Saxophone (49 photos): What is it? Tenor and soprano, baritone and other species, the choice of canes and mouthpiece. What does it look and how does it sound?


Music lovers are very important to know what it is - a saxophone, as it looks and how he sounds. Designers developed various variations - tenor and soprano, baritone and other species. In addition to such moments and the choice of canes and mouthpiece, it is necessary to get acquainted with a number of interesting facts.

Saxophone (49 photos): What is it? Tenor and soprano, baritone and other species, the choice of canes and mouthpiece. What does it look and how does it sound? 25581_2

Saxophone (49 photos): What is it? Tenor and soprano, baritone and other species, the choice of canes and mouthpiece. What does it look and how does it sound? 25581_3

Saxophone (49 photos): What is it? Tenor and soprano, baritone and other species, the choice of canes and mouthpiece. What does it look and how does it sound? 25581_4

What it is?

Saxophone is one of the prominent representatives of the family of wooden tongue brass tools. This is a relatively new product - similar designs appeared only in the 1840s. Saxophone is used mainly in the brass and symphony orchestras. But this tool can be solo (with accompaniment from the prepared orchestra or ensemble).

The device was worked out by the Belgian specialist Adolf Sax, so you can confidently say that this is a "registered" tool. On saxophones, jazzmen and representatives of similar musical genres often play. However, the tools are fully applicable in pop music.

The advantages of such a solution are associated with the impressive capacity of the design and with the fact that it provides the singeling timbre. In technical mobility, there are practically no such devices.

Saxophone (49 photos): What is it? Tenor and soprano, baritone and other species, the choice of canes and mouthpiece. What does it look and how does it sound? 25581_5

Saxophone (49 photos): What is it? Tenor and soprano, baritone and other species, the choice of canes and mouthpiece. What does it look and how does it sound? 25581_6

Saxophone (49 photos): What is it? Tenor and soprano, baritone and other species, the choice of canes and mouthpiece. What does it look and how does it sound? 25581_7

Structurally they look like a tube in the form of a cone. For its manufacture use:

  • brass;
  • red brass;

The difference between Tompac and the PAKFONG is that the first alloy includes copper and zinc, and nickel add to the second. Any typical saxophone is made with a bend of the tube like the Chubuk. But there are high tool models that are not taken due to limited length. However, there are a number of experimental models that can be arranged in many ways.

Saxophone (49 photos): What is it? Tenor and soprano, baritone and other species, the choice of canes and mouthpiece. What does it look and how does it sound? 25581_8

Saxophone (49 photos): What is it? Tenor and soprano, baritone and other species, the choice of canes and mouthpiece. What does it look and how does it sound? 25581_9

And yet, mostly saxophone is divided into 3 composite elements:

  • trumpet;
  • main body;
  • The continuing tube that has received the source name "ESKA".

It is on the tube that the mouthpiece is planted, which is similar to the clarinet analogue and just also reminds the beak. To obtain saxophone mouthpieces can apply:

  • plastics;
  • ebonite black;
  • metal.

Saxophone (49 photos): What is it? Tenor and soprano, baritone and other species, the choice of canes and mouthpiece. What does it look and how does it sound? 25581_10

Saxophone (49 photos): What is it? Tenor and soprano, baritone and other species, the choice of canes and mouthpiece. What does it look and how does it sound? 25581_11

Since saxophonists can play in various genres and styles, this item adapts to the desired sound. An important difference between its versions concerns "Pasta" and "Recess". The first term denotes the distance separating the cable tip and the tip of the mouthpiece. The second is the length of the free plot of canes in the state of pressed to the mouthpiece. The less the mouth, the better for classic compositions and the worse for other, more modern genres of music.

The key value for the appearance of the desired sound has a bunch part - the youngest cane. By execution it is not difficult to confuse with the clarinet cane. The traditional approach implies that this part is obtained from the root, cane, bamboo. But for the purpose of saving, synthesized materials are actively used. To the cane effectively interact with the mouthpiece, they are combined with a ligature mechanism; It is simple - only a small sized clamp and a pair of screws.

