Crafts from flowers: from alive and dry. Autumn crafts do it yourself in kindergarten and to school for the exhibition. How to quickly dry flowers for crafts?


Flowers (both alive and dry) are a suitable material for creating all sorts of crafts. And that the resulting product pleased the surrounding many years, the natural elements must be pre-prepared predetermined.

Crafts from flowers: from alive and dry. Autumn crafts do it yourself in kindergarten and to school for the exhibition. How to quickly dry flowers for crafts? 25988_2

What material to use?

Despite the fact that live flowers are most often involved in the crafts, The use of dried material allows to extend the shelf life of the finished product. In addition, make the craft more strongly, if you supplement the real buds with artificial elements, for example, plastic berries or tissue leaves. In order to save the flowers for a long time as an advanced form as possible, they need to be properly sued.

Crafts from flowers: from alive and dry. Autumn crafts do it yourself in kindergarten and to school for the exhibition. How to quickly dry flowers for crafts? 25988_3

Crafts from flowers: from alive and dry. Autumn crafts do it yourself in kindergarten and to school for the exhibition. How to quickly dry flowers for crafts? 25988_4

It is important to remember that the velvets, asters, roses, dahlias and peonies remain bright for quite a long time, but pansies, nastures and succulents will still fade quickly.

The easiest of the collected samples are processed under the press or in a special folder intended for the placement of herbarium. You can even place them inside a thick thyroidism, protecting against staining with sheets of white paper or tracing. However, this method is relevant only to create a flat decor, which will be involved in the panel.

Crafts from flowers: from alive and dry. Autumn crafts do it yourself in kindergarten and to school for the exhibition. How to quickly dry flowers for crafts? 25988_5

Crafts from flowers: from alive and dry. Autumn crafts do it yourself in kindergarten and to school for the exhibition. How to quickly dry flowers for crafts? 25988_6

Crafts from flowers: from alive and dry. Autumn crafts do it yourself in kindergarten and to school for the exhibition. How to quickly dry flowers for crafts? 25988_7

To quickly dry the material for crafts, it is recommended to use heat treatment. As an option, multi-treat flowers - peonies, dahlias, calendula can be sent to lose moisture to the microwave. For this, multi-colored heads are laid out on a saucer, a miniature gland with water is installed next to them, and the timer is set for 2 minutes. If the petals will not be dry through the above interval, it is allowed to expose them to a hot medium another minute. The degree of processing of flowers is determined by the toothpick.

Crafts from flowers: from alive and dry. Autumn crafts do it yourself in kindergarten and to school for the exhibition. How to quickly dry flowers for crafts? 25988_8

Crafts from flowers: from alive and dry. Autumn crafts do it yourself in kindergarten and to school for the exhibition. How to quickly dry flowers for crafts? 25988_9

Crafts from flowers: from alive and dry. Autumn crafts do it yourself in kindergarten and to school for the exhibition. How to quickly dry flowers for crafts? 25988_10

In principle, copies on long stems are allowed to dry and naturally collecting in a bouquet and hiding down in the dark room. Between them is better to connect tapes of dense tissue or twine. It is important that some bouquets do not touch any other items, nor each other. With alive field flowers come even easier - they are laid out over the newspapers on the balcony or right on the street. Bright and large buds, on the contrary, are sent to the darkened space to prevent burnout. A similar natural drying process lasts several days.

Crafts from flowers: from alive and dry. Autumn crafts do it yourself in kindergarten and to school for the exhibition. How to quickly dry flowers for crafts? 25988_11

Crafts from flowers: from alive and dry. Autumn crafts do it yourself in kindergarten and to school for the exhibition. How to quickly dry flowers for crafts? 25988_12

If the aircraft requires the use of boutons with the preserved color, it is worth useful bulk drying. In this case, first natural material is going to dry day. Buds are neatly separated from the stem, keeping a couple of centimeters near the floral head. A short slice of wire is immediately inserted into the process. At the next stage, bulk masses, absorbent moisture - semolina, flour or salt are prepared.

