Self-hardening clay for modeling: What can be sculpting from self-sitting clay? Types and popular manufacturers, selection tips


Recently, self-hardening clay becomes increasingly demanded for the manufacture of various crafts. This material has its own characteristics in which it is worth understanding before starting to the modeling.

What it is?

Self-hardening clay for modeling - plastic mass, which in the outdoor starts to hardly harden. The timing of material solidification depend on the type of clay, the thickness of the elusive product and other parameters.

For the first time, clay was produced in 1930. Then the material was used for the modeling of the heads of dolls, which were put up for sale in toy stores. Over time, the self-healing polymer began to apply to create decorations, decor elements.

Self-hardening clay for modeling: What can be sculpting from self-sitting clay? Types and popular manufacturers, selection tips 26129_2

Self-hardening clay for modeling: What can be sculpting from self-sitting clay? Types and popular manufacturers, selection tips 26129_3

Self-hardening clay for modeling: What can be sculpting from self-sitting clay? Types and popular manufacturers, selection tips 26129_4


Self-hardening clay model - in demand hobby, which is gaining popularity every year. Today manufacturers offer a wide range of clay of different compositions and characteristics. It is worth considering the main types of material.


Such clay is also called plastic. This is a special mass, in its composition and appearance resembling plasticine. Plasticizers, PVC and dyes are used for the production of material.

Pluses of polymer clay:

  • a large selection of shades;
  • high elasticity indicator;
  • softness.

Among the minuses, the presence of a sharp smell of magnificent rubber is distinguished, which makes the modeling not so attractive.

Self-hardening clay for modeling: What can be sculpting from self-sitting clay? Types and popular manufacturers, selection tips 26129_5

Self-hardening clay for modeling: What can be sculpting from self-sitting clay? Types and popular manufacturers, selection tips 26129_6

Self-hardening clay for modeling: What can be sculpting from self-sitting clay? Types and popular manufacturers, selection tips 26129_7


Clay of natural origin, mined from the depths of the earth. The packaged mass does not require the addition of dyes. The shade of the material is formed by nature. The advantages of genuine clay:

  • use of use;
  • hypoallergenicity;
  • Low price.

Among the disadvantages it is worth allocating more solid consistency, severely peppering.

Self-hardening clay for modeling: What can be sculpting from self-sitting clay? Types and popular manufacturers, selection tips 26129_8

Self-hardening clay for modeling: What can be sculpting from self-sitting clay? Types and popular manufacturers, selection tips 26129_9

Self-hardening clay for modeling: What can be sculpting from self-sitting clay? Types and popular manufacturers, selection tips 26129_10

How to choose?

In the process of work, each master determines its favorite in the form of a certain type of clay, which is suitable for modeling. Finding among a wide variety of materials necessary the first time it is rarely possible, so it is necessary to carefully approach the purchase.

Assist in choosing the desired material several tips:

  • When buying it is worth clarifying all information about the manufacturer, whose goods seemed attractive;
  • Be sure to pay attention to the date of manufacture of goods and the shelf life;
  • It is recommended to choose a package without damage, since any deformation is capable of deteriorating material properties;
  • It is worth choosing a tool in advance by which product modeling will be carried out.

Self-hardening clay for modeling: What can be sculpting from self-sitting clay? Types and popular manufacturers, selection tips 26129_11

Self-hardening clay for modeling: What can be sculpting from self-sitting clay? Types and popular manufacturers, selection tips 26129_12

Self-hardening clay for modeling: What can be sculpting from self-sitting clay? Types and popular manufacturers, selection tips 26129_13

Finally, when choosing a polymer clay is to give preference to goods that correspond to the selected color combinations. Otherwise, the finished handicraft from the incompatible shades will look unattractive. A good solution will be the purchase of white clay.

Qualitative material must have such characteristics as:

  • viscosity;
  • plastic;
  • elasticity;
  • hardness;
  • strength.

Additionally, experienced masters are recommended before going to the store to decide on the product that you want to blind.

Self-hardening clay for modeling: What can be sculpting from self-sitting clay? Types and popular manufacturers, selection tips 26129_14

Self-hardening clay for modeling: What can be sculpting from self-sitting clay? Types and popular manufacturers, selection tips 26129_15

Self-hardening clay for modeling: What can be sculpting from self-sitting clay? Types and popular manufacturers, selection tips 26129_16

On the counters of art stores, you can meet various types of polymer clays from different manufacturers. Below is the rating of popular brands engaged in the sale of quality products.


