Table knife (22 photos): serving knives for fish and meat, other species. How to choose a set of good steel?


The history of the gun begins with the era of the Paleolithic, the Stone Age. The first blades were made of stone plates for use on the hunt as a weapon, as well as in times of wars. They also found widespread use and cooking.

Table knife (22 photos): serving knives for fish and meat, other species. How to choose a set of good steel? 25925_2

Table knife (22 photos): serving knives for fish and meat, other species. How to choose a set of good steel? 25925_3


Over time, for ease of use, we began to attach handles from wood or bone. Wooden handles lead their origins since the time of the Vikings, such a handle did not burn her hand with severe frosts and did not slide when processing the carcass of animals. As the human development, bronze, copper, gold products appeared to master the art of metalworking. The latter were used when performing various rituals. Cutlery from silver or gold is hygienic, they do not rust, silver has disinfecting properties.

In the Iron Age, iron knives appeared. They were quite varied, there were wave-like and sickle options. Knives always tali in themselves the mystical meaning, it gave rise to signs and superstitions. So, in some countries it is not customary to give a knife, and in Japan, on the contrary, a gift in the form of a blade means the wish of good luck and protection against negative factors.

Table knife (22 photos): serving knives for fish and meat, other species. How to choose a set of good steel? 25925_4

Table knife (22 photos): serving knives for fish and meat, other species. How to choose a set of good steel? 25925_5

Table knife (22 photos): serving knives for fish and meat, other species. How to choose a set of good steel? 25925_6

Such guns were used in rites, as well as in mourning ceremonies, so in ancient burials often found knives.

In Russia and in European countries, the knife was an attribute of a free man, because only a person who was not burdened by slavery could wear a knife. Until the XVII century, the knives were sharp. But There is a legend about how a table knife appeared with a rounded tip . Cardinal Richelieu was pretty disgusting and very laying into food. One day, during the reception, one of the guests after dinner began to clean the teeth with a sharp tip, which caused the extreme perturbation of the cardinal.

Table knife (22 photos): serving knives for fish and meat, other species. How to choose a set of good steel? 25925_7

To avoid such scenes at your table, he ordered that all the knives in the house rounded the blades. Residents of France took such an innovation as the last word of fashion, and the further distribution of cutlery with the rounded tip became only a matter of time. The mass production of knives was established by the end of the XIX century. At the moment, the knives have a different design, so it's not so difficult to choose the appropriate knife.

Table knife (22 photos): serving knives for fish and meat, other species. How to choose a set of good steel? 25925_8


The features of the cutle knife are a rounded blade, as well as a rounded end. Rounded blade do not sharpen. Similar stupid blades are needed for safety at the table, as well as in order to preserve the surfaces of the dishes. For the convenience of cutting meat products and vegetables on the blades make notches.

Table knife (22 photos): serving knives for fish and meat, other species. How to choose a set of good steel? 25925_9


By the type of design, knives can be foldable, with a fixed blade, twin, with replaceable blades, skeletal. Folding hide the blade in the handle, when using a locking mechanism, holds the blade in working condition. Products with a fixed blade have a durable blade compound with handle. Tiley have a corkscreen look. Skeleton is made entirely of steel, while the handle is often wound with a lace or other anti-slip material.

Table knife (22 photos): serving knives for fish and meat, other species. How to choose a set of good steel? 25925_10

Table knife (22 photos): serving knives for fish and meat, other species. How to choose a set of good steel? 25925_11

Table knife (22 photos): serving knives for fish and meat, other species. How to choose a set of good steel? 25925_12

Classification is also carried out by appointment of products. Select knives for tourism and hunting, weapons, universal, kitchen and special purposes. Knives for hunting and tourism can be used both for attack on animals and for lighting carcasses. Weapon can be used for sperm, in battles, when throwing, for self-defense.

Universal include a wide selection of folding knives, stationery of steel second grade, knives for everyday wearing applied in everyday life.

Table knife (22 photos): serving knives for fish and meat, other species. How to choose a set of good steel? 25925_13

Consider the most popular homework knives, it can be canteens, fish, snack bars, dessert, fruit, for steak, oil, cheese and others.

