Lemon oil for guitar: how to use and how to replace oil from a pharmacy? Why is it necessary? Processing of the Grid and the composition of the essential oil


Guitar, like any musical instruments, requires regular care. On the surface of its wooden housing and a grid over time, pollution accumulates, which, absorbing in the wood, destroy it. It is possible to effectively clean the neck and a wooden guitar case with lemon oil.

Lemon oil for guitar: how to use and how to replace oil from a pharmacy? Why is it necessary? Processing of the Grid and the composition of the essential oil 26243_2

Lemon oil for guitar: how to use and how to replace oil from a pharmacy? Why is it necessary? Processing of the Grid and the composition of the essential oil 26243_3

What is it and why you need?

The lemon oil for the guitar protects against the destruction of the neck, which is not covered by varnish, if it is made of rosewood, Ebony and other types of wood, except maple. Griffs made of maples that are installed on budget guitars are covered with lacquer, not giving dirt and fat to get absorbed into the structure of the tree.

For professional expensive tools, special compositions are used based on lemon natural essential oil. To care for amateur guitars, you can use the essential lemon oil from the pharmacy. When buying such a budgetary means, attention should be paid to the composition in which only natural ingredients should be present, otherwise you can destroy the coating of the musical instrument.

It should also be remembered that lemon oil from the pharmacy cannot be used in the areas of the housing that are not covered with varnish.

Lemon oil for guitar: how to use and how to replace oil from a pharmacy? Why is it necessary? Processing of the Grid and the composition of the essential oil 26243_4

Lemon oil for guitar: how to use and how to replace oil from a pharmacy? Why is it necessary? Processing of the Grid and the composition of the essential oil 26243_5

With proper care of the musical instrument, the prophylactic cleaning of the guitar should be carried out every three months. At the same time, special care is required for each part of the tool:

  • The neck, made of dark nonlackated wood, first need to be cleaned of contaminants accumulating in the lade thresholds, and only after that treat with lemon oil;
  • The guitar case, which must be regularly processed with lemon oil, wipe the soft napkin;
  • Strings and lining under them should be processed every month using special compositions;
  • Metal parts oil will protect against corrosion.

Lemon oil for guitar: how to use and how to replace oil from a pharmacy? Why is it necessary? Processing of the Grid and the composition of the essential oil 26243_6

Lemon oil for guitar: how to use and how to replace oil from a pharmacy? Why is it necessary? Processing of the Grid and the composition of the essential oil 26243_7

Regular use of lemon oil will help protect the tool from rotting, starting with contamination and moisture in the structure of the tree. Because of this, the tool loses the purity of sound and quickly comes in disrepair.

Lacquered maple linings It is impossible to clean with lemon oil. They are usually installed on low-cost amateur guitars that protect against dirt with varnish. Essential oil can corrode and spoil the entire tool. Care for such guitars is to regularly wip their microfiber wipes, which will remove contamination from the lacquered surface, without destroying its integrity.

Use for care for a professional guitar only brand means, otherwise you can spoil an expensive musical instrument. With it, you can immediately remove dirt and feed wood, without causing it harm, as well as create an effective protection of the tool from the aggressive impact of the external environment.

Lemon oil for guitar: how to use and how to replace oil from a pharmacy? Why is it necessary? Processing of the Grid and the composition of the essential oil 26243_8

Lemon oil for guitar: how to use and how to replace oil from a pharmacy? Why is it necessary? Processing of the Grid and the composition of the essential oil 26243_9

Professional oils are from 400 to 500 rubles., It is more expensive than the essential lemon oil from the pharmacy, but at the same time they guarantee high-quality care tool and reliable protection. Professional lemon oil for the guitar is packaged in a convenient bottle with a dispenser that allows you to apply the desired amount of such a product on the guitar. When using the lemon essential oil from the pharmacy, it will be necessary to prepare a few more cleaning compositions and time for their phased application. Professional and pharmacy oil lemond should be applied to the purified and dried surface of the guitar so that it becomes wet. After that, the guitar should lie in the horizontal position of 15-20 minutes, after which the oil residues need to be removed by the flannel clean napkin.

One jacket of a specialized means is enough for several years, while pharmaceutical lemon oil will be required for one cleaning procedure at least 3-4 bottles.

Lemon oil for guitar: how to use and how to replace oil from a pharmacy? Why is it necessary? Processing of the Grid and the composition of the essential oil 26243_10

Lemon oil for guitar: how to use and how to replace oil from a pharmacy? Why is it necessary? Processing of the Grid and the composition of the essential oil 26243_11

How to use?

