Double bass (47 photos): What is it and what does the string jammer musical instrument look like? How many strings and what sound? Electro-contrambas and others, sizes and game


Musical instruments are presented in a wide range. One of the largest strings is the double bass, which has a wide range of applications. Such a tool is used in symphony orchestras, in jazz and modern music. It is worth noting that the tool was created three centuries ago and to this day is relevant, because it gives a rich and deep sound with which any composition will become unique. Musicians celebrate extensive technical and style features that give this tool. In the article, we give a description of the double bass, its species, we will give recommendations on setting up, as well as tell about the history of its creation.

Double bass (47 photos): What is it and what does the string jammer musical instrument look like? How many strings and what sound? Electro-contrambas and others, sizes and game 25589_2

Double bass (47 photos): What is it and what does the string jammer musical instrument look like? How many strings and what sound? Electro-contrambas and others, sizes and game 25589_3

What it is?

Tools that belong to the violin group have their differences, but the double bass has never been considered standard in its form. This string tool is created from weathered wood rocks, the design of which resembles the structure of a regular guitar with a lining. In addition to standard decks and shells with vulture and handles, it has resonator holes and stands. A distinctive feature of this product is that only thick strings are used in it. Often they are made of steel, synthetic materials or ketgut, but always have a braid of copper or silver. The double bass looks impressive.

To play it needs a bow, which is presented in different sizes depending on the type.

The German design is characterized by a certain thickness and short parameters, and French is thin and long, so it is maneuveran.

Double bass (47 photos): What is it and what does the string jammer musical instrument look like? How many strings and what sound? Electro-contrambas and others, sizes and game 25589_4

Modern performers enjoy different types of bows, however there are some differences in the technique of use. The French product must be kept on top, while the thumb should be under the cane, unlike the German, which keeps the side, and the finger on the ground.

As for the dimensions of double bass, they are different. The height of the largest reaches 1.8 m, and the little is like a cello. It is worth noting that this parameter varies with the spield that is used as a support. In the 30s of the twentieth century, electronic disbels were created, the weight of which was much less, which simplified transportation. However, during this time, the production of the musical instrument was improved, so today we are represented by the optimal Menzura aggregate.

Double bass (47 photos): What is it and what does the string jammer musical instrument look like? How many strings and what sound? Electro-contrambas and others, sizes and game 25589_5

Double bass (47 photos): What is it and what does the string jammer musical instrument look like? How many strings and what sound? Electro-contrambas and others, sizes and game 25589_6

History of origin

It is interesting to familiarize yourself with the history of creating this musical instrument, which began in the era of the Renaissance. It should be noted that the first appeared double bass viola, which became its forerunner. Four centuries ago for the manufacture of strings used intestines of animals, but it was not easy to stretch them, so the masters invented the device that had gears and slices. The innovation was the winding of a wedge of copper. This made it possible to make strings more subtle, so the musicians were easier to clamp them, besides, the bow was easier to move.

Initially, the shape of the double bass was quite cumbersome, so there was a need to make changes to the parameters without losing the low sound. To date, the size of the modern tool is ¾ of its predecessor. However, the problem of insufficient sound strength was not solved, so the masters created a new unit, which was like a violin group.

The creator of the first double bass instrument was M. Todini, which removed the Lada, reduced the number of strings to 4. After that, the change in the structure of the structure was made by different masters of bars and creamons.

Double bass (47 photos): What is it and what does the string jammer musical instrument look like? How many strings and what sound? Electro-contrambas and others, sizes and game 25589_7

Double bass (47 photos): What is it and what does the string jammer musical instrument look like? How many strings and what sound? Electro-contrambas and others, sizes and game 25589_8

Double bass model survived many changes . Initially, she resembled cello, but over the time the outline of the case became mixed, the result of the tool was finally determined. Modern manufacturers do not change the rules of the founders-masters. The German creators made the aggregates that were called "beer bass", as often on the instrument played during rural holidays in different establishments. In each country, the product was configured in its own way. For example, Italian and English musicians did it in quarts, but French - by quints.

The end of the XVIII century is significant in that this music invention has become actively applied by musical troupes throughout Europe. It was then that at the double bass began to perform solo.

Double bass (47 photos): What is it and what does the string jammer musical instrument look like? How many strings and what sound? Electro-contrambas and others, sizes and game 25589_9

Double bass (47 photos): What is it and what does the string jammer musical instrument look like? How many strings and what sound? Electro-contrambas and others, sizes and game 25589_10

One of the musicians became a friend of Beethoven Dragonetti, whose technique was called a revolutionary discovery. The virtuoso was also considered a conductor and composer Italy D. Bottezini. It was he who opened new equipment techniques and raised the level of the game.

