Guitar dimensions: 1/2 and 38 inches, 1/4 and 1/8, standard parameters. How to choose and define? What length is the guitar?


The dimensional row of guitars are not as wide as clothes or shoes, but it is this parameter that has a huge impact on the convenience and quality of the sound published. The tool is selected individually, the musician should not only hold the guitar and understand whether it is suitable for him, but also try to play - check the sound, quality string and convenience when playing. To give the six-string musical instrument to someone is not so simple, but you can easily make yourself a task, having studied the basic parameters of the guitar and understanding which one is suitable for a certain growth and age.

Guitar dimensions: 1/2 and 38 inches, 1/4 and 1/8, standard parameters. How to choose and define? What length is the guitar? 26240_2

Guitar dimensions: 1/2 and 38 inches, 1/4 and 1/8, standard parameters. How to choose and define? What length is the guitar? 26240_3

Basic parameters of guitars

The guitar can be used both as a soloing and the role of the accompanying tool. It is used everywhere - in school circles, music schools, during hiking and for serious concerts on a large stage. All existing guitars are similar to their shape and materials from which they are manufactured, but there is a serious difference - dimensions.

In the most common music store, there will be no problems with the choice, because you can not only assess the purchase yourself, but also contact your consultant for help. When buying in online stores, difficulties appear - no one will tell me, and try tool will not work.

You can avoid these difficulties by reading the existing dimensions of the guitar.

Guitar dimensions: 1/2 and 38 inches, 1/4 and 1/8, standard parameters. How to choose and define? What length is the guitar? 26240_4

Guitar dimensions: 1/2 and 38 inches, 1/4 and 1/8, standard parameters. How to choose and define? What length is the guitar? 26240_5

This parameter is one of the most important, because the strings and other details can be replaced, and the size will not work. In order not to have errors, it is necessary to consider such designations as 4/4, 1/2, 3/4 and 7/8. These figures are needed to indicate the size of the guitars using the metric system - it is based on almost unknown in Russia and the CIS countries. Fractional values ​​were created to reduce calculations - each number corresponds to a certain length in inches.

Guitar dimensions: 1/2 and 38 inches, 1/4 and 1/8, standard parameters. How to choose and define? What length is the guitar? 26240_6

Guitar dimensions: 1/2 and 38 inches, 1/4 and 1/8, standard parameters. How to choose and define? What length is the guitar? 26240_7

An important nuance is that the measurement of the total length of the guitar is carried out from the grid to the end of the body, and the length of the housing (one more necessary indicator) is measured from the Menzures to Bridge.

It is customary to divide the dimensional row of guitars into several subcategories.

4/4 - standard size, it is also called "whole". Its full length is 1000 mm or 40-41 inches, and the size of the menzura is 650 mm. The width of the grid is standard, but the body is wider than that of other models - 368 mm. Such a guitar suits musicians whose growth is not less than 160 cm. Another indicator to which you want to pay attention is the length of the hand.

Guitar dimensions: 1/2 and 38 inches, 1/4 and 1/8, standard parameters. How to choose and define? What length is the guitar? 26240_8

Guitar dimensions: 1/2 and 38 inches, 1/4 and 1/8, standard parameters. How to choose and define? What length is the guitar? 26240_9

The following guitar is 7/8, is a reduced copy of 4/4. Specialists call this tool transient, because it is average between two standard. It is so harder than any other, so most often placed on order. The length is 38-39 inches, the sound is a bit inferior to an adult saturation guitar, but teenagers and miniature adults can easily perform with such a guitar on the stage.

3/4 - guitar, which is just a few units It differs from the previous version and has a length of 36 inches. It is great for children from 9 to 15 years old and adults with small hand brushes. The performer's growth may vary from 140 to 157 cm. Such models are conveniently taken with themselves or on trips, so even professionals do not refuse the miniature guitar.

Guitar dimensions: 1/2 and 38 inches, 1/4 and 1/8, standard parameters. How to choose and define? What length is the guitar? 26240_10

Guitar dimensions: 1/2 and 38 inches, 1/4 and 1/8, standard parameters. How to choose and define? What length is the guitar? 26240_11

After 3/4 there is a guitar with a size of 1/2, the length of which is 34 inches. This is a great option for pupils of primary school and children, students in grade 5-6. The sound is slightly muted and not as saturated, as on a full-sized tool, but such a guitar is ideal for learning.

Often they want to be similar to adults, and a small guitar size 1/8 will help them.

Buy the tools to the kids are not so stupid, as many consider children, because children's games can grow into something more.

Such models have a size of 23 inches and a more rich sound than 1/2 and 2/3, so children 5-7 can use them not only for playing in a family circle, but also during speeches in kindergarten and school.

Guitar dimensions: 1/2 and 38 inches, 1/4 and 1/8, standard parameters. How to choose and define? What length is the guitar? 26240_12


The selection of guitars does not have a strong dependence on the type of guitars, but still it cannot be neglected. Many beginner guitarists cannot understand the difference between the classical guitar and acoustic. The sound of acoustics is distinguished by the beability. This is due to the fact that metal strings are installed on acoustics, which with a large and hollow body help resonate sound. In general, the acoustics housing is relatively harder and more massive than the classics. In addition, the form of a guitar is often distinguished. The vulture is quite narrow. It is customary to play the mediator, so many models have a special gasket, various finger techniques will define will not be so difficult.

Guitar dimensions: 1/2 and 38 inches, 1/4 and 1/8, standard parameters. How to choose and define? What length is the guitar? 26240_13

Guitar dimensions: 1/2 and 38 inches, 1/4 and 1/8, standard parameters. How to choose and define? What length is the guitar? 26240_14


There is a legend that it is the classic guitar that has the most close view to the first guitars in the world. If the acoustic guitar is equipped with metal strings, then the classic always establish nylon analogs. It is worth noting that nylon strings are considered more gentle, so the beginners are advised to learn from the classics. The pads of the fingers will be sick anyway, but less solid material will soften the damage. However, you have to learn to customize the strings.

