Divisions "Pigeon of the World": a bulk handicraft with their own hands from paper. How to make a white pigeon with children to school from napkins? Making from pigeon feathers and other natural materials


The pigeon has long been considered a symbol of purity, serenity and peace. Due to the lack of gallbladder, the bird was considered sacred. In the Bible, it was this bird that brought a nose message about the end of the global flood in the form of the Olive branch. Today, pigeons are used as a talisman on significant events that have peaceful peace and well-being.

To express sincerity and good attitude towards another person, you can present a gift to him - the cradle in the form of a pigeon. Most people get acquainted with a similar type of creativity in kindergarten or school.







How to make a dove of paper?

DIY hands always attract the attention of creative people. "The Pigeon of the World" is an economical gift version that can be presented to a person in sympathy and wishes of happiness. Not in vain on the wedding day, it is customary to release a couple of pigeons into the sky. This custom helps to avoid quarrels and makes family life with light and long.

The "dove of the world" can be made from different materials, the most accessible of which is ordinary white paper. DIY DIY in the form of a white pigeon can be divided into two categories: volumetric birds and appliqués.





Application is an affordable version of creativity for small children, which develops creative thinking and fine motor skills.

Dove of the world created by stencil

To create an applique, you will need:

  • black marker;
  • white cardboard;
  • simple pencil;
  • scissors;
  • glue.

Stages of creation.

  • Print pattern in the desired size.
  • Cut with scissors and attach a template to the cardboard.
  • The number of parts depends on the density of the cardboard. You should cut one or more cardboard parts.
  • Make a drawing of the desired lines on the cardboard: eyes, feathers, wings.
  • Glue the satin tape to the top of the applique or place the tape between the two glued parts of the cardboard. Another option is to place a wooden skeleton in the lower part of the applique, so that the pigeon is comfortable to carry.

This is the easiest and fast application of appliqué, which can be done in just half an hour, for example, when preparing for the holiday. It will not represent difficulties for children. There are more complex appliqués.




"Pigeon of the World" with separate elements

To fulfill the applique, you will need:

  • black marker;
  • white cardboard;
  • simple pencil;
  • scissors;
  • glue.

Stages of applique creation.

  • Print pigeon template in the desired size and additional elements in the form of feathers.
  • Cut and circle pattern on a sheet of thick paper or cardboard.
  • Draw a marker eye.
  • Feathers glue in the field of wings and tail.
  • Bresh feathers to the top so that the composition looks over.
  • Application background can be decorated in different colors or make an additional drawing in the form of the sun, olive branches and other elements. Interesting option - pigeon background to make in the form of a country flag or St. George ribbon. Such an applique will suit the topic on May 1 and 9.

To complete the tail and wings, you can also take natural or artificial pigeons feathers or dried leaves.




Volumetric crafts in the form of pigeons are more difficult to fulfill and require patience option. Such pigeons are perfect for decorating a festive room, such as a class, children's or assembly hall at school.

Volume "Pigeon of the World" by template

To create crafts, you will need:

  • scissors;
  • glue;
  • paper format A4;
  • Plastic card or similar object.

Stages of creating a volume shape.

  • Print template to create a figure.
  • Cut the contour and bend over the internal dotted lines.
  • By glue the shape in the form of a triangle in the tail of the pigeon and gluing a part of each other, you can plant a bird.
  • With the help of scissors, each of the feather of the tail and wings twist, moving from the base.
  • Wings should be bend on dotted lines using a plastic card or a similar item.
  • Collapse the wings dotted with inside and put to the base in the area of ​​the pigeon back.
  • Such spectacular crafts in the form of a flying dove of the world can be suspended using threads in different parts of the room.




Volume dove in 10 minutes

To create a figure, paper format, scissors and glue will be required. On paper, you can print or draw the contour of the poultry head so that you can bend the sheet in half horizontally. Then in the middle part to spend from 10 straight vertical lines at an equal distance from each other. You need to leave free space closer to the edge of the leaf on the sides and in the tail.

After that, bending the leaf in half, cuts should be made along these lines. The final stage is to turn inside the bent sheet in such a way that the external parts can be glued together. The result is a beautiful volumetric dove of the world of white paper.




Volume "Pigeon of the World" in the "Origami" technique

Origami - well-known Japanese technology for creating paper figures. For the manufacture of a pigeon figure, a sheet of thick paper of A4 format in any color will be required.

Stages of manufacture.