Perhaps the double bass is one of the few tools that has undergone a serious evolution. In the past century, it began to produce products with 4 and 5 strings, they quickly crowded previous tools due to comfortable design. An interesting fact is that for the performance of Wagner's works requires five-stringed double bass, and the tools with 4 strings are suitable for jazz, their form is similar to a cello.

Solo works are reproduced on the aggregates of the pear-like type.

Double bass (47 photos): What is it and what does the string jammer musical instrument look like? How many strings and what sound? Electro-contrambas and others, sizes and game 25589_11

Double bass (47 photos): What is it and what does the string jammer musical instrument look like? How many strings and what sound? Electro-contrambas and others, sizes and game 25589_12


Despite the fact that the width of the double bass is significantly different from the parameters of other string-brook tools, many mistakenly believe that his sound should be rude and loud. To debunk these rumors, it should be noted that The timbre of the product is very beautiful, he has a specific and unique color. If you describe the sound, you can use epithets such as rich, soft, thick, velvety, in some works it can remind a voice. From the whole group of strings, which are used in the Symphony Orchestra, the double bass make up the lowest sound - it creates a certain foundation for the entire work.

The range of the musical instrument applies to 4 octaves, not more However, this virtuosity can extract even high sounds from it, it all depends on skill.

Double bass (47 photos): What is it and what does the string jammer musical instrument look like? How many strings and what sound? Electro-contrambas and others, sizes and game 25589_13

Double bass (47 photos): What is it and what does the string jammer musical instrument look like? How many strings and what sound? Electro-contrambas and others, sizes and game 25589_14

It should be noted that music for double bass is recorded both in the bass and in a violet key, but the first read more practical. According to notes, the musician should play octave below, in this its uniqueness.

It should be noted that it is quite difficult to use such a tool due to its dimensions. The hands of the musician must be big, and the fingers are well stretched. Often there is a long distance between the positions, so fast passes are not available to everyone. However, real virtuosos ways to squeeze all of this tool, performing the well-known "Bumblebee flight" or the work of N. Paganini, which differ in the rapid pace.

Double bass (47 photos): What is it and what does the string jammer musical instrument look like? How many strings and what sound? Electro-contrambas and others, sizes and game 25589_15

Double bass (47 photos): What is it and what does the string jammer musical instrument look like? How many strings and what sound? Electro-contrambas and others, sizes and game 25589_16

Review of species

Any musical instrument is divided into several varieties, the double bass is no exception. A puff-pin tool that combines the characteristics of acoustic double bass and electronic means is called electrocontrambass. He has a classic sound, but innovative modern technologies are used in it, thanks to which it can be used even in recording studios. The tool establishes a pickup, which ensures the transmission of the oscillation of the strings and the housing.

A distinctive feature of this unit is its size, which is somewhat less classical. Thanks to the electronic rims, you can get sound effects, making something new to execution. As for the mechanos of electrocontrasts, it is different depending on the models. Some products are 42 inches, which is 106 centimeters, which are similar to acoustic instruments, other parameters of only 76 centimeters resembling cello or bass guitar.

Double bass (47 photos): What is it and what does the string jammer musical instrument look like? How many strings and what sound? Electro-contrambas and others, sizes and game 25589_17

Double bass (47 photos): What is it and what does the string jammer musical instrument look like? How many strings and what sound? Electro-contrambas and others, sizes and game 25589_18

Master double bass is a unique tool, which is working to create real professionals . At the same time, personal requirements and wishes of the musician can be taken into account. The specialist carefully selects the material for the deck and the grid, as well as accessories and all components to create a unique unit. This type of tool is much more expensive than standard, so virtuosos and musicians with world name are chosen.

And on the market you can find a semi-kousty double bass, which is equipped with electronics, while similar to the classic tool.

Double bass (47 photos): What is it and what does the string jammer musical instrument look like? How many strings and what sound? Electro-contrambas and others, sizes and game 25589_19

Double bass (47 photos): What is it and what does the string jammer musical instrument look like? How many strings and what sound? Electro-contrambas and others, sizes and game 25589_20

Application and repertoire

Double bass is included in a group of mandatory tools for chamber and symphony orchestras, Without it, the work cannot be full. The reason for the creation was the need to doubt bass parties, which are performed by cello. Thanks to the double bass, a harmonic and clear foundation is created, the sound becomes more rich and rhythmic. Initially, only one such tool was in orchestras, but today global teams use up to 8 string-bog.

Is it worth saying that the double bass began to be actively used in military orchestras, relevant in any genres, be it blues, country, jazz, rock and roll or even tango, not to mention popular music. Concerts of many cult groups do not cost without an orchestra in which the double bass is necessarily present.

Double bass (47 photos): What is it and what does the string jammer musical instrument look like? How many strings and what sound? Electro-contrambas and others, sizes and game 25589_21

Double bass (47 photos): What is it and what does the string jammer musical instrument look like? How many strings and what sound? Electro-contrambas and others, sizes and game 25589_22

In great demand, the tool enjoys in the teams with the direction of jazz, they usually have a small composition, so the musician is provided solo to demonstrate a harmonious bass.