Saxophone (49 photos): What is it? Tenor and soprano, baritone and other species, the choice of canes and mouthpiece. What does it look and how does it sound? 25581_12

Saxophone (49 photos): What is it? Tenor and soprano, baritone and other species, the choice of canes and mouthpiece. What does it look and how does it sound? 25581_13

The classic design of the saxophone implies the use of metallic ligature. But jazzmen and musicians of other destinations prefer a tool with a ligatural part of genuine leather. It allows the canes to fluctuate more freely. Under different circumstances, a cane can be very damaged. The protective caps that need to wear on the mouthpieces of unused tools are helping to avoid it.

Any saxophone is equipped with 19-22 valves (depending on the type). This valve complex provides closure and opening of body holes at the right moments. The game is to press and release individual keys on the keyboard at the right time.

Professionals do it easily and easily. As a result, they can play even very complex melodies.

Saxophone (49 photos): What is it? Tenor and soprano, baritone and other species, the choice of canes and mouthpiece. What does it look and how does it sound? 25581_14

Saxophone (49 photos): What is it? Tenor and soprano, baritone and other species, the choice of canes and mouthpiece. What does it look and how does it sound? 25581_15

History of creation

As already mentioned, the creator of the saxophone is Adolf Sax, and the birthplace of this instrument is Belgium. Sax was not a random person in the world of musical instruments - he had worked for some time in a special workshop and even managed to get a number of patents. Sax worked on an important problem at that time - how to eliminate discrepancies in intonation, which appeared between the tools from copper and tools from the tree, ordinary in brass orchestras. In the first third of the XIX century, the so-called officer was already invented for this purpose.

But this development was not perfect enough and had too cumbersome; After 1850, it is used only in isolated cases. Meanwhile, the need to close the timber clearance between "copper" and the "tree" was felt more and more insistently. And it is in the process of such a search for Sax invented its most famous brainchild.

Early saxophone appeared on the publication of the public in August 1841. Among the exhibits of the industrial exhibition in Brussels, he appeared under the name of the "mouthpiece officer" - as the developer himself did not want to give the invention his own name.

Saxophone (49 photos): What is it? Tenor and soprano, baritone and other species, the choice of canes and mouthpiece. What does it look and how does it sound? 25581_16

Saxophone (49 photos): What is it? Tenor and soprano, baritone and other species, the choice of canes and mouthpiece. What does it look and how does it sound? 25581_17

It is known that the tool:

  • It was made of metal;
  • had a body of cone shape;
  • Completed mouthpiece with a single cane (minimally changed clarinet, in fact);
  • possessed the set of Bemovsky ring-shaped valves;
  • In general, it was twisted.

Not only the exhibition helped to promote your product Sax. He managed to take advantage of his friendship with Hector Berlioz, hotly taking all the innovations in the musical sphere. And it was Berlioz that gave the tool that name under which he is now known on all continents. For the first time it was used in a newspaper article published by the composer on June 12, 1842. The role of Berliposis was not limited to this - he prepared the first work in history, intended for execution on adaptations improved or created from scratch by the Belgian master, and in February 1844 he became a conductor at the premiere of work.

Saxophone (49 photos): What is it? Tenor and soprano, baritone and other species, the choice of canes and mouthpiece. What does it look and how does it sound? 25581_18

Saxophone (49 photos): What is it? Tenor and soprano, baritone and other species, the choice of canes and mouthpiece. What does it look and how does it sound? 25581_19

At the end of the same year, the saxophone made his debut in the orchestral equipment that performed by the premiere of the opera of another author, and was also demonstrated at the Paris Industrial Exhibition. In the spring of 1846, SACS receives a French patent for its system of musical instruments. However, about a year earlier, saxophones along with Saxcorn, Saxotrubs purchased the Armed Forces of France to replace obsolete musical instruments. Later, the former "mouthpiece officer" continued to attract the minds of composers - mainly for thinking over opera performances. Symphony works were accompanied by the game on the saxophone significantly less; So, in the musical number of Biza to the dramatic production of "Arlesian" there are two large fragments, where the saxophonist soloits.

13 years, between 1857 and 1870, Sax was engaged in teaching the game on his instrument in the military branch of the Conservatory of Paris. This gave great fruits - there were a lot of experienced musicians, and composers paid more attention to saxophone music. However, during the Franco-Prussian War, the cadets were mobilized, and soon the training ceased completely.

True, loss of interest in saxophone in Europe was accompanied by the emergence of a number of good saxophonists on the other side of the Atlantic.

