PUPITER (52 photos): Wooden pugitras for synthesizer, folding and conventional models with backlight and without microphone rack


Such a product, like a web, is actively used in their activities various musicians and singers, placing the necessary words of songs or notes on such a comfortable stand.

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PUPITER (52 photos): Wooden pugitras for synthesizer, folding and conventional models with backlight and without microphone rack 26207_3

What it is?

Puppy. - This is a special kind of the stand, which most often can be seen on the theater scene, on large concert programs, other functions of the holidays, where guest musicians perform live music. This is really the necessary device for any professional musician playing a piano, pipe, guitar, flute or any other tool.

The main purpose of such a product is a convenient reading of notes during the fulfillment of music, as it is quite difficult to learn by heart the entire current repertoire.

PUPITER (52 photos): Wooden pugitras for synthesizer, folding and conventional models with backlight and without microphone rack 26207_4

For any successful game on the instrument, it does not matter whether it will occur in a sitting position or standing, simply need a Music, as a musician has a completely busy hands. If we exclude the moment of using such a stand, then the musician will need to keep the notes yourself, and for this completely free your hands, or you will have to go to the memory of learning all your executable works. A characteristic feature of all today's support is the fact that they can easily be adjusted to the properties of a certain tool and the personal requirements of the musician itself.

As a web, you can basically consider any existing inclined surface if you can place the necessary notes on it. . In the most professional pugitra, the main surface is attached using a special rack or lasting tripod, adjusting their height and the desired angle of inclination.

PUPITER (52 photos): Wooden pugitras for synthesizer, folding and conventional models with backlight and without microphone rack 26207_5

PUPITER (52 photos): Wooden pugitras for synthesizer, folding and conventional models with backlight and without microphone rack 26207_6


You can select the classification of modern pugitrov depending on their type.

  • Decorative . Nowadays, they tend to help create a beautiful entourage on stage or are used at solemn events. Decorative pugiters are most often produced from wood, but it is possible to find stylish metal structures. Many options are characterized by folding. The main differences of such products from the analogues: an attractive decorated appearance, catchy aesthetics, practicality when used.

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PUPITER (52 photos): Wooden pugitras for synthesizer, folding and conventional models with backlight and without microphone rack 26207_8

PUPITER (52 photos): Wooden pugitras for synthesizer, folding and conventional models with backlight and without microphone rack 26207_9

  • Outdoor . For example, such as a special conductive stand for notes (it is also called a large conducting console) or orchestral options.

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PUPITER (52 photos): Wooden pugitras for synthesizer, folding and conventional models with backlight and without microphone rack 26207_11

  • Under the microphone rack.

PUPITER (52 photos): Wooden pugitras for synthesizer, folding and conventional models with backlight and without microphone rack 26207_12

PUPITER (52 photos): Wooden pugitras for synthesizer, folding and conventional models with backlight and without microphone rack 26207_13

  • Desktop or For placement on synthesizers. Desktop and outdoor models usually have a different framework. The feature is in shape and height.

PUPITER (52 photos): Wooden pugitras for synthesizer, folding and conventional models with backlight and without microphone rack 26207_14

PUPITER (52 photos): Wooden pugitras for synthesizer, folding and conventional models with backlight and without microphone rack 26207_15

  • Folding . These products are the most sought-after. They are easy to fold and laid out, take up little space during transportation.

PUPITER (52 photos): Wooden pugitras for synthesizer, folding and conventional models with backlight and without microphone rack 26207_16

PUPITER (52 photos): Wooden pugitras for synthesizer, folding and conventional models with backlight and without microphone rack 26207_17

  • Digital or electronic. Many modern firms offer their customers rather unusual, but at the same time very interesting options - for example, a digital model of the MPITER, which will read files in PDF or JPG formats, and turning pages with notes will occur automatically. Thus, the musician will be able to execute any melodies directly from the Internet. Products have a special pedal, which will be responsible for the timely shift of pages.

This is a very convenient option for a modern musician, especially if there are backlight in the model.

PUPITER (52 photos): Wooden pugitras for synthesizer, folding and conventional models with backlight and without microphone rack 26207_18

PUPITER (52 photos): Wooden pugitras for synthesizer, folding and conventional models with backlight and without microphone rack 26207_19

  • Fastened directly to the musical instrument , as a rule, for various wind instruments, for example, for a pipe. These models are distinguished by small sizes. For the guitar you can choose a webpit on the clothespin.

