Craftsman "Zhuravl": how to make with your own hands from natural material? Gray bird for kindergarten and voluminous cranes to school, simple ways of making


Making a variety of crafts is a favorite occupation of many boys and girls. From plasticine, paper or natural materials, it is possible to simulate a lot of fascinating things, objects, jewelry and animal figures. So, the child can make it easiest to make a charming crane. In the article we will understand exactly how to create such a craft.







How to make paper?

To create an attractive caravel, it is not necessary to prepare a lot of expensive and rare materials. Very good crafts are obtained from ordinary paper. This material is not only as accessible as possible, but also very pliable. Even the very small master will be easy to work with paper parts to get beautiful results.

From color or white paper, you can make it possible to make very many varied crafts depicting the crane. It can be an original picture, a bulk figure or homemade, manufactured in the popular origami technique.

Choose the most affordable and interesting scheme can a child of any age, with any level of knowledge and skills. As a rule, the minimum amount of time is spent on modeling any paper crafts.



Consider the easiest way to create an attractive crane paper.

  • First of all, you will need to prepare everything you need for further creative work. Do not do without a white paper sheet, black marker or pencil, scissors. In the manufacture of a similar craft, it is recommended to be adults, because the baby will have to put sharp scissors into the course.
  • At the first stage, it will take a small square from a white paper sheet. It must be very neatly folded on the diagonal. All the resulting bends are better to smooth out that the billet turns out more neat.
  • Now you need to take a pencil. They should shine straight corners of the resulting triangle. It will be necessary to do it on both sides.
  • Next, it will be necessary to shake the pointed angle of the received paper blank. It is necessary to do it on both sides.
  • According to the existing fold, the child will need to draw the bird's head, as well as arrange her torso.
  • When all sketches are prepared, you will need very carefully cut your head and torso caravrack with scissors. However, it should be borne in mind that cutting the specified parts should not be taken to the end of a paper sheet.
  • On the other hand, as if extending the body line of the bird, it will be necessary to do an incision.
  • The beak on both sides carefully paint red or bright orange pencil. At the same stage, poultry eye should be painted.
  • All previously shaded corners of paper blanks need to be cut, and then tighten through the blades of scissors.
  • Now the snow-white square of the paper can be safely disclosed. The workpiece must be deployed. In the previously done incision, it will be necessary to gently insert the tail of the caravlik. Crafts ready!

This paper caravlik is done very simple and quickly. The child will necessarily entail the process of its modeling.







Manufacture of plasticine

Cool crafts are obtained from ordinary plasticine. Plasticine Zhuravlik can be made it possible for kindergarten or primary school classes where such a task is often given. For a successful creative process, the child will need to be stocking such components:

  • black, gray, white, red and yellow plasticine;
  • matches;
  • wire;
  • Stack of plastic or tree.



We proceed to the modeling of a plasticine bird.

  • At first it will be necessary to clean the plasticine mass well (the third part of the bar), having a gray color. Next, this piece is rolled into the ball. From all sides it will be needed to be pressed with fingers to form a bird torso in the form of an oblong and surrendered workpiece.
  • Next is taken by black plasticine shelter. From him you need to tear off a small part, from which to make the head and neck of the caravel. In the inside of the plasticine blanks it will be necessary to insert a pre-prepared wire. It will serve as a reliable element for connecting the head and neck. At the same time, the neck will be quite flexible.
  • From the workpiece of gray, intended for creating a bird body, it is worth pulling some plasticine. It should be tightened to the darker neck. At the expense of such manipulations, two parts can be connected to one.
  • Next is the snow-white plasticine bar. From it you need to make a pair of flap and elongated parts. These elements will need to join the head of the plasticine bird. Then they make eyes and beak for the crafs.
  • To simulate the tail for the bird, cost to use the stack. It will be necessary to take a plasticine mass of gray and black colors. The tail should be made more fluffy. After that, the finished tail plipping the flow of the body. In places, the plasticine is needed very carefully to smear.
  • At the next stage, you need to make wings for the bird. For this, a pair of flattened drop-shaped blanks make a gray plasticine mass. To the lower part of these parts fasten feathers from black plasticine in the form of small flagella. Through stack, the wings are given a characteristic relief.
  • Finished wings stick to the body of the caravlik. It is necessary to do it on the sides. The wings should be slightly started behind the back so that they slightly cover the tail.
  • Next make legs for the bird. For this take matches and plasticine gray or black. Matches are fascinated by plastic material, leaving the tips of the matches open. Then these tips it will be necessary to insert the details in the body.