Saxophone (49 photos): What is it? Tenor and soprano, baritone and other species, the choice of canes and mouthpiece. What does it look and how does it sound? 25581_20

Saxophone (49 photos): What is it? Tenor and soprano, baritone and other species, the choice of canes and mouthpiece. What does it look and how does it sound? 25581_21

The following important milestones:

  • 1900 - 1920s - an increase in the demand of the instrument in classical composers;
  • Triumphant return of a saxophone on a large pop at the occurrence of the jazz era;
  • 1969 - the beginning of the World Congresses;
  • 1995 - Creation of the European Saxophone Center (where they accumulate and study all the materials that have the ratio of it, and also engage in the promotion of the tool).

Saxophone (49 photos): What is it? Tenor and soprano, baritone and other species, the choice of canes and mouthpiece. What does it look and how does it sound? 25581_22

Saxophone (49 photos): What is it? Tenor and soprano, baritone and other species, the choice of canes and mouthpiece. What does it look and how does it sound? 25581_23

Review of species


Initially, Sax came up with 14 varieties of his instrument. But gradually many almost refused, and only 8 of them are realistic. Socraved is characterized by the smallest dimensions. At the same time, the highest sound is also characteristic.

It is possible to achieve a bright and soft tool at the same time; This tool is often taken by musicians to perform lyrical music, and its typical system - EB.

Saxophone (49 photos): What is it? Tenor and soprano, baritone and other species, the choice of canes and mouthpiece. What does it look and how does it sound? 25581_24

Promial and sinylone

This is another type of mini-saxophone. There are such products very rarely. Usually in length they are equal to 30 or 33 cm. The reason for the lowest prevalence is that such devices are very difficult to produce.

Only recently the music industry reached such a level when you can produce at least small series of sinylogo.

Saxophone (49 photos): What is it? Tenor and soprano, baritone and other species, the choice of canes and mouthpiece. What does it look and how does it sound? 25581_25


Such models are made of BB. There are both direct and curved type of housing. A characteristic feature is a high and piercing sound. But at the same time it is deprived of any shock and rudeness. Saxophones are soprano in demand and classic, and pop musicians. Although they have a relatively low weight, and they are small for themselves, for beginners, such a tool suits little.

Playing the saxophone soprano is well obtained only in those who confidently puts hands. Important and clearly developed outcast. But from this rule there are exceptions. So, it is soprano, and not a big tool most suitable for many children. Those can do their own hands to cope with larger products - although they still have to pump breathing skills.

Saxophone (49 photos): What is it? Tenor and soprano, baritone and other species, the choice of canes and mouthpiece. What does it look and how does it sound? 25581_26

Saxophone (49 photos): What is it? Tenor and soprano, baritone and other species, the choice of canes and mouthpiece. What does it look and how does it sound? 25581_27


The way a similar saxophone sounds most fully corresponds to the building EB. This option is considered the best for beginners to master the musical skills of adults and well-developed adolescents. Alta is compact and weigh relatively few. Their important advantage is the comfort of the execution of the keyboard and the methods of "purge". Another important dignity is an abundance of musical works, allowing not to be limited to a narrow ring of melodies; That is why lovers, and qualified performers and qualified performers apply equally.

Saxophone (49 photos): What is it? Tenor and soprano, baritone and other species, the choice of canes and mouthpiece. What does it look and how does it sound? 25581_28

Saxophone (49 photos): What is it? Tenor and soprano, baritone and other species, the choice of canes and mouthpiece. What does it look and how does it sound? 25581_29


In this case, the BB system is characterized. Such saxophones are only a little less in demand than the Alta. They are larger, weigh more and get blown worse. They have a lower, but at the same time a uniformly saturated frequency range.

With the help of the tenor, minor and major melodies play, lead the solo and accompanied by accompaniment execution.

Saxophone-tenor use:

  • Academic orchestras;
  • Popular music performers;
  • Military musicians.

Saxophone (49 photos): What is it? Tenor and soprano, baritone and other species, the choice of canes and mouthpiece. What does it look and how does it sound? 25581_30

Saxophone (49 photos): What is it? Tenor and soprano, baritone and other species, the choice of canes and mouthpiece. What does it look and how does it sound? 25581_31


This tool has EB. The main body is powerfully bent and complicated almost in half. The so-called Eska is wrapped on the loop manner. The sound is characterized by power and expressive depth, but this is achieved only on the middle and small register.

