Perfumes Playboy: female and men's perfume, toilet water Generation, Super, VIP for HIM and other perfumes, how to choose how to use


Playboy is a famous American brand. Perfumery has become one of the industries of the huge industry. And she inherited all the features of the originally founded Playboy magazine.

Perfumes Playboy: female and men's perfume, toilet water Generation, Super, VIP for HIM and other perfumes, how to choose how to use 25186_2

Perfumes Playboy: female and men's perfume, toilet water Generation, Super, VIP for HIM and other perfumes, how to choose how to use 25186_3


Perfumery company Playboy originates since 2008. Yes, pretty recently for a brand having almost a 70-year-old history. The successors of the enormous empire Hugh Hefner develop a family business in all directions, and perfumery did not exception. Hugh Hefner, who was surpassed by his name, was not always the one who was used to imagine. He was born in a deeply religious family, where parents forbid him and his brother literally everything. And, of course, even speech was not even speech about the conversations about sex education: it was under a strict ban. In part, therefore, the self-realization of Heftner became a kind of protest, having a relation to revelations. In the army, Hugh was engaged in the development of local wallgazet and had a great success. He graduated from the Faculty of Philosophy and Courses of Fine Art.

The young man found his creative path and developed superbly in it. But after the marriage and birth of children, financial affairs were not the most favorable way, so the search for any work occupied all the time. Desperate and not finding a stable worthy earnings, Hugh Hefner decided to take risks. Having made a certain amount from friends and invested some of its own savings, he in 1953 opens his magazine, the name and logo for which was borrowed from the company for the sale of cars.

Perfumes Playboy: female and men's perfume, toilet water Generation, Super, VIP for HIM and other perfumes, how to choose how to use 25186_4

Perfumes Playboy: female and men's perfume, toilet water Generation, Super, VIP for HIM and other perfumes, how to choose how to use 25186_5

Already the first release thundered to the whole country, the copies were instantly bought. And this is all thanks to the Vitious Mind of the Creator. He decided to make his edition unique, to show the world what was not any major magazine, what was unpleasant to put in public. Thinking, he came to the concept of open sexuality, liberty and even erotica. From the first issue, it attracted a huge number of readers, because the pages were blocked by Nude Marilyn Monroe. Success became unprecedented. Of course, concentrating only on naked photos, it is impossible to keep the audience. Therefore, on the pages of the journal you can find an interview with world-scale stars, and news from the world of fashion and art.

Since then, Playboy is associated with freedom, openness, liberty. And the flavors carry the same promise. Women's toilet water speaks of sensuality, power over men, self-sufficiency.

Playboy for Him's spirits - the smell of a real man for those who are not afraid to declare their male beginning, who can subordinate and enchant their charisma.

Perfumes Playboy: female and men's perfume, toilet water Generation, Super, VIP for HIM and other perfumes, how to choose how to use 25186_6

Perfumes Playboy: female and men's perfume, toilet water Generation, Super, VIP for HIM and other perfumes, how to choose how to use 25186_7

Overview of perfumes

A distinctive feature of any fragrances of this brand is a luxury note that revealing his carrier as a person of the highest circles.

Playboy Generation

Farm fragrance released in 2014. At the moment, not all stores have it in the assortment. Definitely this toilet water for people of dynamic, full vital energy, those who are always online. If your day is full of diverse deeds ranging from the morning negotiations on a new project for a cup of coffee to a fashionable party all night if the adventures are an integral part, in general, life, then by choosing the Playboy Generation, you definitely do not lose.

Perfumes Playboy: female and men's perfume, toilet water Generation, Super, VIP for HIM and other perfumes, how to choose how to use 25186_8

Perfumes Playboy: female and men's perfume, toilet water Generation, Super, VIP for HIM and other perfumes, how to choose how to use 25186_9

Playboy for her.

The fragrance contains notes of cherry, jasmine, cedar, violet root, raspberries, mandarin, pink pepper, sandalwood. The smell is bright and juicy, berry, in the evening goes into a little spicy. Resistant, will remain with you until the very end of the day. It will be suitable for any time of the year, but in the spring will be like never by the way.