If the guitar did not clean more than a year, it will be necessary to remove all pollution from different parts of the housing before using lemon oil. Wheel thresholds can be cleaned with a brush with steel wool or an old toothbrush. Brushes can only clean the metal tool elements. For wood used soft flannel materials or microfiber.

If the guitar has not been cleaned for a long time, it will be necessary to remove contamination from it before using lemon oil. For cleaning will need to cook:

  • Light cotton fabric;
  • soap water;
  • Ethyl alcohol or vodka

Lemon oil for guitar: how to use and how to replace oil from a pharmacy? Why is it necessary? Processing of the Grid and the composition of the essential oil 26243_12

Lemon oil for guitar: how to use and how to replace oil from a pharmacy? Why is it necessary? Processing of the Grid and the composition of the essential oil 26243_13

Cooking the soap solution is needed only from economic or children's soap. Use cleaning products for dishes is impossible. In the presence of strong contaminants on the surface of the grid, strings or housing, the alcohol solution should be used.

Before cleaning, you need to put the guitar on the table on a special stand so that the tool is in a horizontal position. Strings with a grid need to remove or weaken their tension. After that, the grinding is treated with soap solution with white cotton fabric. It must be coated on the finger, moisten a little in the soap solution and a wet cloth wipe the neck. Watering a strong tool can not, otherwise the structure of the wood will deteriorate.

You need to process all the ways, removing pollution from them. Dumping dirt should be removed with a dry napkin. After using a wet napkin when cleaning the grid, a guitar should be sung in the air for 15-20 minutes. You can process with lemon oil only a well dried wooden surface.

Lemon oil for guitar: how to use and how to replace oil from a pharmacy? Why is it necessary? Processing of the Grid and the composition of the essential oil 26243_14

With a large accumulation of fat and dirt on the jig, it will take use ethyl alcohol, which dissolve solar pollution. It should be remembered that it is necessary to use such an alcohol solution carefully, since the alcohol is dried. After alcohol, it is necessary to use air conditioning for the grid.

When the neck and the case are completely purified from dirt and fat, it will be possible to apply lemon oil. It moisturizes the wood well, not letting it look. If the housing and the neck will dismiss, then cracks will appear on them, and the tool will come to complete disrepair.

Such procedures should be carried out regularly every three months, causing lemon oil on the purified guitar parts. After each use, the tool should be wiped with a dry clean napkin, and storage must be carried out in a case without giving a guitar to dope. Wipe oil you need and metal parts of the guitar. Such a procedure will help preserve them from corrosion.

Lemon oil for guitar: how to use and how to replace oil from a pharmacy? Why is it necessary? Processing of the Grid and the composition of the essential oil 26243_15

Lemon oil for guitar: how to use and how to replace oil from a pharmacy? Why is it necessary? Processing of the Grid and the composition of the essential oil 26243_16

What can be replaced?

In addition to professional lemon oil, other means cleansing the wood surface can be used:

  • ethanol;
  • turpentine;
  • petrol.

These compositions are worth using only when cleansing strong contaminants and in the absence of lemon oil. They have a number of significant deficiencies and are rarely used by professional guitarists. Gasoline and turpentine strongly smell. The alcohol dries the tree, dissolves the surface layer of plastic elements and causes corrosion of metal parts. After it, it is necessary to use lemon oil.

Lemon oil for guitar: how to use and how to replace oil from a pharmacy? Why is it necessary? Processing of the Grid and the composition of the essential oil 26243_17

Lemon oil for guitar: how to use and how to replace oil from a pharmacy? Why is it necessary? Processing of the Grid and the composition of the essential oil 26243_18

Unlike these funds, professional lemon oil, created from natural components, well absorbed into the wood, gently removes old pollution and nourishes the structure of wooden guitar parts. It protects metal parts from corrosion and gives the tool a pleasant lemon smell. The only alternative to such a medium can be professional oils to protect wood, which are sold in specialized construction stores in large tanks.

Guitar game lovers worth choosing a professional lemon oil for a guitar. It is conveniently packaged, affordable by price, convenient to use and efficiently.

Lemon oil for guitar: how to use and how to replace oil from a pharmacy? Why is it necessary? Processing of the Grid and the composition of the essential oil 26243_19

Lemon oil for guitar: how to use and how to replace oil from a pharmacy? Why is it necessary? Processing of the Grid and the composition of the essential oil 26243_20

Lemon oil for guitar: how to use and how to replace oil from a pharmacy? Why is it necessary? Processing of the Grid and the composition of the essential oil 26243_21

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