  • Cut from thick paper square.
  • Fold the sheet in half diagonally.
  • Do the same from the second side.
  • Locate the vertex of the resulting triangle in the left side.
  • Bend to the right to the upper part so that the fold is in two centimeters from the base. The same to do on the other side.
  • The protruding item must be lifted and capturing a part of the pigeon's body.
  • To make the beak, you need to bend the book triangle on the right side.



Manufacture of napkins

A beautiful postcard for congratulations on a holiday or an interesting volumetric figure Dove can be made from ordinary napkins. In order for the product better to hold, you need to take a cardboard or tight paper sheet.

Stages of creating crafts.

  • On a dense basis, perform the drawing of the contour of the bird.
  • White napkins cut into 2-3 cm squares.
  • Each of the sliced ​​square elements roll into dense balls.
  • Lubricate plow glue and put balls from napkins on it.
  • After drying the adhesion, it should be based on the blue paint, adding a small schematic globe at the bottom.

The design of the composition can also be any: placing additional, sliced ​​from color cardboard, elements, beautiful patterns or glitters.




Other ideas

In the manufacture of crafts to school or in kindergarten is not to be limited to standard manufacturing materials. Bird is just a symbol that can be done in any form, style and from any suitable material.

Bird from Pomponov

An excellent version of the composition on the theme of the world will be the figure of a dove of pomponov who will give volume a bird.

Plan for creating crafts.

  • Using the template, it should be cut each of the composition elements. The best album sheets are suitable for this purpose, because the cardboard will look rude, and thin sheets for printing can break.
  • The details of the pigeon head should be connected with each other, pre-lubricating glue. The connection area with the torso is not worth lubricory.
  • Using woolen white threads for knitting, make a major pompon.
  • Stick pompon to paper parts.
  • You can add a thread to attach the shape to the wall or ceiling.




Bird of the world of cardboard disposable dishes

Even ordinary disposable plates will be suitable for creating beautiful and spectacular figures.

  • Make contours depicting design details, head, body and bird wings in the world.
  • Cut details on the contour.
  • To the base with the help of glue or bilateral scotch, attach wings.
  • Draw paws and beak bird markers of different colors.

If you find the convex edges of the plates, the figure will look more naturalistic.


Pigeon's pigeon-mache composition

Paper-Masha - the technique of manufacturing volumetric figures from ordinary spacious paper, which won the sympathy among lovers of creativity throughout the world. Sometime, old newspapers were used to create figures from papier-mâche. Today, with a huge variety of materials for creativity, Figures from Papier Masha create an even more impressive effect.

Required materials and tools for work:

  • Napkins of different colors;
  • water;
  • glue;
  • picture with template;
  • disposable plate;
  • plastic transparent file or dense film;
  • Wand for mixing.




Stages of work. To break the napkins of the same color, moistened in the water, on small pieces and folded into the plate. It is important that the napkins of different colors are mixed with each other. If possible, you can take several different plates or cups for this purpose. Add a bit of liquid to crumpled napkins, then squeeze excess water into a glass. Do not stand too long to keep napkins in the water. Due to the low density of the material, they can too soften.

Mix the mass with a small amount of PVA glue, so that the cashem with monotonous consistency turned out. Adhesion should not add too much so that it does not shades pale. The template is to invest in a transparent file. You can use both a paper file and high density floral film. The main thing is that the water does not get straight on the paper pattern.




Put the mass on the template, evenly distributed along the contour. It is important to make layers of one height, otherwise the difference will be too noticeable. Share each of the elements of the contour composition. To ensure that the contours are smooth and clear, and individual pieces did not stand out from the total mass.

Prepare a dense substrate, put on it carved by contour pattern. Glue the composition details to the template. Make the decoration of the composition in the form of tapes, beads and other elements.




Beautiful volumetric applications can be performed from any natural materials, for example, from croup.


  • cube and corn croup;
  • sheet of color blue or blue color;
  • Blue and yellow markers;
  • glue.

Work algorithm.

  • On a sheet of paper, we draw the sun and a pigeon flying to it.
  • Apply glue inside the drawings.
  • Sunshine we fall asleep cornframe, pigeon - manna.
  • We are waiting for a few minutes so that the grains are preilmed to the base.
  • Sharp everything too much.
  • A yellow felt-tip pen is drawing the sun rays, you can cut the pigeons in blue.




About how to make the "dove of the world" in the Origami technique, see the next video.

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