The guitar does not build: why does not keep the system on the lads and what does it mean? What to do and how to check? The reasons why the classic guitar ceased to build


The novice guitarist first needs to study the problems that occur during the use of the tool, as well as learn to decide. Everything happens. Perhaps you bought a good guitar from the hands, but did not listen to the advice of the seller, so on the very first day they encountered a nuisance - the guitar does not build. What to do, how to understand that it is upset, and what actions should be taken - this can be found in the article.

The guitar does not build: why does not keep the system on the lads and what does it mean? What to do and how to check? The reasons why the classic guitar ceased to build 25517_2

Main reasons

It should be noted that an unpleasant surprise associated with the fact that the guitar ceased to build, it can happen both with old and new tools, originally made poorly. This is a rather common defect whose characteristic symptoms are in the following phenomena:

  • floating sound;
  • pulling strings;
  • lack of melody and harmony consonance;
  • Noticeable nonstoriability of votes.

The guitar does not build: why does not keep the system on the lads and what does it mean? What to do and how to check? The reasons why the classic guitar ceased to build 25517_3

The guitar does not build: why does not keep the system on the lads and what does it mean? What to do and how to check? The reasons why the classic guitar ceased to build 25517_4

At the same time, 2 main states of the guitar are possible:

  1. She does not build only in Ladas, and open strings at the same time sound normally;
  2. The guitar does not hold a common system - while setting up the next open string, a change in the height of the sound has just adjusted.

Let's see what non-obvious for beginner causes the first of the names of the traditional guitar.

The guitar does not build: why does not keep the system on the lads and what does it mean? What to do and how to check? The reasons why the classic guitar ceased to build 25517_5

There are several options for answering this question.

  • The new guitar has too high vegetables. During pressed to them, there is a slight hauling of a portion of the free (sounding) string length to the side, where it is held with a finger on the surface of the grid. As a result, the resulting sound is shifted from the expected, increasing. That is, the desired sound has a greater height than required. For an inexperienced hearing, this inconsistency is unlikely to be observed, but in the concert hall such a defect is unacceptable.
  • Old tools occurs in the wear of the thresholds, which initially have a semicircular working surface (where contact with a pressed string) occurs. A surface with dents deformed from constant friction leads to a displacement of the touch of a touch towards the griff. In this case, the sound, on the contrary, loses the height of the sound.
  • If the guitar does not build on the XII Lada (it gives a lower sound), it means that the working distance from the top to the lower vein is not adjusted. Ladow metal threshold XII Lada divides the string strictly in half. If it is not, you should correct the defect in the repair workshop of musical instruments.
  • When the tool does not build on the first lads, it can be caused by either too high the arrangement of the string above the surface of the grid (there must be a maximum of 5 mm over 12 LAD), or the wrong distance between the threshings.

The guitar does not build: why does not keep the system on the lads and what does it mean? What to do and how to check? The reasons why the classic guitar ceased to build 25517_6

The guitar does not build: why does not keep the system on the lads and what does it mean? What to do and how to check? The reasons why the classic guitar ceased to build 25517_7

The guitar does not build: why does not keep the system on the lads and what does it mean? What to do and how to check? The reasons why the classic guitar ceased to build 25517_8

Now let's call several factors leading to the fact that the guitar does not hold the system (quickly upset).

  • An error was made when changing the strings - they are incorrectly installed on the slices.
  • Rings can also cause malfunction if they have a small number of teeth. In the end, even with a small turn, the string of too long is wound. The same situation may occur if the slices were worn out. These details must be changed periodically.
  • Old or new strings also sometimes create problems. Poor-quality or poorly stretched strings will not allow the clean system to bring. And the new nylon products need time for accepting a working condition (1-2 weeks).
  • The guitar was influenced by the temperature differences - its strings are sensitive to temperature. A classic guitar can react to the action of cold and heat also due to the fact that its hull is wooden. Because of this, the position of the Grid is often changing - he can cross.

The guitar does not build: why does not keep the system on the lads and what does it mean? What to do and how to check? The reasons why the classic guitar ceased to build 25517_9

The guitar does not build: why does not keep the system on the lads and what does it mean? What to do and how to check? The reasons why the classic guitar ceased to build 25517_10

How to check?

It is possible to determine that the guitar does not build, it is possible for the fact that the sound becomes not too stable, the sounds are devoid of harmony and do not correspond to the freak. But to understand, because of what it does not build, you can only be a thorough inspection of all its constituent elements.

In this case, you can detect the following problems:

  • the deflection of the griff, requiring the spin or attenuation of the anchor;
  • Rusty stripper with weakened springs;
  • Screwd on the rod of the string in 2 rows, the coils of which are forced to spring them;
  • cracked housing;
  • Deformed strains with dents.

The guitar does not build: why does not keep the system on the lads and what does it mean? What to do and how to check? The reasons why the classic guitar ceased to build 25517_11

The guitar does not build: why does not keep the system on the lads and what does it mean? What to do and how to check? The reasons why the classic guitar ceased to build 25517_12

As it turns out, trouble with the tool is mainly associated with defects of the mechanical part of the tool, low string quality and own errors when setting up. When many guitar details are subject to injuries and wear, it is better to repair the tool to be seriously.

What to do?

When using a guitar, you need to follow the rule: the setting should be done before each occupation. So you can avoid many troubles associated with it.

In addition, you must follow your instrument:

  • every day to inspect it for faults and cracks;
  • wiped with a soft cloth from dust and fat deposits (from hand) body, neck and strings;
  • to replace low-quality or worn slices in a timely manner;
  • Dissolved parts of the mechanical part firmly fix.

The guitar does not build: why does not keep the system on the lads and what does it mean? What to do and how to check? The reasons why the classic guitar ceased to build 25517_13

The guitar does not build: why does not keep the system on the lads and what does it mean? What to do and how to check? The reasons why the classic guitar ceased to build 25517_14

            Check out the list of other important points.

            • Not yet used strings when installing need to be stretched in length, but so that they do not break. They are adjusted for several days in a row after tension for shrinkage.
            • Pay attention to how dense the nuts on the facial plate of the grid head. It is impossible to allow them to be freely rotated with your fingers.
            • Explore the condition of the thresholds on roughness or jamming, which is relevant when using a large thickness strings. Solving the problem - replacing new elements. If there are too narrow slopes on the upper threshold, they need to be cut to the size of the strings. So that it does not occur to the clamp, it is desirable to lubricate the holes with a graphite lubricant or a shedding stylted powder mixed with conventional machine oil.
            • If the bellows are remnants, they should be replaced. You can do it yourself using the chisels. Pre-new item must be adjusted for the desired size, it must be smoothed it. By the way, some guitars even with damaged thresholds continue to build perfectly.

            And it should be periodically adjusted to the menzur - the gap between the lower and the upper (zero) threshings on which the string lies.

            The guitar does not build: why does not keep the system on the lads and what does it mean? What to do and how to check? The reasons why the classic guitar ceased to build 25517_15

            The guitar does not build: why does not keep the system on the lads and what does it mean? What to do and how to check? The reasons why the classic guitar ceased to build 25517_16

            The guitar does not build: why does not keep the system on the lads and what does it mean? What to do and how to check? The reasons why the classic guitar ceased to build 25517_17

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