Capodastre for guitar (20 photos): Why do you need a clamp? Cap rods for classic, acoustic and for other types of guitars. How to use?


Capodast It is an integral part of the inventory of each guitarist. A comfortable clamp is easy to fix on the grinding tool on any Lada. He enjoys particularly popular with musicians playing Flamenco, Rock, Folk and Blues style. Playing with the clip is as simple as without it.

Capodastre for guitar (20 photos): Why do you need a clamp? Cap rods for classic, acoustic and for other types of guitars. How to use? 25427_2

Capodastre for guitar (20 photos): Why do you need a clamp? Cap rods for classic, acoustic and for other types of guitars. How to use? 25427_3


Capodaster is a clamp that allows you to press all the strings on one of the lands using a special element. In fact, the Capodastra allows you to simplify the reception of Barre. First of all, such a clamp on the guitar is needed to change the tone of the work in an instant. For example, if the composition is executed in the tonality of "Sol-Minor", then you have to quickly move your fingers on the grief, playing a variety of chords. However, it is possible to simplify everything if you use the capodist, which is abbreviated as CAPO.

The device makes the sound brighter. The sound becomes higher if clamping the way and reduce the length of the string when playing. When using the clamp on the seventh or ninth Lada, the sound can be achieved as on Banjo. If you play with Capo, you can part of combinations where there are open strings, move to any of the tonalities. It is quite relevant for those who love solo and intersect.

The guitar clamp makes it possible to play a guitar without barre, which is not always possible. In addition, it significantly expands the possible forms of chords. With Capo, it is absolutely not necessary to change the position when playing if you want to diversify it with new chords. It is worth noting that the number of works for the guitar becomes much greater if you use the clamp.

Improvisation with capodist turns out to be very simple. Especially it likes Fingerstyle admirers. With adjustment of the tonality, everything becomes very simple, because for this it is enough to hang a capo on one of the lands. Reducing the number of barrels due to such a universal element will allow the fingers less tired with a long playing guitar.

Use the Capodist may even non-professionals.

Capodastre for guitar (20 photos): Why do you need a clamp? Cap rods for classic, acoustic and for other types of guitars. How to use? 25427_4

Capodastre for guitar (20 photos): Why do you need a clamp? Cap rods for classic, acoustic and for other types of guitars. How to use? 25427_5

Types of clips strings

When choosing a cap, it is worth considering that the guitars are very much different in their own way. For each of them, select the appropriate clamp. To better understand what kind of suitable, it is desirable to consider all existing options in advance.

  • For acoustic guitars. Crocodile will be the best option for acoustics. This species is the most classic. Such Capo is represented in all music stores. It is worth considering that this clip has a very great compression force.
  • For classic guitars . A few other option will suit the classics. The main difference is the smaller power pressing force, compared with the clip for the acoustic instrument.
  • For electric guitar . When using the power tool, you can choose a capo suitable for acoustic guitars. However, it should be borne in mind that there are also special clamps. They differ primarily by the fastening mechanism. As a rule, such clamping devices are more convenient for the electric guitar.
  • For a twelve-tore guitar. At the expense of a large number of strings, Capodist is needed with a large clamping force. Naturally, it will be somewhat different from classic clamps.
  • For ukulele. For a small tool there are special miniature capo. Small clamping force, as well as a special structure make them perfectly suitable for a vulture and not injured it.

Capodastre for guitar (20 photos): Why do you need a clamp? Cap rods for classic, acoustic and for other types of guitars. How to use? 25427_6

Capodastre for guitar (20 photos): Why do you need a clamp? Cap rods for classic, acoustic and for other types of guitars. How to use? 25427_7

Capodastre for guitar (20 photos): Why do you need a clamp? Cap rods for classic, acoustic and for other types of guitars. How to use? 25427_8

Types of mechanisms and structures

Despite the fact that all capodasters are one purpose, they may differ in shape and design. So, guitar strings are pressed due to an elastic belt, screw or springs.

