Cajon: design of a musical percussion instrument, ways of playing on the Cajon, pedal, strings and other accessories. How to play?


Cajon - an unusual musical instrument originally from Peru. On the origin of history, device types, and how to select it properly and play, described in this article.

Cajon: design of a musical percussion instrument, ways of playing on the Cajon, pedal, strings and other accessories. How to play? 25487_2

Cajon: design of a musical percussion instrument, ways of playing on the Cajon, pedal, strings and other accessories. How to play? 25487_3

History of origin

Single origin of time views of the tool and the history of no. The official version says that Cajon appeared in the first half of the XIX century, and the unofficial sends another two centuries earlier.

On the emergence of the tool is the point of view that the "culprits" appearance become slaves of South America. They are strictly forbidden to play the traditional drums. Resourceful Africans not confused and instead used the boxes from the fish boxes and tobacco of cigarettes, having, respectively, low, medium and high sound.

Another version says that some semblance Cajon was back in Central and West Africa. And with the slaves he arrived in Latin America. Because of the simplicity quickly became popular in colonial America. And since at that time firmly rooted in Spanish, is the name given to the Spanish instrument.

Cajon: design of a musical percussion instrument, ways of playing on the Cajon, pedal, strings and other accessories. How to play? 25487_4

What it is?

The name of a musical instrument "Cajon" translated from Spanish means "box". Outwardly, it looks like an ordinary wooden, unremarkable box. Currently, the tool used to create a variety of metals, and not just a tree. Cajon relates to shock, although this is not a drum in the conventional sense. Its main advantage is the practicality.

Tool design is generally straightforward. One wall of the housing formed from a lightweight material, and five others - from raw materials stronger. As a rule, use wood or plywood.

The most popular types of wood - beech, yew, ash, maple. Among the rare species - Zebrano, Bubinga. The presence of the individual components and pedals, springs and so on. N., Depending on the type of tool.

Cajon: design of a musical percussion instrument, ways of playing on the Cajon, pedal, strings and other accessories. How to play? 25487_5

Cajon: design of a musical percussion instrument, ways of playing on the Cajon, pedal, strings and other accessories. How to play? 25487_6

There are two main types: strings and small Cajon. The first 2-5 are equipped with guitar strings, fastened on the inside of the rear wall of the structure (once they were guitar strings at the corners, and now common standard tailpiece). For small strings instead of 4 mesh wire. Small Cajon during the game makes a cracking sound, which is why they are used when playing with power tools.

The classic tool dimensions (cm) - 50x30 (width and length), but generally this tool made according to the musician's growth.

There are Afro-Peruvian style without strings and without wires. He publishes pure wood sound, for which it is appreciated performers of flamenco.

Cajon: design of a musical percussion instrument, ways of playing on the Cajon, pedal, strings and other accessories. How to play? 25487_7

Cajon: design of a musical percussion instrument, ways of playing on the Cajon, pedal, strings and other accessories. How to play? 25487_8


If you first existed one simple design, then different elements began to add different elements from the time of the instrument. As a result, several species were created.

  • String Cachon, which is above.
  • Without strings - the most simple model that has become widespread. Most often it is used to create Flamenco music.
  • The collapsible is a practical option, because it can be disassembled and again to collect in just a few minutes. This is especially important if you often move and transport the kachon. It is so compact that it easily fits disassembled in a case or bag.
  • Bass - non-standard model. Special sound and several other dimensions make kachon special.
  • Oktakyonov, Kongakyona and others. These are already variations of another form (six and octagons). In such versions, Tapa is located horizontally, so the execution manner is different and reminds the game to the conva.
  • There are tools with a complicated design, when the sound when hitting the left and right edges differs significantly, with a different form.
  • Among modern tools are electronic cakes.

Cajon: design of a musical percussion instrument, ways of playing on the Cajon, pedal, strings and other accessories. How to play? 25487_9

Cajon: design of a musical percussion instrument, ways of playing on the Cajon, pedal, strings and other accessories. How to play? 25487_10

Cajon: design of a musical percussion instrument, ways of playing on the Cajon, pedal, strings and other accessories. How to play? 25487_11

Criterias of choice

Deciding to purchase an exotic musical instrument, you should ask yourself the main question about the acquisition goal (for amateur or professional game), about the frequency of use. All this will determine the type of cake, manufacturing material, price.


The main requirement for the material is strength. The stronger, the longer the service life of the tool, because the musician sits on the cake. It is still worth considering the mass of the body of the player.