Crafts from flowers: from alive and dry. Autumn crafts do it yourself in kindergarten and to school for the exhibition. How to quickly dry flowers for crafts? 25988_13

Crafts from flowers: from alive and dry. Autumn crafts do it yourself in kindergarten and to school for the exhibition. How to quickly dry flowers for crafts? 25988_14

At the bottom of the pure container, the flower is laid out the base down. Buds neatly fall asleep with a dried mass with a separation of each petal. Everything closes with a lid and removes the warm-up room with reduced humidity. After 3-4 days, it is possible to identify the degree of drying, carefully by pressing the petals of the lateral surface of the toothpick. If they are rigid, then it is time to get the workpiece with the help of a tweezers and purify from the residues of the bulk substance. Inserted slice of wire will allow the heads back to the stalks.

Crafts from flowers: from alive and dry. Autumn crafts do it yourself in kindergarten and to school for the exhibition. How to quickly dry flowers for crafts? 25988_15

Crafts from flowers: from alive and dry. Autumn crafts do it yourself in kindergarten and to school for the exhibition. How to quickly dry flowers for crafts? 25988_16

Crafts from flowers: from alive and dry. Autumn crafts do it yourself in kindergarten and to school for the exhibition. How to quickly dry flowers for crafts? 25988_17

Crafts from flowers: from alive and dry. Autumn crafts do it yourself in kindergarten and to school for the exhibition. How to quickly dry flowers for crafts? 25988_18

Very often, stabilized flowers are used for creativity, that is, treated in glycerin. This procedure is carried out very simply: first a solution of glycerin sold in any pharmacy, and water is mixed in proportions 1: 1. The resulting substance is poured into the vase, and the flowers are placed in it, the stems of which are pre-crushed into a centimeter. From above, close buds does not have the meaning, as the liquid will be absorbed through the stems. During the first week, each flower will have to be trimmed by one centimeter. During the second week after the renewal of the water-glycerin solution, the plants will simply remain in the vase.

Crafts from flowers: from alive and dry. Autumn crafts do it yourself in kindergarten and to school for the exhibition. How to quickly dry flowers for crafts? 25988_19

Crafts from flowers: from alive and dry. Autumn crafts do it yourself in kindergarten and to school for the exhibition. How to quickly dry flowers for crafts? 25988_20

Flowers treated for further use must be stored in ventilated and dry rooms, being fenced from direct sunlight exposure . Volumetric buds are better to remove into tightly closing boxes, flat - in the folder, and leave bouquets in the hanging condition outdoors.

Crafts from flowers: from alive and dry. Autumn crafts do it yourself in kindergarten and to school for the exhibition. How to quickly dry flowers for crafts? 25988_21

Crafts from flowers: from alive and dry. Autumn crafts do it yourself in kindergarten and to school for the exhibition. How to quickly dry flowers for crafts? 25988_22

It is extremely important that the moisture does not fall on dry samples.

Options for the smallest

Crafts from flowers often get out when in kindergarten or school is asked to participate in the exhibition on the topic "Golden Autumn" . The material collected throughout the warm season and already dried in books or microwave is easily processed and harmoniously fits into any composition. However, the only cut boutons also find their place in children's work.

Crafts from flowers: from alive and dry. Autumn crafts do it yourself in kindergarten and to school for the exhibition. How to quickly dry flowers for crafts? 25988_23

Crafts from flowers: from alive and dry. Autumn crafts do it yourself in kindergarten and to school for the exhibition. How to quickly dry flowers for crafts? 25988_24


It will be very easy to make flat autumn men from flowerfoils and leaves. Can be used as dry and fresh material - the main thing is that the elements are not damaged and harmonized with each other in color . The thoughtful composition is glued to the paper, after which the necessary parts are drawn by flomuses. Older girls can be suggested to do fashion-decorating: draw the outline of a fashionable dress and perform a petal applique.

Crafts from flowers: from alive and dry. Autumn crafts do it yourself in kindergarten and to school for the exhibition. How to quickly dry flowers for crafts? 25988_25

Crafts from flowers: from alive and dry. Autumn crafts do it yourself in kindergarten and to school for the exhibition. How to quickly dry flowers for crafts? 25988_26

Crafts from flowers: from alive and dry. Autumn crafts do it yourself in kindergarten and to school for the exhibition. How to quickly dry flowers for crafts? 25988_27


Creation of pupae from flowers is convenient to do during the walk. To this end, the bright and large buds of Malva or Poppy are suitable, as well as familiar dandelions, miniature binding field and other representatives of the flora. The process of manufacturing unusual crafts is easiest to learn on the example of the Bind . The first thing from his blossomed flower is separated by a blossoming with a flower pad by pulling up. Next, a smaller flower flower flower flower is inserted into the resulting hole.