  • Spring . This option KAPO is working at the expense of a special spring, which does not allow him to unwind. To fix the clamp on the Lada, you must click on the lever and dismiss it. Capodist with a spring is the easiest way to use. This allows it to quickly rearrange it on the necessary frets. Most musicians with experience use exactly those capo.
  • Snatching . The clamp with a latch is very similar to the spring. The main difference is the presence within another mechanism. This option is also convenient for use. On the installation, as well as movement between the Ladas, you do not have to spend a lot of time and effort.
  • Elastic . In fact, this capodist looks like a small lounged bar, to which a rag ribbon and clashes are teded. By installing the clamp on the guitar, you have to wrap and stretch the belt or tape, and after it is fixed. This option is inconvenient by what can fly in the game. In addition, it is for a long time to install and rearranged on the necessary frets.
  • With a screw clip. This species is fixed using the screw screwing into the design. The clamp with the screw is very uncomfortable when playing, as it is difficult to install it. At the same time, it easily flies at an inappropriate moment.
  • Electronic . Electronic monster, which has buttons and power supply, can only be used professionals. However, this interesting device can press the strings on both in Lada and take chords within the next three lads.

In addition, such a cap looks very modern.

Capodastre for guitar (20 photos): Why do you need a clamp? Cap rods for classic, acoustic and for other types of guitars. How to use? 25427_9

Capodastre for guitar (20 photos): Why do you need a clamp? Cap rods for classic, acoustic and for other types of guitars. How to use? 25427_10

Capodastre for guitar (20 photos): Why do you need a clamp? Cap rods for classic, acoustic and for other types of guitars. How to use? 25427_11

Features of use

Capodist is easy enough, but it is worth considering a number of nuances.

  • After the clamp is installed on the guitar, you need to make sure that the strings sound clearly. Ideally, they should ring, not muff.
  • It is worth understanding that if you put a capo to a guitar neck and play the same chords, which is without it, they will differ. At the same time, the applicature will not change. The easiest way to find out which chords will manage to play with a clamp, you should use a special table. It contains the numbers of the beings on which the capped as well as the rooms of the chords played. Therefore, it is easy to navigate without refund to minor or major, just finding the necessary letter.
  • It is important to properly wear a capo on the vulture. If you make errors when attaching, it may damage the strings or grind. In addition, it will not be necessary sound.
  • The road on which the cap is attached is always considered first. To increase the sound of the tool to the desired tonality, it is possible to calculate the frets with account that one way is a halfway. You can also use a table in which all the tonality of the guitar is painted in detail. Due to her, it is possible, for example, to quickly determine how the tonality 4, 1, 3, 2, 5 will change using Capo.
  • Capo must be located in front of the Lada Blood. Do not place the clamp directly on the threshold, as this leads to a muffled sound and rattling. However, it should not be too far from the threshold to mount the Capodist to avoid the metallic pride.
  • Most CAPOs need to wear on the neck in the direction from top to bottom. At the same time, the mount will be at the top. This is due to the laws of physics, according to which the greatest pressure is felt at the base. It is here that the fourth, fifth and bass strings are located. It should be remembered that the greater the thickness of the string, the stronger the pressure should be. Moreover, thick strings are difficult to press so that the sound remains clean in the future.
  • It is important to take into account that the tool needs to be reconfigured each time before and after the use of Capo. As a rule, the device is not capable of clamping strings with the necessary accuracy, so inaccuracies are found, even if the guitar was configured perfectly.

Due to the constant reconfiguration, it turns out to achieve high accuracy, as well as a good combination of chords and sound.

Capodastre for guitar (20 photos): Why do you need a clamp? Cap rods for classic, acoustic and for other types of guitars. How to use? 25427_12

Capodastre for guitar (20 photos): Why do you need a clamp? Cap rods for classic, acoustic and for other types of guitars. How to use? 25427_13

How to choose?

Such a device, like a cap, is not very different in models.

