Crafts from Berestov (59 photos): What do you do with your own hands beginners to kindergarten? How to prepare birch birch and process it? Crafts for interior


Birch bark, in a different beeration, is one of the most popular materials for the manufacture of souvenirs and useful things. These are the widest opportunities for creating natural elements of the decor, as well as dishes, baskets and even shoes.

Crafts from Berestov (59 photos): What do you do with your own hands beginners to kindergarten? How to prepare birch birch and process it? Crafts for interior 26054_2

Crafts from Berestov (59 photos): What do you do with your own hands beginners to kindergarten? How to prepare birch birch and process it? Crafts for interior 26054_3

Crafts from Berestov (59 photos): What do you do with your own hands beginners to kindergarten? How to prepare birch birch and process it? Crafts for interior 26054_4

Features and preparation of material

Beresta - the material is special, unique and amazing, with a centuries-old history. Ancient Rusichi found a wide range of applications for her:

  • Beresta served aspect times;

Crafts from Berestov (59 photos): What do you do with your own hands beginners to kindergarten? How to prepare birch birch and process it? Crafts for interior 26054_5

  • From it they made security charms and decorations;

Crafts from Berestov (59 photos): What do you do with your own hands beginners to kindergarten? How to prepare birch birch and process it? Crafts for interior 26054_6

  • fishing tackle, boats and even temporary halary housing;

Crafts from Berestov (59 photos): What do you do with your own hands beginners to kindergarten? How to prepare birch birch and process it? Crafts for interior 26054_7

Crafts from Berestov (59 photos): What do you do with your own hands beginners to kindergarten? How to prepare birch birch and process it? Crafts for interior 26054_8

  • Birch bark was used for the manufacture of the most diverse dishes, in which loose and liquid products were stored;

Crafts from Berestov (59 photos): What do you do with your own hands beginners to kindergarten? How to prepare birch birch and process it? Crafts for interior 26054_9

Crafts from Berestov (59 photos): What do you do with your own hands beginners to kindergarten? How to prepare birch birch and process it? Crafts for interior 26054_10

  • From it was prepared to carry the container - baskets, Tues, box, Lukoshka.

Crafts from Berestov (59 photos): What do you do with your own hands beginners to kindergarten? How to prepare birch birch and process it? Crafts for interior 26054_11

Crafts from Berestov (59 photos): What do you do with your own hands beginners to kindergarten? How to prepare birch birch and process it? Crafts for interior 26054_12

And finally, the shoes and even clothing. For example, In the Vytehorsky United Museum, a shirt, pants, a hat from Berestov, not to mention boots and laps. As far as it was convenient, the question is minor, but the subyense people in ancient Russia did not always have had funds on linen clothing - most of the revenues went on risks, and families were numerous. Native Birch came to the rescue, which served, among other things, the pharmacy (birch tar, bark, leaves, kidneys, chaga, and even roots).

A characteristic feature of Berestov is the presence of subverin acid, inhibiting pathogenic fungi and bacteria. It is thanks to this that products in Berevian Tara have long retain their properties, for example, milk does not even in the heat.

Cookie products do not cause allergic reactions, which makes them not only beautiful, but also safe.

Crafts from Berestov (59 photos): What do you do with your own hands beginners to kindergarten? How to prepare birch birch and process it? Crafts for interior 26054_13

Crafts from Berestov (59 photos): What do you do with your own hands beginners to kindergarten? How to prepare birch birch and process it? Crafts for interior 26054_14

To make a craft from Berriest, you need to prepare the working material. The workpiece is produced in several ways - layers, tapes (cylinders), ribbons. Experts claim that it is the ribbons that are most suitable for the development of azov work with Bershest.

Crafts from Berestov (59 photos): What do you do with your own hands beginners to kindergarten? How to prepare birch birch and process it? Crafts for interior 26054_15

Crafts from Berestov (59 photos): What do you do with your own hands beginners to kindergarten? How to prepare birch birch and process it? Crafts for interior 26054_16

Crafts from Berestov (59 photos): What do you do with your own hands beginners to kindergarten? How to prepare birch birch and process it? Crafts for interior 26054_17

There is a question how to prepare Beresto. For professional mining in large quantities, you need a set of tools: an ax, saw, knife, wire. You need to collect Beresto from mid-June to mid-July - at this time it is easily peeling. Below the technology is the easiest.

  • It is necessary to choose a tree with a smooth bark, make a longitudinal incision on its south side (it is easier to delay the bark).
  • Then make two circular cuts from the upper and lower edges of the longitudinal. At the same time, it is necessary to follow the depth of the outbreak - it should remain within the cork layer, otherwise the tree will not be able to increase the bark and will die.
  • A knife or shovel, the outcropped part gently lifted and separated.
  • As a result, there will be a reservoir of Berestov (slotting). If there are several of them, then they all fold into the stack, with alternating the inner and outside of the cortex, pressed the load.
  • With a bark, not intended for long storage, work immediately until it dry and remains soft and militant. This means that it must be split into stripes and plates.