If you act neatly and strictly phased, the craft is very beautiful and naturalistic. The young sculptor will be delighted with the results of his creative work.




Products from natural materials

A beautiful crane is possible to make not only from paper or plasticine mass, but also from materials of natural origin. Of these components, beautiful crafts are obtained. A child can make a charming bird that is sitting in the nest, a spectacular natural composition or an original applique.

Very beautiful and unusual will get a crane from natural cones and twigs. To make it, will be needed:

  • Several pure cones without damage;
  • 1 twig with bitch and 2 simple twigs without knots;
  • a little plasticine mass;
  • feathers;
  • Shell for stand under the figure.



If all component elements are prepared, you can start creating a beautiful bird. At first it is necessary to take 1 revealed cone, a couple of leg twigs and 1 twig with a bitch that will be used for the head and neck.

The branch for the head is neatly clipped and sharpened with a knife so that the workpiece reminded the beak of the caravlik. The legs of the legs should also be slightly updated at the top so that they are easier to insert into the plug.



At the branch-head of the bird should be attached to the birds by plasticine. You can buy ready-made plastic eyes. Then this twig is inserted into the base of the base, additionally adopt through the plasticine mass.

Inserted legs inserted into the bump. They are also fixed, using plasticine. The finished caravel from the natural components can be fixed on the shell. Fasteners can be provided by plasticine mass. To the place where the poultry's tail should be inserted. At this stage, the original handicraft will be completed.




Crafts from girlfriend

Beautiful bird turns out of other suitable materials. The masters can make it yourself of very original cranes from phoamyran, packages, plastic bottles and much more. To make a crane from the girlfriend, will come in handy:

  • plastic bags;
  • sketch of birds;
  • scissors;
  • thick wire;
  • the cloth;
  • PVA glue;
  • paint and varnish;
  • bandages;
  • sponges of foam rubber;
  • threads and needle;
  • Styrofoam;
  • Beads.



We will analyze step-by-step instructions. On paper paint a bird with outlines of wings. You can use the finished image from the Internet or books. Take packages of suitable colors. Fixes are cut from them. The longest details should be done for the wings and the tail, and the middle - for the body and the head.

Make the base for a crane from thick metal wire. Take the fabric, cut it into stripes, and wind the framework, forming the desired paw thickness. The winding is impregnated with a glue solution of PVA. From the aluminum wire make the paws of the bird.




Next, the framework is again wrapped, but already by means of bandages. Their, like fabric, impregnate PVA glue before winding. Then the frame is painted in the desired color. You can cover the basis of varnish. Then model the body of the bird. Inside the crane will be sponges and wire. For the neck it is better to take a thick wire item.

Surrounded by wire form the body of the bird from the sponges. Surplus foam rubber cut off with scissors. The necessary pieces are stitched together. Next, the workpiece is coated with a cloth. It should not be tensioning too much.




Now you can start fasteners from packages. Start sewing them follows from the lower extremities. Attach the feathers is recommended as symmetrically as possible, without excess tension. The seams must be high quality, reliable, otherwise the plumage will quickly subsides. Next make the blanks of the wings of an oval form. They are also trimmed with feathers from packages. It should be done only on the one hand.




Finished wings are attached to the body of the crane. Then the feathers draw up a head. It will be left to make a key. It is formed from a piece of foam plastic, covered with cloth or thin skin. The finished detail is sewn to the head.

Eyes can be made from beads. They are attached over the keyboard on the head of the bird. Luxurious handicrafts made from girlish materials ready!




About how to make a paper crafs in the Origami technique, see the following video.

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