Buzuki (21 photos): String pinch musical instrument. What it is? Music, Irish and Greek tool


Buzuki - a string tweezing musical instrument having a rich history. In this article, we will consider in detail what it represents, as well as the specifics of music and games on this instrument.

Buzuki (21 photos): String pinch musical instrument. What it is? Music, Irish and Greek tool 26211_2

What it is?

Buzuki is a rather rare musical instrument belonging to the lutes. Happened from the ancient Greek tool Kifara. Another name is Baglam. The tool was once gained widespread in Greece, Israel, Turkey, Ireland, in Cyprus.

Buzuki (21 photos): String pinch musical instrument. What it is? Music, Irish and Greek tool 26211_3

Buzuki (21 photos): String pinch musical instrument. What it is? Music, Irish and Greek tool 26211_4

In classic form, the tool has 4 double metal strings. There is also a type of buzoki, called Bang Mazaki, which has only 3 double strings. But it is considered more ancient configuration. Boglamazaki is used in Greek classic orchestras that fulfill the music in the style of the root. This style is often compared to American blues.

Buzuki (21 photos): String pinch musical instrument. What it is? Music, Irish and Greek tool 26211_5

Buzuki (21 photos): String pinch musical instrument. What it is? Music, Irish and Greek tool 26211_6

Rebuilding became popular at the beginning of the 20th century in prisons and gold places of port cities near the Aegean Sea. The most dawn of this music came for the period between the two world wars. The ensemble of musicians consisted of a singer, two performers on Buzuki and a musician with a bagamo, on which it is convenient to perform Stakkato. In passionate songs, the main theme was love and death, money and drugs, bandits and prostitutes. They composed on the basis of folk music, were performed in the rhythm of traditional dances. Early performers - Marcos Bambakaris and John Papiana.

Buzuki (21 photos): String pinch musical instrument. What it is? Music, Irish and Greek tool 26211_7

Buzuki (21 photos): String pinch musical instrument. What it is? Music, Irish and Greek tool 26211_8

For many years, the tool itself and music for Buzuki in Greece was under a strict ban. She sounded only in taverns, where people who have problems with the law loved to listen to her. Over the years, the reputation of hooligan music began to change. Thanks to the talent of the composer Vasilis Citsanis, the tool entered into fashion. A skillful performer and virtuoso Citsanis harmonized music on Western principles, but at the same time kept dance rhythms. Songs began to sound more often on the stage, becoming traditional.

Buzuki (21 photos): String pinch musical instrument. What it is? Music, Irish and Greek tool 26211_9

Buzuki (21 photos): String pinch musical instrument. What it is? Music, Irish and Greek tool 26211_10

Citsanis first believed in the potential of Lute, opened her wide path to the people. Thousands of Greeks came to the funeral of the musician, who swung over the heads of Buzuki and Baglam.

The instrument was widely spoken only in the 60s of the XX century. This event occurred due to the fact that the Greek composer Mikis Teodorakis composed music for the film "Greek Zork" popular in those years. After the release of this film, Syrtaka became the most famous Greek dance, one of the symbols of the country. And the music performed on Buzuki has become popular.

Irish tool story refers to 1960. Musicians John Mochikan and Andrew Irwin became pioneers in the use of the classic type of instrument. With their light hands, National Irish music sounded quite differently. Another musician - Alex Finn - used the Greek view of Lute.

Buzuki (21 photos): String pinch musical instrument. What it is? Music, Irish and Greek tool 26211_11

Initially, the tool only accompanied others: flute, violin. Over time, he became soling. This was facilitated by the modified system.

The work of Irish masters on the modernization of the instrument was carried out for years. At first she touched on the bottom deck (they made flat). This affected the sound - he became clear, dry. Besides, It became easier to put those or other musical accents necessary in the performance of Irish music. Externally, the instrument also transformed: ornaments disappeared from the body, the upper deck was also flat, had a single round hole of the resonator, similar to a guitar. Sometimes you can meet a tool with an oval form, as well as with decorative decorations.