Crafts from Berestov (59 photos): What do you do with your own hands beginners to kindergarten? How to prepare birch birch and process it? Crafts for interior 26054_18

Crafts from Berestov (59 photos): What do you do with your own hands beginners to kindergarten? How to prepare birch birch and process it? Crafts for interior 26054_19

Crafts from Berestov (59 photos): What do you do with your own hands beginners to kindergarten? How to prepare birch birch and process it? Crafts for interior 26054_20

Further operations are carried out on the next day. The top layer of Berestov needs to be processed by sandpaper to remove dust particles, garbage, dirt. The irons is softer and gentle, it is gently wiped with a soft cloth.

  • Next comes the next step. A deep spacious bowl is poured with warm water, add a little cook salt. In this solution, Berest is kept for 2-3 days.
  • After soaking and drying berst, it is easy to smell on thin layers and ribbons. The resulting material stroke the iron, then sorted by color and pattern.

Crafts from Berestov (59 photos): What do you do with your own hands beginners to kindergarten? How to prepare birch birch and process it? Crafts for interior 26054_21

Crafts from Berestov (59 photos): What do you do with your own hands beginners to kindergarten? How to prepare birch birch and process it? Crafts for interior 26054_22

There is an even easier way to get Beresto for the first crafts. The incision on the trunk makes a small, 4-5 cm, the edges of the cortex peel off, after which it remains to remove the band around the barrel from the birch. The ribbon is immediately twisted into the roll of white side up.

Crafts from Berestov (59 photos): What do you do with your own hands beginners to kindergarten? How to prepare birch birch and process it? Crafts for interior 26054_23

Crafts from Berestov (59 photos): What do you do with your own hands beginners to kindergarten? How to prepare birch birch and process it? Crafts for interior 26054_24

What to do with children?

Children should begin with the simplest crafts from Beresta. Little masters with their own hands will be able to make simple products from birch bark, such as flat figures of animals, a stand-circle under a mug or a plate, unpaired panels, paintings or autumn work.

For children, such work is useful in physical terms (develops a small motorcy) and in intellectual - contributes to the development of creative thinking, as well as training in the concentration of attention and amplification.

Crafts from Berestov (59 photos): What do you do with your own hands beginners to kindergarten? How to prepare birch birch and process it? Crafts for interior 26054_25

Crafts from Berestov (59 photos): What do you do with your own hands beginners to kindergarten? How to prepare birch birch and process it? Crafts for interior 26054_26

Crafts from Berestov (59 photos): What do you do with your own hands beginners to kindergarten? How to prepare birch birch and process it? Crafts for interior 26054_27

Crafts from birch bark for children in kindergarten, as well as for schoolchildren on the topic of autumn, are performed from the treated birch. Junior class students make a house, a bulk figurine, such as a flower or salt, a beautiful stand under hot with the design method of burning or appliqués to the school at the exhibition.

Crafts from Berestov (59 photos): What do you do with your own hands beginners to kindergarten? How to prepare birch birch and process it? Crafts for interior 26054_28

Crafts from Berestov (59 photos): What do you do with your own hands beginners to kindergarten? How to prepare birch birch and process it? Crafts for interior 26054_29

Such products like animal figures can be flat or volumetric. For a flat model, you need to perform an animal pattern, for example, draw on paper and cut. Then to circle a stencil with a pencil on Bereste, cut and at the same time cut the birch ribbons. On the edge of the parts knead the holes. Halves fold the front side and stitched with a beretta tape. In this way, you can make coasters under hot, key rings and much more.

Crafts from Berestov (59 photos): What do you do with your own hands beginners to kindergarten? How to prepare birch birch and process it? Crafts for interior 26054_30

Crafts from Berestov (59 photos): What do you do with your own hands beginners to kindergarten? How to prepare birch birch and process it? Crafts for interior 26054_31

Crafts for interior

Highly professional products from Berestov become a full part of the interior, and sometimes an accent. To their manufacture, too, you can attract children.

To work with bark will need tools:

  • Knife, line and clips;
  • Cornel, Rake and Circle;
  • Pobbler, seed, pliers and brackets;
  • Ballpoint pen, pencil and tin patterns.

In addition, dry soft fabric and vegetable oil can be useful in operation. Next, a simple instruction should be made step by step several products.

