Tattoo in the form of lips: sketches. Tattoos on the neck and hands. The value of a tattoo in the form of a kiss for men and girls. Red lips with tongue and other options


Tattoos appeared many centuries ago - in ancient times, people have stuffed dots, lines and patterns from religious considerations. Native drawing in the form of women's lips appeared not so long ago - the direction originated in the XVII-XVIII centuries among British sailors. In this article we will talk about the value of a tattoo with a kiss, consider the sketches and help you choose the right place for such a picture.

Tattoo in the form of lips: sketches. Tattoos on the neck and hands. The value of a tattoo in the form of a kiss for men and girls. Red lips with tongue and other options 257_2

Tattoo in the form of lips: sketches. Tattoos on the neck and hands. The value of a tattoo in the form of a kiss for men and girls. Red lips with tongue and other options 257_3


In ancient times, the sailors really appreciated everything that tied them with land, so tattoos often stuffed with various objects overwhelming the fear of the endless ocean. One of the most popular sketches in the navigators is an image with a penprint or the lips themselves. Memories of beautiful women awaiting the return of men from long-range sailing, gave the sailors hope and calm.

The idea of ​​creating a tattoo in the form of lips was originally born because in various ports, the employees who wanted the women's caress to communicate with the priests of love. Kurtisani very often painted lips with bright lipstick and left the penprints of kisses on the bodies of men. Traces from love merits were the subject of pride among representatives of a strong floor, so they tried to keep them in original form as long as possible. However, the lipstick was quite quickly erased from the skin, forcing the sailors to come up with a new way of saving memories of girls - fill the tattoo.

Tattoo in the form of lips: sketches. Tattoos on the neck and hands. The value of a tattoo in the form of a kiss for men and girls. Red lips with tongue and other options 257_4

Tattoo in the form of lips: sketches. Tattoos on the neck and hands. The value of a tattoo in the form of a kiss for men and girls. Red lips with tongue and other options 257_5

After some time, the tattoo with mouth was as popular among the navigators, like the picture with an anchor or tape. A native drawing with a fingerprint of female caress then was a symbol of hope - he personified the desire of the carrier to return to the land alive and again to feel the touch of women. Such a interpretation has been preserved to this day - most often the kiss stuffed people seeking to love and be loved.

Tattoo with a print of lips means that the carrier is a self-confident personality that is popular among women. Illustrations with mouths stuffed on noticeable parts of the body, talking about the discreet, loving and open character of the owner of the foundation.

However, it should not be assumed that such people easily agree on random relations - the imprint of mouth can mean constant relations in which the carrier consists.

Tattoo in the form of lips: sketches. Tattoos on the neck and hands. The value of a tattoo in the form of a kiss for men and girls. Red lips with tongue and other options 257_6

Tattoo in the form of lips: sketches. Tattoos on the neck and hands. The value of a tattoo in the form of a kiss for men and girls. Red lips with tongue and other options 257_7

Quiet drawings with lips are found not only in men - women are also very often chosen by this particular sketch. Depending on the gentle of the person and the style of sketch, the tattoo has a different meaning.

We offer in more detail to look at the interpretation of a sketch with mouth for guys and girls.

  • Women pinch tattoos in the form of a kiss in order to emphasize sexuality and femininity. Some girls choose a place for drawing, which often kisses their second half. Such pictures most of the time are hidden under clothing and are intended only to show their love and affection.
  • For men, tattoo with a kiss carries outdoor romantic and sexual meaning which men are not accustomed to demonstrate - more often they choose sketches, emphasizing masculinity, strength and resistance. Guys who are stuffing tattoo with lips are the most diverse, loving and honest representatives of their sex, especially if the picture is depicted in a prominent place.

Sometimes the compensation of a kiss of men complement the name - it means that the carrier has a beloved tattoo.

