Stationery knife (26 photos): Professional knives for letters and for photographic paper, other species. How to choose a good big and small knife?


The stationery knife is a very useful thing in any farm, it not only to make practical benefits, but also helps to create real masterpieces. This tool is essentially a small device that is easy and convenient to carry. In addition, it is possible to replace the blade without much difficulty if the previous one has become unusable.

The stationery knife was once invented in order to use it for cutting paper. However, the more time passes, the wider the scope of application of this wonderful device becomes.

Stationery knife (26 photos): Professional knives for letters and for photographic paper, other species. How to choose a good big and small knife? 25938_2

A bit of history

If we talk about when and why these knives appear, you can note a few interesting facts.

For example, the initial use of this device was the opening of envelopes with letters. In those days, when most of humanity communicated remotely with the help of paper messages, there was not enough thin and sharp knife for convenient removal of the letter from the envelope.

When such appeared, the holistic design of such a knife was not devoid of flaws. He was a sharp and subtle blade, but the problem began when it was tupped - how to sharpen it as perfectly evenly and functionally, it was strongly incomprehensible.

Stationery knife (26 photos): Professional knives for letters and for photographic paper, other species. How to choose a good big and small knife? 25938_3

Stationery knife (26 photos): Professional knives for letters and for photographic paper, other species. How to choose a good big and small knife? 25938_4

In the middle of the twentieth century, one Japanese inventor decided that it would be more correct to make the blade removable. To date, if you have such a stationery knife, you can easily break down the smoking piece, replace it and continue to continue working with new and sharp.

The idea was embodied in production and turned out to be so accepted by users with a bang that the inventor even created an OLFA company that produced the stationery knives.

Stationery knife (26 photos): Professional knives for letters and for photographic paper, other species. How to choose a good big and small knife? 25938_5

Stationery knife (26 photos): Professional knives for letters and for photographic paper, other species. How to choose a good big and small knife? 25938_6

Stationery knife (26 photos): Professional knives for letters and for photographic paper, other species. How to choose a good big and small knife? 25938_7

Features and advantages

You can talk about the convenience of this device for a very long time, comparing it with older large brethren. But for each tool there is its own niche, the stationery knife was tightly founded in his.

  • It does not require sharpening, you can buy it once and use for a very long time, just changing the blade in need. It saved the owners from the need for additional sales.
  • Undoubtedly, one of the main features of modern execution is the ability to adjust the length of the working part. Holding behind a plastic or even a wooden-handle, you can independently push the tool to the required length to use it as efficiently as possible.
  • Wide scope of application. Once upon a time it was really stored in the table box to open envelopes with it. But today you can cut off with this knife wallpaper, clean the wire, modify some kind of sculpture or apply for any designer solution.

Stationery knife (26 photos): Professional knives for letters and for photographic paper, other species. How to choose a good big and small knife? 25938_8

Stationery knife (26 photos): Professional knives for letters and for photographic paper, other species. How to choose a good big and small knife? 25938_9

Stationery knife (26 photos): Professional knives for letters and for photographic paper, other species. How to choose a good big and small knife? 25938_10


Initially, there was only one species - classic. But over time, it began to produce many variations of the stationery knives corresponding to the needs of users.

The handles of such tools are made from various materials, the blades are also different. In addition to these differences, the cutting element can be wide or narrow. Different width allows you to diversify the scripts of use.

It is worth noting that the knife with a plastic handle is cheaper. But the strength of the construction leaves much to be desired. Sometimes the design can simply crack or just very unpleasant to "peel" in hand, which uniquely leaves unpleasant impressions of work. Therefore, experts recommend paying attention to more on metal products.

Stationery knife (26 photos): Professional knives for letters and for photographic paper, other species. How to choose a good big and small knife? 25938_11

Such knives are pleasantly heavy in hand, less and less break, safer and more comfortable in use. There are even individual aesthetic options with a wooden case. True, they are more suitable for the interior of an expensive cabinet, but if you like such a thing, then why not. Convenience is no less important than practicality.

What kind of option it becomes exactly yours depends entirely, where and how the tool will be used. For example, if your task relates more to repair, and especially with wiring, then you should not choose a knife with a metal handle. Safer will use a wooden or plastic frame.

In the case when working with paper is required, it is implied that this is a reusable and frequently used option. Because the body can have a beautiful shape and coloring, and the tempting itself is incredibly sharp and small.