  • Table knives are one of the main serving knives, designed for second dishes, length of about 20 cm.
  • Fish has a wider blade resembling a blade, designed for fish dishes.
  • The snack bar is used for snacks, usually put it right from fish knife.
  • Dessert for cakes, various pies has a pointed tip.
  • Fruit externally similar to dessert, but a little shorter.
  • The knife for the steak is used for meat, meat dishes. It has a sharp end of the blade, a little raised upward, length is about 22 cm.
  • The oil knife is used to spit both oil and jams on bread.
  • Cheese has a split end of the blade, is used for cutting cheese.
  • The baking allows separating meat from the bone.
  • Slouser allows you to finely cut meat, sausage.
  • Bread is capable of cutting bread, not leaving crumbs.
  • For children, there are special children's knives that are safe to use and meet their destination. They differ in a small size, ease, often multicolored handles.

Table knife (22 photos): serving knives for fish and meat, other species. How to choose a set of good steel? 25925_14

Table knife (22 photos): serving knives for fish and meat, other species. How to choose a set of good steel? 25925_15

Table knife (22 photos): serving knives for fish and meat, other species. How to choose a set of good steel? 25925_16

Stainless steel knives are widely used. They are most durable to use, suitable for daily use. Such products are protected from rust, durable, resistant to temperature differences, do not leave the taste on the products, the appearance remains brilliant even with long-term use. However, such blades have disadvantages. The main disadvantage is a quick bluntness.

They are often sharpened, which leads to the thinning of the blade. In pursuit of cheapening production, manufacturers often use low quality steel, which is why the product is becoming contact with the products.

Ceramic knives currently have great popularity. Although they are very fragile, such products are capable of keeping the sharpness of the blade for a long time.

Table knife (22 photos): serving knives for fish and meat, other species. How to choose a set of good steel? 25925_17

Table knife (22 photos): serving knives for fish and meat, other species. How to choose a set of good steel? 25925_18

How to choose?

High-quality knives for home Must meet some criteria:

  • The dimensions of the blades and handles must correspond to the 50: 50 ratio or the blade may be slightly longer;
  • The high-quality device has a hidden pailer, noticeable on one side of the blade;
  • The blade must be made of good steel, if you bend it, then it should acquire its original form;
  • Such blade does not crack and will not cover rust stains;
  • A good device must comply with the rules of the blade fastening, it should pass through the handle completely (inexpensive usually have a slightly wounded blade into the cavity of the handle);
  • The handle can be made of wood, metal or plastic, it must be approaching the size of the palm and be made of high-quality materials;
  • The cost of the home set cannot be low - high-quality processing of blades and manufacturing materials require costs.

It is recommended to purchase product data in the corporate store, which guarantees their quality.

Table knife (22 photos): serving knives for fish and meat, other species. How to choose a set of good steel? 25925_19

Check the quality of steel products can be lighted, you need to ride on a clean and dry blade, then see how steam leaves.

If the exemplary was exactly covered with the surface of the blade and flatly sued, it says about the homogeneity of the steel. Thunder can be rated by ringing, it is necessary to hang the selected product for handle and snap into the blade. Weathered metal should sound high ringing.

Table knife (22 photos): serving knives for fish and meat, other species. How to choose a set of good steel? 25925_20

Table knife (22 photos): serving knives for fish and meat, other species. How to choose a set of good steel? 25925_21


If you want to save the quality and appearance of the product, then It is necessary to pay attention to the guidelines for knives.

  • Before first use, it is necessary to rinse the blade with hot water. After use, it is necessary to wash the knife with a small amount of detergent, then wipe it towards the blade with a soft cloth. Wash knives in the dishwasher is not recommended, as it can fasten the blade. Knives should be stored in dried form.
  • Cleaning is performed using a cork stopper from the bottle. It should be hushed into sunflower oil, then in salt and wipe the knife. Then rinse the device with cool water and wipe the cloth. Also use special cleaning pastes. They will save the brilliant view of all table devices in your home.
  • Glass or stone cutting boards are blocked by knives, so it is recommended to use wooden or polypropylene boards. Store the product is necessary in a separate location from other cutlery. It can be wooden or metal blocks that differ in their compactness. Or you can use magnetic holders that are comfortably attached to the surface of the furniture, walls.
  • For sharpening blades use a grinding stone. When choosing a stone, you need to pay attention to the graininess: fine-grained uses for editing knives, medium-trimmed edges for processing, coarse grain products are used to reflect sharpening angle, blade form edits. Also use Musat, it is designed to edit knives. If no data is available, you can use sandpaper. For ease of use, waterproof emotion is recommended, it must be fixed on a flat surface and sharpening.

Table knife (22 photos): serving knives for fish and meat, other species. How to choose a set of good steel? 25925_22

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