Playing at Volynka: Lessons, how to learn how to play and how to keep the musical instrument correctly? How to move your fingers?


Breeding is known as the traditional brass musical instrument in the territory of many European and Asian countries. It is a container with air, made of goat or calf skin. On top of the capacity there is a tube through which the fur is filled, and from the bottom - the tubes for a polyphonic game.

Playing at Volynka: Lessons, how to learn how to play and how to keep the musical instrument correctly? How to move your fingers? 26203_2

How to keep?

Proper to hold the tool is the most main lesson. After all, it depends on how beautiful the sound it will publish. Typically, the cheating is held with the elbow. At the same time, the elbow must be direct, like the hand as a whole. Grips should be avoided.

Playing at Volynka: Lessons, how to learn how to play and how to keep the musical instrument correctly? How to move your fingers? 26203_3

Squeeze the musical instrument you need to be the shoulder. At the same time, Chanter must hang, not be squeezed. As for Bourdon, they should all be plugged, except for one. It is important that one was always open.

Playing at Volynka: Lessons, how to learn how to play and how to keep the musical instrument correctly? How to move your fingers? 26203_4

When the correct position is made, you should try to squeeze the cheating and hold it in this state for a short period of time - seconds 5-6. After that, you can pour it into it to get sounds. You need to blow, too, for a few seconds, and then put pressure throughout the same period of time.

It is important to try that the pressure is stable.

Playing at Volynka: Lessons, how to learn how to play and how to keep the musical instrument correctly? How to move your fingers? 26203_5

How to move your fingers?

Another major time when playing at Volyn is the correct formulation of fingers. Moreover, it differs depending on the type of bool. For example, for the Scottish tool, the fingers must be almost straight. They are put on the holes, and then create a slight pressure.

The joints should not bend inside, otherwise the speed of the game will suffer. For the free movement of the fingers, you can move a little palm.

Playing at Volynka: Lessons, how to learn how to play and how to keep the musical instrument correctly? How to move your fingers? 26203_6

It is important that the holes on the cheating are closed exactly. Experienced violers are recommended to stick to a number of rules.

  • Raising your fingers should be produced at a distance that does not exceed 2 of their diameter. Only in this case the height of the sound remains unchanged, and the hands are not tired.
  • When playing Furhlag, the finger should be raised to a smaller distance than when playing a clean note. It is optimal to lift it on the value of one diameter of the finger.
  • Do not turn your fingers. The correct movements are assumed to be bends only at the palm.

Playing at Volynka: Lessons, how to learn how to play and how to keep the musical instrument correctly? How to move your fingers? 26203_7

How to setup?

Before the game is important to carry out the correct setting of the tool. This procedure should be conducted by a professional who has excellent hearing. Only an experienced musician is able to distinguish well-tuned cheedy from upset. Competent adjustment will allow the air to act evenly into the tank, which makes the game better.

Playing at Volynka: Lessons, how to learn how to play and how to keep the musical instrument correctly? How to move your fingers? 26203_8

Often, when configured, there are problems with the Channel (the tube on which the melody is played). In this case, check all the cheating. When settings, it is necessary to maintain normal pressure. This means that novice flippers should blow with greater force than usual. For professionals, the sound that is obtained during the instrument adjustment is not a reference.

Playing at Volynka: Lessons, how to learn how to play and how to keep the musical instrument correctly? How to move your fingers? 26203_9

More accurate settings are better to spend directly when playing on it. First of all, it is necessary to adjust Bourdon, and then play a couple of musical phrases. And if the Scottish tool, then it is worth choosing phrases that will end to the lower "la".

Playing at Volynka: Lessons, how to learn how to play and how to keep the musical instrument correctly? How to move your fingers? 26203_10

In the event that dissonance or any beats are heard between Bourdon and Chanter, it is necessary to move Bourdon, and then adjust the tool again. Quite often, when the checker settings, an error occurs - incorrectly chosen force with which a boiler blows. Often, in the process of setting up the instrument, it is weaker in it than with a conventional game. It is this that provokes the lower sound of the Bourton and a high - chunter.

Such trouble can be eliminated by shocked Bourdon until inconsistencies in sound or beating become minimal.

Playing at Volynka: Lessons, how to learn how to play and how to keep the musical instrument correctly? How to move your fingers? 26203_11

The optimal pressure in the tool depends on the type of bool. For Scottish more acceptable, quiet sounds are considered. Therefore, with too loud sound, it is necessary to blow with a smaller force. However, it is necessary to ensure that the sound is not excessively quiet, otherwise the whole timbre will bet.

