Balalaika (50 photos): How many strings and what system have a musical string-pin tool? What does it look like? The history of the emergence of Russian folk balalaika


Almost each of us was interested in folk instruments of a particular country. They can be unusual, emitting creaky sounds, melodic, brightly decorated and imperceptible, small and large. Most of these musical instruments are symbols associated with whole nations. One of these is Balalaika. About the history of its origin, varieties, subtleties of the structure and many other things read in this article.

Balalaika (50 photos): How many strings and what system have a musical string-pin tool? What does it look like? The history of the emergence of Russian folk balalaika 26192_2

Balalaika (50 photos): How many strings and what system have a musical string-pin tool? What does it look like? The history of the emergence of Russian folk balalaika 26192_3

History of origin

Accurate information about who and where this tool came up is not. The first mention of it is dated only by the end of the XVII century. Mention is not quite good, as it is due to the fact that Balalaika was similar to Derru, which at that time was prohibited. The reason for this is pretty banal: mocking poems were accompanied by a game on domra and similar tools. In the following years, the rulers of Russia ambiguously treated this tool - they were prohibited, they themselves listened to the virtuoso-balalachenics.

Balalaika (50 photos): How many strings and what system have a musical string-pin tool? What does it look like? The history of the emergence of Russian folk balalaika 26192_4

According to one of the versions, Balalaika first appeared in Turkic peoples. BALA was translated as a "child", and the tool was used for lulled. Another version of the emergence argues that Balalaika is a purely Russian folk peasant tool and received its name from similarity with the word "balalago". Thus, it is believed that the birthplace of balalaika is the territory of modern Russia and Asia, but invented her simple people.

At the dawn of his appearance, Balalayak was called "Balabay".

Balalaika (50 photos): How many strings and what system have a musical string-pin tool? What does it look like? The history of the emergence of Russian folk balalaika 26192_5

Balalaika (50 photos): How many strings and what system have a musical string-pin tool? What does it look like? The history of the emergence of Russian folk balalaika 26192_6

According to the statements of historians and researchers, an ancient Balalaik had a great form from the one to which we are accustomed. The first tools were made of buckets and had a rounded shape. Only about 300 or less years ago a triangular balalaika appeared. At the earliest stage of its existence, it was only from 5 to 7 lads. In the XVIII century, Balalaika gained popularity, it was played even among the aristocrats and arranged concerts. Vasily Andreev Vasily Andreev adds great contribution to this case. He created an ensemble from the musicians playing a balalaica, and all his life devoted to what he improved and popularized the tool. In the creation of tools on their own sketches, his friend - S. Nalimov helped. Then (in the next century), its popularity fell, she acquired a reputation as an annoying tool of Russian creativity. Now the situation has improved: musical groups are created, music schools open, Balalaika is a mandatory part of the orchestra.

Balalaika (50 photos): How many strings and what system have a musical string-pin tool? What does it look like? The history of the emergence of Russian folk balalaika 26192_7

Balalaika (50 photos): How many strings and what system have a musical string-pin tool? What does it look like? The history of the emergence of Russian folk balalaika 26192_8

general description

It is believed that Balalaika is a truly popular Russian musical instrument, refers to string plumbing. The same folk symbol, along with harmonic and husls. His nearest "relatives" - Domra, Dombra, Ukulele, Bandura and, of course, guitar. The main part of the tool has a triangular shape and is called apron. She received his name because it looks like Russian folk female dresses. It is wooden, mainly made from fir and fir. The long part is called a vulture. It has the same length as a apron. It is on the grief that the strings and labels are located. By the end, the vulture is bent back. The ultimate part of the tool is a blade. It contains three slices to help adjust the tension of the strings.

Balalaika (50 photos): How many strings and what system have a musical string-pin tool? What does it look like? The history of the emergence of Russian folk balalaika 26192_9

For balalaika, funny sounds are characterized, and the main one with which it is associated is tremolo. Purchase a good tool in Russia is quite easy, it is on sale in almost every music store. The cheapest models can cost less than 10 thousand rubles, and the price of the biggest copies can reach hundreds of thousand rubles. Modern technologies allow you to visualize music, perhaps this is due to the spectrogram. It is a bulk or two-dimensional graph with curves.

On the spectrogram of the melody, played on the balalaica, can be seen at high and frequent notes.

