Tattoo machine with your own hands: how to make an induction machine at home? Homemade rotary machine according to the scheme


A tattoo machine is worth not one thousand rubles, at the same time it is possible to make it yourself. Some wishes to fill a tattoo, for example, on hand, having an idea of ​​how to drive a dye under the skin, and possessing the skills of the artist, start with self-made machines for applying a tattoo.

Tattoo machine with your own hands: how to make an induction machine at home? Homemade rotary machine according to the scheme 254_2

What should be prepared?

The drawing of a mechanical or induction machine for applying a tattoo can be taken from any visual manufacturer. Users of such devices relieve the process of manufacturing on video, which is why other people who want to repeat this or that design does not arise additional questions. Having made the device, some users decide to hit a small business based on the application of tattoos to everyone. In addition, youth gets the opportunity to decorate the body with a pattern that has no analogues from any of those who have already had a tattoo.

Tattoo machine with your own hands: how to make an induction machine at home? Homemade rotary machine according to the scheme 254_3

In addition, at home you can sterilize the device and the skin before the start of the process is not worse than the unfamiliar master will do. The fact is that The most dangerous here is the ability to put HIV in your body if the previous visitor is sick by AIDS: This virus is transmitted through blood, and the needle punches the skin microcapillary. In the home environment, if there are no AIDS patients, the virus of this disease is unlikely perhaps.

Tattoo machine with your own hands: how to make an induction machine at home? Homemade rotary machine according to the scheme 254_4

Accessories for the homemade machine can be bought for a symbolic amount or even find familiar. Main components - needle and motor. The needle is made from the 1st or 6th guitar string or takes from the finished set of sewing accessories. The motor can be taken from a toy typewriter, an electric razor or a cassette player. Power supply - 9-18 volts. Also prepare a handle or pencil, aluminum spoon, plug or toothbrush, isolate, gear, buttons. A soldering iron can be used as tools, consumables are solder flux, rosin and solder. As a power source, batteries with a total voltage of 9-18 volts or a charger are taken.

To secure components that cannot be attached using bolts, screws or screeds, thermocles are suitable.

Tattoo machine with your own hands: how to make an induction machine at home? Homemade rotary machine according to the scheme 254_5

Tattoo machine with your own hands: how to make an induction machine at home? Homemade rotary machine according to the scheme 254_6

Tattoo machine with your own hands: how to make an induction machine at home? Homemade rotary machine according to the scheme 254_7

Assembling rotary machine

At home, the manual machine is assembled based on a small engine. In the simplest case, this is a collector. For its power you need a permanent current, since this type of electric motor is designed for a linear mode of operation, without a driver or a source of alternating current.

Tattoo machine with your own hands: how to make an induction machine at home? Homemade rotary machine according to the scheme 254_8

The manual for the manufacture of a rotary machine is as follows.

  • If there is a small gear on the engine, then fasten the button with a thermal stroke - in the center. The openings of the buttons cannot be stuck.

Tattoo machine with your own hands: how to make an induction machine at home? Homemade rotary machine according to the scheme 254_9

  • Use the rod from the handle in which the ink is over. Rinse it with alcohol or cologne, and then treat the antibacterial agent.

Tattoo machine with your own hands: how to make an induction machine at home? Homemade rotary machine according to the scheme 254_10

  • Spill from the handle tip end of a rod with a ball. At the same time, the string must go through it. The length of the segment of the string is needed as long as the rod itself.

Tattoo machine with your own hands: how to make an induction machine at home? Homemade rotary machine according to the scheme 254_11

  • Make a spoon or plug with a bracket, a fastening motor and a housing, which is the knob itself without a rod. The working part of the spoon is sprinkled, and the rest (handle) bends in the form of a M-shaped element.

Tattoo machine with your own hands: how to make an induction machine at home? Homemade rotary machine according to the scheme 254_12

  • Using the isol, the housing from the handle and the bracket is connected so that the long part of the M-shaped element is combined with it. The end of the handle housing and the scene of a piece of a spoon must match.

Tattoo machine with your own hands: how to make an induction machine at home? Homemade rotary machine according to the scheme 254_13

  • Attach the motor with a button pasted on the shaft.

Tattoo machine with your own hands: how to make an induction machine at home? Homemade rotary machine according to the scheme 254_14

  • Insert the string into the handle and generate its end in the form of a P-shaped loop. Enough this end to the button.

Tattoo machine with your own hands: how to make an induction machine at home? Homemade rotary machine according to the scheme 254_15

Run the engine. The string must be fluctuated backwards with a high frequency. Check the operation of the collected device, applying, for example, gouache at the end of the string (on a piece of old matter, leather or banana peel).

Before knockting out a tattoo on yourself, be sure to disinfect the device and the skin.