Crafts from flowers: from alive and dry. Autumn crafts do it yourself in kindergarten and to school for the exhibition. How to quickly dry flowers for crafts? 25988_28

Crafts from flowers: from alive and dry. Autumn crafts do it yourself in kindergarten and to school for the exhibition. How to quickly dry flowers for crafts? 25988_29

Crafts from flowers: from alive and dry. Autumn crafts do it yourself in kindergarten and to school for the exhibition. How to quickly dry flowers for crafts? 25988_30

Optionally, the resulting doll is put on the hat or trying on a wig also from natural material.


Of course, greeting cards are of light crafts, for the design of which are also suitable and dried flowers. So, under the control of parents, a child can make a beautiful handicraft in retro style . From materials and tools to prepare only the workpiece for a postcard with a round "window", dried pansies, ribbons and not very thick PVA glue. The composition is collected from one large opened flower, a smaller flower, a closed bouton and a pair of stalks. It is important to arrange it in such a way that it is placed in the "window" postcard.

Details are picked up by tweezers, and for missing glue, a toothpick is suitable forms a thin and smooth layer of substance. Excess the retainer is necessarily removed with a clean rag.

Crafts from flowers: from alive and dry. Autumn crafts do it yourself in kindergarten and to school for the exhibition. How to quickly dry flowers for crafts? 25988_31

Crafts from flowers: from alive and dry. Autumn crafts do it yourself in kindergarten and to school for the exhibition. How to quickly dry flowers for crafts? 25988_32

Crafts from flowers: from alive and dry. Autumn crafts do it yourself in kindergarten and to school for the exhibition. How to quickly dry flowers for crafts? 25988_33

Crafts from flowers: from alive and dry. Autumn crafts do it yourself in kindergarten and to school for the exhibition. How to quickly dry flowers for crafts? 25988_34

The finished card is decorated with a ribbon and, at will, a fern leaflet.

Animals and insects

From flower petals on paper, you can collect images of any animals, birds and insects. For example, a very colorful butterfly from fresh and dried boutons, as well as small leaves. In addition to natural material, cardboard, scissors, transparent self-tape, tape and cocktail tubes are also involved in the work.

Crafts from flowers: from alive and dry. Autumn crafts do it yourself in kindergarten and to school for the exhibition. How to quickly dry flowers for crafts? 25988_35

Crafts from flowers: from alive and dry. Autumn crafts do it yourself in kindergarten and to school for the exhibition. How to quickly dry flowers for crafts? 25988_36

The first thing from the thick paper is cut out the blank in the form of a butterfly circuit. It is placed on the sticky surface of a small fragment of the adhesive film, after which "filled with flowers, petals, leafy plates and thin twigs. The product is covered with another fragment of self-tier, applied sticky layer down, tightly pressed and exempted from unnecessary edges of the film with scissors. To fly the butterfly to fly, it will have to attach a scotch to the plastic tube.

Crafts from flowers: from alive and dry. Autumn crafts do it yourself in kindergarten and to school for the exhibition. How to quickly dry flowers for crafts? 25988_37

Crafts from flowers: from alive and dry. Autumn crafts do it yourself in kindergarten and to school for the exhibition. How to quickly dry flowers for crafts? 25988_38

Crafts from flowers: from alive and dry. Autumn crafts do it yourself in kindergarten and to school for the exhibition. How to quickly dry flowers for crafts? 25988_39

Crafts from flowers: from alive and dry. Autumn crafts do it yourself in kindergarten and to school for the exhibition. How to quickly dry flowers for crafts? 25988_40

Quickly and simply on paper is a picture of a pretty hedgehog. It is enough to draw the figure to a black marker, and then fill the "needle zone" with dried leaves of different shades of green and thin twigs. Thereby getting a homogeneous background, it will remain only to decorate it with dried flat flower.