The clay of the manufacturer is used to simulate products of any complexity: from colors to real sculptures. Drops out the material outdoors at normal room humidity. The company offers several clay options, including Darwi Extra Light and Darwi Porcelaine are popular.

Complete product drying occurs within 24 hours. Clay gives up drying in wind furnaces, not deformed.

Self-hardening clay for modeling: What can be sculpting from self-sitting clay? Types and popular manufacturers, selection tips 26129_17

La Doll

Plastic of the Japanese manufacturer is valued for the naturalness of the composition components, one of which is cellulose. The clay is safe in operation, is distinguished by high quality and fast frosting outdoors. It will be easy to work with the material even inexperienced creators.

Self-hardening clay for modeling: What can be sculpting from self-sitting clay? Types and popular manufacturers, selection tips 26129_18

Self-hardening clay for modeling: What can be sculpting from self-sitting clay? Types and popular manufacturers, selection tips 26129_19

Paperclay Delight

The brand produces light plastic, the hardening of which occurs within 24-72 hours. The term depends on the type of material and the thickness of the layer of the finished product. Pros of clay manufacturer:

  • low price;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • use of use;
  • Small weight when frozen.

It is noteworthy that even after solidification, the clay material retains strength. The only drawback is that clay is easily flammable, so drying in the oven plastic is excluded.

Self-hardening clay for modeling: What can be sculpting from self-sitting clay? Types and popular manufacturers, selection tips 26129_20

Self-hardening clay for modeling: What can be sculpting from self-sitting clay? Types and popular manufacturers, selection tips 26129_21

Paperclay Creative.

The manufacturer is engaged in the production of natural clays, the hardening of which occurs in the open air. In the oven, finished products from this material are better not to place. Advantages:

  • lack of showing odor;
  • Papier-Masha effect due to cellulose fibers;
  • Ecology.

Material is non-toxic, which makes it possible to smell with children. Plastic is suitable for creating products of any complexity. To connect the details of the master, we recommend giving the joint with water and smooth out irregularities.

Self-hardening clay for modeling: What can be sculpting from self-sitting clay? Types and popular manufacturers, selection tips 26129_22

Self-hardening clay for modeling: What can be sculpting from self-sitting clay? Types and popular manufacturers, selection tips 26129_23

EFA Plast.

The manufacturer is distinguished by the release of reliable polymer products. In total, the company has two main rules. The latter option contains in the composition of cellulose, which made it possible to reduce the weight of the polymer and improve the strength of the material.

Basically, Flowers or wings of insects are made of EFA Plast clay. However, if desired, you can create a complex design.

Self-hardening clay for modeling: What can be sculpting from self-sitting clay? Types and popular manufacturers, selection tips 26129_24

What can I make?

Polymer clay - demanded material from which you can make almost everything that can be represented. With your own hands using self-hardening plastic, it will be possible to create:

  • decorations;
  • flowers;
  • Sculptural elements.

More experienced masters are able to sculpt from clay real masterpieces, which then become decorations of exhibitions or houses. With their own hands from the militant and elastic material, it turns out to do everything if you properly approach the choice of plastic.

Self-hardening clay for modeling: What can be sculpting from self-sitting clay? Types and popular manufacturers, selection tips 26129_25

Self-hardening clay for modeling: What can be sculpting from self-sitting clay? Types and popular manufacturers, selection tips 26129_26

Storage Tips

Self-sitting clay is afraid of water, which is able to destroy the whole design. Therefore, first of all it is necessary to take care that the finished product is dried in a room with normal humidity and was far from any source of fluid.

Additionally, the masters advised to cover the creation of acrylic varnish. Stages of coating.

  1. First, the master sculpt the product.
  2. Next, the drying of the sculpture or another decorative element is carried out. It can be a natural drying outdoors or an artificial way.
  3. The third option implies painting a hardened product with high quality paints.
  4. The next stage is another drying. In this case, waiting for the paint layer.

Self-hardening clay for modeling: What can be sculpting from self-sitting clay? Types and popular manufacturers, selection tips 26129_27

Self-hardening clay for modeling: What can be sculpting from self-sitting clay? Types and popular manufacturers, selection tips 26129_28

Finally, lacquer becomes the last step. With this protective composition, the product is covered in 2 layers. As for the choice of varnish, the preference should be given to matte options. However, glossy is able to give brightness and brilliance of the product.

Self-hardening clay is popular due to ease of use, a variety of shades and ecology.

Self-hardening clay for modeling: What can be sculpting from self-sitting clay? Types and popular manufacturers, selection tips 26129_29

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