Children's guitars (49 photos): How to choose a real guitar for children 6-7 years old and beginners of adolescents 10 years? Acoustic guitars with strings and other models


Guitar game is an excellent lesson for creative children. It allows the child not only to express themselves, but also remove the nervous tension, develop the brain function. In addition to the benefit, music brings great pleasure to the child and can become a worthy alternative to computer games and the Internet in which modern children leave head.

If we are talking about a 13-year-old teenager, then the question "How to pick him up a guitar for learning from scratch?" No longer arises - he just buy an adult tool. But how to solve the issue with learning more young musicians? In fact, for them, too, there are special tools that allow the first steps to study music almost at any age.

Children's guitars (49 photos): How to choose a real guitar for children 6-7 years old and beginners of adolescents 10 years? Acoustic guitars with strings and other models 25439_2

Children's guitars (49 photos): How to choose a real guitar for children 6-7 years old and beginners of adolescents 10 years? Acoustic guitars with strings and other models 25439_3


Children's tool differs from adult only with dimensions. It also allows you to play any sounds in the installed range, which you can not say about the toy analogues. For young musicians, classical, and acoustic, and electric guitars are produced in a reduced size. More accurately decide on the size will allow the information in the section below.

If you see your child a true desire to learn how to play guitar, then you probably want to fulfill his dream. But you need to take into account a number of moments. Can he already keep a tool without dropping it? Will it have enough strength to press the strings? Is it enough to continue to regularly do?

These factors sometimes have even more value than age.

Children's guitars (49 photos): How to choose a real guitar for children 6-7 years old and beginners of adolescents 10 years? Acoustic guitars with strings and other models 25439_4

Children's guitars (49 photos): How to choose a real guitar for children 6-7 years old and beginners of adolescents 10 years? Acoustic guitars with strings and other models 25439_5

Many parents are interested, is it possible to start learning a guitar game from 3, 4 or 5 years old? How to choose a tool for the smallest musician? Usually, children's guitar game begin not earlier than 6 years. But all children develop in different ways. Perhaps your baby will be able to show the necessary perseverance in achieving the goal already at an earlier age.

In the music school in the class of guitars take only from 10 years. To get there, the child should have a feeling of rhythm, musical hearing. Indicators are also taken into account as the growth and magnitude of the palm, the length of the fingers. If it turns out that in physical parameters, it is not yet ready to do even at the instrument class, he may be asked to master the Hawaiian guitar Ukulele or a guitaray. This is a mini-guitar developed by Edelvena Brevaya, the release of such models stopped in 2004, so it is not so easy to get it.

Children's guitars (49 photos): How to choose a real guitar for children 6-7 years old and beginners of adolescents 10 years? Acoustic guitars with strings and other models 25439_6

Children's guitars (49 photos): How to choose a real guitar for children 6-7 years old and beginners of adolescents 10 years? Acoustic guitars with strings and other models 25439_7

The first year of study for children is allowed to press the strings with two fingers as bass for the orchestra. But then later the child will still have to move, so it is better to immediately put your fingers correctly. The easiest way to do is on nylon with low strings.

Review of species

The child-level tool class is presented by the same species as an adult.


This is the optimal option for small students - the strings are made of nylon, that is, from soft material, and the drum has a small size. Nylon gives a soft sound, so the young musician does not distort the parents, as well as neighbors. The disadvantage is a wide grief, that is, a child with short fingers will be problematic. Also, such a guitar has fewer wards than acoustic (not 20-21, and 18) and not such a powerful volume. The classical distance between the threshings is also not very convenient for children.

Children's guitars (49 photos): How to choose a real guitar for children 6-7 years old and beginners of adolescents 10 years? Acoustic guitars with strings and other models 25439_8

Children's guitars (49 photos): How to choose a real guitar for children 6-7 years old and beginners of adolescents 10 years? Acoustic guitars with strings and other models 25439_9


Since metal strings are used on acoustic guitars, they are somewhat more complicated to play. This type of tool requires a more accurate handling, that is, the correct bending of the wrist, turning the brush, the strings will need to clamp as close as possible to the threshings. Otherwise, the sound will rattling.

It is even more difficult to master the tool with a strong strings tension, as it requires a child of great efforts. Plus, these tools are that among them you can choose models with a different width of the grid and different distances between the threshings.

