Loupes for reading: Large magnifiers with a strong increase for books and A4 books, models with illumination and without, line and rectangular. How to choose the best?


Many people periodically for various reasons have the need to take advantage of a magnifying glass. There are certain varieties of such devices, and their choice advice will be useful to those who are in doubt which device is better to choose.

Loupes for reading: Large magnifiers with a strong increase for books and A4 books, models with illumination and without, line and rectangular. How to choose the best? 25389_2


The magnifier is a device that repeatedly increases the letters and allows you to read any text without tightening, be it a book, newspaper or small text on any package.

Loupe for reading books enjoys the greatest demand among the elderly, as well as visually impaired. Loupes can be different types:

  • stationary;

  • miniature;

  • in the form of a circle or rectangle;

  • equipped with comfortable stands or just with a handle;

  • with backlit.

Loupes for reading: Large magnifiers with a strong increase for books and A4 books, models with illumination and without, line and rectangular. How to choose the best? 25389_3

Loupes for reading: Large magnifiers with a strong increase for books and A4 books, models with illumination and without, line and rectangular. How to choose the best? 25389_4

Therefore, for convenience, each chooses the option that seems most comfortable and acceptable for the price.


Consider the views of the existing LUOU and their features that make it possible to make a choice in favor of one or another option.

  • Desktop. Convenient option for people who are accustomed to reading at the table. This is usually a large magnifier, fixed on a tripod having a strong increase. Thanks to this product, you can read both newspapers and A4 format magazines and any books, even with a small font. The tripod design often assumes the ability to move the magnifying glass to different levels. Sometimes he has a flexible foundation, which is even more convenient. The base may look like a rectangular flat stand or clothespin, which is easy to fasten on the edge of any surface. Desktop options are sometimes supplemented with backlight, which makes it possible to read in the evening, without experiencing discomfort and not straining vision. Mupa happens both 10x and less power.

Loupes for reading: Large magnifiers with a strong increase for books and A4 books, models with illumination and without, line and rectangular. How to choose the best? 25389_5

  • Pocket. This magnifying glass will increase the font, and its sizes are very compact, so it is unsuitable for a long evening reading. But it will allow it to take it on trips or to various institutions where you need to expect reception. At this time, with the help of such a magnifying glass, you can view any documents, recipes, just read the newspaper, find out, for example, only the main news, or familiarize yourself with the television program.

Often, such a magnifying glass is equipped with a small handle, due to which it is convenient to keep it in hand. Some models have a lid, thanks to which the magnifier will always be clean and protected from dust and dirt.

Loupes for reading: Large magnifiers with a strong increase for books and A4 books, models with illumination and without, line and rectangular. How to choose the best? 25389_6

  • Ruler. Such an option is also convenient on the road, the flat loupe does not take much space. But it will be read with it. It is enough to attach an increasing line to the page and move it from the string to the string as you read. Its increasing enough to see the letters well and feel comfortable, thinking only about the fascinating plot, not distracted by extraneous thoughts.

Loupes for reading: Large magnifiers with a strong increase for books and A4 books, models with illumination and without, line and rectangular. How to choose the best? 25389_7

Loupes for reading: Large magnifiers with a strong increase for books and A4 books, models with illumination and without, line and rectangular. How to choose the best? 25389_8

  • Glasses. Also a very convenient option. They look like ordinary glasses, have quite a pretty frame. Only instead of glass with diopters there are magnifying glass. Such glasses allow you to keep hands free. They can always be worn everywhere with them, providing for this convenient case.

Loupes for reading: Large magnifiers with a strong increase for books and A4 books, models with illumination and without, line and rectangular. How to choose the best? 25389_9

  • With backlit. In most cases, the backlight is equipped with desktop species, and in this case they work from the network or from batteries. But there are also portable options that are equipped with a convenient frame, emitting a soft glow. Such magnifiers operate from batteries.