Balalaika (50 photos): How many strings and what system have a musical string-pin tool? What does it look like? The history of the emergence of Russian folk balalaika 26192_10

Balalaika (50 photos): How many strings and what system have a musical string-pin tool? What does it look like? The history of the emergence of Russian folk balalaika 26192_11

Device and Stroy

This tool has a fairly simple and includes three main parts, more about which we will talk below. Balalaika is a hordophone. This means that this musical design makes the sound due to strings, sandwiched between certain points. Thus, it turns out that the most important part of the tool is three strings. A small number of their number is explained quite trite: the people's performers had enough three strings, as the game on intricate tools took away a lot of time and effort. Now they are mainly used nylon, carbon and less often metal strings. As already mentioned above, the length of the grid is the same as the housing. Merezura depends on this (part of the string on which you can play). The more Balalaika, the more Menzura. Previously, residential strings were used. Lads are also located on the jiff, their quantity ranges from 16 to 31. The frets are separated from other parts of the lights: top and bottom. With their absence, the sound of the string loses its attractiveness, and the strings themselves may damage other parts of the tool. At the end of the griff, there is a head, there are slices on it. These parts are also very important: strings are wound on them, if necessary, they can be tightened or relaxed.

Balalaika (50 photos): How many strings and what system have a musical string-pin tool? What does it look like? The history of the emergence of Russian folk balalaika 26192_12

Balalaika (50 photos): How many strings and what system have a musical string-pin tool? What does it look like? The history of the emergence of Russian folk balalaika 26192_13

An apron consists of several segments (usually 6 or 7), connected. On it from the front side (called deck) you can see the hole - the outlet. Also on it is located clapped to the housing stand. Optionally, you can purchase a pickup. It is a device that transforms the oscillation of strings into the current. Next, this signal can be processed and reproduced through acoustic systems or use for your own purposes. It is a device similar to a stand, but made of metal.

Balalaika (50 photos): How many strings and what system have a musical string-pin tool? What does it look like? The history of the emergence of Russian folk balalaika 26192_14

Balalaika (50 photos): How many strings and what system have a musical string-pin tool? What does it look like? The history of the emergence of Russian folk balalaika 26192_15

The weight of traditional balalak ranges from 2 to 5 kg. Balayki-bass can weigh from 10 to 30 kg. Speaking about the band of the balalaika-prima, you can note the two complete octaves and the five halftones (ranging from the "Mi" sheet of the first octave and ending with the note of the third octave).

The range characteristic of the bass balalaika begins on the "Mi" sheet notes and ends with a note "to" the first octave.

Balalaika (50 photos): How many strings and what system have a musical string-pin tool? What does it look like? The history of the emergence of Russian folk balalaika 26192_16

Balalaika (50 photos): How many strings and what system have a musical string-pin tool? What does it look like? The history of the emergence of Russian folk balalaika 26192_17


The types of balalalak were invented due to the need and in accordance with the requirements of modernity.


It is an example of a classic sample of balalak. It is manufactured with the shell. Suitable for learning in music schools, and also used on speeches and concerts.

Balalaika (50 photos): How many strings and what system have a musical string-pin tool? What does it look like? The history of the emergence of Russian folk balalaika 26192_18


The main feature - a shell is not installed on the balalaica of this species. The thresholds on it is located lower than that of the academic. Thanks to this, the tool sounds softer. Strings are usually installed metallic. The distance between them and the pitch is small. Great for solo execution, as well as for beginners. Previously, at the end of the XIX century, there was massively and had six strings. Now the six-string balalaica is released only within the framework of special series.

Balalaika (50 photos): How many strings and what system have a musical string-pin tool? What does it look like? The history of the emergence of Russian folk balalaika 26192_19

Balalaika (50 photos): How many strings and what system have a musical string-pin tool? What does it look like? The history of the emergence of Russian folk balalaika 26192_20


The sound is practically no different from acoustic analogues. Reproduces after connecting to the network. Changes his sound only after connecting various effects. Of the advantages, you can note the possibility of connecting to a socket, hidden wires, a plurality of power efficiency and more beautiful, unlike other varieties, appearance.

Balalaika (50 photos): How many strings and what system have a musical string-pin tool? What does it look like? The history of the emergence of Russian folk balalaika 26192_21

Balalaika (50 photos): How many strings and what system have a musical string-pin tool? What does it look like? The history of the emergence of Russian folk balalaika 26192_22

Varieties in size

Most of the varieties of Balalak invented F. Pedersbski, Assistant Andreeva. Later, Persubsky got a patent for balalaika in Germany. Another part of the varieties of balalalac was invented by Andreev. As already mentioned, Nalimov was made by his requests.


This type is mainly used as an accompanying tool. However, recently, the performance with Balalaica Alt is becoming increasingly solid. A characteristic feature is a stronger string tension (from 50 to 100% compared to the bottom).

