Application Blocks: Applicature of the German System, Soprano, SI BIMOL and FA Diez, Taba and Melodies Baroque Blocks, Chords


Switching in your fingers in the correct sequence on the keys, buttons, the valves of the musical instrument are called appliqué. In the case of block pulp, we are talking about aqueous holes.

Application Blocks: Applicature of the German System, Soprano, SI BIMOL and FA Diez, Taba and Melodies Baroque Blocks, Chords 25497_2

What looks like

Applications for wind, keyboard, string tools look different. It's all about the method of obtaining sound. For example, in a piano or piano, one key is responsible for one note, only one finger is needed to obtain it. Consequently, keyboard applications are a diagram of getting a melody.

Application Blocks: Applicature of the German System, Soprano, SI BIMOL and FA Diez, Taba and Melodies Baroque Blocks, Chords 25497_3

In wind instruments - swirls, flutes and others - to obtain one note, simultaneous operation of several fingers is needed. Based on this, the application for blockballs is a schematic image of the closure of the holes to get the melody.

During the rehearsal, the student has to memorize the location of the fingers for each individual notes. Only after such workouts, when all the fingers firmly "know" their place during the game, the musician is able to play a melody.

This is how the applicature looks like a blockball.

Application Blocks: Applicature of the German System, Soprano, SI BIMOL and FA Diez, Taba and Melodies Baroque Blocks, Chords 25497_4

On a note! Folk brass tools do not have established applicatures - different manufacturers create their own modifications of tools. As for the blockflite, everything is much easier: the application is standard in any execution.

Usually, In each package with a tool, the manufacturer invests drawings with an application. If for some reason they are missing, there are many different options on the Internet.

Application Blocks: Applicature of the German System, Soprano, SI BIMOL and FA Diez, Taba and Melodies Baroque Blocks, Chords 25497_5

How to read

There are 2 types of applicatures: baroque and German systems. Before learning to play a melody, you need to figure out the designations of the schemes:

  • Clean circle means open hole;
  • The toned circle is a covered hole;
  • a circle with a bouncer half - a dutched note hole;
  • gray staining - alternative notes extraction using various combinations of closed and open holes;
  • The designation G above the column is a note performed on the non-votine german system;
  • The letter B - the note is executed on the musical instrument of the baroque system, that is, English;
  • oval with two holes, where one more, the other is smaller - dual openings of notes before and re;
  • oval with a large open and small dried circle - a single hole is overlapped with a finger only half;
  • Increased pair of holes - single open completely, black mugs - a single hole closes with a finger completely.

Application Blocks: Applicature of the German System, Soprano, SI BIMOL and FA Diez, Taba and Melodies Baroque Blocks, Chords 25497_6

Training begins with the mastering of the SI of the first octave and the gradual transition to the following. The study of the gamma with the latter to the first note is occurring in order to easily and quickly mastering the musical instrument. An explanation of the reception is quite simple - a notebook closure occurs in such a sequence:

  • 1 top hole;
  • Then closed 2 holes;
  • After it comes a turn of 3 holes and so on.

There are several types of flutes, and they all depend on sizes. The greater the tool, the lower the sound it is capable of publishing, but, on the contrary, the low-size block cells makes up a higher sound. Each of these tools is responsible for certain notes of different octave, for example, salt or re second octave:

  • soprano (descant);
  • Alt ("Treble");
  • communo;
  • tenor;
  • bass.

Less often used among flutes Blots:

  • Grossbas;
  • double bass;
  • Subganosbas;
  • subcontractor;
  • Garksilline (roller).

Application Blocks: Applicature of the German System, Soprano, SI BIMOL and FA Diez, Taba and Melodies Baroque Blocks, Chords 25497_7

Another feature in the development of the game on the blockball is to pay special attention to the low notes - re and before the first octave. To obtain pure sound, it is necessary to smoothly supply air with a slight voltage without making great effort. That is why the newcomer with difficulty is given notes of re and before - workouts will be required.

The easiest way to start learning to give each hole number - from 1 to 7. The bottom hole is figuratively called an octave valve.

Application Blocks: Applicature of the German System, Soprano, SI BIMOL and FA Diez, Taba and Melodies Baroque Blocks, Chords 25497_8

Sometimes a good letter looks quite difficult even for a simple melody, when several rows of notes are shown. Appointment of such a record - simultaneous music notation for multiple tools. In this particular case, we are talking about a duet of two blocks and guitar accompaniment. The presence of alphabetic recordings on a music record means chords for a guitarist.

Application Blocks: Applicature of the German System, Soprano, SI BIMOL and FA Diez, Taba and Melodies Baroque Blocks, Chords 25497_9

Signs of Diezea and Bemoli in a notice literacy - alteration signs, and they mean a decrease or an increase in sound on the column, they are affixed in two ways:

  1. The alteration sign is raised near the specific note and is required within the limits of the tact in which it is affixed;
  2. A sign stands in front of a new one and mandatory for all notes of the melody of any octave.

The notes of the Bimol and Mi Barol play are somewhat more complicated, learning is proceed after the development of the initial notes. To obtain a sheet of a Barole with a thumb of the left hand, it is necessary to press the lever of the bembol, covering the C valve and the C valve, which is next to the la.

Application Blocks: Applicature of the German System, Soprano, SI BIMOL and FA Diez, Taba and Melodies Baroque Blocks, Chords 25497_10

Position of the fingers to extract notes by the B Flat.

Application Blocks: Applicature of the German System, Soprano, SI BIMOL and FA Diez, Taba and Melodies Baroque Blocks, Chords 25497_11

Considering that the Barol and Reesta are two different names of the same sound, it is easier to take a note with re.

The location of the fingers of the right and left hands on the block to receive a type of phase.

Application Blocks: Applicature of the German System, Soprano, SI BIMOL and FA Diez, Taba and Melodies Baroque Blocks, Chords 25497_12

Tabutura (tabs) is one of the types of music notation record, a schematic indication of the location of the fingers for fixing the height of the sound. Used for keyboard, strings, sometimes brass tools. To date, this technique almost out of practice, preserved in notation for guitarists.

Application Blocks: Applicature of the German System, Soprano, SI BIMOL and FA Diez, Taba and Melodies Baroque Blocks, Chords 25497_13


Any novice musician must first master the note and learn to read the appliqués. In addition, it is necessary to "numbered" fingers and remember the number of each of the ten fingers.

The holes are closed with pillows slightly bent, fingers located in a free straightened state. Breathing should be smooth.

Application Blocks: Applicature of the German System, Soprano, SI BIMOL and FA Diez, Taba and Melodies Baroque Blocks, Chords 25497_14

And another advice for a novice blockflight - a mandatory daily game of Hamm. This is what professional musicians do, it is that this should be done by a newcomer - diatonic and chromatic gammas always, daily.

Great help for beginners in mastering practical skills will help "Spere" - training program , not only losing melodies, but also showing the applicature to obtain each note. It demonstrates all the skills that the musician to play on the selected tool should be very detailed.

Application Blocks: Applicature of the German System, Soprano, SI BIMOL and FA Diez, Taba and Melodies Baroque Blocks, Chords 25497_15

How to figure out the application of the Blocks, you will learn in the following video.

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