Carillon: Musical instrument of the Peter and Paul Cathedral, Carillons in Kondopoga and in Belgorod, in other places in Russia


One of the unusual musical instruments, which many of us is not known at all, is Carillon. They are mainly installed in churches and on the bell tower to give the worst of solemn significance. The history of the appearance of this tool, description, as well as places where you can hear carillon music in Russia, we will consider in this article.

Carillon: Musical instrument of the Peter and Paul Cathedral, Carillons in Kondopoga and in Belgorod, in other places in Russia 26198_2

What it is?

Carillon is a special musical instrument that consists of a certain amount of bells of different sizes. They are configured in a special chromatic order between 2 to 6 octave. The sound of the tool depends not only on the size of the bell, but also from the material of its manufacture, on how it is cast, as well as from the bell tower acoustics. The orchestra from such bells plays due to the fact that all elements are fixed in stationary, and the internal tongues are connected by wire with a special design, which has control keys.

Carillon: Musical instrument of the Peter and Paul Cathedral, Carillons in Kondopoga and in Belgorod, in other places in Russia 26198_3

Each bell makes its note according to the setting.

Carillons can be controlled 3 ways.

  • In mechanical control, it takes using large drums with holes from which sharp tips can be seen.
  • In electronic, all control is only through the computer.
  • In manual - thanks to shocks with hands and legs, as well as pressing legs on the levers. Thanks to them, you can change the soundness of notes and sound power.

Carillon: Musical instrument of the Peter and Paul Cathedral, Carillons in Kondopoga and in Belgorod, in other places in Russia 26198_4

Carillon: Musical instrument of the Peter and Paul Cathedral, Carillons in Kondopoga and in Belgorod, in other places in Russia 26198_5

The principle of operation of such a tool is like a body, only instead of pipes used bells.

History of musical instrument

Thanks to archaeological excavations in China, it can be said that the first carillons were still in the V century BC. After studying the tool, it turned out that it has a large range of sound, and each bell can make a sound in 2 tones, if you hit it from different sides.

Carillon: Musical instrument of the Peter and Paul Cathedral, Carillons in Kondopoga and in Belgorod, in other places in Russia 26198_6

Carillon: Musical instrument of the Peter and Paul Cathedral, Carillons in Kondopoga and in Belgorod, in other places in Russia 26198_7

In Europe, the Carillons appeared in the XIV-XV centuries, the first mention of them dates back to 1478. In France and the Netherlands they were used during worship in Catholic churches. They were installed on the tower hours, and then were used as a musical instrument.

Playing the instrument was very honorable, and the craft was inherited.

Carillons installed in Catholic temples were supposed to have 23 bells that were placed in chromatic order. In Orthodox, everything was different. Each next bell must be 2 times more or less than the previous one. This proves that the tools appeared independently of each other.

Carillon: Musical instrument of the Peter and Paul Cathedral, Carillons in Kondopoga and in Belgorod, in other places in Russia 26198_8

In the city of Dunkirk there was the first representation of this tool with the execution of new musical compositions, and Jan Van Bevever invented a special keyboard for him. In 1481, an unknown master played on it in Aalst, and in 1487 a certain Elisus debuted in Antwerp. In 1510, a carillon was collected in Auddenard with a musical shaft and 9 bells. Already in half a century, the mobile version was invented.

Carillon: Musical instrument of the Peter and Paul Cathedral, Carillons in Kondopoga and in Belgorod, in other places in Russia 26198_9

The popularity and development of the instrument did not stand still, every year the number of devices only increased. In 1652, a well-established carillon of 51 bells with harmonious sound appeared. Although he was rather expensive pleasure, he enjoyed great demand until the battle between Holland and England began. Then at the end of the XVII century began the war for Spanish lands, the economic decline began, so the production of carillons decreased sharply.

Carillon: Musical instrument of the Peter and Paul Cathedral, Carillons in Kondopoga and in Belgorod, in other places in Russia 26198_10

The revival of the tool began in Belgium, in the city of Mechelen, only in the XIX century. He was recognized as the center of carillon music. Now there is the most famous international competition of playing on Carillion called "Queen Fabiola". All problems and new developments relating to the art of the game are discussed precisely there.