Loupes for reading: Large magnifiers with a strong increase for books and A4 books, models with illumination and without, line and rectangular. How to choose the best? 25389_10

  • Naked. Also a very convenient option that is equipped with a comfortable fastening and backlight. Very often, such copies use people of certain professions, such as jewelers and watchmakers who have to work with small details and mechanisms. However, many use such reading products, considering them very comfortable.

Loupes for reading: Large magnifiers with a strong increase for books and A4 books, models with illumination and without, line and rectangular. How to choose the best? 25389_11

Best models

It is worth considering specific models, which will allow you to more clearly represent what model to choose.

  • "Orbit". It is a naked magnifying glass that allows you to read your favorite books and newspapers, leaving your hands free. The magnifying glass has a backlight, it is conveniently attached to the head. In a set of 5 lenses with different increases of increase.

Loupes for reading: Large magnifiers with a strong increase for books and A4 books, models with illumination and without, line and rectangular. How to choose the best? 25389_12

Loupes for reading: Large magnifiers with a strong increase for books and A4 books, models with illumination and without, line and rectangular. How to choose the best? 25389_13

  • Solarius. Pocket magnifier. The compact size allows you to carry it with you, the budget option, and the appearance is very elegant. The handle is made under the red tree, the circle is framed with a golden material.

For a long reading, this option is not designed, but will become a reliable assistant in any situations when you urgently need to read small text.

Loupes for reading: Large magnifiers with a strong increase for books and A4 books, models with illumination and without, line and rectangular. How to choose the best? 25389_14

  • Board magnifier. Equipped with a flexible tripod, a comfortable stand and backlight. Allows you to read at the table. The magnifier size covers a rather large surface, while at the same time such a subject there is always a place on the table. You can comfortably engage in your favorite needlework, or spend time behind your favorite book. The housing of white plastic looks attractive, which allows this copy to be easily fit into any interior.

Loupes for reading: Large magnifiers with a strong increase for books and A4 books, models with illumination and without, line and rectangular. How to choose the best? 25389_15

Loupes for reading: Large magnifiers with a strong increase for books and A4 books, models with illumination and without, line and rectangular. How to choose the best? 25389_16

  • Magicglassol. Desktop loupe for reading, the so-called Fresnel lens. The lens is made in the form of a convenient table with folding legs, equipped with two illumination options. Reading with such a gadget will be very comfortable and enjoyable.

Loupes for reading: Large magnifiers with a strong increase for books and A4 books, models with illumination and without, line and rectangular. How to choose the best? 25389_17

Loupes for reading: Large magnifiers with a strong increase for books and A4 books, models with illumination and without, line and rectangular. How to choose the best? 25389_18

  • Eschenbach. Lup-glasses of original design. But not only in this their merit. Lenses provide the perfect image without distortion, material is resistant to scratches and other damage. Such a product is popular for both professionals from different fields of activity and in Knikomanians who spend a lot of time reading, but have certain problems with vision.

Loupes for reading: Large magnifiers with a strong increase for books and A4 books, models with illumination and without, line and rectangular. How to choose the best? 25389_19

How to choose?

Magnifying devices, including older people, it is worth choosing, focusing on the main parameters.

  • Multiplicity . This indicator will depend on how close is the object, in this case, the letter. The higher the multiplicity, the more significant the increase, and better viewing angles. Therefore, it is worth navigating our own needs. One is enough to increase in 2-2.5 times, and the other you need and the number 5-7.

  • Design. There are different options - desktop, pocket, more voluminous and miniature, with handle and without, ruler and glasses. It is necessary to focus on how often a magnifying glass is to be used. If you often have to read at the table, it is better to choose a desktop version. With rare use, a pocket instance is enough, a ruler will be an excellent choice for road use.

  • Illumination. It should be immediately sorted out if this option is needed to not overpay for it. If you have to read a lot in a poorly lit room or evenings, it makes sense to choose a magnifying glass with this option.

Loupes for reading: Large magnifiers with a strong increase for books and A4 books, models with illumination and without, line and rectangular. How to choose the best? 25389_20

Loupes for reading: Large magnifiers with a strong increase for books and A4 books, models with illumination and without, line and rectangular. How to choose the best? 25389_21

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