  • First of all, it is necessary to choose this option that is useful now. So, for the acoustic instrument, you should stop your choice in a standard form, which is based on a spring or a latch. The newcomer should pay attention to the Capodist to really approach the meaning of the guitar. After all, too strong models are not suitable for the classics, and for the twelve-tore instruments - weak.
  • Correctly choose Capo individually under a certain guitar, while it is important to take into account the size of its grind, from which material the strings and their caliber are made. Also plays the role and number of strings. For example, a low effort is needed for the nylon kit, which means that the clamp is worth choosing more sparing. As for silver, copper or bronze strings, they will need a capo with a greater pressing force. Depending on the caliber, it is important to pick up the clamp so that it is well pressed the strings, but did not give them to rattling and did not cause damage to the guitar.
  • The difference in the profiles of the grid at the classics, acoustics and power tools makes it for everyone to pick a special capo. This takes into account such grind parameters as width and radius.
  • Often spoils the strings inept tool setting. Many newcomers set up the guitar when Capo was already on her, and not before. As a result, it leads to rattling or even breaking strings.

Capodastre for guitar (20 photos): Why do you need a clamp? Cap rods for classic, acoustic and for other types of guitars. How to use? 25427_14

Capodastre for guitar (20 photos): Why do you need a clamp? Cap rods for classic, acoustic and for other types of guitars. How to use? 25427_15

Although Capodastra is a very simple device and works in the idea of ​​trouble-free, it is necessary to take care of the choice by company. Today there is a large number of models, among which there are very inexpensive. However, musicians with experience argue that it is better to choose options from famous brands and more expensive. First of all, they differ from cheap analogues a long service life, high-quality sound and ease of use.

It is important to remember that from the quality of plastic, metal and rubber, of which Capo is made, much depends. For example, dear screw capsters serve significantly longer and do not damage the rug guitar. As for high-quality spring, the clamping force depends on the price. Among the numerous modern models, the capodasters of certain firms are most popular.

  • Production of the company Alice. Initially, it takes great demand at the expense of advantageous prices that can vary from 100 to 1,000 rubles. Such a universal version will suit beginners who only try to use Capo. Numerous reviews about the products of this brand are quite good.
  • Manufacturer Dunlop. Very famous among the musicians. Particularly famous for their products with bright effects. Guitarists often choose the Dunlop 83CB TRIGGER CAPO model, even despite its considerable cost.
  • High-quality assembly and color variety features Kyser products. It is worth noting that the Capo of this manufacturer is not sues, but they are very popular among guitarists.
  • Company Planet Waves. Releases a large number of comfortable and lung caps. Many users notice that the use of clamps from this manufacturer makes it possible to get high-quality sound. Copying on the griffs, any Capo models are very simple. Among the shortcomings, guitarists note the exceptionally high cost of clamps starting from 1,500 rubles.
  • Firm Emuzin. It produces a wide range of accessories for guitarists, including capodasters, mediators and belts. The average cost and acceptable quality make Emuzin clamps very popular among the musicians.
  • Products of famous brand K & M (König & Meyer) Like guitarists with their quality and wide range. Despite the small number of reviews about the caps of this manufacturer, you can not doubt their high quality. After all, before sending musical equipment for sale, compulsory quality control is carried out. With proper use, this clamp will last for a very long time.

Capodastre for guitar (20 photos): Why do you need a clamp? Cap rods for classic, acoustic and for other types of guitars. How to use? 25427_16

Capodastre for guitar (20 photos): Why do you need a clamp? Cap rods for classic, acoustic and for other types of guitars. How to use? 25427_17

Capodastre for guitar (20 photos): Why do you need a clamp? Cap rods for classic, acoustic and for other types of guitars. How to use? 25427_18

Specialists recommend when choosing a capo to pay attention to the clips, for example, they are regulated or not, as well as other points. For example, there are clips with a tuner that allow you to better adjust the tool. Most manufacturers have their own original style for capodasters. At the same time, many models are equipped so that Capo can be easily and smoothly moved along the vulture.

There are interesting options for clips with various innovations, such as individual "fingers" or the possibility of moving, without weakening the clip. In any case, it is better to give preference to light models, as they do not change the dynamics of the vibration of the grid. In addition, less bulky capo does not interfere on the game.

According to the design it is worth choosing simple and spring-loaded, similar in their own way to the letter C or G. Among modern models, old U-shaped clamps are almost never found.

Capodastre for guitar (20 photos): Why do you need a clamp? Cap rods for classic, acoustic and for other types of guitars. How to use? 25427_19

Capodastre for guitar (20 photos): Why do you need a clamp? Cap rods for classic, acoustic and for other types of guitars. How to use? 25427_20

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