Today, many styles have appeared in the world of music - Soul, Funk, Fusion, it takes a special technique for its execution, to provide only double bassists.

Recove the capabilities of this tool with virtuoso skill managed to be the first performer D. Dragonetti, who presented the solo party in the late XVIII century. After him, they began to make such composers as A. Bears, P. Bottezini, V. Volkov, E. Meyer and many others. To date, you can find a rich repertoire for this musical instrument, which in his works used N. Kapustin, V. Bruns, K. Dittersdorf, I. Gaidn.

Double bass (47 photos): What is it and what does the string jammer musical instrument look like? How many strings and what sound? Electro-contrambas and others, sizes and game 25589_23

Double bass (47 photos): What is it and what does the string jammer musical instrument look like? How many strings and what sound? Electro-contrambas and others, sizes and game 25589_24


To each musical instrument manufacturers produce A rich set of various components and accessories that perform their task . For example, you can find a case or case of double bass for reliable storage and successful transportation. Inside there can be a separate pocket for notes and components, for example, strings. And also an integral part of any string-pin tool is the holder and a wooden stand, without any musician. Thanks to these accessories, playing the double bass as possible and pleasant, and some provide a long life of the product.

Double bass (47 photos): What is it and what does the string jammer musical instrument look like? How many strings and what sound? Electro-contrambas and others, sizes and game 25589_25

Double bass (47 photos): What is it and what does the string jammer musical instrument look like? How many strings and what sound? Electro-contrambas and others, sizes and game 25589_26

How to play?

Before you start playing on any string tool, it must be configured.


So that the double bass sounded as needed, and harmoniously combined with other instruments in the orchestra, it is necessary to configure. Many use a special tuner - This is a simple, but at the same time a powerful device, with which you can listen to the real sound of strings separately and pollute it correctly. The chromatic device has several different timbres, equipped with buttons that characterize the tool strings. With such a device, you can simplify the setting, without releasing the double bass.

Many musicians have perfect hearing, so they can configure without auxiliary tools, but this is far from everyone.

Double bass (47 photos): What is it and what does the string jammer musical instrument look like? How many strings and what sound? Electro-contrambas and others, sizes and game 25589_27

Double bass (47 photos): What is it and what does the string jammer musical instrument look like? How many strings and what sound? Electro-contrambas and others, sizes and game 25589_28

Position of hand

The location of the fingers and hands plays an important role, so if you start your acquaintance with the instrument, first of all you need to learn about it. So, the index finger of the left hand in this case will be the first, respectively, the middle - the second and so on. For the game only three fingers are used, because we are talking about a quarter.

Position is an application according to which the fingers are built on a certain tone. . Each string has its number of positions, usually 7 of them, but may be more. With pressure, the length of the oscillating part of the string becomes smaller, so the frequency is rising, from which the high sound follows.

Double bass (47 photos): What is it and what does the string jammer musical instrument look like? How many strings and what sound? Electro-contrambas and others, sizes and game 25589_29

Double bass (47 photos): What is it and what does the string jammer musical instrument look like? How many strings and what sound? Electro-contrambas and others, sizes and game 25589_30

In the orchestral grief used 1-4 Positions (The first, second and fourth finger), in broader the third finger, the extreme covers the small policy. Strings that are not clamped, referred to as open, therefore they are denoted by zero in the application.

It is possible to study the game on the double bass, but it will take much more time and effort to do this.

Therefore, it is better to apply to a qualified technician with a rich experience, sign up for lessons and go through quality training that will lead to excellent results.

Double bass (47 photos): What is it and what does the string jammer musical instrument look like? How many strings and what sound? Electro-contrambas and others, sizes and game 25589_31

Double bass (47 photos): What is it and what does the string jammer musical instrument look like? How many strings and what sound? Electro-contrambas and others, sizes and game 25589_32

As for the position of the right hand, she keeps the bow. This can be done in two ways that mentioned above. The German system involves keeping the device to the side, as the shoe is wider, the thumb must be placed on a cane. But the French way has a difference in the placement of the bow from above, reminding the grip of the cello, respectively, the thumb is located under the cane.

It is possible to conduct a bow differently, it all depends on the product genre, it is important to take into account the character, the timbre of the sound, strength and phrase. Often, during the game, the musicians hurt a string with a finger, it is called pizzicato, which is relevant for solo parties.