Crafts from flowers: from alive and dry. Autumn crafts do it yourself in kindergarten and to school for the exhibition. How to quickly dry flowers for crafts? 25988_41

How to make a panel?

Create an elegant panel from drywalks to even man, not possessing special skills. In addition to dried boutons, pieces of stabilized moss, seeds, spikelets, leaf plates and other gifts are also involved in the work. The process of assembling the product is very simple: all components are laid out on the canvas or paper so as to form a harmonious composition, after which they are fixed on transparent glue or double-sided tape.

Crafts from flowers: from alive and dry. Autumn crafts do it yourself in kindergarten and to school for the exhibition. How to quickly dry flowers for crafts? 25988_42

Crafts from flowers: from alive and dry. Autumn crafts do it yourself in kindergarten and to school for the exhibition. How to quickly dry flowers for crafts? 25988_43

After the picture successes, it will stay in the frame under the glass - Such a solution will increase the service life of the panel and protect it from the accumulation of dust. By the way, such a product can be made and volumetric - then buds, leaves or whole bouquets will be mounted on a cardboard or burlap, and then removed into the frame without glass.

Crafts from flowers: from alive and dry. Autumn crafts do it yourself in kindergarten and to school for the exhibition. How to quickly dry flowers for crafts? 25988_44

It is worth mentioning that The base for the panel should be durable and creating a reliable adhesion with any adhesive compositions. Small applications can be content with a piece of dense cardboard, but the complex panel will already require a wooden or plastic base, covered with cloth or burlap. Decorate the background will also get a grid, colored paper, "carpet" of dried leaves or a fragment of wallpaper.

Crafts from flowers: from alive and dry. Autumn crafts do it yourself in kindergarten and to school for the exhibition. How to quickly dry flowers for crafts? 25988_45

Crafts from flowers: from alive and dry. Autumn crafts do it yourself in kindergarten and to school for the exhibition. How to quickly dry flowers for crafts? 25988_46

One of the most common topics for homemade panels is Autumn bouquet. To create it, drunks dried in the open air beams or separately with the preservation of stalks. All elements of the composition are attached to thick cardboard, tightened with a yellowish flap. You can use any elements in the work, but It is better to give preference to those that get harmoniously arrange on a flat surface.

Crafts from flowers: from alive and dry. Autumn crafts do it yourself in kindergarten and to school for the exhibition. How to quickly dry flowers for crafts? 25988_47

Crafts from flowers: from alive and dry. Autumn crafts do it yourself in kindergarten and to school for the exhibition. How to quickly dry flowers for crafts? 25988_48

Crafts from flowers: from alive and dry. Autumn crafts do it yourself in kindergarten and to school for the exhibition. How to quickly dry flowers for crafts? 25988_49

Crafts from flowers: from alive and dry. Autumn crafts do it yourself in kindergarten and to school for the exhibition. How to quickly dry flowers for crafts? 25988_50

For example, it can be targeted, Mordovnik and Physalis, in the company to which spikelets, needle branches and hautes are added.

Having gathered a non-bouquet of plants and tangling it with a ribbon, it will only remain cut through a couple of holes and consolidate the composition on it with a wire. Vase or basket are cut out of thick colored paper, then glued right on top of the stems. Corners of the frame can be issued by beads or bows.

Crafts from flowers: from alive and dry. Autumn crafts do it yourself in kindergarten and to school for the exhibition. How to quickly dry flowers for crafts? 25988_51

Crafts from flowers: from alive and dry. Autumn crafts do it yourself in kindergarten and to school for the exhibition. How to quickly dry flowers for crafts? 25988_52

Making volumetric toys

Make your own hands a beautiful floral toy will be able to choose a sufficient number of live flowers of the same size, as well as to get a floral sponge, wire or wooden spanks, a stationery knife and water. Deciding which animal will be created, it is necessary to cut the corresponding figure from the floristic sponge. It is not forbidden to create a head, torso and paws, and after connecting them to each other. Fragments of the oasis fall into the water for careful impregnation, and then briefly laid aside to excess water glass.

The body of the animals is immediately assembled with wire or spamps. Flowers are tricked by the painter in such a way that about 3 centimeters of the stem left next to the bud. Next they are very tight and without lumens stick into a sponge. Animal's eyes are made of paper, and instead of the nose you can use a small candy.