Stationery knife (26 photos): Professional knives for letters and for photographic paper, other species. How to choose a good big and small knife? 25938_12

Stationery knife (26 photos): Professional knives for letters and for photographic paper, other species. How to choose a good big and small knife? 25938_13

Stationery knife (26 photos): Professional knives for letters and for photographic paper, other species. How to choose a good big and small knife? 25938_14

In addition, in the case of cutting wallpaper or other similar materials, the option with a twisting retainer is perfect. Usually the retainer is used flat, and it can be randomly moving when operating. But in the case of the twist, it turns out a more reliable design, because in order to move the mechanism, it will be necessary to cope with this twist.

There are also options for daily use at a construction site. These are more professional tools that have a special (usually rubberized) handle and a stronger wide edge.

Since the spectrum of the application of the stationery knives is very wide, then there are different suggestions on this demand. You can choose a large or small tool, with the most different decisions of fixation, as well as with different widths of the island.

Stationery knife (26 photos): Professional knives for letters and for photographic paper, other species. How to choose a good big and small knife? 25938_15

Stationery knife (26 photos): Professional knives for letters and for photographic paper, other species. How to choose a good big and small knife? 25938_16

Stationery knife (26 photos): Professional knives for letters and for photographic paper, other species. How to choose a good big and small knife? 25938_17

There are even small adaptations of the magnitude of no more handle. Such a compact version is convenient for wearing with you, and its acuity is perfectly suitable not only for ordinary tasks, but also for cutting photographic paper. Today The mini-knife is purchased more and more often, since the larger user is often not needed.

To get even more functions in one cutter, you can purchase an option with a pencil sharpener. And in general, you then open two sharpening options at once: the blade itself or a special sharpener.

Stationery knife (26 photos): Professional knives for letters and for photographic paper, other species. How to choose a good big and small knife? 25938_18

Stationery knife (26 photos): Professional knives for letters and for photographic paper, other species. How to choose a good big and small knife? 25938_19

Stationery knife (26 photos): Professional knives for letters and for photographic paper, other species. How to choose a good big and small knife? 25938_20

Stationery knife (26 photos): Professional knives for letters and for photographic paper, other species. How to choose a good big and small knife? 25938_21

Choice rules

To get the maximum benefit and even pleasure from the use of a stationery knife, for what it would be needed to you It is important to draw attention to his blade.

  • Width in 7 mm And less ideal for using a knife for direct purpose, be it cutting a thin paper or a pencil sharpening. This option is not suitable for any construction work, it will not even be able to correctly cut the wallpaper from the first time.
  • Topping in 9 millimeters It is in principle universal and most frequent occasion, it is also the tool assistant in any area. If you do not have clear preferences regarding the scope of application, then this will become an excellent option for you.
  • Wide blade in 18 millimeters width Usually comes in a large rubberized case and perfectly copes not only with wallpaper, but also with wires. Simply put, for repair work this is an excellent choice.

To find a knife individually for yourself, first of all decide on the use of the use, depending on which it is worth paying attention to large or small blades. If this question is already resolved, just take the knife in your hand. And if it is comfortable lies, you like it feeling firmly fixed, it means that this is your choice.

Stationery knife (26 photos): Professional knives for letters and for photographic paper, other species. How to choose a good big and small knife? 25938_22

If you want to make a pleasant to a close person or colleague, you can buy not only a beautiful knife, but also a whole gift set. Often to such a knife there is a stylized set of pencils, pens and other stationery.

Before buying, make a control incision on paper to make sure: the functionality is quite suitable.

Experts recommend not to buy any, even the most convenient and fashionable tool, if there is a metal, except stainless steel. Otherwise, there is not enough such a product for a long time.

Stationery knife (26 photos): Professional knives for letters and for photographic paper, other species. How to choose a good big and small knife? 25938_23

Stationery knife (26 photos): Professional knives for letters and for photographic paper, other species. How to choose a good big and small knife? 25938_24

Subtleties of use

The stationery knife has a sharp blade, so when working with it should be careful, observing uncomplicated rules.

  1. To never be injured with a knife, do not cut on weight. It is better to deal with this business calmly and slowly.
  2. Since the sharpening there, indeed, is sharp, you need to be careful, in order not to be hurt.
  3. Do not remove the blade too long, tighten the retainer well, and most importantly, hold the tool firmly in your hand.
  4. Sometimes you need to break down a piece that has already happened in disrepair, and to make it safer, "bit off" everything you need according to the existing drawn line. Thus, you will receive an updated convenient tool that will be a great continuation of your hand in any necessary work.

Stationery knife (26 photos): Professional knives for letters and for photographic paper, other species. How to choose a good big and small knife? 25938_25

Stationery knife (26 photos): Professional knives for letters and for photographic paper, other species. How to choose a good big and small knife? 25938_26

On how to make a stationery knife, see the next video.

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