Balalaika (50 photos): How many strings and what system have a musical string-pin tool? What does it look like? The history of the emergence of Russian folk balalaika 26192_23

Balalaika (50 photos): How many strings and what system have a musical string-pin tool? What does it look like? The history of the emergence of Russian folk balalaika 26192_24


As obvious, this kind of balalaika is needed to create an "rear background" in the orchestra and is responsible for low bass sounds. The width of the tool reaches 80 cm. Electrical models are characterized by smaller sizes. It is noted that the sound of bass balalaika is higher than that of the bass guitar, and more resembles tenor.

Balalaika (50 photos): How many strings and what system have a musical string-pin tool? What does it look like? The history of the emergence of Russian folk balalaika 26192_25

Double bass

Designed to extract the sounds of the bass register. It is one of the main instruments of the orchestra. Differs in large sizes. Some models can reach up to 1.7 m in length. The bottom of the spire is installed in order to maintain a tool in a standing position.

When the game thus recovered sound becomes longer and deep.

Balalaika (50 photos): How many strings and what system have a musical string-pin tool? What does it look like? The history of the emergence of Russian folk balalaika 26192_26


The most common balalaika, but the smallest of all. Its length varies from 600 to 700 mm. Often you can find souvenir models. Only she can be used for solo games at concerts or during training.

Balalaika (50 photos): How many strings and what system have a musical string-pin tool? What does it look like? The history of the emergence of Russian folk balalaika 26192_27

Balalaika (50 photos): How many strings and what system have a musical string-pin tool? What does it look like? The history of the emergence of Russian folk balalaika 26192_28


This variety is also used for accompaniment. However, some modern musicians try solo execution using a second. For this type, the balalaika is characterized higher than those of the prima, sounds. It is used to play tremolo and trill.

Balalaika (50 photos): How many strings and what system have a musical string-pin tool? What does it look like? The history of the emergence of Russian folk balalaika 26192_29

Balalaika (50 photos): How many strings and what system have a musical string-pin tool? What does it look like? The history of the emergence of Russian folk balalaika 26192_30

What is different from the domra?

First of all, I would still like to note not the differences, but the unifying and main similarity - both instruments are Russian folk, as well as tweezing. Differences are consisting of 6 moments.

  1. Vulture Domra has a long neck, which is equivalent to four buildings, which you will not say about the balalaika - her length of her smaller.
  2. Case shape. Domra is a round form, at Balalyaki - we know what.
  3. The number of strings. The balalaika has 3 or 4 strings, the Domra has always had two strings.
  4. String manufacturing material. Metal has always been used for domra. For balalaika, they tried to use living strings.
  5. Sound. Thanks to the iron strings, the sound of the domra is ringing, but soft. At the balalaika it is not so ringing, but playful.
  6. Balalaika - A more flexible tool on which you can play a lot of songs, the repertoire of the domra less.

Balalaika (50 photos): How many strings and what system have a musical string-pin tool? What does it look like? The history of the emergence of Russian folk balalaika 26192_31

Balalaika (50 photos): How many strings and what system have a musical string-pin tool? What does it look like? The history of the emergence of Russian folk balalaika 26192_32

Criterias of choice

It is best to acquire a tool live. First you need to knock on deck. The sound should be uniform and without a cod. Other factors should also be taken into account.

  • Appearance. Balalaika should not have mechanical damage (chips and scratches), broken parts. The apron should be proportional, holistic. Dec should be smooth and flat, without curvature and other things. Modern Balalaika should not bend. Buttons for strings must be well fixed, the strings themselves must be clean and smooth, without rust.

Balalaika (50 photos): How many strings and what system have a musical string-pin tool? What does it look like? The history of the emergence of Russian folk balalaika 26192_33

Balalaika (50 photos): How many strings and what system have a musical string-pin tool? What does it look like? The history of the emergence of Russian folk balalaika 26192_34

  • Convenience. Before buying, take a tool in your hands and take the position in which you will play. The vulture should not be too thick or too thin. It is believed that vultures made from ebony are characterized by good quality. The frets on the jiff should be well polished and not cling to fingers during the game. White metal is considered the best manufacturing material.

Every threshold should be made qualitatively.

Balalaika (50 photos): How many strings and what system have a musical string-pin tool? What does it look like? The history of the emergence of Russian folk balalaika 26192_35

  • Quality of the flask. They must be made of solid metal pieces. It is not recommended to acquire hollow slices. They should also be smooth and well polished. Poorly polished models are larger than strings.

