Perfume Chanel N ° 5: Perfume and toilet water, description of women's flavors, composition Eau de Parfum and other spirits, history of creation and reviews


Coco Chanel convinced us that the first impression is impossible to change. The first impression can work out from the sound of your voice, and maybe from your fragrance. Female perfume should not be simply flawless, he must reflect and emphasize all the female beauty. It is for this purpose that the World Fashion Legisite Gabriel Chanel gave the world a unique and unrivaled fragrance of Chanel N5 to this day.

Perfume Chanel N ° 5: Perfume and toilet water, description of women's flavors, composition Eau de Parfum and other spirits, history of creation and reviews 25221_2

Perfume Chanel N ° 5: Perfume and toilet water, description of women's flavors, composition Eau de Parfum and other spirits, history of creation and reviews 25221_3


The history of perfumery Chanel N5 takes its beginning in the first half of the 20th century and does not ends so far.

According to the history of the creation of a fragrance, Gabriel Chanel turned to Ernesut Bo perfume. Gabriel sought to create a unique fragrance. According to her plan, the perfume should be so universal and ideal for women, so that you can immediately repeat those impressions that the representative of the fine sex is created. Coco Chanel demanded from Ernest Bo practical impossible - to create an "artificial" fragrance of a woman.

Perfume Chanel N ° 5: Perfume and toilet water, description of women's flavors, composition Eau de Parfum and other spirits, history of creation and reviews 25221_4

Perfume Chanel N ° 5: Perfume and toilet water, description of women's flavors, composition Eau de Parfum and other spirits, history of creation and reviews 25221_5

Perfume Chanel N ° 5: Perfume and toilet water, description of women's flavors, composition Eau de Parfum and other spirits, history of creation and reviews 25221_6

For the first time about the aroma spoke in 1915. Ernest Bo myself was already a famous perfumer, but True recognition received after cooperation with the House of Fashion Chanel.

Ernest Bo created the fragrance in 1920, after returning from the front. He told that the smell of the famous spirits Chanel himself associated with the freshness of the northern winter lakes. According to the Creator, it is this fragrance that he retained in memory to recreate it again for Chanel's plan. Under the leadership of Ernest Bo, the first fragrances of the house Gabriel appeared.

Perfume Chanel N ° 5: Perfume and toilet water, description of women's flavors, composition Eau de Parfum and other spirits, history of creation and reviews 25221_7

Perfume Chanel N ° 5: Perfume and toilet water, description of women's flavors, composition Eau de Parfum and other spirits, history of creation and reviews 25221_8

The process of building the fragrance was not easy. Of the more than ten proposed fragrances, Gabriel chose the one at number five. The legend says that so the famous fragrance has a name.

In addition to the flawless fragrance and names, Gabriel sought to betray him and perfect shape, concluding him in a decent vessel. The masters of the glass case were offered exquisite original bottles, but Gabriel, by virtue of their asceticism, preferred to the smooth form of parallelepiped. Sharm Coco decided to give only a traffic jam: it was with a cut emerald with beveled edges. Perfume label also became an example of minimalism: a rectangular shape with contrasting laconic black letters.

After the final choice of the fragrance and the form of the bottle, Coco presented a new perfume.

Perfume Chanel N ° 5: Perfume and toilet water, description of women's flavors, composition Eau de Parfum and other spirits, history of creation and reviews 25221_9

One of the important stages of the spread of perfume was advertising, but Gabriel did not hurry with an increase in sales. Instead of investment in this stage, she simply presented one copy of the "artificial woman" with its secured girlfriends from the highest society. Everyone wanted the spirits to appear first. And it gave stunning results: By the time the launch of large parties of the perfume, the so-called "secret club of Amateur Chanel N5" has already acted on sale in Paris. A large number of fans of this fragrance provided the house of Chanel High revenue from sales.

Perfume Chanel N ° 5: Perfume and toilet water, description of women's flavors, composition Eau de Parfum and other spirits, history of creation and reviews 25221_10

The famous fragrance has always been at least famous representatives: Gabriel Chanel's herself, Catherine Denovev, Audrey Touu, Nicole Kidman. The list of celebrities adorning advertising Chanel N5 is inexorably growing and replenished with new faces. Were among representatives and men. Since 2015, this is Brad Pitt.