However, it is often noted that the harshness of the high register of Bariton-Saxophone is a very popular feature, including military orchestras.

Saxophone (49 photos): What is it? Tenor and soprano, baritone and other species, the choice of canes and mouthpiece. What does it look and how does it sound? 25581_32

Saxophone (49 photos): What is it? Tenor and soprano, baritone and other species, the choice of canes and mouthpiece. What does it look and how does it sound? 25581_33

Bass and double bass

The first subtype mainly uses BB, and the second is EB. These tools themselves are infrequent. Their characteristic feature is very large sizes. Only those who will make breathing as well will be playing on such saxophones and will reach the equipment. The sound and at the bottom, and at the top of the range is about the same as the bariton, and even more pronounced.

    Saxophone (49 photos): What is it? Tenor and soprano, baritone and other species, the choice of canes and mouthpiece. What does it look and how does it sound? 25581_34

    Saxophone (49 photos): What is it? Tenor and soprano, baritone and other species, the choice of canes and mouthpiece. What does it look and how does it sound? 25581_35

    By the class of games, saxophones are divided into:

    • training;
    • elementary;
    • Professional levels.

    The difference relates to even the materials used. So, a qualified musician is unlikely to play on plastic models. It will appreciate carefully and ergonomics, and appearance, and sound quality. The cost of suitable modifications, respectively, will be higher. Part of the professional products is handed over manually after the end of the factory assembly.

    For beginners, an electronic saxophone is intended. It weighs less and easier to master. True, such products require a power source. Almost all of them are made of plastic. Professionals often refer to such a technique with a slight touch of contempt.

    Saxophone (49 photos): What is it? Tenor and soprano, baritone and other species, the choice of canes and mouthpiece. What does it look and how does it sound? 25581_36

    Saxophone (49 photos): What is it? Tenor and soprano, baritone and other species, the choice of canes and mouthpiece. What does it look and how does it sound? 25581_37

    Accessories and accessories

    These components are no less important than the tool itself. Basically, a case is included with a saxophone. In the absence of it in the set it is useful to buy a CFR separately.

    Recommended the use of semi-rigid covers at least. For long-distance trips and luggage, a hard plastic or even wooden coofer will be useful to the hotel.

    Saxophone (49 photos): What is it? Tenor and soprano, baritone and other species, the choice of canes and mouthpiece. What does it look and how does it sound? 25581_38

    The belt, he is Gaitan, frees his hands and simplifies the game. The belt is estimated by strength, width, convenience and adjustment. A useful addition is the pad on the mouthpiece. Silicone or rubber plate eliminates slipping of teeth over the surface of the mouthpiece. As for the teeth and for the tool, such a sliding is not very useful, besides, it provokes the vibration of the saxophone.

    Saxophone (49 photos): What is it? Tenor and soprano, baritone and other species, the choice of canes and mouthpiece. What does it look and how does it sound? 25581_39

    The cane is the main working part of the saxophone. It is chosen according to the Municipal parameters. Surdin plays an important role - it provides a more quiet and peaceful game. Not only to avoid conflicts, but also for greater melodes. The microphone for the tool can be an external or connected clothespin; Saxophone itself does not do, it is clear, without a stand and racks.

    Saxophone (49 photos): What is it? Tenor and soprano, baritone and other species, the choice of canes and mouthpiece. What does it look and how does it sound? 25581_40

    Saxophone (49 photos): What is it? Tenor and soprano, baritone and other species, the choice of canes and mouthpiece. What does it look and how does it sound? 25581_41

    Tips for choosing

    Choose for beginners the best option is not as difficult as it seems. What should be avoided exactly, so it is the largest copies. Entry-level techniques are perfectly learned on altitude models. Adults sometimes fit tenor. Be sure to evaluate the quality of the assembly and the characteristics of the sound, which must like subjectively; Experienced musicians are sometimes limited to listening to visually liked models.

    Color choose purely to their taste. From the parts of the saxophone, the mouthpiece is most important. Be sure to check the system and ease of taking notes. If you plan to play a certain music, take the tool "under it."

    It is useful to get acquainted with reviews and consult your music teachers.