Balalaika (50 photos): How many strings and what system have a musical string-pin tool? What does it look like? The history of the emergence of Russian folk balalaika 26192_36

Balalaika (50 photos): How many strings and what system have a musical string-pin tool? What does it look like? The history of the emergence of Russian folk balalaika 26192_37

  • Shell. The coating that is installed on the deck and closes its part. Required for additional protection against mechanical damage. When choosing a balalaika with a shell, you need to pay attention to the fact that it is mounted and touched against the deck surface. As a rule, it is made of solid rocks.

Balalaika (50 photos): How many strings and what system have a musical string-pin tool? What does it look like? The history of the emergence of Russian folk balalaika 26192_38

Balalaika (50 photos): How many strings and what system have a musical string-pin tool? What does it look like? The history of the emergence of Russian folk balalaika 26192_39

Balalaika (50 photos): How many strings and what system have a musical string-pin tool? What does it look like? The history of the emergence of Russian folk balalaika 26192_40

  • Stand. The stand must be solid. With a soft stand, the sound of the string can change unpredictably. High stand will make the sound more sharp, and low - more singers. The danger is that over time, playing (especially newcomer) gets used to one sound style and after it continues to play just like this.

Balalaika (50 photos): How many strings and what system have a musical string-pin tool? What does it look like? The history of the emergence of Russian folk balalaika 26192_41

Balalaika (50 photos): How many strings and what system have a musical string-pin tool? What does it look like? The history of the emergence of Russian folk balalaika 26192_42

  • Strings. It is important to pay attention to the strings. They should not be too thin or too thick. The first give quiet sounds, and the second are sharp sounds that are not distinguished by singers. It is the thick strings that rush more often - they cannot withstand stretching. Replacement strings is not always a pleasant and fast business.

Balalaika (50 photos): How many strings and what system have a musical string-pin tool? What does it look like? The history of the emergence of Russian folk balalaika 26192_43

Balalaika (50 photos): How many strings and what system have a musical string-pin tool? What does it look like? The history of the emergence of Russian folk balalaika 26192_44

  • Belt. As a rule, it is needed for novice musicians. Its cost is about 1000 rubles. It is cling to one end for the upper threshold, and the second end - for the lowest part of the housing on the reverse side.

Balalaika (50 photos): How many strings and what system have a musical string-pin tool? What does it look like? The history of the emergence of Russian folk balalaika 26192_45

Balalaika (50 photos): How many strings and what system have a musical string-pin tool? What does it look like? The history of the emergence of Russian folk balalaika 26192_46

How to store?

It is not recommended to store a tool in raw and wet places. Also bad affects the balalaika and cold. The optimal storage temperature is considered the range from 15 to 30 degrees, and the humidity must be 50-60%. Protection against mechanical damage can be a case or case. Balalyca must sometimes check for the purity of the sound. Periodically, the replacement requires strings and rings.

With each use, try not to shed any fluid to the tool. Before the game wash your hands, do not take it fat and dirty palms. Remove dust from balalaika is best damp rag. Rings require regular lubrication with machine oil (at least once a year). Cover the tool on their own varnish, paint or other compositions. In no case can not spoil the tool mechanically.

Put the tool need up the strings.

Balalaika (50 photos): How many strings and what system have a musical string-pin tool? What does it look like? The history of the emergence of Russian folk balalaika 26192_47

Balalaika (50 photos): How many strings and what system have a musical string-pin tool? What does it look like? The history of the emergence of Russian folk balalaika 26192_48

Interesting Facts

  1. Balalaika has gained popularity outside of Russia, it is playing in Sweden, Norway, USA and even Japan on it.
  2. The largest monument dedicated to Balalyke is in Khabarovsk. Its height is 12 meters. This balalaika was presented to Khabarovsk Harbin along with her Chinese analogue (Pipoya). The structure is evaluated in more than half a million dollars.
  3. Days of playing on a balalaica in Russia is considered on June 23. This date was chosen on the initiative of the President of the Russian Club of Natives Musicians.
  4. "Balalaika does not play, but ruins" - this is exactly what they spoke about it in the Middle Ages. It was believed that it was not necessary to spend time on the game on a balalaica, but it is better to do business affairs. Thus, mostly songs on this tool could be heard on holidays and festivals.
  5. The maximum period to master the game on the balalaica in the music school is 7 years old. Usually in order to get a diploma, 5 years of study.
  6. A man written in the Guinness Book of Records As the best of Balalalachnikov, calls Alexey Arkhipovsky.

Balalaika (50 photos): How many strings and what system have a musical string-pin tool? What does it look like? The history of the emergence of Russian folk balalaika 26192_49

Balalaika (50 photos): How many strings and what system have a musical string-pin tool? What does it look like? The history of the emergence of Russian folk balalaika 26192_50

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