Glucophone (32 photos): Impact musical instrument with your own hands, Music game on glucofoon. How does it sound and how to choose? Settings


Today, the musical instrument glucophone has become very popular. His sounds fascinate and soothe, allow you to immerse yourself in your thoughts. It is often used by street musicians who play meditative compositions. But most people do not even know what he represents, and how to play it.

Glucophone (32 photos): Impact musical instrument with your own hands, Music game on glucofoon. How does it sound and how to choose? Settings 26225_2

Meanwhile, this petal drum can be an excellent acquisition for the house. If you like everything unusual, you like to create a special atmosphere in the house for yourself and your guests, then this wonder you will like you. Learn more about the features of this instrument in our article.

Glucophone (32 photos): Impact musical instrument with your own hands, Music game on glucofoon. How does it sound and how to choose? Settings 26225_3


Glucophone is a musical instrument consisting of two bowls. On one there are petals (or tongues), and to another - a resonant hole. It is configured so that the notes sound clean and saturated. Armed with a grinder, a jigsaw and a cylinder, you can create such a wonderful tool yourself. With him, anyone can develop the rumor and the feeling of rhythm on their own. You just need to play your pleasure without thinking about the rules.

Glucophone (32 photos): Impact musical instrument with your own hands, Music game on glucofoon. How does it sound and how to choose? Settings 26225_4

The glucophone is based on the petals of the drums, but this can only be done conditionally. After all, no tension or compression to extract sounds is not required here, so it can be attributed to the retention class. It will be more correct to call it the idiophone, which is literally translated as "its own sound", as the source of the sound is the tool housing. Idiophone class tools are among the most ancient and present in many national cultures.

Glucophone (32 photos): Impact musical instrument with your own hands, Music game on glucofoon. How does it sound and how to choose? Settings 26225_5

A bit of history

It may seem that glucophone is an ethnic tool that used any ancient tribes from time immemorial. In fact, Indian bowls, Honeys, drums and other ancient tools do not have a direct relationship. It is believed that the Glucofon's prototype was the homemade tool Tambrio, invented by a musician from Dominicanna Felle Vega. To create it, he used a freon balloon. With it, he tried to create a kind of semblance of singing bowls from Tibet, which perfectly accumulate sound.

Glucophone (32 photos): Impact musical instrument with your own hands, Music game on glucofoon. How does it sound and how to choose? Settings 26225_6

The inventor cut out the resonator petals on it, like the ancient slut drums, on which they played in Africa, Asia. Only those were wooden, and Tambrio from the metal. He managed to embody his idea - the resulting tool sounded cleaner ethnic drums, and looked more neat.

Why did he decide to take a balloon as the basis? Probably, because at the next with the Dominica Island Trinidad was a very common phenomenon to make musical instruments from steel containers, oil barrels and other tanks. Such iron drums were made there at the beginning of the 20th century.

Glucophone (32 photos): Impact musical instrument with your own hands, Music game on glucofoon. How does it sound and how to choose? Settings 26225_7

Then in 2007, this metal tool was finalized by American Dennis Hlava, the inventor of new musical instruments. As a basis, he took a larger cylinder - propane. Dennis has tried to upgrade the petals from the metal so that they sound clearly on notes, and he succeeded. The authorship of the creation of glucofon is attributed to him. One of the chasions of the received tool was with separating petals of different sizes, and the other had a hole so that the sounds were out. Glucofon has other names. For example, some prefer to call it by the English-speaking words of happy drams or Tank drama.

Glucophone (32 photos): Impact musical instrument with your own hands, Music game on glucofoon. How does it sound and how to choose? Settings 26225_8

Differences from other tools

The metal drum has become the progenitor not only glucofon, but also another tool - Hanga. Its system and the species differ little from the fact that glucofon, but there is a difference between them.

Glucophone (32 photos): Impact musical instrument with your own hands, Music game on glucofoon. How does it sound and how to choose? Settings 26225_9

For example, Externally, Hang looks more elegant, it looks like an inverted plate, while the glucophone consists of two plates. And Hanga has no noticeable slots on the housing, and it looks more monolith. At the same time he sounds a call. Metal notes in sound make Hang more sharp in contrast to meditative enveloping glucofon. It is worth this tool more expensive.

Glucophone (32 photos): Impact musical instrument with your own hands, Music game on glucofoon. How does it sound and how to choose? Settings 26225_10

Fimbo, in fact, the same glucophone. Just the manufacturer of this instrument assured that his company's products are much better than the other, so it was assigned a separate name. As far as its statement is true, it is difficult to judge, compare the recording of the sound of these two tools, looking at the online rollers.

