Spanish fight on the guitar: how to play? Learning guitar for beginners


The battle is the way of sound recovery, in which the artist with the right hand strikes the strings, thus creating a certain rhythm. Spanish guitar battle refers to the types of musical accompaniment. As a rule, guitarists are not starting with the development of this particular method of sound recovery, because it requires some training, equipment and knowledge from the Contractor.

Spanish fight on the guitar: how to play? Learning guitar for beginners 25483_2


The essence of the Spanish battle is that the right hand hits the guitar strings, while the fingers on the left hand are crossed by chords. It sounds very beautiful, and it seems that it is not easy to learn this technique of execution. But for those who wish not only to master the foundations of chords, but also to play really, there is nothing impossible, especially now, when all the necessary information is in free access.

Spanish fight on the guitar is one of the first body techniques. It is clear from the name that Spain became the birthplace of this species. It is based on the "eight", however, an emphasis in each first strike is a drop of a complex reception, which requires long-term practice from the Contractor.

Spanish fight on the guitar: how to play? Learning guitar for beginners 25483_3

This method is needed primarily to perform songs, romances and, of course, the music of Flamenco, for which he was originally invented. Some chords in this case are not enough, the accompaniment will be incomplete. The combination of chords and the fight makes musical accompaniment of the song to the more complete, saturated, beautiful.

The Spanish type of combat is called "Fan", because visually it looks like a drop-down and closing fan. The fingers of the right hand seem to fly out of the fist, the strings move in turn, and thus the sound becomes characteristic of flamenco flamenco.

Spanish fight on the guitar: how to play? Learning guitar for beginners 25483_4

The main feature of the Spanish battle is that both hands participate in this manner of execution, and all 10 fingers. Coordinate hands can be quite difficult, but if you begin to master the battle at a slow pace, it will be easier. It will be quite fair to approval that Spanish technique requires great mastery from the artist, and to master it quickly, "from the Okokoka" will not work. It is necessary not only to know the basics of music letters, but also to constantly train, develop the flexibility of the joints of the fingerhead, do the exercises to give them mobility, because in the Spanish guitar you succeed exactly those whose fingers literally slide through the strings. Someone is given by nature, most of the performers need long practice. Age in which a person begins training is also important - in children and adolescents the joints are more mobile, thanks to this, they quickly achieve success in the crossroads of strings.

However, adult performers should not despair - training and zealous classes will definitely give the result.

Spanish fight on the guitar: how to play? Learning guitar for beginners 25483_5


The common name for all the technician of the Spanish battle is Raegeado. Before starting to learn the authentic musical works, a novice guitarist needs to master a number of elements of Railgeado. This is ascending, descending, ring species, and the battle of the index finger. In all types of Raheyado, the thumb operates the same - bolster strings. Nuances - in the actions of the remaining fingers of the right hand.

Spanish fight on the guitar: how to play? Learning guitar for beginners 25483_6

With an upstream fan, a guitar player takes turns along each string with his fingers from the index to the little finger. Thus, with short strings of the string from the 6th to the first "run out" all your fingers except the large one. Of course, to start learning this technique with a slow pace, accelerating only when the rhythm is impeccable. It should be remembered that in a high-quality Redege, the sound is continuous due to the lack of time intervals between alternate blows of the fingers along the strings.

In the appreciation of the descending Railing, the fingers act in the opposite way. The fingers go through the strings not down, and up, and in a different order - starting with the mother's maiden, ending with the index. To the sound of a spanish guitar battle, the performer needs to be able to combine both techniques.

In the rings, the top and bottom are combined. Only those who achieved significant progress in the technique of the first and second elements can master it. You need to start the performance from a slow pace, gradually increasing it.

Spanish fight on the guitar: how to play? Learning guitar for beginners 25483_7

The technique of Raheado, in which only an index finger is involved is optimal for beginners. It is she who gives an exact idea of ​​what a fight is. When studying this technique, the performer must beat for each string alternately, using only one finger (as follows from the name, index). As soon as this intake is mastered, you can move to other fingers. After the blows are worked with all the fingers, you can move to coordination of your fingers: first two, then three, then all four.

Spanish fight on the guitar: how to play? Learning guitar for beginners 25483_8

How to learn to play?

To master the technique of Spanish battle, you must first be able to put Barre. If it is not possible to learn to play a tool in full-time, you can watch video tutorials for beginners in which the entire sequence of actions is described in detail.

Having mastered Barre, you can move directly to the study of the fighting technique. Well, if the starting guitarist is already familiar with the standard fighting "six", then the training of Spanish technique will be more understandable for him. The difference between the second reception from the first in the fact that in it the fingers are not just moving along the strings, and open from the compressed fist in turn and hit them, creating a characteristic "Spanish" mood.

Spanish fight on the guitar: how to play? Learning guitar for beginners 25483_9

About the Spanish, see the guitar in the video.

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