Differences of double bass from Cello (22 photos): What do they differ externally and what is the difference in sound? What do they look and what more?


If we consider string tools, then they belong to their number, cello, alto and violin. They have differences and general characteristics. In this article, consider the difference between the double bass and cello, pay attention to the main differences.

Differences of double bass from Cello (22 photos): What do they differ externally and what is the difference in sound? What do they look and what more? 25450_2

Difference in sound

Among the string tools, the most popular is the violin, but other representatives deserve separate attention. Cello has the most beautiful and pleasant sound, since it has a wide tonal range. It is quite famous among avant-garde and classic musicians.

Double bass is considered the largest size and publishes itself a low sound among the bow string tools.

Differences of double bass from Cello (22 photos): What do they differ externally and what is the difference in sound? What do they look and what more? 25450_3

Double bass has a rather low chain. Its sound is characterized by saturation and dense. Quite often on it playing an ensemble or orchestra. But the solo rooms are not intended for double bass. It is used to create the main sound, which is very important in the orchestra.

Differences of double bass from Cello (22 photos): What do they differ externally and what is the difference in sound? What do they look and what more? 25450_4

If we talk about the cello, then its timbre is higher than that of the double bass. But it cannot be compared with the sound of the violin. Cello sounds great in the orchestra, ensemble, as well as solo. Her sound is distinguished by the title and juiciness. If we consider the lower registers, the sound becomes muffled. It is ideal for the game of sad works, because it makes a sad mood superbly. Some musicians note that this tool has a human voice.

Differences of double bass from Cello (22 photos): What do they differ externally and what is the difference in sound? What do they look and what more? 25450_5

If we talk about the sound range, it should be noted that the cello has from to the large octave and to the fourth octave. For this reason, notes are recorded in violin, bass and altal keys. The upper case is a bit muted, but overall sound is pretty "juicy".

Differences of double bass from Cello (22 photos): What do they differ externally and what is the difference in sound? What do they look and what more? 25450_6

Cello has the following registers:

  • upper - chest, outdoor and light;
  • Middle - thick and singers;
  • Nizhny - dense, thick and full.

Important! Quite often, the sound of the cello is compared with a human voice.

Differences of double bass from Cello (22 photos): What do they differ externally and what is the difference in sound? What do they look and what more? 25450_7

And here The speed of the double bass sound includes from the control of the 1st octave. Low sound is quite simple and easy to find out among the sound of other brook tools. A solo game for double bass is practically unreal, but some musicians learned to play the first batch perfectly.

Differences of double bass from Cello (22 photos): What do they differ externally and what is the difference in sound? What do they look and what more? 25450_8

What differ in appearance?

Both cello, and double bass belong to string tools, but they have significant differences in appearance. If you evaluate this criterion, then the main thing is the double bass more cello. It reaches a height of two meters, has a long vulture. Usually it has 4 strings, although solutions with 3 or 5 strings are possible, but they are more rare.

Differences of double bass from Cello (22 photos): What do they differ externally and what is the difference in sound? What do they look and what more? 25450_9

It is necessary to look at the shape of the body, since there are also differences here. Double bass has a more attached form of the upper bend, if compared with the cello. It is necessary to look at the standing stand - an element that lifts the strings over the top deck. Cello she is thinner and smaller, because it is designed to hold thin strings. For double bass, a powerful stand is needed, because it has thick and rather long strings.

Differences of double bass from Cello (22 photos): What do they differ externally and what is the difference in sound? What do they look and what more? 25450_10

Due to large sizes on double bass, they are mainly playing in a standing position. In addition, it is necessary to keep the bow in a special way to make it convenient to play, while the palm turn outward. As the cello is smaller in size, it is possible to play on it in a sitting position. The bow is kept so that the palm is deployed to the tool.

Differences of double bass from Cello (22 photos): What do they differ externally and what is the difference in sound? What do they look and what more? 25450_11

Cello has standard 4/4 size. Such parameters a musical instrument is used to play in strings, chamber and symphony orchestras. Although you can also apply the cello other sizes. It should be approached individually to the selection of dimensions. For people of low growth and children, the following options are possible: 1/16, 1/10, 1/8, 1/4, 1/2, 3/4 and 7/8. Cello smaller sounding no sound differ from the standard. They were created specifically for convenience during the game.

