Haircuts Yorkshire Terrier (53 photos): How to cut dogs and girls at home? Types of hairstyles


Yorkshire terrier is not just a cheerful and active dog that loves communication and active games. Dogs of this breed have long wool, which requires careful care from the owner. To make the fur coat carefully and became a real decoration of the PSA, you need to visit the "dog hairdresser" in a timely manner or cut the dog on your own. This is not only a need, but a pleasant responsibility, because you can create a variety of hairstyle to your four-legged friend.

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Thanks to the long wool, York looks very cute and touching. They have no undercoat, which makes it easier to care for the appearance of these dogs. It is only necessary to make some efforts - the pet was in a timely manner, comb and cut. In terms of the structure, the pile of these pesters is largely similar to human hair, which is very posted to the creation of the masterpieces of hairdressers. That is why woolen cover of such dogs is often called no other than her hair.

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The root of each hairs of the Yorkshire Terrier has a separate bulb, thanks to which the mole is not threatened with this animal. But their beautiful hair is constantly growing, so that the dog does not melted in chopans, it should be cut.

It is advisable to visit the goods every 2 months, and if there is a special model haircut, you need it even more often.

Some owners of these playful babies believe that in the winter to carry the fur coat of the pet optionally, so that the PSU was warmer. In fact, long "curls" do not add comfort of comfort in the cold season, as the person does not warm too long hair. They simply make the appearance of the dog less well-groomed, as the thrust thoroughly begin to sneeze and break, or even let it. After the haircut, the pile will not fall into Koltuns under warm clothes, into which the pets are usually dressed in the cold season, besides, it will not pour snow.

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Haircuts Yorkshire Terrier (53 photos): How to cut dogs and girls at home? Types of hairstyles 25127_7

Variants of haircuts of this breed, of course, are not exhausted with a haircut "Under Zero". They give the owner the opportunity to choose the model to their taste. Like haircuts for people, doggy can have a different length, form, the use of rubber, tapes and other accessories are allowed. The most desperate mods can create an image of their four friend for their own style. In the event of an unsuccessful experiment, you can simply wait until York's fur coat and try another haircut.

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From what age do you cut dogs?

Puppy care begins a few weeks after its appearance. In 5 days he already trimmed the claws, in 3 weeks the procedure is repeated, in 1.5 months it is necessary to coherently wool the wool of the groin area. In 4 months, the peel is time to make the first haircut in hygienic purposes, And since six months you can go to the model. Some dog breeders believe that it is harmful to drive the baby to the gathering until the year, since in this case the wool will grow worse.

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Haircuts Yorkshire Terrier (53 photos): How to cut dogs and girls at home? Types of hairstyles 25127_12

In fact, everything is different After compulsion, the gun on the body of the PSA grows a new thick wool, which looks healthy and well-groomed. During the first campaign to the wigmacher, the Master handles the dog all the croup and anus, removes the length on the back, ears, paws, armpits, between fingers and forms a beautiful bang.

Further regular haircuts allow the PSU looks elegant: the wool acquires a silver tide and beautifully flows, which is very pleased with the owner and the PSA itself.

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How to cut ears?

Ears should always be clean, so it is extremely important to cut the fur in this zone. If we neglect this recommendation, then under the weight of the hair they can simply resist. If this happens with a puppy, then the former form may not recover. Haircut occurs in the form of a Latin letter V upside down. In this case, only the top one third is processed, although the puppies have a processing area to be increased to half.

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You can use not only scissors, but also trimmer, machine or razor machine. Movements should be carried out in the direction of hair growth, both with external and on the inside of the ear. To create a beautiful tip you need to complete the haircut with scissors. Note that Inside the ear, the hairs should be plugged, and not to stop. Even short wool in this place prevents good "ventilation" of the ear shell. In addition, it accumulates more sulfur, and this can cause inflammatory processes.

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Collecting to groom, you need to have an idea of ​​what haircuts of Yorks exist. Then you can explain the master what you want, and he will make his job well.


We have already spoken about her above. This haircut is maintained to maintain the normal state of the health of the peel, and in the summer, especially in the southern regions, it allows the pet to keep well-being in hot weather. Length can do any, most importantly, get rid of too long vegetation in the specified zones. Most often, Yorkshire owners prefer to make such a haircut "under zero" so as not to go to the salon too often.

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It is necessary to participate in exhibitions and contests, so the length is determined by the regulations of the event. Distributed groin, armpits, gaps between fingers and one third part of the ears. All the rest of the wool is equal in accordance with the standard, but not interface. Before the event, it needs to be perforating well.

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Model haircuts are not suitable for exhibitions. They are not regulated by the regulations, which means that the owner and the hairdresser can be introduced to misstate - to braid various braids, cut the shapes, shakeped the peel under the representative of another breed or do something unpredictable. Schemes for leaps of haircuts in a huge amount available on the Internet. The main thing is that all these manipulations do not harm the animal and did not cause him strong discomfort . Consider more popular models.

Kawai, or Korean haircut

With her help her dog gets a dumping doll. The babes tried in a similar way looks so charming that it can be taken for a toy. The cheeks are thoroughly shaved, the whole face is sinking, while long hair remains in the area. They are cut either with a cap, or leave more length so that a standard tail can be made.

