Erhu: description string of a musical instrument. Playing on the Chinese violin. Why is it so called? The sound of music?


Erhu - it is the name of one of the varieties of Chinese violin. On the peculiarities of its structure and sound, as well as about the history of this musical instrument will be discussed in the article.

Erhu: description string of a musical instrument. Playing on the Chinese violin. Why is it so called? The sound of music? 25584_2


Erhu - is an ancient Chinese violin that belongs to the family of stringed bowed musical instruments. It is considered a form of Chinese instrument huqin.

The name of the erhu has its own meaning. Thus, the first syllable "er" is translated as "two" and the second "xy" as a "bow".

Erhu: description string of a musical instrument. Playing on the Chinese violin. Why is it so called? The sound of music? 25584_3

Called a musical instrument full of traditional violin, to which many are accustomed to, it is difficult. It has a range within 3 octaves and only two strings, which are made of silk and tensioned musician while playing with the fingers. The principal parts thereof include, in addition to the strings, a deck, a resonator made of wood, which may be hexagonal or cylindrical as well as the membrane of snake skin.

Erhu: description string of a musical instrument. Playing on the Chinese violin. Why is it so called? The sound of music? 25584_4

In addition, here include neck tool. Previously, the entire instrument, including the neck, was a length of about 60 centimeters. Now, however, it is slightly increased in size, as the length of the neck began to reach nearly a meter, namely 80 centimeters. It is connected to the neck of the string with a metal bracket.

a tool body made mainly of dense wood, such as pink or ebony.

Erhu: description string of a musical instrument. Playing on the Chinese violin. Why is it so called? The sound of music? 25584_5

Erhu: description string of a musical instrument. Playing on the Chinese violin. Why is it so called? The sound of music? 25584_6

The tool is attached a curved bow, which is made from a bamboo stalk. With it and the reproduced tune. Sam also has its own bow string, which is made of horsehair. Usually it is fixed between the two main strings so that it was with erhu integrally.

To play this Bow specially rubbed rosin in order to increase friction. This stage musicians pay special attention.

Erhu: description string of a musical instrument. Playing on the Chinese violin. Why is it so called? The sound of music? 25584_7

If the bow is not well grated, the musical instrument sound dramatically distorted, and instead of a charming sweet melody will be nasty, cutting ears, rattling sound.

Erhu: description string of a musical instrument. Playing on the Chinese violin. Why is it so called? The sound of music? 25584_8

History of musical instrument

China has a lot of traditional musical instruments, which, compared with the erhu can be called really ancient. The erhu is relatively young, it about a thousand years.

Sort through each of the stages of development of this musical instrument will be difficult. For a long time he was considered a tool of nomads, respectively, very often changed their location with nomadic groups of people.

Erhu: description string of a musical instrument. Playing on the Chinese violin. Why is it so called? The sound of music? 25584_9

Erhu first declared itself in northern China. Because of its origin the instrument was considered barbaric.

However, the peasants, he fell on the soul. They performed their folk chants on it, in which they described the usual everyday life, they said there and about such ordinary things, like fishing and pastiba of livestock.

Erhu: description string of a musical instrument. Playing on the Chinese violin. Why is it so called? The sound of music? 25584_10

The truly sought-after erhu became only in the period when the rules of the Tang Dynasty, that is, in the VII-X century already our era.

Erhu: description string of a musical instrument. Playing on the Chinese violin. Why is it so called? The sound of music? 25584_11

After a certain time, this musical instrument has become increasingly engaged in different ensembles and even in the Orchestra of the Beijing Opera. It became very common in China everywhere - both in rural and in urban areas.

Erhu: description string of a musical instrument. Playing on the Chinese violin. Why is it so called? The sound of music? 25584_12

Despite all this, respecting this tool did not take advantage of this, which happened again because of his "barbaric" origin. Its sound as a solo tool can be heard very rarely.

They appreciated him only because of such a musician, like Liu Tianhua. It was thanks to him Erhu received the status of a full-fledged solo musical instrument. One of the most famous works is the melody with the title "The second spring reflects the moon," now it is a classic.

Erhu: description string of a musical instrument. Playing on the Chinese violin. Why is it so called? The sound of music? 25584_13

Erchi acquires even greater popularity after the demonstration in 2004 on TV Gala-concert "New Dynasty Tan", which was devoted to the New Year in China.

A rather bright view, including music and a variety of dances, in which the real culture of the Chinese, produced a great positive impression on people.

So, in 2006, such concerts were organized in many major cities almost all over the globe. In 2008, concerts were again conducted, and the number of cities in which they were organized, increased, as, in fact, the number of people who visited the events.

Erhu: description string of a musical instrument. Playing on the Chinese violin. Why is it so called? The sound of music? 25584_14

Special delight of the audience concerts caused exactly the violin erhu. On the instrument performed the musical compositions of the famous musician, Mrs. Qi Siaochun, which he learned the game on Erhu Father. This girl is one of the most famous performers on Erhu.

Except her, Popularization of the tool contributed to such a master of the game on Erhu like George Gao.

Erhu: description string of a musical instrument. Playing on the Chinese violin. Why is it so called? The sound of music? 25584_15

Erhu: description string of a musical instrument. Playing on the Chinese violin. Why is it so called? The sound of music? 25584_16

At this time, hear the sound of erhu can not only on such concerts, but also in the Chinese opera and theater, namely: in dramatic productions. Besides, Erhu is actively used by different musical groups.

Erhu: description string of a musical instrument. Playing on the Chinese violin. Why is it so called? The sound of music? 25584_17

As it sounds

The sound of erhu is quite thin, as if shelkovoy. That is why this tool is most commonly used in the performance of smooth musical compositions. This tool with ease can simulate and cry, and sigh, as well as pass the atmosphere of personal conversations. In the hands of the master, she can imitate the sounds of nature, bird stump, horsepower, spring drops, windy upwards and ridge, other sounds.

Erhu: description string of a musical instrument. Playing on the Chinese violin. Why is it so called? The sound of music? 25584_18

Technique game

In the miserable to study the game on such a musical instrument, like Erhu, it was possible to start only from 4 years.

Erhu: description string of a musical instrument. Playing on the Chinese violin. Why is it so called? The sound of music? 25584_19

In the process of the game, Erhu is located vertically, while leaning her leg in his knee. The bow at the same time should be in the right hand of the artist, with the fingers of the other hand he must press the strings.

It is worth noting that to search for the necessary notes, the tool strings are clamped so that they do not touch the griff.

The most common welcome for the game on Erhu is "transverse vibrato". Its principle is that when performing a musician presses on the string down, which changes the sound tool somewhat.

Erhu: description string of a musical instrument. Playing on the Chinese violin. Why is it so called? The sound of music? 25584_20

You can hear the sound of erhu in the video presented below.

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