Electrobalallay: What is an electronic balalaika? Using an electroacoustic model


Although such a tool like Balalaika is known for us from a long time, the birthday of e-balalaika is considered March 1888. It was this year that the first speech of the orchestra took place in St. Petersburg, where the electric worker sounded. Vasily Andreev is a man who has improved the classic version of the musical instrument. At this virtuoso, the soldiers of the royal army were trained with the game on balalaica, and the Romanov family regularly invited the musician to perform.

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Balalaika is a Russian folk musical instrument. Play on it is accepted by imaginary finger on all strings with a clip of the right notes on the jiff. Today, the balalaika is considered by one of the most popular traditional Russian instruments.

Electrobalallay: What is an electronic balalaika? Using an electroacoustic model 25545_3

Russian balalaika consists of three parts.

  1. Vigra - An elongated wooden part, on which the marking of notes is located. During the game on the neck, the strings clap to change the sound tonality.

  2. Frame - consists of anterior and rear parts, has a triangular shape. The hollow hollow itself, therefore, to give such a shape, it glues from 6-7 wooden parts.

  3. Head - The upper part of the tool on which the rods and other mechanics are located. It is necessary to insist the sound of the tool.

Electrobalallay: What is an electronic balalaika? Using an electroacoustic model 25545_4

Electrobalallay is different from the classic version described above the fact that it is possible to strengthen the sound. At the same time, the technology of the game remains the same. And yet there is a difference between the balalaikas according to their sound.

Electrobalallay: What is an electronic balalaika? Using an electroacoustic model 25545_5

Electrobalallay: What is an electronic balalaika? Using an electroacoustic model 25545_6

There are balalaika:

  • bass - the sound is similar to the double bass, but a little higher;

  • Alt - sounds below the rejection only one octave;

  • Double bass - the lowest sound of all;

  • Prima - Unison Sound Quarter;

  • Second - also with a quart room, and in sound below the rejection per quint.

Electrobalallay: What is an electronic balalaika? Using an electroacoustic model 25545_7

So, Prima has the largest amount of lads (from 19 to 24), despite the fact that the rate of the body length of this model is the smallest, just up to 290 mm. But the longest working part of the string in double bass is 1180 mm. The remaining species in their structure, and therefore, on the scale of sounds are located between these two.

When they all sound together within one orchestra, it turns out to recreate the most difficult works with unique and not like sound.

Electrobalallay: What is an electronic balalaika? Using an electroacoustic model 25545_8

Electrobalallay: What is an electronic balalaika? Using an electroacoustic model 25545_9

Overview of Master models

Although the electrical balalaiks do not cease to gain popularity, nevertheless most of the virtuoso masters adhere to the old tradition - create electric crafts independently.

Electrobalallay: What is an electronic balalaika? Using an electroacoustic model 25545_10

One of the most outstanding balalalacs have become instruments of musicians such as:

  1. Andrei Baldin;

  2. Alexey Silver (independently made up to 20 instruments);

  3. Alexander Sniknikov;

  4. Dmitry Poznysh;

  5. Dmitry Starchenko;

  6. Oleg Riga.

Electrobalallay: What is an electronic balalaika? Using an electroacoustic model 25545_11

And this is not all the maestro that are engaged in creating an electric chalk. It is worth noting that the old generation is quite skeptical about this vent. But, As the practice of the game of contemporaries shows, the homemade version of the instrument sounds no worse than the classics.

Electrobalallay: What is an electronic balalaika? Using an electroacoustic model 25545_12

Needlework models are also equipped with three strings. The only difference is some musicians prefer exceptionally metal strings, others leave nylon one. At the same time, each of them includes an "electric stuffing":

  1. Piezozovotter;

  2. timbre block (volume and tone);

  3. Crohn battery (compartment is behind).

Electrobalallay: What is an electronic balalaika? Using an electroacoustic model 25545_13


To the sound of an electro-acoustic balalaica, it was correct and melodious, it is important before the start of the game to inspect the tool. What should pay attention to?

The vulture should be straight, without cracks and bends.

The moldiness of the lands plays a big role. They must be one height and are located on the same plane.

The state of the strings affects the purity of sound and the tone of the balalaica. If the string is too thin, then the sound will be weak and rattling, and if, on the contrary, it is too thick, then the very melodiousness will not be tangible. In addition, such strings quickly rush.

Not only the tool setting up to the game is important for the electric chalk, but also to care. In order not to spoil the balalaika, it is important to take care that the tool is stored in a clean and dry place.

Electrobalallay: What is an electronic balalaika? Using an electroacoustic model 25545_14

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