Tattoo machine with your own hands: how to make an induction machine at home? Homemade rotary machine according to the scheme 254_16

Tattoo machine with your own hands: how to make an induction machine at home? Homemade rotary machine according to the scheme 254_17

Creating an induction model

The induction model is most often assembled without a guitar string: it replaces the usual needle from the sewing set. A tattoo machine, made by her own hands, is without a motor: it replaces the fighting (such as a pendulum, but working with a frequency of many times more than 1-2 hertz). The magnetic field is alternately guided in the coils: To power such a drive, either a driver that issues the steps of direct current, or an AC converter to a low voltage.

Tattoo machine with your own hands: how to make an induction machine at home? Homemade rotary machine according to the scheme 254_18

To use high voltage (110, 127 or 220 volts) is impossible: both the client and the master can get a mortal blow to the current. Here you can use a laboratory power supply with a pulse converter making from a linear constant voltage pulse-variable. According to the rules of electrical safety, exceeding 12 volts in the raw room and with damaged skin (the device pierces it) is prohibited: even a small increase may be dangerous or fatal.

Tattoo machine with your own hands: how to make an induction machine at home? Homemade rotary machine according to the scheme 254_19

The principle of the induction machine for tattoos is as follows. Consistently powered coils (cycle repeated) produce electromagnetic pulses, swinging the pendulum in both directions. The one, in turn, transmits fluctuations through a spring on a rod with a needle. To build such a machine, milling and turning operations are required, as well as knowledge of the basics of accurate mechanics. The advantages of such a typewriter - finding the needle under the skin, which allows the dye to impregnate layers under the epidermis, as well as the purity and evenness of lines and transitions.

The dye administered in this way allows you to well paint significant areas of skin.

Tattoo machine with your own hands: how to make an induction machine at home? Homemade rotary machine according to the scheme 254_20

Tools and materials

The following components will be required as consumables.

  • Homemade rod with needle. The first can be made of plastic or ebonite rod, in which the needle takesus.
  • Spring, pendulum and coils with a wound enamel. Coils can be taken from electromechanical relays: they must be powerful enough. One coil will require not one hundred turns and a thin wire.
  • Basic structure. It can be cut on a milling machine from a piece of tolstoy.
  • Protective tip. Serves simultaneously guide for the needle.

Tattoo machine with your own hands: how to make an induction machine at home? Homemade rotary machine according to the scheme 254_21

As a basis, you can use the usual electrical bell operating on alternating current. In the simplest case, it will require a lowering transformer that converts 220 V 12-36 volts. But this design is very cumbersome. However, in devices for television signaling of radio relay equipment, mini-calls worked on the same principle.

Tattoo machine with your own hands: how to make an induction machine at home? Homemade rotary machine according to the scheme 254_22


If the electromagnets are not taken from relays or calls, and they are made independently, then in the coil (for example, from under the sewing thread) insert the iron rod (core). It significantly increases the force of attraction and repulsion of the anchor: the magnetic field collected in it is transmitted to the anchor steel plate. Mock the coils and pressed the cores in them. Then output on the folder frame for the device.

Now do the following.

  1. Secure the coil on the frame. One side of each of them is facing the frame, and the other turns to the anchor.
  2. Attach the battle. Make sure that his move is free. This is necessary to attract and repel the ends of its plates to coils.
  3. Connect the tip to the frame and immerse the rod with a needle. The rod can be made of a piece of steel wire, and the needle is soldered to it. For soldering, the solder flux is used, containing, for example, zinc chloride.

Do not forget to install the spring with the adjusting stroke of the suspension rod.

Tattoo machine with your own hands: how to make an induction machine at home? Homemade rotary machine according to the scheme 254_23

Tattoo machine with your own hands: how to make an induction machine at home? Homemade rotary machine according to the scheme 254_24

Tattoo machine with your own hands: how to make an induction machine at home? Homemade rotary machine according to the scheme 254_25

Induction machine collected. However, apply the variable voltage from the rosette to the conclusions of the coils is prohibited (even by connecting them sequentially, as in the call). The inclusion of coils without a core is also unacceptable due to the fact that it is impossible to give the magnetic field to the core, the coil overheats. This machine will not work from direct current with linear characteristics, otherwise the anchor would have pulled into one of the extremes, and it would remain there.

Tattoo machine with your own hands: how to make an induction machine at home? Homemade rotary machine according to the scheme 254_26

If you could not receive a call as a finished base, you can use the vibrancerian from the hair clipper in the assembly scheme. The alteration is that a rod with a needle is attached to the moving part, while the old machine for the haircut should be put on the side. The fixed base, the guide of the funnel-capsule for the needle, joins the body of the machine or to its fixed part (the stator of the electromagnet).

Tattoo machine with your own hands: how to make an induction machine at home? Homemade rotary machine according to the scheme 254_27

Instructions for assembling tattoo machines with their own hands can be found in the following video.

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