The main feature of the classics is a large vulture. The housing has a large height and in size exceeds acoustics.

Guitar dimensions: 1/2 and 38 inches, 1/4 and 1/8, standard parameters. How to choose and define? What length is the guitar? 26240_15

Guitar dimensions: 1/2 and 38 inches, 1/4 and 1/8, standard parameters. How to choose and define? What length is the guitar? 26240_16


The guitar has a fundamentally different from classic and acoustics design, stylish body and only 4 strings. Bass guitars have their own functions and have a special, lower and rich sound. It is believed that the bass player always stands behind due to the fact that his melody is mixed as much as possible with shock instruments. If ordinary guitars can play a few roles, then the bass guitar, as a rule, only sets the rhythm.

Guitar dimensions: 1/2 and 38 inches, 1/4 and 1/8, standard parameters. How to choose and define? What length is the guitar? 26240_17

Guitar dimensions: 1/2 and 38 inches, 1/4 and 1/8, standard parameters. How to choose and define? What length is the guitar? 26240_18

You can choose the bass guitar by the growth of man and the length of his palm, because it will have to cover the neck and sort out the strings.

  • 1/4 Suitable for a man with an increase in 90-100 centimeters, the palm length is 10-12 cm. Menzura length on such guitars 48 cm, and the total length of the tool is 73-80 cm.
  • 1/2 - a tool that will be convenient to people with an increase of 100-130 cm and a palm length of 12-14 cm. In this case, the length of the menzura can be from 54 to 57 cm, and full length from 83 to 90 cm.
  • 7/8 a little more than previous guitars, it is worth purchas if the growth of a guitarist is 140-153 centimeters, and the palm length is 15-16 cm. It can be 59-62 cm, or the total length of the tool - from 92 to 99
  • 4/4 - a full-sized guitar that will suit adolescents and adults, whose growth from 154 centimeters, and the palm length is 17 cm and more. Usually the palm length corresponds to growth, but if the person is high, and his hands are small, it is necessary to watch in the size of the palms. Menzura's length of 4/4 bass guitars can be like 61 cm, that cm and 72 cm, and the total tool length is 101-106 cm.

Guitar dimensions: 1/2 and 38 inches, 1/4 and 1/8, standard parameters. How to choose and define? What length is the guitar? 26240_19

Guitar dimensions: 1/2 and 38 inches, 1/4 and 1/8, standard parameters. How to choose and define? What length is the guitar? 26240_20

How to determine?

In stores, consultants or sellers will always prompt what size guitar is in front of the buyer, but during buying on the Internet, only the length is often listed, or it is written, for what age the tool is intended. Alas, but not all children and adults are the same - someone in 14 years will need a 4/4 instrument, and someone is 1/2 or 3/4. To independently determine the size of the goods, it is necessary to relate the full length and the length of the menzura. They must correspond to the indicators specified above.

Menzura is the entire working, sounding part of the string. The average length of the working surface is 65 cm, it can be compared with a blank hand.

Accordingly, the smaller the hand and fingers at the guitarist, the less should be the length of the menzura.

Guitar dimensions: 1/2 and 38 inches, 1/4 and 1/8, standard parameters. How to choose and define? What length is the guitar? 26240_21

Guitar dimensions: 1/2 and 38 inches, 1/4 and 1/8, standard parameters. How to choose and define? What length is the guitar? 26240_22

How to choose size?

In order not to make a mistake with the choice, you need to contact the seller or consultant, which will prompt the exact size. If the guitar is taken by the child, the purchase, perfect with the prospect of the future, is reasonable. However, it is not worth buying a teenager "adult" guitar. When choosing it is better to refer to such parameters as the growth and length of the palm. If the guitar is intended for adults, the most significant indicator should be the length of the menzura, since the overall size of the guitar can be deceptive.

To understand the model suitable or not, you need to take the guitar in your hands. With the right position of the hands, the left hand bent in the elbow should be fingers to the rod of 4 strings without much voltage. If you have to stretch your fingers, and make up effort, it makes sense to consider a smaller guitar.

Guitar dimensions: 1/2 and 38 inches, 1/4 and 1/8, standard parameters. How to choose and define? What length is the guitar? 26240_23

Guitar dimensions: 1/2 and 38 inches, 1/4 and 1/8, standard parameters. How to choose and define? What length is the guitar? 26240_24

Palm size is of fundamental importance. If the vulture is too wide for the musician, then your fingers will be in constant voltage.

In order to hold some chords, you will have to stretch. This problem will lead to the fact that some techniques cannot be played. On the contrary, too small neck will deliver additional inconvenience to the right hand. The left hand will strain hard to make the sound clean. Find out the optimal size of the grid is easy, your fingers should be freely reaching any string.

Now many performers prefer to acquire their tools through the Internet platforms. To study the parameters that determine the individual size for a guitarist will leave for a few minutes, but the number of situations when you have to return the goods, it will be reduced to zero. In order for the guitar to fully approach the musician, you need to pay attention to just a few points: the length of the palm, the age and scope of the hand. In order for the tool to make a guitarist completely, it should not just compare the characteristics, choose the material of the manufacture, strings and drawing on the guitar, but also to hold it in the hands. Only so you can choose the perfect satellite of a musical career.

Guitar dimensions: 1/2 and 38 inches, 1/4 and 1/8, standard parameters. How to choose and define? What length is the guitar? 26240_25

Guitar dimensions: 1/2 and 38 inches, 1/4 and 1/8, standard parameters. How to choose and define? What length is the guitar? 26240_26

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