Crafts from flowers: from alive and dry. Autumn crafts do it yourself in kindergarten and to school for the exhibition. How to quickly dry flowers for crafts? 25988_53

Crafts from flowers: from alive and dry. Autumn crafts do it yourself in kindergarten and to school for the exhibition. How to quickly dry flowers for crafts? 25988_54

The finished toy can also be decorated with additional details.

Assembling bracelets

To create gentle flower bracelets, it is better to use only live instances. In addition to fresh buds, the work will have to use pliers, tape tape, scissors, thick and thin wire, satin ribbon 1 centimeter width and hot glue gun. First of all, a thick wire is cut into wrist width. Rounded by the pliers of her ends, to give a metal bar, rounded the wrist shape and wrap his teip tape. When you get the foundation, you can go to the preparation of the flower.

Crafts from flowers: from alive and dry. Autumn crafts do it yourself in kindergarten and to school for the exhibition. How to quickly dry flowers for crafts? 25988_55

The thin wire bends the loop in such a way that it is possible to carry through the bud in the center of the stem. Leaving about 7 centimeters of the twist at the flower head, the rest will need to cut off. Next, the thread twists and turns the teip-ribbon. If there are several flowers in the bracelet, they are prepared in a similar way, after which their wire is twisted with each other. To connect floral parts with the base, it will be necessary, holding a bud with one hand, another with force to rotate it around the base of the bracelet.

Crafts from flowers: from alive and dry. Autumn crafts do it yourself in kindergarten and to school for the exhibition. How to quickly dry flowers for crafts? 25988_56

Crafts from flowers: from alive and dry. Autumn crafts do it yourself in kindergarten and to school for the exhibition. How to quickly dry flowers for crafts? 25988_57

The finished bracelet is decorated with an atlantic ribbon planted on a thermoclayer. In principle, it is also possible to act more easier and weaving the bracelet like a wreath, applying the stalks of individual colors in a circle and priming them with a metal twist and teep-ribbon.

Crafts from flowers: from alive and dry. Autumn crafts do it yourself in kindergarten and to school for the exhibition. How to quickly dry flowers for crafts? 25988_58

Crafts from flowers: from alive and dry. Autumn crafts do it yourself in kindergarten and to school for the exhibition. How to quickly dry flowers for crafts? 25988_59

Other ideas

Topiary from dry herbs and colors is going fast, but it looks very impressive. For the formation of such a composition, a variety of drunks are used, a foam blank in the form of a ball, a straight stick for the barrel, cachep and gypsum mixture. As an additional decoration, it is worth preparing auxilia, lace and sisal. First of all, the wooden wand is slightly sharpened and one end immediately sticks into a foam ball. Another end of its end is immersed in the gypsum mixture, covered in Cachep.

When the base snacks, the "crown" of the tree is drawn up with the help of glue with dry buton, spikelets, dried leaves and other plants. The "Earth" in the pot is masked by an additional decor, and the container itself is tiered by a ribbon or lace.

Crafts from flowers: from alive and dry. Autumn crafts do it yourself in kindergarten and to school for the exhibition. How to quickly dry flowers for crafts? 25988_60

Crafts from flowers: from alive and dry. Autumn crafts do it yourself in kindergarten and to school for the exhibition. How to quickly dry flowers for crafts? 25988_61

Crafts from flowers: from alive and dry. Autumn crafts do it yourself in kindergarten and to school for the exhibition. How to quickly dry flowers for crafts? 25988_62

Crafts from flowers: from alive and dry. Autumn crafts do it yourself in kindergarten and to school for the exhibition. How to quickly dry flowers for crafts? 25988_63

Dried flowers can also be used to design wreath on the wall, aromatic sachet in a tissue bag or even bath salt. Of course, do not forget about the possibility of drawing up a bouquet of fresh or dry samples.

Crafts from flowers: from alive and dry. Autumn crafts do it yourself in kindergarten and to school for the exhibition. How to quickly dry flowers for crafts? 25988_64

Crafts from flowers: from alive and dry. Autumn crafts do it yourself in kindergarten and to school for the exhibition. How to quickly dry flowers for crafts? 25988_65

About how to properly put herbarium for crafts, see the next video.

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