Double bass (47 photos): What is it and what does the string jammer musical instrument look like? How many strings and what sound? Electro-contrambas and others, sizes and game 25589_33

Double bass (47 photos): What is it and what does the string jammer musical instrument look like? How many strings and what sound? Electro-contrambas and others, sizes and game 25589_34

Double bass (47 photos): What is it and what does the string jammer musical instrument look like? How many strings and what sound? Electro-contrambas and others, sizes and game 25589_35

Game techniques

The double bass of the classic type has a large body, so The location of the bow is difficult to call comfortable. From this it follows that the game is required to make efforts. Some musicians enjoy special stands, someone sits on a chair and puts the instrument ahead, someone likes to play standing - each musician has its own highlights performed.

During tango music, it is necessary to alternate the game Book and the reception of pizzicato, But for jazz, blues products fits exceptionally virtuoso strings.

As for the strokes that are used in the game on the double bass, there are quite a lot of them, they enter Legato, Stakkato, ricochet, spikes, portable and all sorts of techniques familiar to any musician.

Double bass (47 photos): What is it and what does the string jammer musical instrument look like? How many strings and what sound? Electro-contrambas and others, sizes and game 25589_36

Double bass (47 photos): What is it and what does the string jammer musical instrument look like? How many strings and what sound? Electro-contrambas and others, sizes and game 25589_37

Double bass (47 photos): What is it and what does the string jammer musical instrument look like? How many strings and what sound? Electro-contrambas and others, sizes and game 25589_38

Interesting Facts

And a little more interesting and cognitive information about this string-pin musical instrument and how he surprised many. Most of the counterbasists can freely play an electronic type bass guitar, which is also equipped with four strings. This musical instrument has gained tremendous popularity among teams in the middle of the last century.

The famous performer B. Jones showed Mekalky during his speech in 1911, when the bow was broken. It did not embarrass the musician, and he continued to perform his party with his fingers, it was then that the unique sound of pizzicato was opened for the first time.

Double bass (47 photos): What is it and what does the string jammer musical instrument look like? How many strings and what sound? Electro-contrambas and others, sizes and game 25589_39

At the beginning of 1600, a Polish musician was performed in one of the German cities, whose double bass was a 4 meter high, so he was called Octobas. Goliath is one of the oldest tools that has been preserved to our time, and today it can be found at him at the London Museum. Its height is more than 2.5 meters, and the width is a little more than a meter. With his form, he resembles Viola da Gamba, but Boca is a little more.

On some octobas, it is impossible to play alone, so two is required, so that one person presses the strings, and the other used the bow.

Double bass (47 photos): What is it and what does the string jammer musical instrument look like? How many strings and what sound? Electro-contrambas and others, sizes and game 25589_40

At one of the exhibitions in Paris, three-string OKTOBAS was shown, which in 1855 made a French master. This exhibit can be seen in the conservatory museum. This is indeed a gigantic instance of a 4 meter high, control passes with the help of a lever-pedal system. Of course, it is not necessary to speak about the practicality of the tool, so it is a vivid example of the original unit. But this is not the only huge double bass in the world, in fact Record parameters reach 5.55 m in height and 2.13 m wide.

Double bass (47 photos): What is it and what does the string jammer musical instrument look like? How many strings and what sound? Electro-contrambas and others, sizes and game 25589_41

Double bass (47 photos): What is it and what does the string jammer musical instrument look like? How many strings and what sound? Electro-contrambas and others, sizes and game 25589_42

It is logical that because of the large sizes of even ordinary double bass, you can only study the game for adults, but today there are tools that are suitable for seven-year musicians. In the times of dry law in the states for the manufacture of double bass, aluminum was used, such tools were used by military orchestras.

The most large-scale event, participation in which took about 90 double bassists, became a concert organized in Seoul 9 years ago. The musicians performed the symphony in which the parties were spelled out for cellists and violinists, but they were played on the double bass.

Double bass (47 photos): What is it and what does the string jammer musical instrument look like? How many strings and what sound? Electro-contrambas and others, sizes and game 25589_43

Double bass (47 photos): What is it and what does the string jammer musical instrument look like? How many strings and what sound? Electro-contrambas and others, sizes and game 25589_44

Double bass (47 photos): What is it and what does the string jammer musical instrument look like? How many strings and what sound? Electro-contrambas and others, sizes and game 25589_45

For teams that are often driving, manufacturers offer adaptations in a compact size equipped with a removable vulture. At the same time, the sound quality products do not change in any way, and it is quite convenient for transportation.

The cost of the most expensive double bass reaches almost 25 thousand dollars, as it is made of weathered wood.

Now you know much more about the double bass, their characteristics, the history of creation and varieties. This is an amazing musical instrument with a unique sound, which excites the spirit. Together with other members of the symphony orchestra, performers can present to the world to the amazing music.

Double bass (47 photos): What is it and what does the string jammer musical instrument look like? How many strings and what sound? Electro-contrambas and others, sizes and game 25589_46

Double bass (47 photos): What is it and what does the string jammer musical instrument look like? How many strings and what sound? Electro-contrambas and others, sizes and game 25589_47

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