Light crafts: simple quick crafts with their own hands. How to make the most beautiful crafts for children? Easy and interesting options from different materials


The task to bring a craft to school or kindergarten often scares both the children themselves and their parents. However, a large number of creative ideas do not require special costs in no time or on materials.

Light crafts: simple quick crafts with their own hands. How to make the most beautiful crafts for children? Easy and interesting options from different materials 26122_2

Light crafts: simple quick crafts with their own hands. How to make the most beautiful crafts for children? Easy and interesting options from different materials 26122_3

Light crafts: simple quick crafts with their own hands. How to make the most beautiful crafts for children? Easy and interesting options from different materials 26122_4

Light crafts: simple quick crafts with their own hands. How to make the most beautiful crafts for children? Easy and interesting options from different materials 26122_5

Light crafts: simple quick crafts with their own hands. How to make the most beautiful crafts for children? Easy and interesting options from different materials 26122_6

Light crafts: simple quick crafts with their own hands. How to make the most beautiful crafts for children? Easy and interesting options from different materials 26122_7

What crafts do from paper?

The simplest crafts are obtained from ordinary paper, sometimes even white. For any holiday, from the New Year before September 1, the child will be able to create a picture by using different drawing techniques. For novice creators, drawing with fingers or stamps, pre-carved adults from potatoes or wine plugs. The older guys will already be able to handle wax crayons, colored pencils or paints.

Light crafts: simple quick crafts with their own hands. How to make the most beautiful crafts for children? Easy and interesting options from different materials 26122_8

Light crafts: simple quick crafts with their own hands. How to make the most beautiful crafts for children? Easy and interesting options from different materials 26122_9

Very easy master classes teach creating colored paper products.

Despite the huge number of ideas suitable for implementation, preference is most often given to postcards appliqués, home garlands or animal figures and insects. In almost 5 minutes on a landscape template, it is possible to get a box for gifts, which after decorated with infirous materials. A funny turtle is created very easily from a disposable plate and multicolored paper. The round base is disappeared with paints and covered with glitter, after which the head, legs and the tail of the green color are glued to it.

Without the use of glue, it is really possible to create a pretty wicker rug. Colored paper of two shades is cut by strips of the same length and widths, which are then intertwined in a checker order. Also, the minimum amount of materials is activated for cutting elegant snowflakes.

Light crafts: simple quick crafts with their own hands. How to make the most beautiful crafts for children? Easy and interesting options from different materials 26122_10

Light crafts: simple quick crafts with their own hands. How to make the most beautiful crafts for children? Easy and interesting options from different materials 26122_11

Light crafts: simple quick crafts with their own hands. How to make the most beautiful crafts for children? Easy and interesting options from different materials 26122_12

Pretty simply constructed a crap made of colored paper. For creativity, in this case, empty matchboxes are required, colored paper of different density, scissors, glue and tube, for example, from a lollipop.

  • The process begins with the fact that the two matchbox is put next to each other, and the third strictly centered on top of them. A good solution will immediately wrap the design with colored paper to hide advertising inscriptions.
  • The food for the ship is "built" from the cardboard: the base is cut at first, and then two short stripes indicate the nose of the vessel.
  • On the tube recorded in the upper match box, the sail from the rectangular fragment of colored paper and a small red check box are attached.
  • At the final stage, the side of the boat is made.

Light crafts: simple quick crafts with their own hands. How to make the most beautiful crafts for children? Easy and interesting options from different materials 26122_13

Light crafts: simple quick crafts with their own hands. How to make the most beautiful crafts for children? Easy and interesting options from different materials 26122_14

Light crafts: simple quick crafts with their own hands. How to make the most beautiful crafts for children? Easy and interesting options from different materials 26122_15

    The child of any age is no less fascinating. The idea of ​​creating a Russian oven appears in many folk fairy tales. For work, cardboard packaging is required from under toothpaste, paper, white, orange and black colors, a small amount of wool, black felt-tumbler, scissors and glue.

    • First of all, the box is cut into two parts in such a way that one thing happens a little more. A long piece is installed vertically, and the short applied horizontally to it. Between themselves they are fixed with glue.
    • When the frame dries, it can be saved with white paper imitating whitewashing.
    • The tube stoves vertically placed on the base is obtained from a bent cardboard tape.
    • Separately, a black firebox and an orange frame are glued onto a small rectangular sheet of paper of white paper. The finished composition is attached to the stove.
    • At the end, the pipe is turned around with orange paper and filled with a small piece of cotton, and masonry is drawn on the surface of the structure with black felt-tipper.

    Light crafts: simple quick crafts with their own hands. How to make the most beautiful crafts for children? Easy and interesting options from different materials 26122_16

    Light crafts: simple quick crafts with their own hands. How to make the most beautiful crafts for children? Easy and interesting options from different materials 26122_17

    Light crafts: simple quick crafts with their own hands. How to make the most beautiful crafts for children? Easy and interesting options from different materials 26122_18

    What to make from plasticine?