Tools from different types of material sound different, including from different wood species. For example, cakes from fiberglass sound very loud. It may not be suitable for each artist.

When choosing it is worth checking how each of the tools sounds, and trust your own hearing.

Cajon: design of a musical percussion instrument, ways of playing on the Cajon, pedal, strings and other accessories. How to play? 25487_12

Cajon: design of a musical percussion instrument, ways of playing on the Cajon, pedal, strings and other accessories. How to play? 25487_13

The case made of durable plywood is the most common option. It is worth such a model inexpensively, but durable. It is simply impossible to damage or deform it. But wooden cakes have a higher cost. The more valuable to the tree of the tree, from which the kakhon is made, the price is higher.

The material from which tapa is made is also of great importance. It can be both plastic or plywood and solid wood.

Cajon: design of a musical percussion instrument, ways of playing on the Cajon, pedal, strings and other accessories. How to play? 25487_14

Cajon: design of a musical percussion instrument, ways of playing on the Cajon, pedal, strings and other accessories. How to play? 25487_15

It is not necessary to save here - you can choose a model with a tap made of high quality wood. Clean sound in this case is provided.

"Inside" tool

Some musicians can not do without sound amplifiers, microphones and other accessories, while others do not recognize any artificial complementary elements.

Cajon: design of a musical percussion instrument, ways of playing on the Cajon, pedal, strings and other accessories. How to play? 25487_16

Cajon: design of a musical percussion instrument, ways of playing on the Cajon, pedal, strings and other accessories. How to play? 25487_17


Lovers and simply passioned kachers are worth familiarizing with a tool on an inexpensive copy. It is also important to understand that the budget tool is optionally poor and bad. It is worth looking for, because among inexpensive models there are very worthy options with excellent sound (no worse than more expensive analogs). The main difference, as a rule, consists in the presence of additional elements in the latter. The brand of the musical instrument has an important meaning.

For those who do professionally or have serious intentions and distant plans, do not regret funds for the purchase of a more expensive tool.

Cajon: design of a musical percussion instrument, ways of playing on the Cajon, pedal, strings and other accessories. How to play? 25487_18

Cajon: design of a musical percussion instrument, ways of playing on the Cajon, pedal, strings and other accessories. How to play? 25487_19

It is important to consider all the details and be meticulous in the selection: the tool must fully meet all the requirements. In such models, there are often sound amplifiers, and this increases the possibilities of application.


Accessories for kachonov a lot. Here and special bags for transportation, and covers, and pedals for compositions with percussion settings, and microphones, and wands to achieve deeper sound, and additional models of the reduced size, which can be mounted on the main tool housing.

Cajon: design of a musical percussion instrument, ways of playing on the Cajon, pedal, strings and other accessories. How to play? 25487_20

Cajon: design of a musical percussion instrument, ways of playing on the Cajon, pedal, strings and other accessories. How to play? 25487_21

How to play?

The game on Cachon is an exciting occupation. It seems that there is nothing complicated in this, why take some lessons. However, there are its own rules, features, subtleties. Therefore, if you wish to master the instrument, it is worth learning from a professional musician.

There are several techniques for the removal of sounds of different heights.

  • To extract the sound of a high frequency, you must do shocks on the top of the front face.
  • To obtain the bass, it will be necessary to hit the whole palm slightly lower than in the first case. Alternatively, you can use a blow with a rebound of palm or pressed.
  • When you hit your fingers at the corners, the "Click" sound is retrieved.

Attention! Do not hit the center of the housing, because the vibration of the taps is muted.

Cajon: design of a musical percussion instrument, ways of playing on the Cajon, pedal, strings and other accessories. How to play? 25487_22


Cachon is an exotic tool from Peru with an interesting story of origin. Despite the simplicity of the design, it sounds perfect and diverse. Refers to shock tools. However, it is impossible to call it a drum in the literal sense. The sound depends mainly on the material of the manufacture, type of construction.

When choosing a tool, it is necessary first to determine the purpose of the acquisition. For lovers, the budgetary version will be quite worthy, and professionals should consider the models more expensive from well-known manufacturers. If necessary, you can purchase additionally accessories in the form of sound amplifiers, microphone and others. Committed cover for transportation.

Cajon: design of a musical percussion instrument, ways of playing on the Cajon, pedal, strings and other accessories. How to play? 25487_23

You can master the basics of the game on the kachon you can alone through video tutorials on the Internet or on thematic sites. But to become a virtuoso, a more thorough study and immersion in the topic will be required.

About how the kachon sounds, look in the following video.

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