Tattoo in the form of lips: sketches. Tattoos on the neck and hands. The value of a tattoo in the form of a kiss for men and girls. Red lips with tongue and other options 257_8

Tattoo in the form of lips: sketches. Tattoos on the neck and hands. The value of a tattoo in the form of a kiss for men and girls. Red lips with tongue and other options 257_9

Tattoo in the form of lips: sketches. Tattoos on the neck and hands. The value of a tattoo in the form of a kiss for men and girls. Red lips with tongue and other options 257_10

Such a native figure has several more values ​​with which it is necessary to familiarize themselves before drawing a sketch:

  • On the male body, the tattoo at the bottom of the back and on the buttocks means belonging to non-traditional orientation;
  • In most cases, the drawing with a kiss says that the carrier is not deprived of the attention of representatives of the opposite sex, so for his heart will have to fight with many rivals;
  • An illustration with a ripped mouth on the body of girls symbolizes the popular status in the World Wide Web - "in active search";
  • The mouth with lowered corners is a reflection of sadness or even sorrow of the carrier, and with raised corners - playful gear and readiness for adventure;
  • Tattoo with sexually caught underlying lips speaks about high libido owner;
  • Lightning or castle on the lips mean that the carrier has a mystery that he does not want to forget.

Figure has many different values ​​that differ slightly for each particular person. It is important to remember that the mouths are a very sensitive body, therefore the association with entry and sexuality is inevitable.

Deciding to fill such an ambiguous tattoo, choose a very careful place for it on the body and style of illustration.

Tattoo in the form of lips: sketches. Tattoos on the neck and hands. The value of a tattoo in the form of a kiss for men and girls. Red lips with tongue and other options 257_11

Tattoo in the form of lips: sketches. Tattoos on the neck and hands. The value of a tattoo in the form of a kiss for men and girls. Red lips with tongue and other options 257_12

Types and sketches of tattoos

Figure with human mouths are performed in different styles and with different plot. Among them, you can highlight illustrations in graphic style and flat images of a kissprint. However, the most popular are pictures in realism style - they maximally transmit lips sensuality and colorfully tell the surrounding the nature of the carrier. Sometimes the sketch is complemented by details that significantly change the interpretation and add a new subtext.

We suggest to consider several interesting options for tattooing in the form of lips.

  • Classic imprint. The most popular illustration with lips is both among women and among men. Depending on the location on the body, the picture may have different meanings: to be a "place for a kiss", to be a call for close communication or, on the contrary, say that the carrier consists in permanent relationships.

Tattoo in the form of lips: sketches. Tattoos on the neck and hands. The value of a tattoo in the form of a kiss for men and girls. Red lips with tongue and other options 257_13

  • With cherry. The realistic lips of the cherry shade attract to themselves and awaken sexy fantasies in the head. A large berry in the teeth refers to the expression "Cherry on the cake" - this means that the carrier of a native figure highly appreciates relationships and is not ready to build them with a random person.

Tattoo in the form of lips: sketches. Tattoos on the neck and hands. The value of a tattoo in the form of a kiss for men and girls. Red lips with tongue and other options 257_14

  • With an inscription «YES BOSS.». Such a sketch is popular among guys - it is the subject of carrier pride in the same way as it was in the sailors in ancient times. Tattoo symbolizes strong, decisive and domineering attitude of the owner. And the drawing may mean that the carrier is an excellent lover and is ready to console its half at any suitable moment.

Tattoo in the form of lips: sketches. Tattoos on the neck and hands. The value of a tattoo in the form of a kiss for men and girls. Red lips with tongue and other options 257_15

  • With tongue. A linted mouth with a dried tongue means a thirst for adventure, the desire to get a dose of adrenaline from stunning experiments. Such a tattoo directly tells the people around the fact that the owner loves carnal joy and often uses the opposite sex for personal satisfaction.

Tattoo in the form of lips: sketches. Tattoos on the neck and hands. The value of a tattoo in the form of a kiss for men and girls. Red lips with tongue and other options 257_16

  • With quote. When the prints of gentle touches are complemented by aphorism or covered expressions, a native figure acquires a romantic meaning. Sometimes such expressions can have a special meaning that is known only to the second half of the Tattoo owner.

Most often, such a sketch choose girls, but it does not have binding to the floor - the guys can also fill a kissprint next to his favorite phrase.

Tattoo in the form of lips: sketches. Tattoos on the neck and hands. The value of a tattoo in the form of a kiss for men and girls. Red lips with tongue and other options 257_17

  • Black mouth. A very eccentric image, at the same time frightening and attracting views, like a cinematic image of beautiful and dangerous vampires. Bright red settric drawing only for bold and self-confident people, and black lips with flowing blood flowing - the plot for the most extravagant personalities.