Special attention when choosing acoustics should be given to the drum. The right hand should be parallel to him.

Children's guitars (49 photos): How to choose a real guitar for children 6-7 years old and beginners of adolescents 10 years? Acoustic guitars with strings and other models 25439_10

Children's guitars (49 photos): How to choose a real guitar for children 6-7 years old and beginners of adolescents 10 years? Acoustic guitars with strings and other models 25439_11


This option assumes not only the tool itself, but also the accompanying equipment. Amplifiers make such classes very noisy, so they usually require headphones. It is believed that the electric guitars buy a child when he already has at least some kind of game skills on other guitars. But there is also the opposite opinion - it is quite possible to start learning from an electric tool, on which the thinner strings, and therefore it will be easier to learn.

Children's guitars (49 photos): How to choose a real guitar for children 6-7 years old and beginners of adolescents 10 years? Acoustic guitars with strings and other models 25439_12

Children's guitars (49 photos): How to choose a real guitar for children 6-7 years old and beginners of adolescents 10 years? Acoustic guitars with strings and other models 25439_13


The first training guitar for a child must be comfortable for him not to miss the desire to do next. Therefore, it is necessary to select it in accordance with age. Guitars are divided into sizes like violins. The differences are noticeable in the magnitude of the housing, the grid, the menzura. In addition to the full size, there are such popular options:

  • 1/4;
  • 1/2;
  • 3/4.

Children's guitars (49 photos): How to choose a real guitar for children 6-7 years old and beginners of adolescents 10 years? Acoustic guitars with strings and other models 25439_14

Children's guitars (49 photos): How to choose a real guitar for children 6-7 years old and beginners of adolescents 10 years? Acoustic guitars with strings and other models 25439_15

Size 1/2 Usually corresponds to age 6-8 years or growth 110-130 cm. Its length is 86 cm. On foreign goods, the size often indicate as Overall Length. Bright bass, not too velvety alto make her sound look like an adult concert acoustics.

The fourth size of 1/4 is 76.5 cm. The guitar allows you to engage even children of kindergarten, that is, up to 7 years old, with an increase of up to 1 m 10 cm. Basi here does not sound much, in general the tool sounds harmonious. Size 3/4 may also be designated as 36 inch. Designed for schoolchildren 7-9 years, which corresponds to the growth of 130-140 cm.

Children's guitars (49 photos): How to choose a real guitar for children 6-7 years old and beginners of adolescents 10 years? Acoustic guitars with strings and other models 25439_16

Children's guitars (49 photos): How to choose a real guitar for children 6-7 years old and beginners of adolescents 10 years? Acoustic guitars with strings and other models 25439_17

There is also a size of 7/8, which is designed for 10-11 years old musicians or miniature adult guitarians. It is practically no different from an adult, so it is quite rarely bought. Moreover, after 9 years, usually go to a full-sized tool.

Children's guitars (49 photos): How to choose a real guitar for children 6-7 years old and beginners of adolescents 10 years? Acoustic guitars with strings and other models 25439_18

This averaged data and they are advisory. In any case, the child must try to take a tool into hand - only then can I understand how much he suits him.

Consider several of the most popular models from well-known brands that differ from professional only sizes.

FENDER ESC80 Classical 3/4 and Fender MC-1

Classic models for students can be used by the guys a maximum of 11 years. Fender has long established itself in musical circles. It is not surprising that these children's options have gained popularity worldwide. A The first ESC80 model has become a real selling of sales.

In general, classic guitars are optimally suitable for young musicians, their only defects - in a wide grief.

Children's guitars (49 photos): How to choose a real guitar for children 6-7 years old and beginners of adolescents 10 years? Acoustic guitars with strings and other models 25439_19

Children's guitars (49 photos): How to choose a real guitar for children 6-7 years old and beginners of adolescents 10 years? Acoustic guitars with strings and other models 25439_20


This acoustic model from the same manufacturer is very often purchased for children of 7-11 years. Metal strings are not so easy to clamp like nylon But some parents prefer to immediately teach a child to acoustics from the famous brand.