Perfume Chanel N ° 5: Perfume and toilet water, description of women's flavors, composition Eau de Parfum and other spirits, history of creation and reviews 25221_11

Perfume Chanel N ° 5: Perfume and toilet water, description of women's flavors, composition Eau de Parfum and other spirits, history of creation and reviews 25221_12

Perfume Chanel N ° 5: Perfume and toilet water, description of women's flavors, composition Eau de Parfum and other spirits, history of creation and reviews 25221_13

Who comes up?

According to Gabriel Chanel itself, Chanel N5 is the smell of true female beauty, its complete incarnation in the bottle. From here it can be safely concluded that "number five" will suit each. Of course, the fragrance may not please everything, but try to try it. Marilyn Monroe wore him, like clothes, and regularly mentioned it.

Perfume Chanel N ° 5: Perfume and toilet water, description of women's flavors, composition Eau de Parfum and other spirits, history of creation and reviews 25221_14

There is a stereotype that scents from Chanel are suitable exclusively adults, wealthy women in strict costumes. But this is just a delusion. Chanel N5 is a consistency of sophistication, elegance. The classic aroma surprises, amazes, but accurately and gently emphasizes female beauty. Resistant fragrance settles in the memory of men, allowing a woman to leave behind an indelible impression.

Chanel N5, definitely, is not suitable for daily socks, if its owner finds the smell too sharp. Classic Spirits Chanel is a necessary addition to the evening or festive image. Nevertheless, this is an impeccable component of the image for everyday life. Gabriel Chanel said that perfume should be worn in places for kisses. In ordinary life, they need to wear there a little less than for the evening toilet.

Perfume Chanel N ° 5: Perfume and toilet water, description of women's flavors, composition Eau de Parfum and other spirits, history of creation and reviews 25221_15

Perfume Chanel N ° 5: Perfume and toilet water, description of women's flavors, composition Eau de Parfum and other spirits, history of creation and reviews 25221_16

The answer to the question of which Chanel N5 is suitable, simple: each. Perfume has no restrictions on age, status or hair color. Select a refined aroma at any time, the main thing is to observe the measure. For a charming aroma, there are enough 2-3 drops. Let the spirits emphasize your beauty, and not overshadow it.

Description of flavors

Chanel N5 consists of a variety of perfume notes and are presented in several versions.

In the upper notes are contained:

  • Neroli - concentrated essential oil of the first cold spin of orange flowers;
  • Ylang-Ylang, or Kananga fragrant, flowering evergreen plant;
  • Bergamot - artificially removed fruitless tree, obtained from orange and citron, has a sweet-fresh aroma;
  • Lemon - the fruit of a citrus plant with a pronounced fresh characteristic aroma.

Perfume Chanel N ° 5: Perfume and toilet water, description of women's flavors, composition Eau de Parfum and other spirits, history of creation and reviews 25221_17

Heart notes include:

  • Iris - a multi-year flower, it will grow almost on the entire surface of the planet;
  • Jasmine - evergreen shrub with lush white flowers;
  • Lily of the Lily of the Lily of the Sparazhev family, in the wild, it is often found quite often, associated with the beginning of spring;
  • Rose is a long-term flower with saturated, but at the same time with a gentle aroma.

The composition is also saturated with sandalwood notes, patchouli and vanilla.

Perfume Chanel N ° 5: Perfume and toilet water, description of women's flavors, composition Eau de Parfum and other spirits, history of creation and reviews 25221_18

Currently, "Number Five" can be purchased in several formats.

  • Parfum (Perfume, Perfume) - the most resistant formats. Perfume resistance is estimated over 20 hours on the skin or before the first washing on the clothes. Consumption is minimal: just distribute one drop on the skin.

Perfume Chanel N ° 5: Perfume and toilet water, description of women's flavors, composition Eau de Parfum and other spirits, history of creation and reviews 25221_19

  • Eau de Parfum (Perfume Water) - Practically does not inferior in durability, but the skin will be launched no more day. Middle consumption, but also depends on use.

Perfume Chanel N ° 5: Perfume and toilet water, description of women's flavors, composition Eau de Parfum and other spirits, history of creation and reviews 25221_20

  • Eau de Toilette (Eau de Toilette) - Sufficient light, unobtrusive fragrance, but with medium resistance and consumption.

Perfume Chanel N ° 5: Perfume and toilet water, description of women's flavors, composition Eau de Parfum and other spirits, history of creation and reviews 25221_21

  • Eau Premiere. - The easiest flavor, ideal for daily socks.

