Laser harp: principle of operation and types of electronic harp. Application at concerts Jean Michel Zharmar and others


The classic harp is quite symbolic, associated with special music. At the same time, all the musicians know that the tool is quite complicated and capricious. Laser harp looks quite different, but also requires special skill and skill. The tool fascinates even with its appearance, so often used in various show concerts.

Laser harp: principle of operation and types of electronic harp. Application at concerts Jean Michel Zharmar and others 25544_2

Laser harp: principle of operation and types of electronic harp. Application at concerts Jean Michel Zharmar and others 25544_3

Laser harp: principle of operation and types of electronic harp. Application at concerts Jean Michel Zharmar and others 25544_4

Principle of operation

Laser harp has a rather complicated and intricate design. The principle of operation allows not only to extract high-quality sound, but also to do it as entertaining as possible. Beautiful lasers work paired with synthesizer. All signals are fed to this element to extract sound. When the game requires maximum accuracy.

Laser harp is a musical instrument sensitive to light. To control it is necessary to interrupt the laser beam. As a result, a MIDI command is sent.

They can go on a synthesizer or other electronic device. Such is the laser harp in the modern world.

Laser harp: principle of operation and types of electronic harp. Application at concerts Jean Michel Zharmar and others 25544_5

Laser harp: principle of operation and types of electronic harp. Application at concerts Jean Michel Zharmar and others 25544_6

The tool is relatively new. For the first time, people saw him in China in 1981 at the JMJ team concert. Frenchman B. Syeror created the first prototype in 1979. On stage, 2 years later, another unfinished tool was shown. Since then, there have been many changes and improvements.

Modern models allow you to remove a variety of sounds. But the old could reproduce only one note when interrupting the beam. Moreover, now the software is increasingly responsible for the sound. The physical synthesizer may not be in the design.

Laser harp: principle of operation and types of electronic harp. Application at concerts Jean Michel Zharmar and others 25544_7

Laser harp: principle of operation and types of electronic harp. Application at concerts Jean Michel Zharmar and others 25544_8


Allocate two main categories of laser harp: frame (closed) and open (without frame). The first option has a closed design. Rays are directed from the bottom up, ending on the top of the frame. There is a photodetector that gives a signal when climbing a laser.

Warmless laser harp has a system of contactless rays. The design may be arbitrary. At the same time, the rays come from the projector up, are not limited to anything. So, in the hall lasers reach the ceiling, and on the street go to the sky.

There is no photodetector in the design, everything is more complicated.

Laser harp: principle of operation and types of electronic harp. Application at concerts Jean Michel Zharmar and others 25544_9

Laser harp: principle of operation and types of electronic harp. Application at concerts Jean Michel Zharmar and others 25544_10

The key role is assigned to the touch element, which is located near the foot of the musician. It is these details that the flashes of light on the hand are fixed when covering the laser beam.

Open harp, in turn, are divided into several species. The hardware sensor is a microcontroller, in software and hardware - video camera. Pictures with the latter processes a program that is responsible for the sound of the synthesizer.

Laser harp: principle of operation and types of electronic harp. Application at concerts Jean Michel Zharmar and others 25544_11

Laser harp: principle of operation and types of electronic harp. Application at concerts Jean Michel Zharmar and others 25544_12

Laser harps are divided into one criterion, in color. The first had only one, green. All because the rays of this color and different power are better perceived by the human eye. Later, more diverse options began to appear.

Two-color harp appeared in 2008. Made her Italian engineer M. Korelli. It was a prototype, so weak rays were based on. The model combined green and red lasers, which became a real breakthrough, which attracted more attention to the tool.

Already 2 years later, the engineer showed the world full version of color harp. And also additionally appeared projectors that allow you to arrange a light show during the game on the instrument. As a result, the laser harp has gained wider distribution than before.

This is the only tool that combines a pleasant sound and spectacular show.