Children's guitars (49 photos): How to choose a real guitar for children 6-7 years old and beginners of adolescents 10 years? Acoustic guitars with strings and other models 25439_21

Children's guitars (49 photos): How to choose a real guitar for children 6-7 years old and beginners of adolescents 10 years? Acoustic guitars with strings and other models 25439_22

Fender Squier Mini Strat V2 TRD and FENDER SQUIER MINI BLACK

For more advanced students who dream of playing rock, the famous brand offers electric guitars. High-quality tools worth their money. For girls, a red finish is suitable for boys - black.

Children's guitars (49 photos): How to choose a real guitar for children 6-7 years old and beginners of adolescents 10 years? Acoustic guitars with strings and other models 25439_23

Children's guitars (49 photos): How to choose a real guitar for children 6-7 years old and beginners of adolescents 10 years? Acoustic guitars with strings and other models 25439_24

Jackson JS Series Dinky Minion

One of the market leaders offers its own model for small rock stars. Her impeccable quality will allow the child to learn with pleasure.

Children's guitars (49 photos): How to choose a real guitar for children 6-7 years old and beginners of adolescents 10 years? Acoustic guitars with strings and other models 25439_25

Children's guitars (49 photos): How to choose a real guitar for children 6-7 years old and beginners of adolescents 10 years? Acoustic guitars with strings and other models 25439_26


Even a young musician in the learning process will need some additional devices. Perhaps not all of the following, but still familiarize yourself with the full list of the main accessories of the guitarist.


Thanks to him, the child does not need to keep the guitar constantly, you can relax and completely surrender to the game. Customize a convenient level will not be difficult. They are made from different materials. Belts are made of dense skin, from an unmarried polyester. Nylon today is widely used to produce these accessories as a cheaper alternative, but keep in mind that this material is slippery.

Children's guitars (49 photos): How to choose a real guitar for children 6-7 years old and beginners of adolescents 10 years? Acoustic guitars with strings and other models 25439_27

Children's guitars (49 photos): How to choose a real guitar for children 6-7 years old and beginners of adolescents 10 years? Acoustic guitars with strings and other models 25439_28


Like any tool, the guitar needs a protective case. It is necessary not only when you need to transfer the tool down the street, but also at home, so as not to clog in dust. They are made of leather or synthetics with impregnation. For the winter, insulated options are offered, since the tool is harmlessly low temperatures.

Children's guitars (49 photos): How to choose a real guitar for children 6-7 years old and beginners of adolescents 10 years? Acoustic guitars with strings and other models 25439_29

Mediators (Plexstra)

Thanks to them, the child will be less injured fingers who are not accustomed to the game on an acoustic guitar. True, the mediator also needs to be adopted. They are most often made of plastic, but metallic or even bone products are found.

Children's guitars (49 photos): How to choose a real guitar for children 6-7 years old and beginners of adolescents 10 years? Acoustic guitars with strings and other models 25439_30

Children's guitars (49 photos): How to choose a real guitar for children 6-7 years old and beginners of adolescents 10 years? Acoustic guitars with strings and other models 25439_31


Additional strings are although they are consumable, but their selection also needs to be taken carefully. If you have to play infrequently and properly store the tool, you will have to change them approximately every eight months, and if the tool is actively used, it is half a year. To install them quickly, you can buy a turntable turntable - Wordander.

It is cheap enough, but speeds up the installation of strings.

Children's guitars (49 photos): How to choose a real guitar for children 6-7 years old and beginners of adolescents 10 years? Acoustic guitars with strings and other models 25439_32

Children's guitars (49 photos): How to choose a real guitar for children 6-7 years old and beginners of adolescents 10 years? Acoustic guitars with strings and other models 25439_33


This is a mandatory accessory for each guitarist. It helps to debug the feeling of rhythm, the movement of the hands, play pure and clearly. Usually they have a nest for connecting headphones, which makes it possible to train without interfering with others.

Children's guitars (49 photos): How to choose a real guitar for children 6-7 years old and beginners of adolescents 10 years? Acoustic guitars with strings and other models 25439_34

Children's guitars (49 photos): How to choose a real guitar for children 6-7 years old and beginners of adolescents 10 years? Acoustic guitars with strings and other models 25439_35


It helps not only adjust the correct sound of the guitar, but also to play in different buildings. Tuners-clothespins are convenient what they are attached directly to the grip head. Today, applications in smartphones came to change ordinary tyunes, but they still need a classic option for acoustics.