Perfume Chanel N ° 5: Perfume and toilet water, description of women's flavors, composition Eau de Parfum and other spirits, history of creation and reviews 25221_22

  • L'Eau. - Thin fragrance. To achieve the desired odor (strong enough), regular use will be required throughout the day.

Perfume Chanel N ° 5: Perfume and toilet water, description of women's flavors, composition Eau de Parfum and other spirits, history of creation and reviews 25221_23

Fragrances are presented in different volumes: from 3 ml to 100 ml, i.e. from probes for one-time use to full-fledged bottles.

The series is regularly complemented by new gift sets consisting of miniatures of flavors, means for the shower and body, which smell the same as Chanel N5.

Each of the formats are packed in a concise, but feminine bottle with a sprayer.

Perfume Chanel N ° 5: Perfume and toilet water, description of women's flavors, composition Eau de Parfum and other spirits, history of creation and reviews 25221_24

How to distinguish the original from the fake?

In order to avoid accidental acquisition of a fake, pay attention to each item and adhere to the recommendations.

  • Buy only in branded boutiques and specialized stores. This is the main rule of the acquisition of genuine products. Today, a huge number of unfair sellers offer "original perfume" at a low price. There are replicas of expensive perfume, but purchasing them, the buyer must be aware that this is not the original. In brand brand stores and specialized women's stores, the risk to acquire a fake is almost equal to zero. With special care, buy goods in online stores with prepayment, as well as in stores in social networks that do not have more reviews on the Internet and reputation.
  • Pay attention to prices. The price of branded perfume begins with 2-3 thousand rubles and can reach 10-15. Despite such a rating of prices, too low cost should alert the buyer. For example, Chanel N5 with a volume of 100 ml cannot cost less than 3000-3500, even taking into account the biggest discount. This cost speaks of a fake product. Before purchasing perfume at a tempting price, compare more in several stores and decide. The discount does not always mean that the goods are fake. Discounts within 30-40% in branded stores should not be careful.
  • Use the tester before buying. Tester for that and exists so that the buyer gets familiarized with the smell before buying.
  • Watch out for every detail. Perfume Chanel N5 is ideal in every detail: its packaging, bottle, smell. Pay attention to the label: it must contain information about the date and place of manufacture, the party number, nominal volume. The perfume itself is packed in a paper box, and from above - a transparent film. Watch that the package is not opened.

Perfume Chanel N ° 5: Perfume and toilet water, description of women's flavors, composition Eau de Parfum and other spirits, history of creation and reviews 25221_25

Perfume Chanel N ° 5: Perfume and toilet water, description of women's flavors, composition Eau de Parfum and other spirits, history of creation and reviews 25221_26

Review reviews

Women who estimated this fragrance are conventionally divided into two types: those who fell in love with this fragrance, and those who could not understand him and love him.

In positive feedback, women emphasize some characteristics of the fragrance.

  • Resistance. Girls note that spirits retain the smell on the skin until 24 hours.
  • The uniqueness of the aroma. According to most consumers, the smell of perfume is quite rich, multifaceted, interesting.
  • Low consumption. Women write that the expense of the perfume is low, and one medium volume bottle is enough of several months to a couple of years.
  • The smell does not change, entering the reaction with air. Women emphasize that even after a few hours the smell does not change.
  • Long shelf life. Girls are pleased that the fragrance does not deteriorate and years later, even if they do not use it.

Perfume Chanel N ° 5: Perfume and toilet water, description of women's flavors, composition Eau de Parfum and other spirits, history of creation and reviews 25221_27

Negative reviews about aroma are also present, girls celebrate some details.

  • Fragrance. Such an assessment is sufficiently subjective, because the choice of fragrance is an extremely individual process.
  • High cost of perfume. The cost is really not low, but it is fully justified by the resistance and quality of perfume.

Reviews are contradictory, because the choice of fragrance is a very complex process. Whatever the decision, it is worth remembering that the quality and characteristics of the perfume can be appreciated only by original spirits. The fake of the famous perfume is unlikely to be able to transfer everything that Ernest Bo and Gabriel Chanel wanted to invest in it.

Perfume Chanel N ° 5: Perfume and toilet water, description of women's flavors, composition Eau de Parfum and other spirits, history of creation and reviews 25221_28

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