Rosin for violin: what is it and how to choose it? How to use?


If you play on a string-brook tool, then you are exactly familiar with such a accessory like rosin. Unfortunately, the musicians do not understand what kind it is better to choose. In this article, we consider in detail how to choose a rosin for a violin and correctly use it.

What it is?

Rosin for violin is a very important accessory, without which it will not sound. Usually it is represented as a piece of resin and is used for rubbing the hair of the bow. Rosin can be different types and from different manufacturers, so you should be neat when it is selected.

Rosin for violin: what is it and how to choose it? How to use? 25416_2

As you know, the rosin is produced from the resin of coniferous trees. It may be spruce, larch or pine. There are even such varieties that combine several types of resins. Usually the resin is collected in the fall. To begin with, it is heated in a crucible, as a result, terretin is obtained. Next, it is necessary to completely clean from impurities and again heat the resin, while adding a variety of components, because each manufacturer applies its recipe for the manufacture of rosin. Then she gives the right form - this is a rectangle or a circle, but expensive varieties may even have a violin shape.

Rosin for violin: what is it and how to choose it? How to use? 25416_3

High-quality rosin is made on a good and proven recipe. But each manufacturer uses his recipe, some ingredients are kept secret. Usually one company produces several varieties, because each of them allows you to create different sound. The treble rosin can be soft and rigid in terms of sound.

The main thing is to repel from what you need for your musical instrument, what sound you want to achieve.

And it should also be considered, what kind of variety is suitable for your strings. For example, a rigid variety is suitable for steel strings, and soft - for residential or synthetic. The choice of rosin even depends on the size of the room, where you plan to play, as well as from the microclimate of this room. For a cold climate, it is better to give preference to mild species. Among the most famous manufacturers should be noted brands such as Larsen, Pirastro, Kaplan, W. E. Hill & Sons and others.

Rosin for violin: what is it and how to choose it? How to use? 25416_4

Rosin for violin: what is it and how to choose it? How to use? 25416_5

Tips for choosing

Before you go to the store for buying the first rosin, it is necessary to determine what it should be. Initially, it can be divided into professional and student. Of course, the second option will be cheaper, but when it is used, the sound will seem to be sandy, and there will be many rosifold dust on the instrument.

Rosin for violin: what is it and how to choose it? How to use? 25416_6

If you play mostly classical music, then you do not need to save, it is better to acquire expensive products, orient to the rosin of a professional level. The costly rosin is cleaner and high quality, since it is made of natural resin, and special recipes are applied. This solution allows you to create a more even and beautiful tone of the violin.

How to use?

Before playing the violin, it is necessary to use rosin. This action must be automatic for the musician if it plays on a string tool. The process of use includes the following steps:

  • need to pull the hair of the bow;
  • The bow should be taken into the right hand, and the rosin - to the left;
  • The tool must be applied rather neatly on the hair, while not by pressure;
  • It is worth applying a bit of means, because the excess will not bring benefits - it is recommended to make one or two movements forward and backward; Of course, a little more product will be needed for a new musical instrument.

Rosin for violin: what is it and how to choose it? How to use? 25416_7

Rosin for violin: what is it and how to choose it? How to use? 25416_8

Important! Rosin has a shelf life. On average, it is 1 year. If the sound quality suits you, there is no need to buy a new one.

Rosin for violin: what is it and how to choose it? How to use? 25416_9

Rosin for violin: what is it and how to choose it? How to use? 25416_10

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