Glucophone (32 photos): Impact musical instrument with your own hands, Music game on glucofoon. How does it sound and how to choose? Settings 26225_11


Glucofon has different sound options, from which you can choose the one that matches your mood is light, positive, vigorous, melancholic, dreamy, mystical, neutral. It can complement ethnic motifs: Indian, Russians, Arab and any other.

Glucophone (32 photos): Impact musical instrument with your own hands, Music game on glucofoon. How does it sound and how to choose? Settings 26225_12

Everyone can find a favorite mood in the Glucofon sound and learn how to play their own music. Another plus of this tool is that there is no special education to play it.

Glucophone (32 photos): Impact musical instrument with your own hands, Music game on glucofoon. How does it sound and how to choose? Settings 26225_13

This tool, really, looks a little magical. After all, it is enough to touch his tongue with hands or chopsticks, as pleasant music literally pours. This comes from the fact that the tongues are resonted during shocks and spread vibrations around themselves. Every glucophone petal is configured to his note, and you can combine them to your liking or a momentary wish.

Glucophone (32 photos): Impact musical instrument with your own hands, Music game on glucofoon. How does it sound and how to choose? Settings 26225_14

We add that the sound of this tool affects its size. Thus, small copies of 22 cm in size have a higher and ringtone "voice", and large produce a more humorous surround sound and a thick bass.

Glucophone (32 photos): Impact musical instrument with your own hands, Music game on glucofoon. How does it sound and how to choose? Settings 26225_15

Glucophone (32 photos): Impact musical instrument with your own hands, Music game on glucofoon. How does it sound and how to choose? Settings 26225_16

How to choose?

When choosing a glucofon, you need to take into account several points. First, pay attention to its weight. If you plan to transfer it down the street, take a visit or travel, then this parameter will play not the last role. So, Popular models with a diameter of 22 cm Weigh only about one and a half kilograms, 30-centimeter glucofones have a weight of about 4 kg, and 35 cm glucofones are pulled by 6 kg. Perhaps the largest diameter will be appropriate to purchase for home meditations.

Glucophone (32 photos): Impact musical instrument with your own hands, Music game on glucofoon. How does it sound and how to choose? Settings 26225_17

The design of this musical instrument may vary. Engraving allows you to make it a unique piece of art. If you make a tool to order, it may contain nominal characters.

Glucophone (32 photos): Impact musical instrument with your own hands, Music game on glucofoon. How does it sound and how to choose? Settings 26225_18

Glucophone (32 photos): Impact musical instrument with your own hands, Music game on glucofoon. How does it sound and how to choose? Settings 26225_19

On the Internet you can find not only glucofones, but also comfortable bags for them. With such a cover, you can easily transfer it down the street or just keep at home without fear that traces from mechanical damage will appear on its surface.

Glucophone (32 photos): Impact musical instrument with your own hands, Music game on glucofoon. How does it sound and how to choose? Settings 26225_20

How to make your own hands?

It is possible to make a glucophone yourself. The main thing is to get empty gas cylinders, and then you can create a musical instrument with your own hands, which fascinates with minor, integral or major frets.

Glucophone (32 photos): Impact musical instrument with your own hands, Music game on glucofoon. How does it sound and how to choose? Settings 26225_21

To create a glucophone with your own hands, you will need:

  • Hoven for metal;

  • Bulgarian;

  • funnel;

  • bucket;

  • Empty cylinder;

  • Protective welding mask.

Glucophone (32 photos): Impact musical instrument with your own hands, Music game on glucofoon. How does it sound and how to choose? Settings 26225_22

Cylinders require cautious circulation. Even if he stood an empty and open a few years, he can be dangerous for a person.

  1. Open the valve and make sure that the gas is no longer there. Do it need not indoors.

  2. In the absence of a characteristic released smell, the hole is valve. This will help to understand that there are no gas residues in the container.

  3. Put the balloon on the side and disconse the brass valve. Fill the balloon with water, then drain it.

  4. Return a pair of centimeters from the seams from above and below, make a mark and scream. Saw as it can be greater so that it does not have difficulty with welding.

  5. After welding 2-parts, it is necessary to clean the seams and remove the paint - first the grinding disk, and then pass the petals.

  6. Make marking on one of the parties. Determine the center and spend the line from it, then at an angle of 72 degrees, second and so on. Then draw the petals themselves so that they are from each other at a distance. Alternate the big one with a small, as in the drawing.