Crafts from Berestov (59 photos): What do you do with your own hands beginners to kindergarten? How to prepare birch birch and process it? Crafts for interior 26054_32


One of the easiest crafts for beginners is performed from birch strips chopped from treated birch bark. For the manufacture of the box, it is necessary to prepare tools, 12 birch tapes 45 cm long and 2 cm wide, stationery clips.

  1. As the basis take 6 stripes, lay down in parallel on the table.
  2. The next tape is passed through the center through the laid bands, alternating the upper and lower position.
  3. Another strip repeat the process, only in the opposite direction and the opposite position. Thus, all loose birch tapes are inserted.
  4. After all bands turn out to be in the case, it comes to further actions. To begin with, all vertical and horizontal tapes are tightly shifted to get a solid cloth. At the same time, it is necessary to observe the same length of the free edges, and the woven part should be located strictly in the center.
  5. The resulting corners fasten with stationery clips.
  6. After that, the sidewalls are proceeded - the free ends are intertwined in a checker order. The action begins with central strips with gradual interfution of free ribbons. The process is completed at the top edge of the product.
  7. To the edges look neat, and the product is finished, the protruding ends bend and hide in weaving.

The result is a solid product in the form of a square cart-box.

In the process you need to remember the density of the walls and the bottom, all strips must be shifted to each other as tight as possible. If you lose this moment out of mind, then as a result, the product will be loose, fragile, winding side.

Crafts from Berestov (59 photos): What do you do with your own hands beginners to kindergarten? How to prepare birch birch and process it? Crafts for interior 26054_33

Crafts from Berestov (59 photos): What do you do with your own hands beginners to kindergarten? How to prepare birch birch and process it? Crafts for interior 26054_34

Crafts from Berestov (59 photos): What do you do with your own hands beginners to kindergarten? How to prepare birch birch and process it? Crafts for interior 26054_35

Crafts from Berestov (59 photos): What do you do with your own hands beginners to kindergarten? How to prepare birch birch and process it? Crafts for interior 26054_36

Crafts from Berestov (59 photos): What do you do with your own hands beginners to kindergarten? How to prepare birch birch and process it? Crafts for interior 26054_37

Crafts from Berestov (59 photos): What do you do with your own hands beginners to kindergarten? How to prepare birch birch and process it? Crafts for interior 26054_38

If everything is done correctly, then for a strong and reliable design, the cover can be sprung along the same technology.

Crafts from Berestov (59 photos): What do you do with your own hands beginners to kindergarten? How to prepare birch birch and process it? Crafts for interior 26054_39


Panno is an excellent decorative element that is useful not only as an exhibit to the exhibition, but also as a gift to relatives or friends.

For its manufacture, you will need:

  • Cardboard for crafts;
  • Grinding bark bark and thin berst;
  • Pencil, scissors, PVA glue and adhesive gun;
  • Decorative elements in the form of wooden beads, as well as a soft cloth to maintain the cleanliness of the work.

Crafts from Berestov (59 photos): What do you do with your own hands beginners to kindergarten? How to prepare birch birch and process it? Crafts for interior 26054_40

Crafts from Berestov (59 photos): What do you do with your own hands beginners to kindergarten? How to prepare birch birch and process it? Crafts for interior 26054_41

Cardboard can be saved with colored paper for creativity, especially since it is represented in a huge assortment - the background of velvet paper will look original.

  1. If a sleek cardboard is used, the PVA glue is applied to its surface, and the tops are sprinkled on top of the bark. After drying, not gluing particles shake. Velvet paper does not need such an design. The condition is one - the background should be contrasting birch. Light birest material will be perfectly looking at deep blue, chocolate or black background.
  2. Next draw on paper the outline of the future composition, for example, a flower. Draw petals, leaves, stems, and so on.
  3. All items are cut for use as stencils.
  4. Lay them on a birch-based basis, outline, then cut out.
  5. After that, the bark harvesters are glued with hot glue in accordance with the sketch on the panel. Initially, the lower parts of the pattern are fixed, then the following, surface, smaller parts.

When choosing barks for crafts, it is worth stopping the choice on the material of various tones. This will help to give a visual scope, create a 3D effect.

Crafts from Berestov (59 photos): What do you do with your own hands beginners to kindergarten? How to prepare birch birch and process it? Crafts for interior 26054_42

Crafts from Berestov (59 photos): What do you do with your own hands beginners to kindergarten? How to prepare birch birch and process it? Crafts for interior 26054_43

Crafts from Berestov (59 photos): What do you do with your own hands beginners to kindergarten? How to prepare birch birch and process it? Crafts for interior 26054_44

During the final stage, only add decorative elements, such as, for example, beads will remain.