    The process of interaction with the plasticine, polymer clay or salty test for children is always fascinating. From this material, you can quickly make the original figure or to "draw" a semi-adding picture.

    In the work of plasticine, it is customary to combine with natural materials: moss, bumps, branches, seeds and acorns.

    Light crafts: simple quick crafts with their own hands. How to make the most beautiful crafts for children? Easy and interesting options from different materials 26122_19

    Light crafts: simple quick crafts with their own hands. How to make the most beautiful crafts for children? Easy and interesting options from different materials 26122_20

    Light crafts: simple quick crafts with their own hands. How to make the most beautiful crafts for children? Easy and interesting options from different materials 26122_21

    Light crafts: simple quick crafts with their own hands. How to make the most beautiful crafts for children? Easy and interesting options from different materials 26122_22

    Fascinating, but not a difficult occupation will be the picochon Picamach, which resembles a protein with its appearance. The main material for creating a figurine will be plasticine yellow color - it will take a large bar.

    In addition, smaller pieces of black, red and white mass will be useful.

    • The yellow material is well remembered, after being divided into several fragments. The largest piece will become a torso, medium-sized - legs, tail and head, and a couple of the smallest - ears.
    • The largest blank is the cone-shaped form. Next, its lower part is cut, and two paws are designated stack.
    • The head is simply rolled with a ball and connects with a torso with a match. After it has to be slightly survived on the sides of two fingers and "award" with two holes for the eyes. Pooyon's face is immediately decorated with pink brushes and a black nose bead. Eyes are going from black and white glare balls.
    • Long pointed ears of yellow color with black tips are fixed on the head.
    • Slugging a hole for the mouth and adding an inside of a piece of pink plasticine, picking will get to get smile.
    • Four beings of creatures are small tubes with notches at the ends. After they together with a zigzag long tail will be fixed on the body, the snaps will be ready.

    Light crafts: simple quick crafts with their own hands. How to make the most beautiful crafts for children? Easy and interesting options from different materials 26122_23

    Light crafts: simple quick crafts with their own hands. How to make the most beautiful crafts for children? Easy and interesting options from different materials 26122_24

    Light crafts: simple quick crafts with their own hands. How to make the most beautiful crafts for children? Easy and interesting options from different materials 26122_25

    Light crafts: simple quick crafts with their own hands. How to make the most beautiful crafts for children? Easy and interesting options from different materials 26122_26

    Light crafts: simple quick crafts with their own hands. How to make the most beautiful crafts for children? Easy and interesting options from different materials 26122_27

    Light crafts: simple quick crafts with their own hands. How to make the most beautiful crafts for children? Easy and interesting options from different materials 26122_28

    Even easier from plasticine is created lion. For a master class, it is necessary to prepare a plasticine of yellow, black, white and brown shades, stack, as well as toothpick.

    • The modeling starts from the head: oval is formed from a yellow piece, which is slightly strung out for greater naturalness. It is important that the cone-shaped torso is of the same color in the upper part of the slightly than in the bottom.
    • By connecting your head with the body, you can do the rear capaciform legs. The forelimbs are rolling with sausages, the lower part of which is slightly felt and cooked upstairs.
    • Having gathered the main details of the figure, it should be decorated with a mane of plasticine brown. "Surrection" toothpick will make it possible to designate hair on it.
    • On the chest of the lion is fixed in a similar way treated triangle.
    • A plastic or wooden stack will give the ability to designate claws on the legs.
    • To create a tail, you will need to combine yellow-colored flails with a drop-shaped piece of brown plasticine. Tassel is also better to draw hairs.
    • Animal's eyes are obtained from white circles, on top of which two black beads are fixed.

    The volumetric black triangle with side deepents performs the role of a nose of a lion, and the pair of dropped "droplets" of the yellow shade becomes ears.

    Light crafts: simple quick crafts with their own hands. How to make the most beautiful crafts for children? Easy and interesting options from different materials 26122_29

    Light crafts: simple quick crafts with their own hands. How to make the most beautiful crafts for children? Easy and interesting options from different materials 26122_30

    Light crafts: simple quick crafts with their own hands. How to make the most beautiful crafts for children? Easy and interesting options from different materials 26122_31

    Light crafts: simple quick crafts with their own hands. How to make the most beautiful crafts for children? Easy and interesting options from different materials 26122_32

    Light crafts: simple quick crafts with their own hands. How to make the most beautiful crafts for children? Easy and interesting options from different materials 26122_33

    Light crafts: simple quick crafts with their own hands. How to make the most beautiful crafts for children? Easy and interesting options from different materials 26122_34

    Crafts from cotton disks

    Different uncomplicated crafts are obtained based on cotton disks - soft material with which it is very easy to interact. For example, adding fluffy pumps to them from the remains of yarn allows you to get beautiful flowers. The center of the winter applique can be a funny snowman with a "disc" body, and an important part of autumn work - funny chickens from the same material.