Buzuki (21 photos): String pinch musical instrument. What it is? Music, Irish and Greek tool 26211_12

The tool was very loved on the ground of St. Patrick. The fact is that the national music of the country sounded everywhere. Sounds of violin and boils were familiar to every person. And now there is a new sound of buzoki. It is compared with the sound of the CIMBAL, and in favor of the buzok, devoid of height and chaotic overtones. Listeners and deep-timbers of the instrument are enthusiastic. Thanks to dual strings, chords sound beautifully, clearly.

Buzuki (21 photos): String pinch musical instrument. What it is? Music, Irish and Greek tool 26211_13


As mentioned, there are two configurations of strings:

  • 3 groups of 2 strings (3 choirs) are more ancient kind of buzoka;
  • 4 groups of 2 strings (4 choir) are a classic look.

The sound is very ringing, loud, unusual.

Over the second half of the 20th century, experiments were made to increase the sound of buzoki using electronic technology. As a result, new types of tools are invented - the so-called electric vehicles.

Buzuki (21 photos): String pinch musical instrument. What it is? Music, Irish and Greek tool 26211_14

Musicians from Greece Manolis Hiotic and Gyirgos Zepetas held work on electrical damage. The masters were applied the latest pickups and passive sensors. The sound has changed dramatically.

Some parts of the tool (for example, the upper deck) are made of wood. It can be Sitkinskaya fir, virgin juniper, Koa. The lower deck and the shelter at the Irish instrument, as well as the ribs of the resonator in the Greek made from a mahogany, mahagon, cool, nut, coach.

On modern models of the instrument, metal strings are stretched, ethnic and baroque music is performed on them.

Buzuki (21 photos): String pinch musical instrument. What it is? Music, Irish and Greek tool 26211_15

Technique game

When playing, musicians usually use a mediator. The thickness of the mediator plate is:

  • The flexible product is 0.46 mm;
  • at average - up to 0.96 mm;
  • Hard - more than 1 mm.

Most often, the game manner is a variable barcode. Such a manner is applicable both for the accompanying tool and for the solo.

Before each game, the tool needs to be configured. It is performed using a tortone or digital tuner. Some varieties of the Master are able to tune in hearing.

Buzuki (21 photos): String pinch musical instrument. What it is? Music, Irish and Greek tool 26211_16

Buzuki (21 photos): String pinch musical instrument. What it is? Music, Irish and Greek tool 26211_17

When sitting music execution, the tool is put on the thigh. At the same time, it is impossible to press it to the body tightly, as it prevents the game with his right hand and negatively affects the sound.

When playing in position, it is necessary to use the belt used for the classic guitar. The belt should be adjusted so that the hand with the game is almost at right angles. The resonator hole should be at the belt level, and the grip head is at the chest level or slightly higher.

Buzuki (21 photos): String pinch musical instrument. What it is? Music, Irish and Greek tool 26211_18

Some musicians and musicians compare the future of the instrument with the guitar history, which previously was considered a specific tool in Europe, and today is universal. Buzuki secured his position in the Celtic musical tradition. Often appears among the artists Blossom and Old Time (folk music). Many innovative musicians took it to armared. Now the sound of buzoki can be heard in albums of famous pop and rock guitarists.

Buzuki (21 photos): String pinch musical instrument. What it is? Music, Irish and Greek tool 26211_19

Accept the instrument not only in Ireland and states, but also in the Scandinavian countries. He decorates the music of local folk groups. And also loved his music lovers in France and other European countries.

Musicians with constant interest are examined by the roots of Light. They explore how the music of the Balkan peoples can be intertwined and interact with Irish music and jazz. Many professional musicians delighted the simultaneous combination of antiquity and modernity in this tool.

There is some definite demand, it sometimes even exceeds the offer. Masters change design, the materials and structures used are updated. This adds opportunities for musicians.

It can be safely assumed that in future centuries, Buzuki will delight people with their exotic sound.

Buzuki (21 photos): String pinch musical instrument. What it is? Music, Irish and Greek tool 26211_20

Buzuki (21 photos): String pinch musical instrument. What it is? Music, Irish and Greek tool 26211_21

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