PUPITER (52 photos): Wooden pugitras for synthesizer, folding and conventional models with backlight and without microphone rack 26207_20

PUPITER (52 photos): Wooden pugitras for synthesizer, folding and conventional models with backlight and without microphone rack 26207_21

  • Thomas Jefferson, former US President, came up rotating Putter for musical performances, which he did not patent under his name, as he liked that people freely used its invention.

PUPITER (52 photos): Wooden pugitras for synthesizer, folding and conventional models with backlight and without microphone rack 26207_22

PUPITER (52 photos): Wooden pugitras for synthesizer, folding and conventional models with backlight and without microphone rack 26207_23


For the manufacture of putems, completely different materials are used - from the most expensive and low-cost and inexpensive and found in all music stores.


More recently, in the 1950s and 1960s, the orchestral consoles were made only from the tree, were severe, often broke. Wooden pugitra today are produced by famous European manufacturers from selected natural wood. Most often, they are decorated in a brilliant baroque style. Such products are usually distinguished by solid weight and beautiful designer performance. Many models can be folded, but it is not recommended to move them too often. Wooden stands for notes are more often used as a decor, to decorate the house, because not any musician can afford to have such a product.

PUPITER (52 photos): Wooden pugitras for synthesizer, folding and conventional models with backlight and without microphone rack 26207_24

PUPITER (52 photos): Wooden pugitras for synthesizer, folding and conventional models with backlight and without microphone rack 26207_25


Most often in music stores there are metal coasters for notes. This is due to the fact that the metal is more durable than plastic or wood, and it is not so expensive. Metal pugitra lungs, they are quite simple to move from place to place and transport if necessary. Long service life and attractive price played its role in the fact that the metal supports are considered the most preferred in operation.

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PUPITER (52 photos): Wooden pugitras for synthesizer, folding and conventional models with backlight and without microphone rack 26207_27

PUPITER (52 photos): Wooden pugitras for synthesizer, folding and conventional models with backlight and without microphone rack 26207_28


Plastic has a small weight. Another 10 years ago, the orchestras have finally acquired, plastic consoles with a solid stand and a solid working part that was very easy and easy to use.

PUPITER (52 photos): Wooden pugitras for synthesizer, folding and conventional models with backlight and without microphone rack 26207_29

PUPITER (52 photos): Wooden pugitras for synthesizer, folding and conventional models with backlight and without microphone rack 26207_30

How to choose?

When buying the most suitable stand, be very attentive, in order to be as a result of long-term operation, it is not disappointed in your acquisition. Particular attention should be paid to how stable the design you have chosen. It is extremely important that she does not fall and did not move so that they did not go with her sheets and texts, while you need to play . IMPORTANT AND HAVE ARE SPECIAL "JANATERS" On such a pugitre - they are needed in order to high-qualityly fix the musical pages.

By buying a web, it is better to immediately buy a one-handed cover to it, so that it is convenient to transport this adaptation if necessary.

PUPITER (52 photos): Wooden pugitras for synthesizer, folding and conventional models with backlight and without microphone rack 26207_31

PUPITER (52 photos): Wooden pugitras for synthesizer, folding and conventional models with backlight and without microphone rack 26207_32

Most non-professional or solo musicians can come up with a folding web, which will be conveniently collected in a compact form. Such pugitres consist of a surface called "Table", which is simply removed, and the rack itself - most often a tripod in the form of a tripod, it can also be adjusted in height. The film being removed is often equipped with special clamps for notes so that the sheets do not fly away from the draft.

PUPITER (52 photos): Wooden pugitras for synthesizer, folding and conventional models with backlight and without microphone rack 26207_33

PUPITER (52 photos): Wooden pugitras for synthesizer, folding and conventional models with backlight and without microphone rack 26207_34

The second popular category is the Püpitres, having a solid (more often from metal) surface and with a wider stand, which can be adjusted for yourself. These stands usually have the most reliable mechanisms that are able to prevent accidental folding. These are universal type products and have an additional original package. They are perfectly suitable and soloists, and professionals playing the ensemble or group, as well as fans.

Solo-type fabric should be an attractive design. The choice of such a device will depend on the musician's own preferences and the size of its budget. An excellent alternative to conventional folding metal pugitres will be expensive wooden products, decorated with various lyters and artistic curls.

PUPITER (52 photos): Wooden pugitras for synthesizer, folding and conventional models with backlight and without microphone rack 26207_35

PUPITER (52 photos): Wooden pugitras for synthesizer, folding and conventional models with backlight and without microphone rack 26207_36

PUPITER (52 photos): Wooden pugitras for synthesizer, folding and conventional models with backlight and without microphone rack 26207_37

The conductor console will be very similar to a stand with a solid massive surface, because it must completely accommodate scores with dimensions of 55x40 cm, and sometimes much more. Many modern Pugitrov models are equipped with a special compartment for storing additional sheets with notes.