Children's guitars (49 photos): How to choose a real guitar for children 6-7 years old and beginners of adolescents 10 years? Acoustic guitars with strings and other models 25439_36

Children's guitars (49 photos): How to choose a real guitar for children 6-7 years old and beginners of adolescents 10 years? Acoustic guitars with strings and other models 25439_37


The six-string electric guitar herself sounds very quiet, since her deck is not a hollow, and from a solid piece of wood, and the bass guitar is almost not heard at all. The amplifier is necessary to convert the electrical signal from the sensors on the guitar into the sound. Most often today is used by combined models or commissions. They are columns with a built-in amplifier.

Children's guitars (49 photos): How to choose a real guitar for children 6-7 years old and beginners of adolescents 10 years? Acoustic guitars with strings and other models 25439_38

Children's guitars (49 photos): How to choose a real guitar for children 6-7 years old and beginners of adolescents 10 years? Acoustic guitars with strings and other models 25439_39

Cable for electric guitar

Using it, the electric guitar is connected to the amplifier. The cleanliness of the sound of the tool depends on its quality.

Children's guitars (49 photos): How to choose a real guitar for children 6-7 years old and beginners of adolescents 10 years? Acoustic guitars with strings and other models 25439_40

Children's guitars (49 photos): How to choose a real guitar for children 6-7 years old and beginners of adolescents 10 years? Acoustic guitars with strings and other models 25439_41


The required "row" for the electric guitar. It allows you to get a cleaner and beautiful sound. On cheap models, poor-quality pickups often establish, it is better to replace them.

Children's guitars (49 photos): How to choose a real guitar for children 6-7 years old and beginners of adolescents 10 years? Acoustic guitars with strings and other models 25439_42

Children's guitars (49 photos): How to choose a real guitar for children 6-7 years old and beginners of adolescents 10 years? Acoustic guitars with strings and other models 25439_43

The sets of accessories for the guitar are very good for beginners. They are collected all the most necessary. First of all, it is convenient for learning the game on the electric guitar. Buying the accompanying accessories with a set, you do not have to select an amplifier, cable, belt, cover, mediators, spare strings and tuner. So that they are really useful, pay attention to the sets from the Leaders of the Fender Guitar Market, Ibanez, Jackson, Gibson.

Children's guitars (49 photos): How to choose a real guitar for children 6-7 years old and beginners of adolescents 10 years? Acoustic guitars with strings and other models 25439_44

Children's guitars (49 photos): How to choose a real guitar for children 6-7 years old and beginners of adolescents 10 years? Acoustic guitars with strings and other models 25439_45

What guitar choose?

To strengthen the child's interest in playing the guitar, it should be not only comfortable, but also like him visually. The color for the tool is of a very secondary meaning, and yet some children in this regard voiced their wishes. You will not be difficult to buy an unusual coloring guitar - in the range of manufacturers you can find pink, blue, green, orange and other models.

If you think about an instrument for a teenager, pay attention to options in the traditional color scheme, that is, wooden. They look much more solid and set up a child for a serious attitude towards classes. Deci color depends on the wood used. Spouse has a light beige shade, cedar - light orange, nut-chocolate.

The red tree gives the red shade deck, and the Indian rosewood is brown with reddish streaks.

Children's guitars (49 photos): How to choose a real guitar for children 6-7 years old and beginners of adolescents 10 years? Acoustic guitars with strings and other models 25439_46

Children's guitars (49 photos): How to choose a real guitar for children 6-7 years old and beginners of adolescents 10 years? Acoustic guitars with strings and other models 25439_47

Children's guitars (49 photos): How to choose a real guitar for children 6-7 years old and beginners of adolescents 10 years? Acoustic guitars with strings and other models 25439_48


The price of the tool for children is made up of several indicators. These are specifications, wood varieties, model, view. Brand specimens may have similar indicators with others, but cost more. Classic and acoustics can cost from 5 to 12 thousand rubles. Electric guitars are expensive, moreover, they also require an additional purchase of a cable and an amplifier.

Many children sooner or later there is a desire to master the string guitar. Choosing a guitar for your child, remember that you are buying him not another toy, but a full-fledged musical instrument. This baby hobby can give your tea not only pleasant emotions, but also to give a start for more serious hobbies with music.

Children's guitars (49 photos): How to choose a real guitar for children 6-7 years old and beginners of adolescents 10 years? Acoustic guitars with strings and other models 25439_49

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