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No less neatly cut the neck of the PSA, and as for the length of the hair on the body of the dog, then each owner can solve himself. The final result looks impressive. After the quovaya care for the four-legged friend becomes noticeably easier. True, to return the usual length of the pet, you will have to wait at least six months.

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This beautiful fur animal inspired dog beauty masters to create gorgeous hairstyles with an unusual texture. To create the effect of the coat of chinchilla, from all over the body, the excess wool is coated, no more than 13 mm of length remains. After that, the thin stripes are divided into the body of peeling, as a result of which the characteristic figure is obtained. Alternatively, instead of the lines, the hairdresser can choke "scales" like a fish or another pattern that wants to see the owner. A week later, when the hairs are very little grow, the hairstyle looks even more beautiful.

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"Under Padel"

The groomer shortens the whole body, not touching the pants zone. The muzzle is also divided as a poodle - in a circle. As a result, the forehead is broken, but in the Grittle I leave a fur to create a flirtful tail with a bow.

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How to choose a haircut?

According to the owner's capabilities

Typically, the choice is adversely done on the basis of the presence of free time for the care of it. So, longer pet hair requires more care, you will need hiking to a hairdresser or self-trimming, regular combing. Families with children who often wander the pet and love active games, usually cut the dogs shorter, so as not to mess around with the swords and wash the pet after each fun walk.

Of course, a completely hairstyle "under zero" will not free from hygienic procedures, but they will have to do much less frequently. If the aesthetic component is very important for you, then even your dog should shine gorgeous hairstyle - Be prepared constantly follow it and spend money on the cargo.

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By type of Volos

There are other principles of choice hairstyles for York, for example, the type of wool. Smooth with brilliance more caprip, that is, it requires more care, but it can be realized with more creative ideas. The rigid wool does not give such a number of variations of hairstyles, it is better to cut it to medium length. Too short will not look very beautiful, but a long one - to electrify and rush. The Korean style will fit the best owners of such a fur coat.

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By half

It is logical that the boys most often use classic options without too much "Mishura". These are straight lines, a short length on the face, the finiteness of the poodle and the absence of bangs, because the bows they still do not wear. The hairstyle "A la Schnauzer" is an excellent option for males yorks. It involves a thoroughly trimmed body, long wool remains on the paws and cheeks, and an acute beard is formed. At the same time, the short population and ears emphasize the wedge-shaped bangs of PSA.

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For girls, the abundance of bows and clips, the poet bangs usually retain them. His features also have a haircut of the body - model "skirt". This is done like this: with a strongly sketched back, elongated wool remains on the tail and rear legs. It looks spectacularly "French Spit" on the body of yorkshire girls. To brave it, the groomer leaves long wool on his back. Alternatively, you can braid a few simple braids.

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How to cut the house?

Grooming is not such a difficult case, if you wish, any owner can master it. It is not at all necessary to go to "dog hairdressers" so that your pet looks irresistible - try to take the role of the cargo at yourself and cut it at home.

To do this, you will need to explore the principles of haircuts on the Internet, read special books, you can even visit special classes.

After that, you will become the best stylist for your dog, because it will be your only and beloved client.

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When the necessary knowledge is received, you can start buying a toolkit:

  • Scissors of various sizes and bends, some will go to the treatment of paws, others - tail, etc.;
  • Milling tools;
  • The machine for a haircut with special nozzles - they differ from the standard that people use, for a number of characteristics;
  • Comb with teeth of different lengths;
  • A rug that will prevent the dog slip during operation.

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Please note that we should not be made out of plastic, it is better for these purposes. Models made of metal. Special haircut machines should not have plastic nozzles, as they worsen the final result. Dog model usually work silently, so as not to scare pebbles with sharp sounds, in addition, they are not clogged with wool as "human" hair clippers.

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It is not recommended to wear synthetic clothing at the time of procedure. It electrifies hair, he "stands up." This will make it difficult to work.

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How to teach?

Many owners are wondering, and whether a pet will resist the actions of the hairdresser. Fears are not devoid of logic, but problems will be easier to avoid if you start haircuts in a timely manner, that is, with puppy age. You will have to drive a pet to the gathering at least every 2 months, and these visits should not become tortured for the owner and his pet . However, there are "dog lovers", which cut the wool with their Yorkshires only every six months. If the owners trigger the claws in a timely manner and follow the hygiene, then this option is quite admissible.

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Since the first haircuts occur on a puppy age, the fur of the animal is not very much. This makes the cutting process less durable and is beneficial to teaching the procedure. Before the haircut starts, hair is combing. Take a puppy to comb a soft brush or comb. Hold her back, paws, tail and head.

Give the peel to a snack after the end of this manipulation and intend. If you plan to cut the dog yourself, then at the next stage, when it gets used to the ridge, you can connect scissors. If you drive it to the hairdresser, then your home "training" will also be beneficial, because the puppy will not perceive combing as something unpleasant. After him, the groomer will easily go directly to the haircut.

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By creating another masterpiece of hairdresser's art on the body of his beloved York, remember that he should be comfortable with this hairstyle.

Early ears and the bumps should in no way interfere with the animal or to fight the ears, otherwise he will not be able to divide your joy about its new glamorous species.

Trust your pet professional farmers who will give your four-friendly friend and creative image. And if you like to learn everything new, then try to master the grooming yourself, and then you do not have to spend money on hiking to dog hairdressers.

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Garming technique is better in video tutorials. One of them is presented in the next video.

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