Laser harp: principle of operation and types of electronic harp. Application at concerts Jean Michel Zharmar and others 25544_13

Laser harp: principle of operation and types of electronic harp. Application at concerts Jean Michel Zharmar and others 25544_14


Laser harp is a rather complicated tool that fascinates one just look. However, special skill is required to play on it, which makes the tool less popular in the masses. There are two popular companies that are engaged in the production of laser harp: Laser New Tec and Prolight. Models have their own characteristics and advantages.

Laser harp from Laser New Tec has a small midi interface that turns a simple projector into a tool for the implementation of creative potential. When the beam is blocked, the sensor sends a signal from the controller to the audio board, the synthesizer or another element that is responsible for extracting the sound. To the harp, you must additionally buy a projector.

Laser harp: principle of operation and types of electronic harp. Application at concerts Jean Michel Zharmar and others 25544_15

Laser harp: principle of operation and types of electronic harp. Application at concerts Jean Michel Zharmar and others 25544_16

Here are the main advantages of the model.

  1. Universality. The controller can be used with the equipment of any type of audio and video. If you use a specific software, it will be possible to play your own effects and laser shows. The versatility lies also in the fact that the equipment is suitable for any event.

  2. Functionality. At the same time, you can use from 8 to 12 rays. It all depends on which melody will be played. Any projector with an ILDA connector is suitable for connecting.

  3. Reliability. In the manufacture and configuration, modern technologies and development are used. Experienced specialists are working on the laser harp, which recheck the performance of the device many times.

Laser harp: principle of operation and types of electronic harp. Application at concerts Jean Michel Zharmar and others 25544_17

The PROLIGHT manufacturer offers a high-quality Laser Harp Controller model. It allows you to make harp from a simple projector. Laser rays are multicolored, so the tool looks as impressive as possible. The device can work with both a synthesizer and a computer. The user is offered the most flexible settings. So, the model reproduces any audio and video, sounds and effects. Special software allows you to create your own show. The device is fully prepared for use, you just need to connect it to the projector. There are a number of advantages.

  • The model is expensive, however, it offers the widest possible functionality.

  • The number of lasers can be configured depending on the notes in the work.

  • It is possible to choose color modes. The harp can produce red, green and blue rays. And also there is a two-color mode. In this case, high notes will be red, and the rest are green. There is a "rainbow" mode, which can be used in a pair with RGB lasers.

  • It is possible to change the direction of the tonality.

  • You can use several versions of musical gamps.

  • The sensor can recognize the simultaneous interruption of several lasers. As a result, the musician can perform more complex rhythmic patterns.

  • You can connect a double pedal. With it, it is even easier to overlap and open lasers, switch between different gamma. However, without pedal, all the possibilities are governed by the controller itself.

  • Work in the dark or indoors without additional lighting is easier thanks to the display on the device.

  • Implemented the ability to change the length of laser rays. The harp itself is compact. It can be unnoticed on the stage for a more spectacular show.

Laser harp: principle of operation and types of electronic harp. Application at concerts Jean Michel Zharmar and others 25544_18

Laser harp: principle of operation and types of electronic harp. Application at concerts Jean Michel Zharmar and others 25544_19

There are other companies that produce laser harp. However, it is these manufacturers that have deserved confidence of professionals. Both models can be used even in a pair with pyrotechnics. This allows you to create the most entertaining representation.

Where is the sound?

Laser harp is quite expensive, so practically not used by lovers. Moreover, to achieve skill in the game on such an instrument - the task is complex. Newbies are rarely solved on this. The classics do not fulfill the classics. The tool manifests itself in modern music.

As musical accompaniment used in many styles and directions. Some musicians use laser arc due to its spectacular appearance. Large-scale show showed Jean Michel Zhark. The musician masterfully owns the instrument and literally fascinates the public.

Laser harp: principle of operation and types of electronic harp. Application at concerts Jean Michel Zharmar and others 25544_20

Laser harp: principle of operation and types of electronic harp. Application at concerts Jean Michel Zharmar and others 25544_21

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