Crafts from Berestov (59 photos): What do you do with your own hands beginners to kindergarten? How to prepare birch birch and process it? Crafts for interior 26054_45

Crafts from Berestov (59 photos): What do you do with your own hands beginners to kindergarten? How to prepare birch birch and process it? Crafts for interior 26054_46

Crafts from Berestov (59 photos): What do you do with your own hands beginners to kindergarten? How to prepare birch birch and process it? Crafts for interior 26054_47


The following materials will be needed to create a picture:

  • cardboard and photo frame;
  • dense berson in the form of a spree;
  • Gouache and watercolor, brushes for glue and drawing, hair polish.

When choosing a footprint for the picture you need to try to find a more interesting texture that can be taken as the basis for the future picture.

Crafts from Berestov (59 photos): What do you do with your own hands beginners to kindergarten? How to prepare birch birch and process it? Crafts for interior 26054_48

Crafts from Berestov (59 photos): What do you do with your own hands beginners to kindergarten? How to prepare birch birch and process it? Crafts for interior 26054_49

After the choice is made, the material must be soaked in warm water and leave in this form for a week.

  1. After the expiration, it is proceeded to phased creation of the painting.
  2. Bark splashed, now it is necessary to carefully remove the top layer from it to Beresta.
  3. The material obtained is applied to the cardboard cut-cut on the size of the photo frames and glue it. Surplus cut.
  4. There comes a queue of artistic work.
  5. At the top of the Beresto, you need to apply a blue paint, depicting the sky.
  6. Against the background of the sky, clouds should be drawn.
  7. The central part will be filled with green shades for the image of grass and paths. By the way, she remains impaired.
  8. Green-gray shadows are applied on the track relief. At the bottom, you should depict the lake with the lakes of the waves and the bridge at the shore, near which there is an empty boat.
  9. On the tops of the mountains of white paint, snowy proteins of glaciers are distinguished.
  10. Getting Started with a birch crown, use the "Tassel" method - light movements from top to bottom. For greater reliability, you also need to add several smears of yellow shades.
  11. Drawing trunk, you should remember the mandatory black strokes.
  12. On the shores of the lake draw white daisies, make the light marks of the visible villages.
  13. Now they draw at home and other details in more detail.
  14. At the base of the mountains draw a forest, depicting the crowns of trees, it is necessary to designate the stream running from the mountains to the nic.

After the artistic part is finished, the paint dried, the surface is covered with varnish, and then the picture is inserted into the frame.

Crafts from Berestov (59 photos): What do you do with your own hands beginners to kindergarten? How to prepare birch birch and process it? Crafts for interior 26054_50

Crafts from Berestov (59 photos): What do you do with your own hands beginners to kindergarten? How to prepare birch birch and process it? Crafts for interior 26054_51

Crafts from Berestov (59 photos): What do you do with your own hands beginners to kindergarten? How to prepare birch birch and process it? Crafts for interior 26054_52

Crafts from Berestov (59 photos): What do you do with your own hands beginners to kindergarten? How to prepare birch birch and process it? Crafts for interior 26054_53

Crafts from Berestov (59 photos): What do you do with your own hands beginners to kindergarten? How to prepare birch birch and process it? Crafts for interior 26054_54

Crafts from Berestov (59 photos): What do you do with your own hands beginners to kindergarten? How to prepare birch birch and process it? Crafts for interior 26054_55


We stopped only on some crafts from Beresta. Options for such products There is an infinite set.

Case for mobile phone

It requires a soft elastic beret. From the phone remove the measurements for the manufacture of the future cover, not forgetting about the allowances for free placement of the phone. This is about 1.5-2 cm from each edge. After that, on paper, make a pattern-pattern, and then with it cut 2 parts from Berestov. The hole packs are made by stitching, strictly observing the symmetry on both parts. From the soft thin suede, long thin strips cords are cut, with which the parts are sewn. As a decor on the cut elements, you can pre-burn the ornament.

Crafts from Berestov (59 photos): What do you do with your own hands beginners to kindergarten? How to prepare birch birch and process it? Crafts for interior 26054_56

Starting work with such simple, but beautiful products, if you wish, you can gradually learn how to create more complex models - boxes, dishes and other things. If such work is likely to do, then tirelessly raising the level of skill, you can create your own business and receive a good income. Now the fashion returned to the whole natural, natural - wood products and berers are in great demand.

Crafts from Berestov (59 photos): What do you do with your own hands beginners to kindergarten? How to prepare birch birch and process it? Crafts for interior 26054_57

Crafts from Berestov (59 photos): What do you do with your own hands beginners to kindergarten? How to prepare birch birch and process it? Crafts for interior 26054_58

Crafts from Berestov (59 photos): What do you do with your own hands beginners to kindergarten? How to prepare birch birch and process it? Crafts for interior 26054_59

Tuesuck from Berestov in the video below.

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