Carillon: Musical instrument of the Peter and Paul Cathedral, Carillons in Kondopoga and in Belgorod, in other places in Russia 26198_11

Currently, 4 large Carillons play in the city, the most huge consists of 197 bells. One of them is mobile and used for solemn events. It stands on a wooden trolley, which is rolled out on the square. In this instrument, the oldest bell of the city was installed, which was cast back in 1480.

Three other tools are in the bell tower of urban churches.

Carillon: Musical instrument of the Peter and Paul Cathedral, Carillons in Kondopoga and in Belgorod, in other places in Russia 26198_12

In Munich, a specialized school has been operating in the study of this skill, founded in 1922. E. e attend students from all countries of the world. Training passes separately with each student for 6 years.

As is well known from the history, in the entire existence of this tool, about 6,000 copies were made. Their part was lost during battles. Currently, in all countries, about 900 carillons can be counted (13 of them are mobile), the heaviest weighs 102 tons and cast from bronze. It is located in the church Riverside in the United States, assembled from 700 bells, the most massive weighs 20.5 tons and has a circle of 3.5 m.

Carillon: Musical instrument of the Peter and Paul Cathedral, Carillons in Kondopoga and in Belgorod, in other places in Russia 26198_13

Famous carillons in Russia

In Russia, Karillon acquired its popularity thanks to the Emperor Peter I. The tool was taken from Holland and equipped with 35 bells. For 25 years, it has not been used, and then was installed in St. Petersburg in the belfry of the Petropavlovsky Cathedral. In 1756 a fire occurred, and the tool burned down with the cathedral.

Carillon: Musical instrument of the Peter and Paul Cathedral, Carillons in Kondopoga and in Belgorod, in other places in Russia 26198_14

Carillon: Musical instrument of the Peter and Paul Cathedral, Carillons in Kondopoga and in Belgorod, in other places in Russia 26198_15

Erisabeth Petrovna ordered his analogue, but only 38 bells. In 1776 it was established. Over time, he was upset, and it was dismantled, and after the revolution completely destroyed. Now there are several such tools in Russia.

Repeated Carillon appeared in St. Petersburg in honor of the 300th anniversary of the city. The tool was set again on the belfry of the Petropavlovsky Cathedral. In the three-level bell tower of the bells are located in each row. V One - 11 Flemish, in another - 22 Orthodox bells, in the third - 18 historical bells that remained from the initial Dutch instrument.

Another Carillon is located on the Cross Island. This is a modern instrument with electronic control. It contains 23 electronic and 18 mechanical bells.

Carillon: Musical instrument of the Peter and Paul Cathedral, Carillons in Kondopoga and in Belgorod, in other places in Russia 26198_16

Carillon: Musical instrument of the Peter and Paul Cathedral, Carillons in Kondopoga and in Belgorod, in other places in Russia 26198_17

Most recently, the four-tailed tool was brought from Holland, it is located in Belgorod. He was established in honor of the anniversary of the Prokhorovsky battle. The first acquaintance of the audience with the sound of the tool happened on July 12, 2019. Modern Carillon is unique, consists of 51 bells, can operate in 2 modes: mechanical and manual. In addition, it is mobile, it can be installed in a special truck and carry around the city, pleaseing the music of his fans. The design is disassembled into 3 parts, so it is easy to transport even in a passenger car.

Carillon: Musical instrument of the Peter and Paul Cathedral, Carillons in Kondopoga and in Belgorod, in other places in Russia 26198_18

In 2001, thanks to the patrons in the city of Kondopoga, which is located in Karelia, 2 carillons from 18 and 23 bells were installed. They are brought from the Netherlands and are made according to individual order.

Carillon: Musical instrument of the Peter and Paul Cathedral, Carillons in Kondopoga and in Belgorod, in other places in Russia 26198_19

Carillon: Musical instrument of the Peter and Paul Cathedral, Carillons in Kondopoga and in Belgorod, in other places in Russia 26198_20

Large tool installed in the form of arched construction at the Ice Palace. This steel arch call is 14 m high, she is taped with bells on both sides. Their total weight is 500 kg.

The little carillon was installed in the city center opposite the Kondopog's Edge Museum. The tool is an interesting design, the lower part of which is equipped with a clock, and the top in the form of 3 stairs equipped with bells. Carillon music plays every hour in 40 variations of execution.

Carillon: Musical instrument of the Peter and Paul Cathedral, Carillons in Kondopoga and in Belgorod, in other places in Russia 26198_21

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