Perfumes Playboy: female and men's perfume, toilet water Generation, Super, VIP for HIM and other perfumes, how to choose how to use 25186_10

Playboy for Him.

For him is heavier. The aroma is very exotic: reveals as a pineapple with Bergamot, for which cinnamon is hidden, and a little later goes into a thin composition of beans and lavender, ends the fragrance notes of vanilla and cedar.

Perfumes Playboy: female and men's perfume, toilet water Generation, Super, VIP for HIM and other perfumes, how to choose how to use 25186_11

Playboy Super

It is also a pair fragrance, so you can safely buy new perfume yourself, take a gift to your second half - you will look harmoniously. Announced as seductive sexual aromas that reveal the charisma of anyone. The female option gives Margarita Cocktail with notes and an orange flavor. The basis of the fragrance is the weave of musk, sandalwood and amber. Such a composition is suitable only for the evening or night time day, when you leave all things and immerse yourself in pleasant secrets of dusk.

Male fragrance begins with the notes of Bergamot, apples and pepper. The brightest note is pineapple, supplemented with cinnamon and lavender. Eau de toilette leaves the wood cedar, amber and patchwork. By choosing such flavors for a romantic evening, you will not be mistaken.

Perfumes Playboy: female and men's perfume, toilet water Generation, Super, VIP for HIM and other perfumes, how to choose how to use 25186_12

Perfumes Playboy: female and men's perfume, toilet water Generation, Super, VIP for HIM and other perfumes, how to choose how to use 25186_13

Playboy Vip For Her

Sensual fooling fragrance with great resistance. It will be suitable for elegant women. If you have a mood to stay in an independent lady, these spirits will tell about this around. Bouquet of fruit-berry. Top notes are represented by peony, nectarine and tangerine. Medium - red berries and apples. Final notes - Sandal, Cashmere and Musk.

Perfumes Playboy: female and men's perfume, toilet water Generation, Super, VIP for HIM and other perfumes, how to choose how to use 25186_14

How to choose?

Perfume is a business card of any person. And he must fully disclose your character. And it is impossible to save this. Currently, this is an integral component of our life. Therefore, it is better to choose what is suitable for you, and not to buy cheaper and then do not use it. We analyze well for what time of year, the time of day is necessary for the fragrance. Read the overview of the flavors, each of them has an announcement that the creators represent: they describe the nature of the aroma, and the nature of its carrier.

Choosing an aroma in the store, listen to several at once. Ask a consultant coffee powder / grain to inhale their fragrance between different vials with toilet water - coffee will cast the smell of the previous one and will help better recognize all the notes of this perfume. The one you like to most, apply on the skin, because on each of us the bouquet is revealed completely differently.

Perhaps those notes that attractively sounds on the probe, will be revealed on your body differently. Therefore, to avoid unpleasant situations, always try the flavor on yourself.

Perfumes Playboy: female and men's perfume, toilet water Generation, Super, VIP for HIM and other perfumes, how to choose how to use 25186_15

Perfumes Playboy: female and men's perfume, toilet water Generation, Super, VIP for HIM and other perfumes, how to choose how to use 25186_16

How to use?

Use the aroma to the time intended for it: easy fragrances give preference in spring and summer, more saturated - in winter and autumn. Follow the recommendations from the creator on the package - usually the features of the fragrance are presented.

Apply perfume on the wrists, caresses - they will reveal in accordance with you. It is also recommended to spray a little on your hair if you want to leave a pleasant loop. Perhaps a couple of times splashing on clothes - all the notes of the aroma will rather reveal there.

Perfumes Playboy: female and men's perfume, toilet water Generation, Super, VIP for HIM and other perfumes, how to choose how to use 25186_17

Perfumes Playboy: female and men's perfume, toilet water Generation, Super, VIP for HIM and other perfumes, how to choose how to use 25186_18

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