Dumbyra history Bashkir dombra, the structure of a musical instrument and its features


In the Bashkir people have a unique cultural heritage, including music. Since ancient times was used for chanting ancient instrument dumbyra. On it will be discussed in our material.

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Dumbyra history Bashkir dombra, the structure of a musical instrument and its features 25506_3

What it is?

Dumbyra - a folk instrument that belongs to the plucked string. Uzbeks, Kazakhs and Tajiks have similar models. Kazakhs - two-stringed dombra. Neither party will not take place without the participation of dombra that Turkish people believe heritage of the nation. Dombra even been featured in the Guinness World Records.

tool name comes from the Arabic word "tanbur", which means "to torture the heart." Folk singers and tellers sang soulful ballads dumbyry the melodious sounds that touched the hearts of many people.

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Dumbyra history Bashkir dombra, the structure of a musical instrument and its features 25506_5


Lute around 4000 years. This is confirmed by the ancient finds, kept in the museum of musical instruments in Kazakhstan. Mention of the Bashkir lute found in Turkic dastans "Kitabi Dede Gorgud" epos "Zayatulyak Menen hyuhylu" and "Korgut-ata". Dumbyre game - the most ancient tradition of the Turks. During the hymns people happy or be sad, telling stories, inspiring each other.

Game art passed down from generation to generation. Youth and now with pleasure studying the game on this ancient instrument. Little information about the Bashkir dumbyre (lute) available in the "Atlas of musical instruments peoples of the USSR." Also the writer DN Mamin-Siberian talked about it, noting a striking similarity with Russian balalaika. It is believed that this tool was brought to Bashkortostan from ancient Assyria. Dombra is a symbol of freedom and the sacred object of the Kazakhs.

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Dumbyra history Bashkir dombra, the structure of a musical instrument and its features 25506_7

The famous composer Kurmangazy K. had a great influence on the development of musical culture of Central Asia. It has survived about 60 he wrote melodies and songs. By the beginning of XX century dumbyra virtually ceased to be used in everyday life. The reason for that may have become tellers persecution by the tsarist authorities. Because these people were inspired and active participants in the liberation movement, they were persecuted with extreme cruelty. Over time, the performance tradition of epic legends began to disappear, besides mandolin acquires a special popularity. Reconstruction of the Bashkir dombra began in the late XIX century. Restoration and update tool engaged professionals. They were well-known masters: V. Zubchenko, G. Kubagushev, Yu Zirin, steam and A. Ovchinnikov.

G. Kubagushev came up with his own version, which resembled the Kazakh dombra - Viola. Famous musician R. Suleymanov wrote a tutorial on the game model by Kubagusheva in Bashkir. Composer N. Tlendiyev wrote about 500 different musical works with the participation of Dombra, including Opera and ballet. Dombris K. Ahmedyarov is the author of many books and textbooks for higher schools. At the same time, in Ufimsky, GII opened the department of "Bashkir Music and Folklore" and organized a production shop for the manufacture of Bashkir Dumbsery and Kubia.

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Dumbyra history Bashkir dombra, the structure of a musical instrument and its features 25506_9

It is noteworthy that the modified tool began to glue along the housing, while the old one was made of a rolled tree. The new model of the J. Zyrina musical instrument was tried in the study ensemble of Bashkir musical instruments at the university. Dumbyra A. Ovchinnikova gained popularity among musicians. It was played in such folk groups like "Caravan - Sarai", "Dervish", and in the academic ensemble of the national dance name "F. Gaskarova. " Among modern housebristers, a composer A. Zhertybaeva can be noted. He is the author of more than 70 melodies at Dom.

The model of the instrument A. Vladimirov led to the delight of professional musicians. The mass production of dumbges for professionals and lovers was successfully organized.

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Dumbyra history Bashkir dombra, the structure of a musical instrument and its features 25506_11


Kazakh Dombour and Dumbyer are noilically different in appearance. In the Bashkir Dumbyer, the vulture is shorter, there are three strings, while the Kazakh journal is only two of them. The dumbyer has a drop-shaped shape, the lower part of which is wider, and the top is narrower. In an inverted form, it looks like a large wooden spoon. Length - up to 80 cm. The tool has a wooden case and three strings (nylon or metal).

Dumbyer has a 19-way ridge with plates. Quinto - Quarts scale. The lower part of the deck consists of rivets of the curved shape, and the top is equipped with a hole. The strings of the top tool are attached to the tupping head, and the lower part joins the nozzle using the buttons. You need to play at Dumbshire at the same time on three strings, putting a tool under the tilt, neck of the grid up. Top tool strings leading, and the bottom is bardon. Dumbyer can be like a solo instrument, and participate in the ensemble.

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Dumbyra history Bashkir dombra, the structure of a musical instrument and its features 25506_13

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