  7. Drink the petals, but do it not to the end - at the outer edge they should be brought to the plate.

  8. Download the tuner to the phone. Check each note: if it is above the desired, deepen the propyl, until you get the right one.

  9. Color ready-made glucophone in the color you like. To begin with, the surface must be treated with a degreaser, then it is advisable to gently wipe the sticky napkin to remove all dust. Apply the autoglier in 2 layers with an interval of 20 minutes, then the paint is also in 2 layers and varnish.

Glucophone (32 photos): Impact musical instrument with your own hands, Music game on glucofoon. How does it sound and how to choose? Settings 26225_23

Glucophone (32 photos): Impact musical instrument with your own hands, Music game on glucofoon. How does it sound and how to choose? Settings 26225_24

How to play?

Play on this musical instrument is easy and exciting. Consider more Features of working with this unusual tool.

Glucophone (32 photos): Impact musical instrument with your own hands, Music game on glucofoon. How does it sound and how to choose? Settings 26225_25


Configured glucophone master while manufacturing. This process consists in suiting petals: from the depth of the propyl, the note from this petal is depends. And to configure it correctly, a tuner is used. Today it is not necessary to acquire in the store, just download the mobile application to your phone.

Glucophone (32 photos): Impact musical instrument with your own hands, Music game on glucofoon. How does it sound and how to choose? Settings 26225_26

Glucofon settings can be divided into two main types. There are major schemes, that is, cheerful. The game on the instrument configured for such a principle and gives strength. These settings include PYGMY and F-DEZ modes. And also have minor or, in other words, sad, if you buy a glucophone first for relaxes and meditations. This corresponds to such modes as Insomnia and C Minor.

Glucophone (32 photos): Impact musical instrument with your own hands, Music game on glucofoon. How does it sound and how to choose? Settings 26225_27

For lovers of the whole mysterious, the mystical settings of Astral, Akebono and Mystic. Exotic notes sound in the eastern modes of Hijaz and Shiraz.

If you can not decide which settings you closer, or get a glucophone for a child, then neutral are suitable: D Major, Re Minor Pentatonika, La-Minor, Along, Golden Gate, Silent.

Glucophone (32 photos): Impact musical instrument with your own hands, Music game on glucofoon. How does it sound and how to choose? Settings 26225_28

The game

There are no classes and lessons on glucophone, there is no special instructions on the game on it, the harmony is present in it initially. It is difficult to smell on it, it is so "right" it is arranged. Select the combination of notes at the destruction of the soul. The main thing, when learning, do not try to play at once a disc. Choose 2-3 languages ​​for starters and play them, and then gradually refer to the other, complicating your game. So gradually you will develop your musical hearing and learn how to play the melodies you have. The rebound of the petal should be jumping, so for the best game on glucofoon it is worth developing finger joints.

  • Technique 1. The author of the thinking glucofon plays the inside of the fingers. This is a simple technique, as a result of which sounds are not too loud. Nevertheless, this technique allows you to catch the sound tone even to children. If you use all or almost all your fingers, it will develop a feeling of rhythm and motor skills. At first it can lead to corn on the fingers, but when the skin in these places condenses, then you will again receive from the game only pleasant emotions.

Glucophone (32 photos): Impact musical instrument with your own hands, Music game on glucofoon. How does it sound and how to choose? Settings 26225_29

  • Technique 2. Kids can play a whole palm, as their hands are still small. As a result, the sound will be a little deaf, but this has its own charm, his mysteriousness. Music at the same time reminds the sounds of singing bowls.

Glucophone (32 photos): Impact musical instrument with your own hands, Music game on glucofoon. How does it sound and how to choose? Settings 26225_30

  • Technique 3. The game of chopsticks allows you to achieve the most clear sound. Usually they are included in the tool. With them your music will be something to resemble the chime bells.

Glucophone (32 photos): Impact musical instrument with your own hands, Music game on glucofoon. How does it sound and how to choose? Settings 26225_31

Since when playing glucofone, you are simultaneously working with your hands, and connect the imagination, it leads to the development of both hemispheres of the brain. This is especially useful for children and adolescents, as it benefits good performance.

Glucophone is an excellent acquisition for those who are not ready to learn the game on other musical instruments. With him you can play melodies intuitively, following the destruction of the soul. Get it in the store, or try to make it yourself, and it will bring a lot of pleasant emotions to your households and guests of your home.

Glucophone (32 photos): Impact musical instrument with your own hands, Music game on glucofoon. How does it sound and how to choose? Settings 26225_32

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