Tattoo in the form of lips: sketches. Tattoos on the neck and hands. The value of a tattoo in the form of a kiss for men and girls. Red lips with tongue and other options 257_18

  • With bullet. In such an illustration, diametrically opposite values ​​are encountered at the same time - pleasure and danger. The picture embodies the image of a fatal woman who is able to give unforgettable memories and easily smash the heart. Such a tattoo indicates that the carrier in the past experienced bitterness from user relationships and very suspiciously refers to representatives of the opposite sex.

Tattoo in the form of lips: sketches. Tattoos on the neck and hands. The value of a tattoo in the form of a kiss for men and girls. Red lips with tongue and other options 257_19

  • Treble clef. A sketch carries a very unusual message for such illustrations - it personifies the love of music and performances. The tattoo indicates that most of the life of the carrier is devoted to creativity, and people will have to come with this. Persons choosing a sketch with mouth and a violin key completely invest in their hobbies and wish to inspire music audience.

Tattoo in the form of lips: sketches. Tattoos on the neck and hands. The value of a tattoo in the form of a kiss for men and girls. Red lips with tongue and other options 257_20

  • Graphics. Very gentle and lightweight tattoo, which personifies the romantic nature of the owner. A concise image with a kiss usually choose girls and guys, in whose hearts there are already sublime feelings. The unusual style of performing a picture created in the form of a continuous and confusing string symbolizes the difficulties that partners have survived together.

Tattoo in the form of lips: sketches. Tattoos on the neck and hands. The value of a tattoo in the form of a kiss for men and girls. Red lips with tongue and other options 257_21

  • Kiss. A realistic sketch of the two mouths, spilled in a passionate kiss, means attachment and deep feelings of the carrier to his second half. Image of stars and planets personifies the feeling of endlessly pleasure, which is experiencing the owner of the Tattoo, being close to his beloved person.

Tattoo in the form of lips: sketches. Tattoos on the neck and hands. The value of a tattoo in the form of a kiss for men and girls. Red lips with tongue and other options 257_22

Location options

Fill an eccentric tattoo with mouth - a very bold decision, because it carries an intimate message that people are not accustomed to demonstrate. In addition, the value of the illustration can vary violently depending on its location on the body and floor of the carrier. We offer separately considering the interpretation of the position of the tattoo with lips for men and women.

The girls most often have a sketch in the following places:

  • on the neck, chest and buttocks - places with an explicit erotic context, meaning love of owners to close connections;
  • on hand, clavicle and hovers - less causing areas of the skin, to which "places for kisses" are applied for a permanent partner;
  • Intimate places - sketch on the skin area, which is constantly hidden under clothing, usually choose self-confident women.

Tattoo in the form of lips: sketches. Tattoos on the neck and hands. The value of a tattoo in the form of a kiss for men and girls. Red lips with tongue and other options 257_23

Tattoo in the form of lips: sketches. Tattoos on the neck and hands. The value of a tattoo in the form of a kiss for men and girls. Red lips with tongue and other options 257_24

Tattoo in the form of lips: sketches. Tattoos on the neck and hands. The value of a tattoo in the form of a kiss for men and girls. Red lips with tongue and other options 257_25

A native drawing with the mouths of the guys are usually applied to the following parts of the body:

  • shoulder, forearm and wrist - tattoo on hands mean the readiness of the carrier to approach the sake of pleasure;
  • Chest, stomach and side - symbolizes the love of the carrier to a short, but bright relationship;
  • The neck and in the ear - through such an image of a man tell about their attachment to beloved women.

Tattoo in the form of lips: sketches. Tattoos on the neck and hands. The value of a tattoo in the form of a kiss for men and girls. Red lips with tongue and other options 257_26

Tattoo in the form of lips: sketches. Tattoos on the neck and hands. The value of a tattoo in the form of a kiss for men and girls. Red lips with tongue and other options 257_27

Tattoo in the form of lips: sketches. Tattoos on the neck and hands. The value of a tattoo in the form of a kiss for men and girls. Red lips with tongue and other options 257_28

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