    The workpieces are also ideal for the creation of voluminous angels on chopsticks.

    Light crafts: simple quick crafts with their own hands. How to make the most beautiful crafts for children? Easy and interesting options from different materials 26122_35

    Light crafts: simple quick crafts with their own hands. How to make the most beautiful crafts for children? Easy and interesting options from different materials 26122_36

    Light crafts: simple quick crafts with their own hands. How to make the most beautiful crafts for children? Easy and interesting options from different materials 26122_37

    Beautiful stones figures

    Interesting products are obtained based on stones, mainly pebbles collected during summer holidays. It must be said that such master classes are suitable for older children - from 10 years. For example, together with parents, they can create not only a beautiful, but also a useful handicraft for the house - wall clock with a stone dial. To do this, around the perimeter or circumference of the workpiece with a watch dial is glued with a flat pebble on which the numbers are written. The coziness room will definitely add old candlesticks or glass jars, glued with seashells, pebbles or other natural materials.

    Light crafts: simple quick crafts with their own hands. How to make the most beautiful crafts for children? Easy and interesting options from different materials 26122_38

    Light crafts: simple quick crafts with their own hands. How to make the most beautiful crafts for children? Easy and interesting options from different materials 26122_39

    Light crafts: simple quick crafts with their own hands. How to make the most beautiful crafts for children? Easy and interesting options from different materials 26122_40

    Production of crafts from natural materials

    For creativity at home, it is customary to use the most affordable materials, including natural gifts, collected with the children on a walk.

    From the cones

    From the cones it is very convenient to make various fabulous animals, since samples of different sizes are suitable for both the calf, so for the paw and face. For example, not only a classic hedgehog, but also a hare, penguin, deer or owl. Additional elements are fixed based on plasticine.

    By the way, you can decorate the wooden frame for photos with small unprase cones, just securing the natural material with reliable glue.

    Light crafts: simple quick crafts with their own hands. How to make the most beautiful crafts for children? Easy and interesting options from different materials 26122_41

    Light crafts: simple quick crafts with their own hands. How to make the most beautiful crafts for children? Easy and interesting options from different materials 26122_42

    Light crafts: simple quick crafts with their own hands. How to make the most beautiful crafts for children? Easy and interesting options from different materials 26122_43

    Older children will be more interesting to gradually collect a beautiful wreath of cones. It is more convenient to use a spruce branch as a basis, bent in the form of a circle of the desired size. Finished work is usually decorated with artificial snow, glitter or tinsel. Also with bumps will be well harmonized winter berries and flat wooden figures.

    Light crafts: simple quick crafts with their own hands. How to make the most beautiful crafts for children? Easy and interesting options from different materials 26122_44

    Light crafts: simple quick crafts with their own hands. How to make the most beautiful crafts for children? Easy and interesting options from different materials 26122_45

    From vegetables

    Perhaps the most exciting variety of simple crafts are products created from food. For example, an excellent ship will be from ripe zucchini: a small fruit boat or a full-fledged yacht from vegetable giant.

    • After the zucchini is flushed and succeeded, it needs to withdraw the upper part, approximately one third. The knife should go along the fetus, and the skin should be untouched. The billet is immediately released from the pulp and seeds.
    • The steering wheel, flags, anchor and other ship parts are cut out of pieces of sweet pepper and carrots.
    • The cabbage sheets are ideal for the formation of sails, although a suitable tissue can become an alternative to them.
    • Small elements are more convenient to fix with toothpicks, but the sails will have to put on skewers.

    Light crafts: simple quick crafts with their own hands. How to make the most beautiful crafts for children? Easy and interesting options from different materials 26122_46

    Step by step by following the instructions, it will be possible to create beautiful figures and from other vegetables. The turbines of the rounded form will become the basis for the wonderful pig, which will only attach the legs of the carrot, ears, eyes and tail. From the same rootpode, a funny horse is also obtained: its head and limbs are also formed from a cut carrot planted on the toothpick.

    Cute fox really collect from several carrots: The largest fruit will become a torso, slightly smallerly - a face with a long nose, tips - ears, and thin slots - legs. The mice of cucumbers are elementary and mice are created: in fact, carrot ears and a couple of eyes are attached to the vegetable.

    Light crafts: simple quick crafts with their own hands. How to make the most beautiful crafts for children? Easy and interesting options from different materials 26122_47

    Light crafts: simple quick crafts with their own hands. How to make the most beautiful crafts for children? Easy and interesting options from different materials 26122_48

    On how to make simple crafts, see the next video.

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