Typically, the setting of this musical instrument is made by quints.

Differences of double bass from Cello (22 photos): What do they differ externally and what is the difference in sound? What do they look and what more? 25450_12

Cello large sizes are very rarely present, which exceed standard dimensions. Such options are intended for high long-hand people. But, of course, find them quite difficult. Usually they are made to order.

Differences of double bass from Cello (22 photos): What do they differ externally and what is the difference in sound? What do they look and what more? 25450_13

On average, the weight of the cello is only 3-4 kg. Of course, the double bass has more weight, because it has great dimensions. The largest variant in width reaches 2.13 m, and in height - 5.55 m. Usually, the double bass is not learning from younger school age, because because of its size it is a rather problematic occupation. Although smaller doubles have already appeared, so that children are 6-7 years old to learn to play them. On average, the height is 1.8 meters, and the smallest option is a little more cello. If necessary, the height of the tool can be changed using the spire to which the support occurs.

Differences of double bass from Cello (22 photos): What do they differ externally and what is the difference in sound? What do they look and what more? 25450_14

Differences of double bass from Cello (22 photos): What do they differ externally and what is the difference in sound? What do they look and what more? 25450_15

Other differences

Although double bass and cello have a lot in common, and people who understand little in music, they seem almost identical, they have quite a lot of differences. The main one was listed above, but they do not end there. The technique of playing string instruments should be noted. Usually, a bow is used to create sound. So, for playing cello is used exclusively. The double bass in this case is more flexible, because it can create sounds not only to the bow, but also with the help of the fingers.

Differences of double bass from Cello (22 photos): What do they differ externally and what is the difference in sound? What do they look and what more? 25450_16

As is known, The double bass is used mainly in symphony orchestras, while the group is responsible for the bass foundation. Sometimes double bass is found in chamber ensembles. He fits perfectly in jazz style. If you consider rocabilly, it is quite often a double bass comes to replace the bass guitar, while hit by a thumb through the strings. If you want on external signs to distinguish between double bass and cello, then the main thing is the first above the average person, and the second is lower.

Differences of double bass from Cello (22 photos): What do they differ externally and what is the difference in sound? What do they look and what more? 25450_17

For the game of double bass, a variety of techniques and strokes that are used to play for a violin can be used. Of course, large dimensions of double bass make certain limitations. For example, it is quite difficult to play a gamma or horse racing, but pizzicato sounds perfect. Slope technique is suitable for playing rocabilly or Saikobilli style. In this case, the bow or fingers are used.

Differences of double bass from Cello (22 photos): What do they differ externally and what is the difference in sound? What do they look and what more? 25450_18

The game of cello, namely the methodology and the use of strokes, is very similar to the one that is characteristic of the violin. Since the dimensions of the cello are greater than the same parameters in the violin, then it is more difficult to play on it. Among the most popular techniques you can select pizzicato and flags. The cello usually play in a sitting position with a bow.

Differences of double bass from Cello (22 photos): What do they differ externally and what is the difference in sound? What do they look and what more? 25450_19

If there is a desire to learn how to play cello or double bass, it is necessary to take into account first of all personal preferences, as well as the styles of music that you are more attracted. You can seek help to the teacher, listen to how each musical instrument sounds. Of course, the child will be more convenient to learn to play the cello because of its smaller dimensions than on the double bass. But each tool is unusual, so the double bass can be closer to someone. The principle of the game on the brook musical instruments is approximately the same.

A good teacher will be able to show features and nuances of the game on each of them.

Differences of double bass from Cello (22 photos): What do they differ externally and what is the difference in sound? What do they look and what more? 25450_20

Cello and double bass are not so popular as a violin, among the bow musical instruments. But each of them has its own characteristics and advantages. It is important to understand the difference in appearance and sound, then you can easily determine what is in front of you. Just a few criteria will make it possible to learn the cello and double bass.

Differences of double bass from Cello (22 photos): What do they differ externally and what is the difference in sound? What do they look and what more? 25450_21

Differences of double bass from Cello (22 photos): What do they differ externally and what is the difference in sound? What do they look and what more? 25450_22

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