Choosing a guitar, it is important to understand that these are not glasses, and there is no strict rules here. There are only recommendations that can ease this process.

    Guitars size 3/4: Classic and electric guitars. What does it mean? Dimensions in see For what age are three-quarters guitar? 26253_24

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