Select Android applications to configure the guitar: the best programs for setting up acoustic guitar, on 6 strings and another


Each owner of the guitar must follow the quality of its building. The tuner application on the smartphone will help save on the appropriate device. The opinion of professionals on this score is ambiguous, both the advantages and shortcomings of programs for setting up musical instruments, including guitars. However, it is superfluous to be superfluous, since it is quite simple and convenient to use it.

Select Android applications to configure the guitar: the best programs for setting up acoustic guitar, on 6 strings and another 25484_2

Pros and cons of programs

Guitar tuner need every guitarist. A separate device for setting up the tool may not always be at hand, but in such cases a suitable application for a mobile phone based on Android will help. In this case, the setup is made without any additional accessories.

The main advantages of such programs are concluded in the following features.

  • They are free. This is important for beginners who are not yet ready to spend some additional funds on the guitar. They have another concern - learn to play, but a small error in the accuracy of the sounds emanating from the guitar strings, causing the least (or rather to say, they understand little in this at the initial stage of training).
  • Ordinary tuner can be forgotten at home or just do not take. The application on the phone allows you to bring strings in accordance with any of the common guitar buildings - both for a guitar with 6 strings and tool with any other amounts of strings (for example, a 7-string or ukulele and bass guitar with 4 strings). In standard tuners there is no such option. Especially the benefits are tangible in situations when the company will suddenly be a frustrated guitar. The tuner will help you quickly configure it and demonstrate a guitarist skills.
  • The application is quite simple, you do not need to have special skills. The main thing for a beginner is to know the strings numbers or what notes they are configured. But this information is available in any simple tutorial game of the guitar, a bunch of 2 clicks can be found on the Internet.

You can not call a guitar tuner on a mobile phone better. The smartphone can be discharged at the most inopportune moment. In this case, use the program to configure the guitar will not work.

Select Android applications to configure the guitar: the best programs for setting up acoustic guitar, on 6 strings and another 25484_3

Select Android applications to configure the guitar: the best programs for setting up acoustic guitar, on 6 strings and another 25484_4

We now list the main disadvantages of the tuner on Android.

  • Set up a guitar (especially electric) at a concert with such a tuner will not work. Here you need to have a hardware (physical) model, albeit simple.
  • In a noisy place, the setting will be extremely difficult, since the mobile microphone will capture not only the sounds of the string, but all the audible outsiders around.
  • It is important to always follow the state of the guitar. If the string is rattling or published, then the gadget microphone will not be able to correctly perceive the sound.
  • Smartphone is not adapted to remove the sound from the guitar. The microphone can significantly distort it. As a result, the operation of the tuner will be performed less qualitatively.
  • The smartphone should be located on a flat surface during the guitar setting. Usually for this you have to use a smooth surface, which is not always convenient.

To unambiguously advocate the tuner on Android or is extremely difficult against it. The application is very relevant for individual situations. However, in serious concerts, the program will be useless. Most often, the Android tuner is used by newcomers during the guitar playing.

Select Android applications to configure the guitar: the best programs for setting up acoustic guitar, on 6 strings and another 25484_5

Select Android applications to configure the guitar: the best programs for setting up acoustic guitar, on 6 strings and another 25484_6

What are the tuners?

A passionate musician must have a program on its Android smartphone to properly set up the guitar. It is convenient and practical, and in many situations is simply necessary. Setting with such a tuner is easier and faster than hearing.

We list a number of popular applications with a tuner function on Android.

  • Guitar Tuna. The most popular program that has many novice guitarists. With this tuner, you can configure the acoustic and electrical tool. The program allows you to customize the bass guitar, ukulele, a 12-string guitar. The application is quite interesting, inside there is a tuner, metronome, chord archive and games to learn these chords. In addition, you can change the system, downgrade or increase any string on the halfway or tone. Interestingly, this tuner can also configure other musical instruments if necessary, including when playing a team.
  • Datuner. The main and only option of the program is the tuner. A big advantage is that it is possible to customize a fairly large number of tools. Guitarists, pianists, saxophonists and violinists can use this model of the electronic tuner. The interface looks vessels, but in fact very simple. You should select a note in the program and activate the microphone. The tuner himself recognizes the sound of the strings and signals the green color of the correct setting.
  • Gstrings. The easiest and most friendly tuner for the user. The intuitive interface is decorated in the form of a dial. The program has the properties of a chromatic tuner. As a result, it is possible to configure almost any musical instrument. The peculiarity is that you can remove the sound using a microphone or connect the guitar through the headphone jack. This is true when setting up an electric tool.
  • Proguitar. Advanced program with understandable and simple control. Several modes of operation for interacting with various musical instruments are implemented. However, you can only customize string. There is a library with buildings in different variations. You can use the built-in microphone, headset, outer catcher and even a digital tuner.
  • Hardwire HT-6 FastTune. The program was created by Harman, which is quite famous in the musical world. Interestingly, the tuner allows you to set up 6 strings at once. Such simultaneous study significantly speeds up the configuration process. It is enough to place a smartphone on a plane next to the guitar and spend on all strings. The program will show the state of the system.
  • SSTRINGS FREE. You can implement not only classic settings, but also to make your own. The program will be just a find for people who crave experiment. Can be used for any string tools.
  • Guitar tuner. Simple and understandable program. From the only name it becomes clear that it performs only one function. You can configure a simple classic system or reduced options. It is possible to use a tuner for more exotic elaboration. There is a charton for the most fine tuning on the ear.

Select Android applications to configure the guitar: the best programs for setting up acoustic guitar, on 6 strings and another 25484_7

Select Android applications to configure the guitar: the best programs for setting up acoustic guitar, on 6 strings and another 25484_8

Select Android applications to configure the guitar: the best programs for setting up acoustic guitar, on 6 strings and another 25484_9

How to configure the guitar correctly?

With the help of a tuner on Android, you can easily and quickly set up a classic tool for 6 strings or any other number of them. Features of working with the program may differ, but the general algorithm is almost the same. In some cases, the electric guitar can be directly connected to the phone. To customize the tool to the smartphone follows this:

  • activate the automatic mode in the application (or start it according to the instructions from the developer);
  • Install a smartphone on a flat surface;
  • Start pinching strings on one, starting at the same time with the bottom - the thinnest - strings;
  • Loosen or increase the string tension depending on the indicators on the Android screen. The string setting should be repeated until the sound becomes correct.

When working with tuners with many buildings in memory, you can pre-select the appropriate. It is convenient to use programs that support the connection of an additional microphone to the smartphone. In this case, the sound will be perceived cleaner, which will simplify the setting.

Easy and accessibility makes the Android tuner as comfortable as possible.

Select Android applications to configure the guitar: the best programs for setting up acoustic guitar, on 6 strings and another 25484_10

Select Android applications to configure the guitar: the best programs for setting up acoustic guitar, on 6 strings and another 25484_11

In the next video you will find a quick setup of the guitar on the tune on Android.

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