    Saxophone (49 photos): What is it? Tenor and soprano, baritone and other species, the choice of canes and mouthpiece. What does it look and how does it sound? 25581_42

    Saxophone (49 photos): What is it? Tenor and soprano, baritone and other species, the choice of canes and mouthpiece. What does it look and how does it sound? 25581_43

    Technique game

    Examine the applicature and fineness of the instrument adjustment you need as soon as possible. But to play as it should, this is not enough. The first step is to extract the sound from the mouthpiece, not connected to the saxophone. Then the training will go easier. It is impossible to press the cane, closing it, but also it is impossible to let it go.

    Hurrying when playing on the saxophone is unacceptable. If it is very difficult to extract the sound "as a professional" - do as it turns out and gradually approach the correct breathing. Do not be afraid of unsuccessful attempts, but it is worth experimenting, remembering everything that happens. The mouthpiece pull out the mouth only when relaxing lips. The air is inhaled through their edges, and certainly do not reveal them wide, do not breathe through the nose.


    • develop muscle memory;
    • develop a clear attack on the syllable;
    • Master modern techniques (glissando, improvisation, multiference).

    Saxophone (49 photos): What is it? Tenor and soprano, baritone and other species, the choice of canes and mouthpiece. What does it look and how does it sound? 25581_44

    Nuances of care

    An experienced saxophonist knows that it is better to clean the instrument once again than suffering from problems with him. As for the choice of lubrication, it is almost unlimited - it is definitely worth discarding only the cheapest options. Excess lubricant is removed with a napkin.

    Sockets Sketch lubricate regularly, but at a minimum. For ligature screws, oils with dispensers are used.

    When the game is over, you need to remove moisture from the trunk. The main part is drained, turning the tool. Condensate eliminate wipes with weights. For an essay you need a special non-screamer. The cane rub the dry matter and put into the seivers, then wipe the surface of the saxophone; In addition, once every 5 - 6 months lubricate the mechanics.

    Saxophone (49 photos): What is it? Tenor and soprano, baritone and other species, the choice of canes and mouthpiece. What does it look and how does it sound? 25581_45

    Interesting Facts

    Many unusual details regarding the saxophone belong to its creator. That:

    • Repeatedly turned out to be on the verge of death in childhood (from the explosion of powder, from the hot frying pan, from the blow of stone on the head, from drowning in the river, from three consecutive poisoning to toxic evaporation of drying lacquer);
    • He worked on his first product (not yet a clean saxophone, but a modernized clarinet) from 16 to 20 years;
    • performed on it such complex tunes that after leaving the theater they had to withdraw from the repertoire - they did not conquer anyone else;
    • In 1840 he received the Gold Medal of the Brussels Exhibition and ... Refusal in her extradition due to excessive youth;
    • At the exhibition of 1841, she showed the first saxophone due to the curtain to preserve the know-how in secret;
    • 5 months before the preparation of the patent, the court lost, which said in the verdict "The tool called Saxophone does not exist and cannot exist";
    • repeatedly came across harassment - with the forbids musicians playing saxophones, with slanderous articles and bad cartoons;
    • Three times turned out to be bankrupt.

    Saxophone (49 photos): What is it? Tenor and soprano, baritone and other species, the choice of canes and mouthpiece. What does it look and how does it sound? 25581_46

    Saxophone (49 photos): What is it? Tenor and soprano, baritone and other species, the choice of canes and mouthpiece. What does it look and how does it sound? 25581_47

    Belgians are deserved proud because the saxophone created their compatriot. When there was still its own currency in the country, the portrait of Adolf Sax was decorated with a 200-franc bill. But during his lifetime, as already mentioned, the master met both enthusiasm and lodge hatred. Once he even tried to kill him. Today, the giant monument of Sax and the museum dedicated to him are located in the city of Dinant.

    On the streets of Dinant, the symbolic images of the saxophone can be seen on any building. It is found in many logos. The monument to Saxophone has in Rostov-on-Don.

    Saxophonist Escalante managed to keep 1 note for 90 minutes. Every year a commemorative event is held in honor of the designer.

    Saxophone (49 photos): What is it? Tenor and soprano, baritone and other species, the choice of canes and mouthpiece. What does it look and how does it sound? 25581_48

    Saxophone (49 photos): What is it? Tenor and soprano, baritone and other species, the choice of canes and mouthpiece. What does it look and how does it sound? 25581_49

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