Playing at Volynka: Lessons, how to learn how to play and how to keep the musical instrument correctly? How to move your fingers? 26203_12

Irish violins are distinguished by the fact that the pressure in them will change depending on the sounds. At the same time, it is important that Bouronons sound slightly with any pressure. In addition, it is necessary that the pressure evenly increases as moving to the second Octave.

Playing at Volynka: Lessons, how to learn how to play and how to keep the musical instrument correctly? How to move your fingers? 26203_13

Currently, the art of the creation of boils is gradually coming down, so it is very difficult to achieve that the tool is configured correctly. Often, during the manufacture, there is no deformity, which cannot be corrected. Hear it can exclusively specialist. In the extreme case, you can try to configure the tool yourself.

Playing at Volynka: Lessons, how to learn how to play and how to keep the musical instrument correctly? How to move your fingers? 26203_14

We give the algorithm of action (but for this you need to understand a little in this tool).

  1. Fur should be filled with air. At the same time, the pressure should be normal for both game and control.
  2. After that, it is desirable to lose each of the notes. Fur and pump should work as little as possible.
  3. In the event that "floating" (unstable) sounds are captured during the game, such a marriage should be attributed to the production of the tool.
  4. With the sound of all sounds, it is equally stable, you can start training anew (performer error). True, it is better to take a start with slow melodies.

Playing at Volynka: Lessons, how to learn how to play and how to keep the musical instrument correctly? How to move your fingers? 26203_15

When using boobs, double canes can change their form due to pressure. Externally, it is impossible to notice this, but you can hear - Chanter will sound differently. This moment is important to consider when setting up, since the cane will be stretched more than after the game. As a result, the first octave will be reduced.

Playing at Volynka: Lessons, how to learn how to play and how to keep the musical instrument correctly? How to move your fingers? 26203_16

It is necessary to clarify that The Scottish tool is designed for only one octave, so the stretchability of the cane is almost imperceptible. As for the Irish tool, it has 2 octaves, so the decrease in the first one can easily determine the eye. Even with optimal humidity and temperature indicators, the system may decrease.

It is recommended when you configure the tool any of the bourdons set slightly higher than with a simple game.

Playing at Volynka: Lessons, how to learn how to play and how to keep the musical instrument correctly? How to move your fingers? 26203_17

Bourdon Stroy can be increased in such a way that the frequency of the knocks between it and the Chanter is 2 times in one second. First you have to blow with a greater force, but literally after a minute everything will come back to normal. In the event that a separate sound falls out, it is necessary to experiment with the adjustment of Bourdon.

To configure individual sounds, you can use the isolate, attaching it to the holes on top of 1/3 or 1/4 from the area. When sounding sounds lower than with a standard game, you cannot be configured manually. You can only lower all the sounds that remained unchanged. And also have an option: sticking the cane in Chanter, until the sound is better.

Playing at Volynka: Lessons, how to learn how to play and how to keep the musical instrument correctly? How to move your fingers? 26203_18

To perform the melodies, the instrument is adjusted with the climatic features, the time of year, the duration of the game and heating required for the boil. The ideal option is to be done in similar conditions as the upcoming game. For example, for playing on the street, all the adjustments of the boil should be produced in the fresh air.

Of course, At times, there are also special situations when it is necessary to quickly appreciate the tool. For example, in warm rooms, the system of the first octave is elevated. In the cold conditions, the first octave will become below the standard in proportion to air temperature.

Before a short performance, there is no need for a strong tool warming up, and 30 seconds of loss are enough before setting up.

Playing at Volynka: Lessons, how to learn how to play and how to keep the musical instrument correctly? How to move your fingers? 26203_19

Technique game

The play on the ventilation occurs in two ways (appliques): direct and Highland. It is believed that the first way is simpler, as it is easier to assimilate it. However, the second gives the ability to better control over the habit. This allows you to lose very complex musical compositions.

Playing at Volynka: Lessons, how to learn how to play and how to keep the musical instrument correctly? How to move your fingers? 26203_20

Volyanka game requires beginners to get the lessons of proper breathing . It is important that it is supplied right. It is necessary to breathe a belly, not a breast. On the breath of belly must be fed, and in exhalation - to draw. If you breathe only with the help of the lungs, the pressure in the tank will be knocked out that as a result to the poor sound of the tool.

Playing at Volynka: Lessons, how to learn how to play and how to keep the musical instrument correctly? How to move your fingers? 26203_21

In that case, If the breath is correct, then the pressure is stable in the reservoir with air (bag). It is not necessary to worry that at the same time you can suffocate, because there is no risk in this. This technique is also used by vocalists. In order for training is easier, novice dozers should use a tool with rigid canes. It is necessary that breathing work correctly when playing.

Playing at Volynka: Lessons, how to learn how to play and how to keep the musical instrument correctly? How to move your fingers? 26203_22

About how to play at the Volynka, see the next video.

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