The Athletic brand offers several model formal options, which are distinguishable from analogues with constructive features and price. Excellent qualitative characteristics demonstrate the models of the NP line - they are made of steel. The user can use the height adjustment mode, as well as change the angle of its inclination. The models are complemented by special spring clamps, with their help, the notebooks are fixed as securely as possible. The original tripod design will allow you to guarantee 100% stability of the product.

PUPITER (52 photos): Wooden pugitras for synthesizer, folding and conventional models with backlight and without microphone rack 26207_38

PUPITER (52 photos): Wooden pugitras for synthesizer, folding and conventional models with backlight and without microphone rack 26207_39

Music NP-D from this brand is greatly popular - it is intended for microphone racks. With the help of a special clamp, it is fixed on the microphone rack, and thanks to this, the performer will be able to track the entire concert program without any problems, quickly view the words of the compositions.

The weight of the model is only 700 grams.

PUPITER (52 photos): Wooden pugitras for synthesizer, folding and conventional models with backlight and without microphone rack 26207_40

PUPITER (52 photos): Wooden pugitras for synthesizer, folding and conventional models with backlight and without microphone rack 26207_41

Chinese manufacturer PROEL It offers high-quality professional steel pugitres, decorated in a modern style. Products reinforced, there are perforated models, go with a nylon case in which it is convenient to carry and carry the product.

PUPITER (52 photos): Wooden pugitras for synthesizer, folding and conventional models with backlight and without microphone rack 26207_42

PUPITER (52 photos): Wooden pugitras for synthesizer, folding and conventional models with backlight and without microphone rack 26207_43

Another famous Chinese manufacturer also proposes to pay attention to its products, especially since in the world of digital music, he has long been known. Casio. Releases electronic pugits, which are very profitable to use with various musical instruments, but first of all - with keys.

PUPITER (52 photos): Wooden pugitras for synthesizer, folding and conventional models with backlight and without microphone rack 26207_44

PUPITER (52 photos): Wooden pugitras for synthesizer, folding and conventional models with backlight and without microphone rack 26207_45

Throtters classic on a tripod are produced by one of the most famous manufacturers of all sorts of accessories, original parts and components for the equipment of musicians - it's about German firm K & M. Her puypitres are one of the most practical and comfortable stands for notes, which can be used in all kinds of musical spheres. K & M racks are widely known and in demand throughout the musical world. The popularity of this manufacturer does not surprise anyone - it is due to the guaranteed high quality of the performance of products, the margin of its strength and very easy operation.

PUPITER (52 photos): Wooden pugitras for synthesizer, folding and conventional models with backlight and without microphone rack 26207_46

PUPITER (52 photos): Wooden pugitras for synthesizer, folding and conventional models with backlight and without microphone rack 26207_47

How to use?

From above, the classic web has a removable and foldable inclined work surface. It is usually easy to install and remove if necessary.

As the most durable locks for this working surface and the part of the rack, which is extended, convenient clamps and locking screws are applied. - With their help, it is possible to change the height of the rack as a short time to the maximum deadlines and fix the resulting position. The Rack of the Pugitra itself has several locking mechanisms that are easy to tighten with their hands without the use of special equipment.

PUPITER (52 photos): Wooden pugitras for synthesizer, folding and conventional models with backlight and without microphone rack 26207_48

PUPITER (52 photos): Wooden pugitras for synthesizer, folding and conventional models with backlight and without microphone rack 26207_49

PUPITER (52 photos): Wooden pugitras for synthesizer, folding and conventional models with backlight and without microphone rack 26207_50

The supporting mechanism of the rack is usually made in the form of a telescopic design with three legs of the support (tripod), each of them is usually equipped with a sole of non-slip rubber or rubber. In addition, the base is reinforced with steel crossbars. The tripod is produced from the most durable, rather massive pipes from a special metal alloy with high-quality aluminum. The mount, located on top of the extended part, and the place of connection of the working surface has special clamps with blocking and locking screws.

The height of the product may vary from 72 cm to 152 cm, which is very important for using the device with musicians of different growth.

PUPITER (52 photos): Wooden pugitras for synthesizer, folding and conventional models with backlight and without microphone rack 26207_51

PUPITER (52 photos): Wooden pugitras for synthesizer, folding and conventional models with backlight and without microphone rack 26207_52

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